Senate File 2153 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2153 BY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 3115) A BILL FOR An Act increasing the size of the commercial and industrial 1 highway network. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 6018SV (1) 84 dea/nh
S.F. 2153 Section 1. Section 313.2A, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 1 2011, is amended to read as follows: 2 b. The network of commercial and industrial highways shall 3 not exceed two thousand five six hundred miles including 4 municipal extensions of these highways. 5 EXPLANATION 6 Pursuant to current law, the transportation commission has 7 identified a network of commercial and industrial highways 8 within the primary road system, consisting of interconnected 9 routes which provide long distance route continuity. The 10 network is limited to 2,500 miles including municipal 11 extensions of the designated highways. This bill raises the 12 limit for the commercial and industrial highway network to 13 2,600 miles including municipal extensions. 14 -1- LSB 6018SV (1) 84 dea/nh 1/ 1