Senate File 197 - Enrolled Senate File 197 AN ACT RELATING TO LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, AND INCLUDING EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICABILITY PROVISIONS. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. Section 542B.14, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: b. As a professional land surveyor: (1) (a) Graduation from a college course of two years or more in , which shall include mathematics, physical sciences, mapping and surveying, or engineering in a school or college basic science courses, and six years of practical experience, all of which, in the opinion of the board, will properly prepare the applicant for the examination in fundamental land surveying subjects. (b) However, prior to July 1, 1988, in lieu of compliance with subparagraph division (a), the board may accept eight years’ practical experience which, in the opinion of the board, is of satisfactory character to properly prepare the applicant for the examination in fundamental land surveying subjects.
Senate File 197, p. 2 (2) Successfully passing an examination in fundamental land surveying subjects which is designed to show the knowledge of general land surveying principles. (3) In addition to any other requirement, a specific record of four years or more of practical experience in land surveying work which is of a character satisfactory to the board. (4) Successfully passing an examination examinations designed to determine the proficiency and qualifications to engage in the practice of land surveying. No applicant shall be entitled to take this examination until the applicant shows the necessary practical experience in land surveying work. Sec. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect on July 1, 2023. Sec. 3. APPLICABILITY. This Act applies to applications for a license as a professional land surveyor submitted on or after the effective date of this Act. ______________________________ AMY SINCLAIR President of the Senate ______________________________ PAT GRASSLEY Speaker of the House I hereby certify that this bill originated in the Senate and is known as Senate File 197, Ninetieth General Assembly. ______________________________ W. CHARLES SMITHSON Secretary of the Senate Approved _______________, 2023 ______________________________ KIM REYNOLDS Governor