Senate File 2132 - Introduced

                                 SENATE FILE       
                                 BY  SINCLAIR

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to varsity interscholastic athletic contests
  2    and athletic competitions eligibility limitations for  pupils
  3    who participate in open enrollment, and including effective
  4    date and retroactive applicability provisions.
    TLSB 5839XS (2) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 282.18, subsection 11, Code 2016, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    11.  A pupil who participates in open enrollment for purposes
  1  4 of attending a grade in grades nine through twelve in a school
  1  5 district other than the district of residence is ineligible
  1  6 to participate in varsity interscholastic athletic contests
  1  7 and athletic competitions during the pupil's first ninety
  1  8 school days, or the equivalent five hundred forty hours of
  1  9 instruction, of enrollment in the district except that the
  1 10 pupil may participate immediately in a varsity interscholastic
  1 11 sport if the pupil is entering grade nine for the first
  1 12 time and did not participate in an interscholastic athletic
  1 13 competition for another school or school district during the
  1 14 summer immediately following eighth grade, if the district of
  1 15 residence and the other school district jointly participate
  1 16 in the sport, if the sport in which the pupil wishes to
  1 17 participate is not offered in the district of residence, if
  1 18 the pupil chooses to use open enrollment to attend school in
  1 19 another school district because the district in which the
  1 20 student previously attended school was dissolved and merged
  1 21 with one or more contiguous school districts under section
  1 22 256.11, subsection 12, if the pupil participates in open
  1 23 enrollment because the pupil's district of residence has
  1 24 entered into a whole grade sharing agreement with another
  1 25 district for the pupil's grade, or if the parent or guardian
  1 26 of the pupil participating in open enrollment is an active
  1 27 member of the armed forces and resides in permanent housing
  1 28 on government property provided by a branch of the armed
  1 29 services. A pupil who has paid tuition and attended school, or
  1 30 has attended school pursuant to a mutual agreement between the
  1 31 two districts, in a district other than the pupil's district
  1 32 of residence for at least one school year is also eligible to
  1 33 participate immediately in interscholastic athletic contests
  1 34 and athletic competitions under this section, but only as a
  1 35 member of a team from the district that pupil had attended.
  2  1 For purposes of this subsection, "school days of enrollment"
  2  2 does not include enrollment in summer school. For purposes of
  2  3 this subsection, "varsity" means the same as defined in section
  2  4 256.46.
  2  5    Sec. 2.  EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT.  This Act, being deemed of
  2  6 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
  2  7    Sec. 3.  RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies
  2  8 retroactively to July 1, 2015, for school calendars beginning
  2  9 on or after that date.
  2 10                           EXPLANATION
  2 11 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2 12 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2 13    This bill modifies a current requirement relating to
  2 14 the time during which a pupil who is participating in
  2 15 open enrollment is ineligible to participate in varsity
  2 16 interscholastic athletic contests and athletic competitions.
  2 17    Currently, the pupil is ineligible to participate in varsity
  2 18 interscholastic athletic contests and athletic competitions
  2 19 the first 90 days of the pupil's enrollment in the receiving
  2 20 district.  The bill provides that the pupil is ineligible for
  2 21 the first 90 days, or the equivalent 540 instructional hours,
  2 22 of enrollment.
  2 23    The bill takes effect upon enactment and is retroactively
  2 24 applicable to July 1, 2015, for school calendars beginning on
  2 25 or after that date.
       LSB 5839XS (2) 86