Senate File 2033 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2033 BY RAGAN A BILL FOR An Act providing for the criminal offense of service dog abuse, 1 and providing penalties. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 5381XS (2) 85 da/nh
S.F. 2033 Section 1. Section 717B.1, Code 2014, is amended by adding 1 the following new subsection: 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 8A. “Service dog” means the same as defined 3 in section 216C.11. 4 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 717B.10 Service dog abuse. 5 1. A person commits the offense of service dog abuse if all 6 of the following apply: 7 a. The person owns or possesses a dog which attacks a 8 service dog. 9 b. The service dog has been individually trained to perform 10 work or tasks related to the dog handler’s disability and 11 the service dog routinely performs such work or tasks at the 12 direction or on the behalf of the service dog’s handler, by 13 assisting the handler who is disabled by any of the following 14 diagnosed conditions: 15 (1) Mobility impairment. 16 (2) Blindness or a visual impairment. 17 (3) Deafness or an audio impairment. 18 (4) A psychiatric condition, including a cognitive, 19 psychiatric, or neurological condition. 20 (5) A health condition, including but not limited to 21 seizures. 22 2. Subsection 1 does not apply in any of the following 23 circumstances: 24 a. The attacking dog is owned or possessed by the owner or 25 handler of the service dog at the time of the attack. 26 b. The service dog was not under the control or direction of 27 its owner or handler at the time of the attack. 28 c. The service dog exhibited aggressive behavior immediately 29 prior to the attack. 30 3. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b” , a person who 31 commits service dog abuse is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 32 b. A person who commits service dog abuse is guilty of a 33 serious misdemeanor when any of the following applies: 34 (1) The attack was directly caused by the person’s willful, 35 -1- LSB 5381XS (2) 85 da/nh 1/ 4
S.F. 2033 malicious, or reckless act. 1 (2) The service dog was attacked in a manner that caused 2 death, permanent disfigurement, or permanent disability. 3 (3) The person has been convicted three or more times in 4 the previous ten years of committing an offense under section 5 717B.2, 717B.3, 717B.3A, or 717B.9, or this section. 6 4. In addition to a penalty imposed under subsection 3, 7 the court shall order a defendant convicted of or receiving a 8 deferred judgment for service dog abuse to make restitution 9 for pecuniary damages pursuant to chapter 910. The amount of 10 pecuniary damages ordered to be paid to the victim by a court 11 shall be limited to expenses for veterinary care, the temporary 12 or permanent replacement of the service dog, and other 13 reasonable expenses incurred as a direct result of the attack. 14 EXPLANATION 15 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 16 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 17 GENERAL. This bill amends Code chapter 717B, which provides 18 for offenses relating to the mistreatment of animals defined 19 not to include livestock or game (Code section 717B.1). 20 SERVICE DOG ABUSE —— NEW CRIMINAL OFFENSE. The bill creates 21 a criminal offense referred to as service dog abuse. A service 22 dog is a dog specially trained to assist a person with a 23 disability. Code chapter 216C provides rights to persons 24 with disabilities including the right to be accompanied by a 25 service dog (Code section 216C.11). This new offense would be 26 committed when a person owns or possesses a dog which attacks 27 a service dog, if the service dog was individually trained to 28 perform functions related to a diagnosed disability. The bill 29 specifically excludes certain circumstances including when the 30 two dogs are owned by the same person, or a service dog was 31 either not under the control of its owner or handler or behaved 32 aggressively. 33 SERVICE DOG ABUSE —— PENALTIES AND RESTITUTION. Generally, 34 a person convicted of service dog abuse is guilty of a simple 35 -2- LSB 5381XS (2) 85 da/nh 2/ 4
S.F. 2033 misdemeanor. However, a person owning or possessing the 1 attacking dog is guilty of a serious misdemeanor if the attack 2 was directly caused by the person’s willful, malicious, or 3 reckless act; the service dog was critically injured or killed; 4 or the person has been convicted three or more times in the 5 previous 10 years of an offense under the Code chapter. The 6 person must also pay restitution to the victim for certain 7 expenses incurred by the attack, including for veterinary care 8 or for the replacement of the service dog (see Code chapter 9 910). 10 BACKGROUND. Animal abuse is committed when a person 11 intentionally causes an animal injury or disfigurement or kills 12 an animal. A person committing animal abuse is guilty of an 13 aggravated misdemeanor (Code section 717B.2). Animal neglect 14 is committed when a person who confines an animal fails to 15 properly care for the animal or otherwise injures or kills an 16 animal in a manner that causes unjustified suffering. A person 17 committing animal neglect is guilty of a simple misdemeanor, 18 unless the person intentionally commits an act which results 19 in serious injury to or the death of the animal. In those 20 circumstances the person is guilty of a serious misdemeanor 21 (Code section 717B.3). Animal torture is committed when a 22 person inflicts severe physical pain upon an animal with a 23 depraved or sadistic intent to cause prolonged suffering or 24 death. For the first conviction, the person is guilty of 25 an aggravated misdemeanor and for the second or subsequent 26 conviction, the person is guilty of a class “D” felony. The 27 sentencing order must also order the person to submit to 28 psychological evaluation and treatment (Code section 717B.3A). 29 Injury or interference with a police service dog is committed 30 when a person knowingly, willfully, or maliciously abuses a 31 police service dog. A person committing the offense is guilty 32 of a serious misdemeanor, unless the person’s act involves 33 torture, serious injury, or death. In those circumstances the 34 person is guilty of a class “D” felony (Code section 717B.9). 35 -3- LSB 5381XS (2) 85 da/nh 3/ 4
S.F. 2033 CRIMINAL PENALTIES. A simple misdemeanor is punishable by 1 confinement for no more than 30 days or a fine of at least 2 $65 but not more than $625 or by both. A serious misdemeanor 3 is punishable by confinement for no more than one year and a 4 fine of at least $315 but not more than $1,875. An aggravated 5 misdemeanor is punishable by confinement for no more than two 6 years and a fine of at least $625 but not more than $6,250. A 7 class “D” felony is punishable by confinement for no more than 8 five years and a fine of at least $750 but not more than $7,500. 9 -4- LSB 5381XS (2) 85 da/nh 4/ 4