House Study Bill 690 - Introduced HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES BILL BY CHAIRPERSON MEYER) A BILL FOR An Act relating to the inclusion of psychiatrists in the mental 1 health professional loan repayment program. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 6284YC (5) 90 pf/ko
H.F. _____ Section 1. Section 256.225, subsection 1, paragraph e, Code 1 2024, is amended to read as follows: 2 e. “Mental health professional” means a either of the 3 following: 4 (1) A nonprescribing individual who meets all of the 5 following qualifications: 6 (1) (a) The individual holds at least a master’s degree 7 from an eligible institution in a mental health field, 8 including psychology, counseling and guidance, social work, 9 marriage and family therapy, or mental health counseling. 10 (2) (b) The individual holds a current Iowa license if 11 practicing in a field covered by an Iowa licensure law. 12 (3) (c) The individual has at least two years of 13 post-degree clinical experience, supervised by another 14 individual in the mental health field, in assessing mental 15 health needs and problems and in providing appropriate mental 16 health services. 17 (4) (d) The individual is not eligible for the rural Iowa 18 advanced registered nurse practitioner and physician assistant 19 loan repayment program established pursuant to section 261.114 20 health care award program pursuant to section 256.224 . 21 (2) An individual who is a psychiatrist who holds a current 22 Iowa license. 23 Sec. 2. Section 256.225, subsection 3, paragraph c, Code 24 2024, is amended to read as follows: 25 c. The commission shall give priority to mental health 26 professionals who are residents of Iowa and, if the mental 27 health professional is a psychiatrist, the commission shall 28 give priority to a psychiatrist who attended and earned a 29 medical degree from a medical school or college of osteopathic 30 medicine and surgery in Iowa, or who completed an accredited 31 graduate medical education residency program in Iowa. 32 Additionally, if requested by the adjutant general, the 33 commission shall give priority to mental health professionals 34 who are members of the Iowa national guard. 35 -1- LSB 6284YC (5) 90 pf/ko 1/ 3
H.F. _____ Sec. 3. Section 256.225, subsection 5, Code 2024, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 5. Loan repayment amounts. The annual amount of loan 3 repayment the commission may make to a mental health 4 professional who enters into a program agreement pursuant 5 to subsection 3 , if the mental health professional is in 6 compliance with obligations under the agreement, shall be eight 7 as follows: 8 a. Eight thousand dollars for an eligible loan for a mental 9 health professional who is a nonprescribing individual as 10 specified in subsection 1, paragraph “e” , subparagraph (1) . The 11 total amount of loan repayments from the commission to a mental 12 health professional under this subsection paragraph shall not 13 exceed forty thousand dollars. 14 b. Fifty thousand dollars for an eligible loan for a mental 15 health professional who is a psychiatrist as specified in 16 subsection 1, paragraph “e” , subparagraph (2). The total amount 17 of loan repayments from the commission to a psychiatrist under 18 this paragraph shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars. 19 EXPLANATION 20 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 21 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 22 This bill relates to the inclusion of psychiatrists in the 23 mental health professional loan repayment program. 24 The bill amends the definition of “mental health 25 professional” under Code section 256.225 (mental health 26 professional loan repayment program) to mean either a current 27 nonprescribing individual who meets specified conditions, or 28 an individual who is a psychiatrist who holds a current Iowa 29 license. 30 Under current law, the college student aid commission 31 (commission) is to give priority under the program to 32 mental health professionals who are residents of Iowa and, 33 if requested by the adjutant general, to mental health 34 professionals who are members of the national guard. The 35 -2- LSB 6284YC (5) 90 pf/ko 2/ 3
H.F. _____ bill provides that if the mental health professional is 1 a psychiatrist, the commission shall give priority to a 2 psychiatrist who attended and earned a medical degree from a 3 medical school or college of osteopathic medicine and surgery 4 in Iowa, or who completed an accredited graduate medical 5 education residency program in Iowa. 6 The bill provides that the annual loan repayment amount for a 7 psychiatrist under the bill is $50,000 for an eligible loan and 8 the total amount of loan repayments from the commission to a 9 psychiatrist under the program shall not exceed $200,000. 10 -3- LSB 6284YC (5) 90 pf/ko 3/ 3