Bill Text: IA HSB203 | 2019-2020 | 88th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and including retroactive applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (N/A - Dead) 2019-03-06 - Committee report, recommending passage. H.J. 420. [HSB203 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2019-HSB203-Introduced.html
House Study Bill 203 - Introduced HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY BILL BY CHAIRPERSON HOLT) A BILL FOR An Act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust 1 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 2 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete 3 temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, 4 update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities, and 5 including retroactive applicability provisions. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 7 TLSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh
H.F. _____ DIVISION I 1 MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES 2 Section 1. Section 1.14, Code 2019, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 1.14 Tribal ordinances or customs enforced. 5 Any tribal ordinance or custom heretofore or hereafter 6 adopted by the governing council of the Sac and Fox Indian 7 settlement in Tama county in the exercise of any authority 8 which it may possess shall, if not inconsistent with any 9 applicable civil law of the state, be given full force and 10 effect in the determination of civil causes of action pursuant 11 to sections 1.12 , 1.13 , this section , and 1.15 . 12 Sec. 2. Section 8.33, Code 2019, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 8.33 Time limit on obligations —— reversion. 15 1. No obligation of any kind shall be incurred or created 16 subsequent to the last day of the fiscal year for which 17 an appropriation is made, except when specific provision 18 otherwise is made in the Act making the appropriation. On 19 August 31, or as otherwise provided in an appropriation Act, 20 following the close of each fiscal year, all unencumbered or 21 unobligated balances of appropriations made for that fiscal 22 term revert to the state treasury and to the credit of the 23 funds from which the appropriations were made, except that 24 capital expenditures for the purchase of land or the erection 25 of buildings or new construction continue in force until the 26 attainment of the object or the completion of the work for 27 which the appropriations were made unless the Act making an 28 appropriation for the capital expenditure contains a specific 29 provision relating to a time limit for incurring an obligation 30 or reversion of funds. This section does not repeal sections 31 7D.11 through 7D.14 . 32 2. No A payment of an obligation for goods and services 33 shall not be charged to an appropriation subsequent to the last 34 day of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made 35 -1- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 1/ 135
H.F. _____ unless the goods or services are received on or before the last 1 day of the fiscal year, except that repair projects, purchase 2 of specialized equipment and furnishings, and other contracts 3 for services and capital expenditures for the purchase of land 4 or the erection of buildings or new construction or remodeling, 5 which were committed and in progress prior to the end of the 6 fiscal year are excluded from this provision subsection . 7 Sec. 3. Section 8.35A, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 2. Commencing October 1, the director shall provide weekly 10 budget tapes data files in the form and level of detail 11 requested by the legislative services agency reflecting 12 finalized agency budget requests for the following fiscal year 13 as submitted to the governor. The director shall transmit 14 all agency requests in final form to the legislative services 15 agency by November 15. Final budget records containing the 16 governor’s recommendation and final agency requests shall be 17 transmitted to the legislative services agency by January 18 1 or no later than the date the governor’s budget document 19 is delivered to the printer. The governor’s recommendation 20 included on this record shall be considered confidential by 21 the legislative services agency until it is made public by 22 the governor. The legislative services agency shall use this 23 data in the preparation of information for the legislative 24 appropriation process. 25 Sec. 4. Section 8.38, Code 2019, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 8.38 Misuse of appropriations. 28 No A state department, institution, or agency, or any board 29 member, commissioner, director, manager, or other person 30 connected with any such department, institution, or agency, 31 shall not expend funds or approve claims in excess of the 32 appropriations made thereto, nor expend funds for any purpose 33 other than that for which the money was appropriated, except 34 as otherwise provided by law. A violation of the foregoing 35 -2- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 2/ 135
H.F. _____ provision this section shall make any person violating same, 1 committing or consenting to the violation of same liable to the 2 state for such the sum so expended together with interest and 3 costs, which shall be recoverable in an action to be instituted 4 by the attorney general for the use of the state , which . The 5 action may be brought in any county of the state. 6 Sec. 5. Section 8.46, subsection 4, Code 2019, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 4. A contract for construction by a private party of 9 property to be lease-purchased by a state agency is a contract 10 for a public improvement as defined in section 26.2 and is a 11 lease-purchase arrangement for purposes of this section . If 12 the estimated cost of the property to be lease-purchased that 13 is renovated, repaired, or involves new construction exceeds 14 the competitive bid threshold in section 26.3 , the state agency 15 shall comply with the competitive bidding requirements of 16 section 26.3 . 17 Sec. 6. Section 8.57B, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 1. A water quality infrastructure fund is created within 20 the division of soil conservation and water quality of the 21 department of agriculture and land stewardship. The fund shall 22 consist of moneys transferred deposited in the fund pursuant 23 to section 8.57, subsection 5 , paragraph “f” , subparagraph 24 (1), subparagraph division (c), moneys transferred to the fund 25 pursuant to section 423G.6 , and appropriations made to the fund 26 and transfers of interest, earnings, and moneys from other 27 funds as provided by law. 28 Sec. 7. Section 8A.315, subsection 5, Code 2019, is amended 29 to read as follows: 30 5. Information on recycled content shall be requested on all 31 bids for paper products other than printing and writing paper 32 issued by the state and on other bids for products which could 33 have recycled content such as oil, plastic products, including 34 but not limited to compost materials, aggregate, solvents, 35 -3- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 3/ 135
H.F. _____ soybean-based inks, and rubber products. Except for purchases 1 of printing and writing paper made pursuant to subsection 2 , 2 paragraphs “c” , “d” , and “e” , the department shall require 3 persons submitting bids for printing and writing paper to 4 certify that the printing and writing paper proposed complies 5 with the requirements referred to in subsection 2 , paragraph 6 “a” . 7 Sec. 8. Section 9A.105, subsections 2, 3, and 4, Code 2019, 8 are amended to read as follows: 9 2. Instead of proceeding under subsection 1 , an individual 10 registered as an athlete agent in another state may apply for 11 registration as an athlete agent in this state by submitting to 12 the secretary of state all of the following: 13 a. A copy of the application for registration in another 14 state. 15 b. A statement that identifies any material change in the 16 information on the application or verifies there is no material 17 change in the information, signed under penalty of perjury. 18 c. A copy of the certificate of registration from the other 19 state. 20 3. The secretary of state shall issue a certificate of 21 registration to an individual who applies for registration 22 under subsection 2 if the secretary of state determines all of 23 the following: 24 a. The application and registration requirements of the 25 other state are substantially similar to or more restrictive 26 than this chapter . 27 b. The registration has not been revoked or suspended and 28 no action involving the individual’s conduct as an athlete 29 agent is pending against the individual or the individual’s 30 registration in any state. 31 4. For purposes of implementing subsection 3 , the secretary 32 of state shall do all of the following: 33 a. Cooperate with national organizations concerned with 34 athlete agent issues and agencies in other states which 35 -4- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 4/ 135
H.F. _____ register athlete agents to develop a common registration form 1 and determine which states have laws that are substantially 2 similar to or more restrictive than this chapter . 3 b. Exchange information, including information related 4 to actions taken against registered athlete agents or their 5 registrations, with those organizations and agencies. 6 Sec. 9. Section 9A.106, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2019, are 7 amended to read as follows: 8 2. The secretary of state may refuse to issue a certificate 9 of registration to an applicant for registration under section 10 9A.105, subsection 1 , if the secretary of state determines 11 that the applicant has engaged in conduct that significantly 12 adversely reflects on the applicant’s fitness to act as an 13 athlete agent. In making the determination, the secretary of 14 state may consider whether the applicant has done any of the 15 following: 16 a. Pleaded guilty or no contest to, has been convicted of, 17 or has charges pending for, a crime that would involve moral 18 turpitude or be a felony if committed in this state. 19 b. Made a materially false, misleading, deceptive, or 20 fraudulent representation in the application or as an athlete 21 agent. 22 c. Engaged in conduct that would disqualify the applicant 23 from serving in a fiduciary capacity. 24 d. Engaged in conduct prohibited by section 9A.114 . 25 e. Had a registration as an athlete agent suspended, 26 revoked, or denied in any state. 27 f. Been refused renewal of registration as an athlete agent 28 in any state. 29 g. Engaged in conduct resulting in imposition of a sanction, 30 suspension, or declaration of ineligibility to participate in 31 an interscholastic, intercollegiate, or professional athletic 32 event on a student athlete or a sanction on an educational 33 institution. 34 h. Engaged in conduct that adversely reflects on the 35 -5- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 5/ 135
H.F. _____ applicant’s credibility, honesty, or integrity. 1 3. In making a determination under subsection 2 , the 2 secretary of state shall consider all of the following: 3 a. How recently the conduct occurred. 4 b. The nature of the conduct and the context in which it 5 occurred. 6 c. Other relevant conduct of the applicant. 7 Sec. 10. Section 9A.110, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 2. An agency contract shall contain all of the following 10 information: 11 a. A statement that the agent is registered as an athlete 12 agent in this state and a list of any other states in which the 13 agent is registered as an athlete agent. 14 b. The amount and method of calculating the consideration to 15 be paid by the student athlete for services to be provided by 16 the agent under the contract and any other consideration the 17 agent has received or will receive from any other source for 18 entering into the contract or providing the services. 19 c. The name of any person not listed in the agent’s 20 application for registration or renewal of registration which 21 will be compensated because the athlete signed the contract. 22 d. A description of any expenses the athlete agrees to 23 reimburse. 24 e. A description of the services to be provided to the 25 athlete. 26 f. The duration of the contract. 27 g. The date of execution. 28 Sec. 11. Section 9A.113, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 29 to read as follows: 30 1. An athlete agent shall create and retain for five years 31 records of all of the following: 32 a. The name and address of each individual represented by 33 the agent. 34 b. Each agency contract entered into by the agent. 35 -6- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 6/ 135
H.F. _____ c. The direct costs incurred by the agent in the recruitment 1 or solicitation of each student athlete to enter into an agency 2 contract. 3 Sec. 12. Section 16.134A, subsection 3, unnumbered 4 paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 5 For each fiscal year in the fiscal period beginning July 6 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2029, there is appropriated the 7 following percentages of the balance of the fund for the 8 following purposes: 9 Sec. 13. Section 16.154, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 10 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 11 An eligible entity may apply to the authority for financial 12 assistance under the program by submitting a plan that meets 13 all of the following requirements: 14 Sec. 14. Section 16.154, subsection 3, Code 2019, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 3. An If an application by an eligible entity is approved , 17 the eligible entity shall may enter into an agreement with 18 the authority for the provision of financial assistance. 19 The agreement shall include standard terms for the receipt 20 of program moneys and any other terms the authority deems 21 necessary or convenient for the efficient administration of the 22 program. 23 Sec. 15. Section 17A.4B, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 24 2019, is amended by striking the paragraph. 25 Sec. 16. Section 24.27, Code 2019, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 24.27 Protest to budget. 28 1. Not later than March 25 , or April 25 if the municipality 29 is a school district, a number of persons in any municipality 30 equal to one-fourth of one percent of those voting for the 31 office of governor, at the last general election in the 32 municipality, but the number shall not be less than ten, and 33 the number need not be more than one hundred persons, who are 34 affected by any proposed budget, expenditure or tax levy, 35 -7- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 7/ 135
H.F. _____ or by any item thereof, may appeal from any decision of the 1 certifying board or the levying board by filing with the county 2 auditor of the county in which the municipal corporation is 3 located, a written protest setting forth their objections to 4 the budget, expenditure or tax levy, or to one or more items 5 thereof, and the grounds for their objections. If a budget 6 is certified after March 15 , or April 15 in the case of a 7 school district, all appeal time limits shall be extended to 8 correspond to allowances for a timely filing. 9 2. Upon the filing of a protest, the county auditor shall 10 immediately prepare a true and complete copy of the written 11 protest, together with the budget, proposed tax levy or 12 expenditure to which objections are made, and shall transmit 13 them forthwith to the state board, and shall also send a copy 14 of the protest to the certifying board or to the levying board, 15 as the case may be. 16 Sec. 17. Section 26.2, subsection 3, Code 2019, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 3. a. “Public improvement” means a building or construction 19 work which that is constructed under the control of a 20 governmental entity and for which either of the following 21 applies: 22 (1) Has been paid for in whole or in part with funds of the 23 governmental entity. 24 (2) A commitment has been made prior to construction by the 25 governmental entity to pay for the building or construction 26 work in whole or in part with funds of the governmental entity. 27 b. “Public improvement” includes a building or improvement 28 constructed or operated jointly with any other public or 29 private agency, but excludes urban all of the following: 30 (1) Urban renewal demolition and low-rent housing projects , 31 industrial . 32 (2) Industrial aid projects authorized under chapter 419 , 33 emergency . 34 (3) Emergency work or repair or maintenance work performed 35 -8- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 8/ 135
H.F. _____ by employees of a governmental entity , and excludes a . 1 (4) A highway, bridge, or culvert project , and excludes 2 construction . 3 (5) Construction or repair or maintenance work performed 4 for a city utility under chapter 388 by its employees or 5 performed for a rural water district under chapter 357A by its 6 employees. 7 Sec. 18. Section 29A.12A, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 3. There is no liability to the state of Iowa under this 10 section . Members of the governing body of the activity shall 11 not be held to any personal or individual liability personally 12 or individually liable for any action taken by them under this 13 chapter . 14 Sec. 19. Section 29A.57, subsection 7, Code 2019, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 7. There is no liability to the state of Iowa under 17 this section . Members of the armory board and of the state 18 executive council shall not be held to any personal or 19 individual liability personally or individually liable for any 20 action taken by them under this chapter . 21 Sec. 20. Section 43.20, subsection 1, paragraphs a, b, and 22 c, Code 2019, are amended to read as follows: 23 a. If for governor, or United States senator, by at least 24 one percent of the voters of the candidate’s party, in each of 25 at least ten counties of the state, and in the aggregate by 26 not less than one-half of one percent of the total vote of the 27 candidate’s party in the state, as shown by the last general 28 election. 29 b. If for any other state office, by at least fifty 30 signatures in each of at least ten counties of the state, and 31 in the aggregate by not less than one thousand signatures. 32 c. If for a representative in Congress, in districts 33 composed of more than one county, by at least two percent of 34 the voters of the candidate’s party, as shown by the last 35 -9- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 9/ 135
H.F. _____ general election, in each of at least one-half of the counties 1 of the district, and in the aggregate by not less than one 2 percent of the total vote of the candidate’s party in such 3 district, as shown by the last general election. If for a 4 representative in the general assembly, by not less than fifty 5 voters of the representative district; and if for a senator in 6 the general assembly, by not less than one hundred voters of 7 the senatorial district. 8 Sec. 21. Section 44.9, subsection 3, Code 2019, is amended 9 to read as follows: 10 3. In the office of the proper appropriate school board 11 secretary, at least thirty-five days before the day of a 12 regularly scheduled school election. 13 Sec. 22. Section 49.58, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 14 to read as follows: 15 2. Each candidate for that office whose name appeared 16 on the general election ballot shall also be a candidate for 17 the office in the special election, except that the deceased 18 candidate’s political party may designate another candidate in 19 substantially the manner provided by section 43.78 for filling 20 vacancies on the general election ballot. However, a political 21 party which did not have a candidate on the general election 22 ballot for the office in question may similarly designate a 23 candidate for that office in the special election. The name 24 of any replacement or additional candidate so designated shall 25 be submitted in writing to the state commissioner, or the 26 commissioner in the case of a candidate for county supervisor, 27 not later than 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday after the date of 28 the general election. No other candidate whose The name of a 29 candidate that did not appear on the general election ballot 30 as a candidate for the office in question shall not be placed 31 on the ballot for the special election, in any manner. The 32 special election shall be held and canvassed in the manner 33 prescribed by law for the general election. 34 Sec. 23. Section 49.102, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -10- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 10/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 49.102 Defective ballots. 2 Said defective ballots Ballots containing a defect described 3 in section 49.101 shall be counted for the candidate or 4 candidates for such offices named in the nomination papers, 5 certificate of nomination, or certified abstract. 6 Sec. 24. Section 49.103, Code 2019, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 49.103 Wrong ballots. 9 Said wrong ballots Ballots containing an error described in 10 section 49.101 shall be counted as cast for all candidates for 11 whom the voter had the right to vote, and for whom the voter did 12 vote. 13 Sec. 25. Section 53.26, Code 2019, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 53.26 Rejected ballots —— how handled. 16 1. Every ballot not counted shall be endorsed on the back 17 thereof with the following: 18 “Rejected Rejected because (giving reason therefor)” 19 therefor) . 20 2. All rejected ballots shall be enclosed and securely 21 sealed in an envelope on which the precinct election officials 22 shall endorse “Defective ballots”, with a statement of signed 23 by the precinct election officials regarding the precinct in 24 which and the date of the election at which they were cast , and 25 be signed by the precinct election officials and . The envelope 26 shall be returned to the same officer and in the same manner 27 as by law provided for the return and preservation of official 28 ballots voted at such election. 29 Sec. 26. Section 59.5, Code 2019, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 59.5 Statement and depositions —— notice. 32 The secretary shall deliver the same unopened papers 33 described in section 59.4 to the presiding officer of the house 34 in which the contest is to be tried, on or before the second 35 -11- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 11/ 135
H.F. _____ day of the session, regular or special, of the general assembly 1 next after taking the depositions , and the . The presiding 2 officer shall immediately give notice to that officer’s house 3 that such papers are in the officer’s possession. 4 Sec. 27. Section 66.10, Code 2019, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 66.10 Governor to direct filing. 7 The governor shall direct the attorney general to file such 8 a petition for removal against any of said officers public 9 officer whenever the governor has reasonable grounds for 10 such direction. The attorney general shall comply with such 11 direction and prosecute such the action. 12 Sec. 28. Section 66.15, Code 2019, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 66.15 Order by appointed judge. 15 Upon the receipt of such a commission issued pursuant to 16 section 66.14 , said the judge shall immediately make an order 17 fixing a time and place of hearing in the county in which the 18 petition is filed. Said time The hearing date shall not be not 19 less than ten days nor more than twenty days from the date of 20 the order. 21 Sec. 29. Section 66.16, Code 2019, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 66.16 Filing order —— effect. 24 Said The order for hearing issued pursuant to section 66.15 25 shall be forwarded to the clerk of the district court of the 26 county in which the hearing is to be had. Said The time and 27 place for the hearing specified in the order shall supersede 28 the time and place specified in any notice already served. 29 Sec. 30. Section 66.17, Code 2019, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 66.17 Notice to accused. 32 The clerk shall file said the order issued pursuant to 33 section 66.15 , and forthwith give the defendant, by mail, 34 notice of the time and place of hearing. 35 -12- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 12/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 31. Section 66.30, Code 2019, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 66.30 Ordinance. 3 The council may, by ordinance, provide as to the manner of 4 preferring and hearing such charges filed pursuant to section 5 66.29 . No A person shall not be twice removed twice by the 6 council from the same office for the same offense. Proceedings 7 before the council shall not be a bar to proceedings in the 8 district court as provided in this chapter provided . 9 Sec. 32. Section 69.16, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 10 to read as follows: 11 2. In the case where the appointment of members of the 12 general assembly is allowed, and the law does not otherwise 13 provide, if an even number of legislators are appointed they 14 shall be equally divided by political party affiliation; if an 15 odd number of members of the general assembly are appointed, 16 the number representing a certain political party shall not 17 exceed by more than one the number of legislative members of 18 the other political party who may be appointed by more than 19 one . 20 Sec. 33. Section 76.2, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 2019, 21 is amended to read as follows: 22 b. If the resolution is filed prior to April 1 , or May 1 , if 23 the political subdivision is a school district, the annual levy 24 shall begin with the tax levy for collection commencing July 25 1 of that year. If the resolution is filed after April 1 , or 26 May 1 , in the case of a school district, the annual levy shall 27 begin with the tax levy for collection in the next succeeding 28 fiscal year. However, the governing authority of a political 29 subdivision may adjust a levy of taxes made under this section 30 for the purpose of adjusting the annual levies and collections 31 for property severed from the political subdivision, subject to 32 the approval of the director of the department of management. 33 Sec. 34. Section 84A.2, subsection 12, paragraph b, Code 34 2019, is amended to read as follows: 35 -13- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 13/ 135
H.F. _____ b. “Industry or sector partnership” may include 1 representatives of state or local government, state or 2 local economic development agencies , the state workforce 3 development board, local workforce development boards, the 4 department of workforce development or another entity providing 5 employment services, state or local agencies, business or trade 6 associations, economic development organizations, nonprofit 7 organizations, community-based organizations, philanthropic 8 organizations, industry associations, and other organizations, 9 as determined to be necessary by the members comprising the 10 industry or sector partnership. 11 Sec. 35. Section 85.37, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 1. If an employee receives a personal injury causing 14 temporary total disability, or causing a permanent partial 15 disability for which compensation is payable during a healing 16 period, compensation for the temporary total disability or for 17 the healing period shall be upon the basis provided in this 18 section . The weekly benefit amount payable to any employee 19 for any one week shall be upon the basis of eighty percent 20 of the employee’s weekly spendable earnings, but shall not 21 exceed an amount, rounded to the nearest dollar, equal to 22 sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the statewide average 23 weekly wage paid employees as determined by the department of 24 workforce development under section 96.19, subsection 36 , and 25 in effect at the time of the injury. However, as of July 1, 26 1975; July 1, 1977; July 1, 1979; and July 1, 1981, the maximum 27 weekly benefit amount rounded to the nearest dollar shall be 28 increased so that it equals one hundred percent, one hundred 29 thirty-three and one-third percent, one hundred sixty-six and 30 two-thirds percent, and two hundred percent , respectively, 31 of the statewide average weekly wage as determined above in 32 this section . Total weekly compensation for any employee 33 shall not exceed eighty percent per week of the employee’s 34 weekly spendable earnings. The minimum weekly benefit amount 35 -14- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 14/ 135
H.F. _____ shall be equal to the weekly benefit amount of a person whose 1 gross weekly earnings are thirty-five percent of the statewide 2 average weekly wage, or to the spendable weekly earnings of the 3 employee, whichever are less. 4 Sec. 36. Section 85A.26, Code 2019, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 85A.26 Insurance contracts. 7 No policy of insurance in effect at the time of the enactment 8 of this chapter on October 1, 1947, covering the liability 9 of an employer under the workers’ compensation law, shall be 10 construed to cover the liability of such employer under this 11 chapter for any occupational disease unless such liability 12 is expressly accepted by the insurance carrier issuing such 13 policy and is endorsed thereon on the policy . The insurance or 14 security in force to cover compensation liability under this 15 chapter shall be separate and distinct from the insurance or 16 security under the workers’ compensation law and any insurance 17 contract covering liability under either this chapter or the 18 workers’ compensation law need not cover any liability under 19 the other. 20 Sec. 37. Section 86.11, Code 2019, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 86.11 Reports of injuries. 23 Every employer shall hereafter keep a record of all 24 injuries, fatal or otherwise, alleged by an employee to have 25 been sustained in the course of the employee’s employment 26 and resulting in incapacity for a longer period than one 27 day. If the injury results only in temporary disability, 28 causing incapacity for a longer period than three days, 29 then within four days thereafter, not counting Sundays and 30 legal holidays, the employer or insurance carrier having had 31 notice or knowledge of the occurrence of such injury and 32 resulting disability shall file a report with the workers’ 33 compensation commissioner in the form and manner required by 34 the commissioner. If such injury to the employee results in 35 -15- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 15/ 135
H.F. _____ permanent total disability, permanent partial disability, or 1 death, then the employer or insurance carrier, upon notice or 2 knowledge of the occurrence of the employment injury, shall 3 file a report with the workers’ compensation commissioner 4 within four days after having notice or knowledge of the 5 permanent injury to the employee or the employee’s death. The 6 report to the workers’ compensation commissioner of injury 7 shall be without prejudice to the employer or insurance 8 carrier and shall not be admitted in evidence or used in any 9 trial or hearing before any court, the workers’ compensation 10 commissioner, or a deputy workers’ compensation commissioner 11 except as to the notice under section 85.23 . 12 Sec. 38. Section 88.1, subsection 3, Code 2019, is amended 13 to read as follows: 14 3. Authorizing the labor commissioner to set mandatory 15 occupational safety and health standards applicable to 16 businesses, and by providing for an adjudicatory process 17 through the employment appeal board within the department of 18 inspections and appeals for carrying out adjudicatory functions 19 under the this chapter. 20 Sec. 39. Section 96.7, subsection 2, paragraph d, 21 subparagraph (1), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 22 (1) The current reserve fund ratio is computed by dividing 23 the total funds available for payment of benefits, on the 24 computation date or on August 15 following the computation 25 date if the total funds available for payment of benefits is a 26 higher amount on August 15, by the total wages paid in covered 27 employment excluding reimbursable employment wages during the 28 first four calendar quarters of the five calendar quarters 29 immediately preceding the computation date. However, in 30 computing the current reserve fund ratio the following amounts , 31 beginning July 1, 2007, one hundred fifty million dollars shall 32 be added to the total funds available for payment of benefits 33 on the following computation dates: 34 (a) Twenty million dollars on July 1, 2004. 35 -16- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 16/ 135
H.F. _____ (b) Seventy million dollars on July 1, 2005. 1 (c) One hundred twenty million dollars on July 1, 2006. 2 (d) One hundred fifty million dollars on July 1, 2007, and 3 on each subsequent computation date. 4 Sec. 40. Section 96.16, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2019, are 5 amended to read as follows: 6 1. Penalties. An individual who makes a false statement 7 or representation knowing it to be false or knowingly fails to 8 disclose a material fact, to obtain or increase any benefit or 9 other payment under this chapter , either for the individual or 10 for any other individual, is guilty of a fraudulent practice as 11 defined in sections 714.8 to through 714.14 . The total amount 12 of benefits or payments involved in the completion of or in 13 the attempt to complete a fraudulent practice shall be used in 14 determining the value involved under section 714.14 . 15 2. False statement. Any employing unit or any officer or 16 agent of an employing unit or any other person who makes a 17 false statement or representation knowing it to be false, or 18 who knowingly fails to disclose a material fact, to prevent 19 or reduce the payment of benefits to any individual entitled 20 thereto, or to avoid becoming or remaining subject hereto, 21 or to avoid or reduce any contribution or other payment 22 required from an employing unit under this chapter , or who 23 willfully fails or refuses to make any such contributions or 24 other payment or to furnish any reports required hereunder 25 or to produce or permit the inspection or copying of records 26 as required hereunder, is guilty of a fraudulent practice 27 as defined in sections 714.8 to through 714.14 . The total 28 amount of benefits, contributions, or payments involved in 29 the completion of or in the attempt to complete a fraudulent 30 practice shall be used in determining the value involved under 31 section 714.14 . 32 Sec. 41. Section 100.52, Code 2019, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 100.52 Grounds for issuance. 35 -17- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 17/ 135
H.F. _____ 1. The judicial officer shall review the application and may 1 take sworn testimony or receive affidavits to supplement it the 2 application . 3 2. If the judicial officer is satisfied that there are legal 4 grounds under the circumstances specified in the application 5 and any supplementary testimony taken sufficient to justify the 6 issuance of an inspection warrant, it an inspection warrant 7 shall be issued. 8 Sec. 42. Section 123.38, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 9 to read as follows: 10 1. A liquor control license, wine permit, or beer permit 11 is a personal privilege and is revocable for cause. It is not 12 property nor is it subject to attachment and execution nor 13 alienable nor assignable, and it shall cease upon the death 14 of the permittee or licensee. However, the administrator 15 of the division may in the administrator’s discretion allow 16 the executor or administrator of the estate of a permittee 17 or licensee to operate the business of the decedent for a 18 reasonable time not to exceed the expiration date of the permit 19 or license. Every permit or license shall be issued in the 20 name of the applicant and no person holding a permit or license 21 shall allow any other person to use it. 22 Sec. 43. Section 123.38, subsection 2, paragraph a, 23 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 Any licensee or permittee, or the licensee’s or permittee’s 26 executor or administrator of the estate of a licensee or 27 permittee , or any person duly appointed by the court to take 28 charge of and administer the property or assets of the licensee 29 or permittee for the benefit of the licensee’s or permittee’s 30 creditors, may voluntarily surrender a license or permit to the 31 division. When a license or permit is surrendered the division 32 shall notify the local authority, and the division or the local 33 authority shall refund to the person surrendering the license 34 or permit, a proportionate amount of the fee received by the 35 -18- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 18/ 135
H.F. _____ division or the local authority for the license or permit as 1 follows: 2 Sec. 44. Section 123.91, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, 3 is amended to read as follows: 4 Any Unless otherwise provided by law, a person who has been 5 convicted, in a criminal action, in any court of record, of 6 a violation of a provision of this chapter , a provision of 7 the prior laws of this state relating to alcoholic liquors, 8 wine, or beer which was in force prior to the enactment of 9 this chapter , or a provision of the laws of the United States 10 or of any other state relating to alcoholic liquors, wine, or 11 beer, and who is thereafter convicted of a subsequent criminal 12 offense against any provision of this chapter is guilty of the 13 following offenses: 14 Sec. 45. Section 123.99, Code 2019, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 123.99 False statements. 17 If any A person commits a simple misdemeanor if the person, 18 for the purpose of procuring the shipment, transportation, or 19 conveyance of any alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer within this 20 state in violation of this chapter , shall make does any of the 21 following: 22 1. Makes to any person, company, corporation, or common 23 carrier, or to any agent thereof, any false statements as to 24 the character or contents of any box, barrel, or other vessel 25 or package containing such alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer ; or 26 shall refuse . 27 2. Refuses to give correct and truthful information as 28 to the contents of any such box, barrel, or other vessel or 29 package so sought to be transported or conveyed ; or shall 30 falsely mark, brand, or label such . 31 3. Falsely labels, brands, or marks a box, barrel, or other 32 vessel or package in order to conceal the fact that the same 33 contains alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer ; or shall by . 34 4. By any device or concealment procure procures or attempt 35 -19- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 19/ 135
H.F. _____ attempts to procure the conveyance or transportation of such 1 alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer as herein prohibited, the 2 person shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor . 3 Sec. 46. Section 123.107, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 4 amended to read as follows: 5 2. But proof Proof of the violation by the accused of any 6 provision of this chapter , the substance of which violation 7 is briefly set forth, within the time mentioned in said the 8 indictment or information, shall be sufficient to convict such 9 person. 10 Sec. 47. Section 124.302, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 1. Every person who manufactures, distributes, or 13 dispenses , or conducts research with any controlled substance 14 in this state or who proposes to engage in the manufacture, 15 distribution, or dispensing of or conducting research with 16 any controlled substance within this state, shall obtain and 17 maintain a registration issued by the board in accordance with 18 its the board’s rules. 19 Sec. 48. Section 124.308, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 20 amended to read as follows: 21 1. Except when dispensed directly by a practitioner to 22 an ultimate user, a prescription drug as defined in section 23 155A.3 that is a controlled substance shall not be dispensed 24 without a prescription , unless such . The prescription is must 25 be authorized by a practitioner and complies must comply with 26 this section , section 155A.27 , applicable federal law and 27 regulation, and rules of the board. 28 Sec. 49. Section 124.409, Code 2019, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 124.409 Conditional discharge, commitment for treatment, and 31 probation. 32 Whenever the court finds that a person who is charged with 33 a violation of section 124.401 and who consents thereto, or 34 who has entered a plea of guilty to or been found guilty of a 35 -20- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 20/ 135
H.F. _____ violation of that section, is addicted to, dependent upon, or a 1 chronic abuser of any controlled substance and that such person 2 will be aided by proper medical treatment and rehabilitative 3 services, it may order that the person be committed as an 4 in-patient or out-patient to a facility licensed by the 5 Iowa department of public health for medical treatment and 6 rehabilitative services. A person committed under this 7 subsection section who is not possessed of sufficient income 8 or estate to enable the person to make payment of the costs 9 of such treatment in whole or in part shall be considered a 10 state patient and the costs of treatment shall be paid as 11 provided in section 125.44 . The determination of ability to 12 pay shall be made by the court. The court shall require the 13 patient, or the patient’s parent, guardian, or custodian to 14 complete under oath a detailed financial statement. The court 15 may enter appropriate orders requiring the patient or those 16 legally liable for the patient’s support to reimburse the 17 state with the costs, or any part thereof. In order to obtain 18 the most effective results from such medical treatment and 19 rehabilitative services, the court may commit the person to the 20 custody of a public or private agency or any other responsible 21 person and impose other conditions upon the commitment as is 22 necessary to insure compliance with the court’s order and to 23 insure that the person will not, during the period of treatment 24 and rehabilitation, again violate a provision of this chapter . 25 If it is established thereafter to the satisfaction of the 26 court that the person has again violated a provision of this 27 chapter , the person may be returned to custody or sentenced 28 upon conviction as provided by law. The public or private 29 agency or responsible person to whom the accused person was 30 committed by the court shall immediately report to the court 31 when the person has received maximum benefit from the program 32 or has recovered from addiction, dependency, or tendency to 33 chronically abuse any controlled substance. The person shall 34 then be returned to the court for disposition of the case. If 35 -21- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 21/ 135
H.F. _____ the person has been charged or indicted, but not convicted, 1 such charge shall proceed to trial or final disposition. If 2 the person has been convicted or is thereafter convicted, the 3 court shall sentence the person as provided by law but may 4 remit all or any part of the sentence and place the person on 5 probation upon terms and conditions as the court may prescribe. 6 Sec. 50. Section 139A.18, Code 2019, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 139A.18 Reimbursement from county. 9 If any person receives services or supplies under this 10 chapter who does not have residence in the county in which 11 the bills were incurred and paid, the amount paid shall be 12 certified to the board of supervisors of the county in which 13 the person claims settlement residence or owns property, and 14 the board of supervisors of that county shall reimburse the 15 county from which the claim is certified, in the full amount 16 originally paid. 17 Sec. 51. Section 139A.30, Code 2019, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 139A.30 Confidential reports. 20 1. Reports to the department which include the identity 21 of persons infected with a sexually transmitted disease or 22 infection, and all such related information, records, and 23 reports concerning the person, shall be confidential and shall 24 not be accessible to the public. 25 2. However Notwithstanding subsection 1 , such reports 26 to the department and related reports , information, and 27 records shall be confidential only to the extent necessary 28 to prevent identification of persons named in such reports, 29 information, and records ; the . The other parts of such 30 reports, information, and records shall be public records. 31 The preceding sentence This subsection shall prevail over any 32 inconsistent provision of this subchapter . 33 Sec. 52. Section 154D.4, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 34 2019, is amended to read as follows: 35 -22- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 22/ 135
H.F. _____ a. Persons licensed to practice other professions under 1 this subtitle , provided that the person does not represent 2 that the person is a licensed behavior analyst or licensed 3 assistant behavior analyst unless also licensed as one, applied 4 behavior analysis is within the scope of practice of the 5 person’s profession, and the services provided are within the 6 boundaries of the person’s education, training, and competence , 7 and the person does not represent that the person is a licensed 8 behavior analyst or licensed assistant behavior analyst unless 9 also licensed as one . 10 Sec. 53. Section 155A.27, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 1. Except when dispensed directly by a prescriber to an 13 ultimate user, a prescription drug shall not be dispensed 14 without a prescription , that is authorized by a prescriber , and 15 based on a valid patient-prescriber relationship. 16 Sec. 54. Section 156.2, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, 17 is amended to read as follows: 18 Section The terms defined in section 156.1 shall not be 19 construed to include the following classes of persons: 20 Sec. 55. Section 159A.14, subsection 5, paragraph b, 21 subparagraph (1), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 22 (1) Upgrade or replace a dispenser which is part of 23 gasoline storage and dispensing infrastructure used to store 24 and dispense E-85 gasoline as provided in section 455G.31 . 25 The participating person is only eligible to be awarded the 26 supplemental financial incentives if the person installed 27 the dispenser not later than sixty days after the date of 28 the publication in the Iowa administrative bulletin of the 29 state fire marshal’s order providing that a commercially 30 available dispenser is listed as compatible for use with E-85 31 gasoline by an independent testing laboratory as provided in 32 section 455G.31 July 27, 2011 . The supplemental financial 33 incentives awarded to the participating person shall not 34 exceed seventy-five percent of the actual cost of making the 35 -23- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 23/ 135
H.F. _____ improvement or thirty thousand dollars, whichever is less. 1 Sec. 56. Section 166D.2, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 2 by striking the subsection. 3 Sec. 57. Section 166D.3, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 166D.3 State pseudorabies advisory committee. 6 1. A state pseudorabies advisory committee is established. 7 The committee shall consist of not more than seven members who 8 shall be appointed by the Iowa pork producers association. At 9 least four members of the committee must be actively engaged 10 in swine production. The members shall serve staggered 11 terms of two years, except that the initial board committee 12 members shall serve unequal terms. A person appointed to fill 13 a vacancy for a member shall serve only for the unexpired 14 portion of the term. A member is eligible for reappointment 15 for three successive terms. A majority of the board committee 16 constitutes a quorum and an affirmative vote of the majority 17 of members is necessary for substantive action taken by the 18 board committee . The majority shall not include any member who 19 has a conflict of interest and a statement by a member of a 20 conflict of interest shall be conclusive for this purpose. A 21 vacancy in the membership does not impair the right of a quorum 22 to exercise all rights and perform all duties of the board 23 committee . 24 2. The advisory committee shall: 25 1. a. Inform and educate interested persons in the state, 26 including persons involved in producing, processing, or 27 marketing swine, regarding eradication activities under this 28 chapter . 29 2. b. Review eradication activities under this chapter 30 including the pseudorabies eradication programs. The 31 committee shall make recommendations to the department and 32 the inspection service and may consult with state officials 33 regarding any matter relating to pseudorabies control and 34 eradication, including departmental rules, other state or 35 -24- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 24/ 135
H.F. _____ federal regulations, program areas, the use of vaccine, testing 1 procedures, the progress of pseudorabies eradication programs, 2 and state and federal program standards. The committee in 3 cooperation with the department shall report to the governor 4 and general assembly not later than January 15 the progress of 5 pseudorabies eradication, including recommendations. 6 3. c. Maintain communication with other states and with 7 the national pork producers council, the livestock conservation 8 institute, and the inspection service. 9 Sec. 58. Section 206.7A, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 10 to read as follows: 11 2. This section does not apply to an operator a commercial, 12 public, or private applicator who is certified pursuant to this 13 chapter . 14 Sec. 59. Section 206.22, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 2. Any person violating any provision of this chapter other 17 than section 206.11, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , or section 18 206.7A shall be guilty of a serious misdemeanor; provided, that 19 any offense committed more than five years after a previous 20 conviction shall be considered a first offense; and provided, 21 further, that in any case where a registrant was issued a 22 warning by the secretary pursuant to the provisions of this 23 chapter , such registrant shall upon conviction of a violation 24 of any provision of this chapter other than section 206.11, 25 subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , or section 206.7A, be guilty of 26 a serious misdemeanor; and the registration of the article 27 with reference to which the violation occurred shall terminate 28 automatically. An article, the registration of which has been 29 terminated, may not again be registered unless the article, its 30 labeling, and other material required to be submitted appear 31 to the secretary to comply with all the requirements of this 32 chapter . 33 Sec. 60. Section 216.5, subsection 10, Code 2019, is amended 34 to read as follows: 35 -25- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 25/ 135
H.F. _____ 10. To adopt, publish, amend, and rescind regulations 1 commission rules pursuant to chapter 17A consistent with and 2 necessary for the enforcement of this chapter . 3 Sec. 61. Section 218.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 218.9 Appointment of superintendents. 6 1. The administrator in charge of an institution, subject 7 to the approval of the director of human services, shall 8 appoint the superintendent of the institution. The tenure of 9 office of a superintendent shall be at the pleasure of the 10 appointing authority administrator . The appointing authority 11 administrator may transfer a superintendent or warden from one 12 institution to another. 13 2. The superintendent or warden shall have immediate 14 custody and control, subject to the orders and policies of the 15 division administrator in charge of the institution, of all 16 property used in connection with the institution except as 17 provided in this chapter . 18 Sec. 62. Section 218.40, Code 2019, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 218.40 Services required. 21 Residents of said the institutions who are subject to 22 the provisions hereinafter provided, of this chapter may be 23 required to render any proper and reasonable service either in 24 the institutions proper or in the industries established in 25 connection therewith with the institutions . 26 Sec. 63. Section 218.56, Code 2019, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 218.56 Purchase of supplies —— vendor warrants. 29 1. The administrators shall, from time to time, adopt and 30 make of record , rules and regulations governing the purchase of 31 all articles and supplies needed at the various institutions 32 under their control , and the form and verification of vouchers 33 for such purchases. 34 2. The department of human services shall mail vendor 35 -26- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 26/ 135
H.F. _____ warrants for the department of corrections. 1 Sec. 64. Section 222.63, Code 2019, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 222.63 Finding of residency —— objection. 4 A certification through the regional administrator for a 5 county that a person’s residency is in another county shall 6 be sent to the regional administrator for the county of 7 residence. The certification shall be accompanied by a copy 8 of the evidence supporting the determination. The regional 9 administrator for the county of residence shall submit the 10 certification to the regional administrator for the county 11 region’s governing board and it shall be conclusively presumed 12 that the patient has residency in that a county in the notified 13 region unless the that regional administrator for that county 14 disputes the determination of residency as provided in section 15 331.394 . 16 Sec. 65. Section 226.41, Code 2019, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 226.41 Charge permitted. 19 The hospital is authorized to make a charge for these 20 patients admitted under section 226.40 , in the manner now 21 provided by law and subject to the changes hereinafter provided 22 in section 226.42 . 23 Sec. 66. Section 229A.8, subsection 5, paragraph e, 24 subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (b), Code 2019, is 25 amended to read as follows: 26 (b) The committed person may waive the sixty-day final 27 hearing requirement under subparagraph subdivision (a); 28 however, the committed person or the attorney for the committed 29 person may reassert the requirement by filing a demand that the 30 final hearing be held within sixty days from the date of the 31 filing of the demand with the clerk of court. 32 Sec. 67. Section 230.25, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 33 to read as follows: 34 1. Upon receipt from the county auditor or the regional 35 -27- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 27/ 135
H.F. _____ administrator for mental health and disability services of 1 the list of names furnished pursuant to section 230.21 , the 2 board of supervisors of the county of residence shall make an 3 investigation to determine the ability of each person whose 4 name appears on the list, and also the ability of any person 5 liable under section 230.15 for the support of that person, 6 to pay the expenses of that person’s hospitalization. If the 7 board finds that neither the hospitalized person nor any person 8 legally liable for the person’s support is able to pay those 9 expenses, the board shall direct the county auditor or regional 10 administrator not to index the names of any of those persons 11 as would otherwise be required by section 230.26 . However 12 the board may review its finding with respect to any person 13 at any subsequent time at which another list is furnished by 14 the county auditor or regional administrator upon which that 15 person’s name appears. If the board finds upon review that 16 that person or those legally liable for the person’s support 17 are presently able to pay the expenses of that person’s 18 hospitalization, that finding shall apply only to charges 19 stated upon the certificate from which the list was drawn up 20 and any subsequent charges similarly certified, unless and 21 until the board again changes its finding. 22 Sec. 68. Section 231.64, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 23 2019, is amended to read as follows: 24 b. Options counseling to assist individuals in assessing 25 their existing or anticipated long-term care needs and 26 developing and implementing a plan for long-term care living 27 and community support services designed to meet their specific 28 needs and circumstances. The plan for long-term living 29 and community support services may include support with 30 person-centered care transitions to assist consumers and family 31 caregivers with transitions between home and care settings. 32 Sec. 69. Section 232.127, subsection 5, Code 2019, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 5. The court may adjudicate the family to be a family in 35 -28- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 28/ 135
H.F. _____ need of assistance and enter an appropriate dispositional order 1 if the court finds all of the following : 2 a. There has been a breakdown in the relationship between 3 the child and the child’s parent, guardian , or custodian ; and . 4 b. The child or the child’s parent, guardian , or custodian 5 has sought services from public or private agencies to maintain 6 and improve the familial relationship ; and . 7 c. The court has at its disposal services for this purpose 8 which can be made available to the family. 9 Sec. 70. Section 232.150, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 10 amended to read as follows: 11 3. Notice and copies of a sealing order shall be sent to 12 each agency or person having custody or the records named 13 therein in the sealing order . 14 Sec. 71. Section 233.2, subsections 3 and 6, Code 2019, are 15 amended to read as follows: 16 3. As soon as possible after the individual on duty or first 17 responder assumes physical custody of a newborn infant released 18 under subsection 1 , the individual or first responder shall 19 notify the department of human services and the department 20 shall take the actions necessary to assume the care, control, 21 and custody of the newborn infant. The department shall 22 immediately notify the juvenile court and the county attorney 23 of the department’s action and the circumstances surrounding 24 the action and request an ex parte order from the juvenile 25 court ordering, in accordance with the requirements of section 26 232.78 , the department to take custody of the newborn infant. 27 Upon receiving the order, the department shall take custody of 28 the newborn infant. Within twenty-four hours of taking custody 29 of the newborn infant, the department shall notify the juvenile 30 court and the county attorney in writing of the department’s 31 action and the circumstances surrounding the action. 32 6. An individual on duty at an institutional health facility 33 or first responder who assumes custody of a newborn infant upon 34 the release of the newborn infant under subsection 1 shall be 35 -29- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 29/ 135
H.F. _____ provided notice of any hearing held concerning the newborn 1 infant at the same time notice is provided to other parties to 2 the hearing and the individual or first responder may provide 3 testimony at the hearing. 4 Sec. 72. Section 233.6, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 5 to read as follows: 6 1. An information card or other publication for 7 distribution by an institutional health facility or a first 8 responder to a parent who releases custody of a newborn infant 9 in accordance with this chapter . The publication shall inform 10 the parent of a parent’s rights under section 233.4 , explain 11 the request for medical history information under section 12 233.2, subsection 2 , and provide other information deemed 13 pertinent by the departments. 14 Sec. 73. Section 237A.5, subsection 2, paragraph i, 15 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (c), unnumbered 16 paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 17 If the The person has committed any of the following 18 felony-level offenses: 19 Sec. 74. Section 260C.22, subsection 1, paragraphs b, d, and 20 e, Code 2019, are amended to read as follows: 21 b. In order to make immediately available to the merged area 22 the proceeds of the voted tax authorized to be levied under 23 this section , the board of directors of any such merged area 24 is hereby authorized, without the necessity for any further 25 election, to borrow money and enter into loan agreements in 26 anticipation of the collection of such tax, and such board 27 shall, by resolution, provide for the levy of an annual tax, 28 within the limits of the special voted tax authorized under 29 this section , sufficient to pay the amount of any such loan 30 and the interest thereon to maturity as the same becomes due. 31 A certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the 32 county auditors of the counties in which such merged area is 33 located, and the filing thereof shall make it a duty of such 34 auditors to enter annually this levy for collection until 35 -30- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 30/ 135
H.F. _____ funds are realized to repay the loan and interest thereon in 1 full. Said loan shall bear interest at a rate or rates not 2 exceeding that permitted by chapter 74A . Any loan agreement 3 entered into pursuant to authority herein contained in this 4 section shall be in such form as the board of directors shall 5 by resolution provide and the loan shall be payable as to both 6 principal and interest from the proceeds of the annual levy of 7 the voted tax authorized under this section , or so much thereof 8 as will be sufficient to pay the loan and interest thereon. In 9 furtherance of the foregoing the board of directors of such 10 merged area may, with or without notice, negotiate and enter 11 into a loan agreement or agreements with any bank, investment 12 banker, trust company, insurance company or group thereof, 13 whereunder the borrowing of the necessary funds may be assured 14 and consummated. The proceeds of such loan shall be deposited 15 in a special fund, to be kept separate and apart from all other 16 funds of the merged area, and shall be paid out upon warrants 17 drawn by the president and secretary of the board of directors 18 to pay the cost of acquiring the school facilities for which 19 the tax was authorized. 20 d. Nothing herein contained in this section shall be 21 construed to limit the authority of the board of directors to 22 levy the full amount of the voted tax, but if and to whatever 23 extent said tax is levied in any year in excess of the amount 24 of principal and interest falling due in such year under any 25 loan agreement, the first available proceeds thereof, to an 26 amount sufficient to meet maturing installments of principal 27 and interest under the loan agreement, shall be paid into 28 the sinking fund for such loan before any of such taxes are 29 otherwise made available to the merged area for other school 30 purposes, and the amount required to be annually set aside to 31 pay the principal of and interest on the money borrowed under 32 such loan agreement shall constitute a first charge upon all of 33 the proceeds of such annual special voted tax, which tax shall 34 be pledged to pay said loan and the interest thereon. 35 -31- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 31/ 135
H.F. _____ e. This subsection shall be construed as supplemental and in 1 addition to existing statutory authority and as providing an 2 independent method of financing the cost of acquiring school 3 facilities for which a tax has been voted under this section 4 and for the borrowing of money and execution of loan agreements 5 in connection therewith and shall not be construed as subject 6 to the provisions of any other law. The fact that a merged 7 area may have previously borrowed money and entered into loan 8 agreements under the authority herein contained in this section 9 shall not prevent such merged area from borrowing additional 10 money and entering into further loan agreements provided that 11 the aggregate of the amount payable under all of such loan 12 agreements does not exceed the proceeds of the voted tax. All 13 acts and proceedings heretofore taken by the board of directors 14 or by any official of any merged area for the exercise of any 15 of the powers granted by this section are hereby legalized and 16 validated in all respects. 17 Sec. 75. Section 262.57, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 1. To pay all or any part of the cost of carrying out any 20 project at any institution the board is authorized to borrow 21 money and to issue and sell negotiable bonds or notes and to 22 refund and refinance bonds or notes heretofore issued or as may 23 be hereafter issued for any project or for refunding purposes 24 at a lower rate, the same rate, or a higher rate or rates of 25 interest and from time to time as often as the board shall 26 find it to be advisable and necessary so to do. Such bonds 27 or notes may be sold by said the board at public sale in the 28 manner prescribed by chapter 75 , but if the board shall find 29 finds it to be advantageous and in the public interest to do 30 so, such bonds or notes may be sold by the board at private 31 sale without published notice of any kind and without regard 32 to the requirements of chapter 75 in such manner and upon such 33 terms as may be prescribed by the resolution authorizing the 34 same. Bonds or notes issued to refund other bonds or notes 35 -32- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 32/ 135
H.F. _____ heretofore or hereafter issued by the board for residence hall 1 or dormitory purposes at any institution, including dining or 2 other facilities and additions, or heretofore or hereafter 3 issued for refunding purposes, may either be sold in the manner 4 hereinbefore specified in this subchapter and the proceeds 5 thereof applied to the payment of the obligations being 6 refunded, or the refunding bonds or notes may be exchanged for 7 and in payment and discharge of the obligations being refunded, 8 and a finding by the board in the resolution authorizing the 9 issuance of such refunding bonds or notes that the bonds or 10 notes being refunded were issued for a purpose specified in 11 this subchapter and constitute binding obligations of the 12 board shall be conclusive and may be relied upon by any holder 13 of any refunding bond or note issued under the provisions of 14 this subchapter. The refunding bonds or notes may be sold or 15 exchanged in installments at different times or an entire issue 16 or series may be sold or exchanged at one time. Any issue or 17 series of refunding bonds or notes may be exchanged in part 18 or sold in parts in installments at different times or at one 19 time. The refunding bonds or notes may be sold or exchanged 20 at any time on, before, or after the maturity of any of the 21 outstanding notes, bonds, or other obligations to be refinanced 22 thereby and may be issued for the purpose of refunding a like 23 or greater principal amount of bonds or notes, except that the 24 principal amount of the refunding bonds or notes may exceed 25 the principal amount of the bonds or notes to be refunded to 26 the extent necessary to pay any premium due on the call of the 27 bonds or notes to be refunded or to fund interest in arrears or 28 about to become due. 29 Sec. 76. Section 262.66, Code 2019, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 262.66 Prior action legalized. 32 All rights heretofore acquired prior to April 29, 1963, in 33 connection with the financing of any project at any institution 34 are hereby preserved and all acts and proceedings taken by the 35 -33- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 33/ 135
H.F. _____ board preliminary to and in connection with the authorization 1 and issuance of any previously notes or other obligations for 2 any project issued and outstanding notes or other obligations 3 for any project prior to April 29, 1963, are hereby legalized, 4 validated and confirmed and said notes or obligations are 5 hereby declared to be legal and to constitute valid and binding 6 obligations of the board according to their terms and payable 7 solely and only from the sources referred to therein in the 8 notes or obligations . 9 Sec. 77. Section 266.46, Code 2019, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 266.46 Information reporting. 12 1. In accordance with section 266.42 , Iowa state university 13 of science and technology is the custodian of all information 14 including but not limited to reports and records obtained, 15 submitted, and maintained in connection with the research 16 projects conducted on the site of a livestock operation as 17 provided in this subchapter , and all information submitted 18 by or gathered from or deduced from a livestock producer or 19 livestock operation pursuant to a livestock odor mitigation 20 evaluation under section 266.49 or section 459.303, subsection 21 3 . The public shall have a right to examine and copy 22 the information as provided in chapter 22 , subject to the 23 exceptions of section 22.7 . In addition, 24 2. Notwithstanding subsection 1, the university or an 25 agent or employee of the university shall not release the name 26 or location, or any other information sufficient to identify 27 the name or location of any livestock producer or livestock 28 operation participating in a research project or participating 29 in a livestock odor mitigation evaluation pursuant to section 30 266.49 or section 459.303, subsection 3 , and such information 31 shall not be subject to release pursuant to subpoena or 32 discovery in any civil proceeding, unless such confidentiality 33 is waived in writing by the livestock producer. In addition, 34 the university or an employee or agent of the university shall 35 -34- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 34/ 135
H.F. _____ release no other information submitted by or gathered from 1 or deduced from a livestock producer or livestock operation 2 pursuant to a livestock odor mitigation evaluation under 3 section 266.49 or section 459.303, subsection 3 , unless such 4 information is used in a research project, which in turn 5 shall not occur without the written consent of the livestock 6 producer. 7 3. Any information provided by, gathered from, or deduced 8 from a livestock producer or livestock operation in connection 9 with a research project or odor mitigation evaluation that 10 is in the possession of the livestock producer or livestock 11 operation shall not be subject to subpoena or discovery in any 12 civil action against the producer. 13 Sec. 78. Section 273.8, subsection 8, paragraph b, Code 14 2019, is amended to read as follows: 15 b. Where feasible, boundary lines of director districts 16 shall coincide with the boundary lines of school districts and 17 the boundary lines of election precincts established pursuant 18 to sections 49.3 to through 49.6 . 19 Sec. 79. Section 274.44, Code 2019, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 274.44 Determination final. 22 The determination of the director of the department of 23 education in such matters sections 274.42 and 274.43 shall be 24 final. 25 Sec. 80. Section 274.45, Code 2019, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 274.45 Expense audited and paid. 28 The expense of the director of the department of education 29 in respect to the carrying out of the provisions of sections 30 274.42 to through 274.44 , shall be paid from funds appropriated 31 to the department of education. 32 Sec. 81. Section 275.9, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 33 to read as follows: 34 2. The provisions of sections 275.1 to through 275.5 , 35 -35- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 35/ 135
H.F. _____ relating to studies, surveys, hearings and adoption of plans 1 shall constitute a mandatory prerequisite to the effectuation 2 of any proposal for district boundary change. It shall be the 3 mandatory duty of the area education agency board to dismiss 4 the petition if the above provisions are not complied with 5 fully. 6 Sec. 82. Section 279.36, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 2. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and each 9 fiscal year thereafter, the fee for the publications shall be 10 the legal publication fee provided by statute section 618.11 . 11 Sec. 83. Section 297.31, Code 2019, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 297.31 Improvements. 14 If there are improvements on said a school site , the same 15 improvements may at the request of either party be appraised 16 and sold separately. 17 Sec. 84. Section 299A.1, subsection 2, paragraph b, 18 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 “Independent private instruction” means private instruction 21 that meets the following criteria: 22 Sec. 85. Section 303.34, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, 23 is amended to read as follows: 24 The provisions of sections 303.20 to through 303.33 do not 25 apply within the limits of a city. However, in order for a city 26 to designate an area which is deemed to merit preservation as 27 an area of historical significance, the following shall apply: 28 Sec. 86. Section 306.42, subsection 6, Code 2019, is amended 29 to read as follows: 30 6. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code, for 31 transfers of roads and streets made after May 1, 1987, neither 32 the transferring jurisdiction or the receiving jurisdiction 33 shall be held liable for any claim or damage for any act or 34 omission relating to the design, construction, or maintenance 35 -36- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 36/ 135
H.F. _____ of the road or street that occurred prior to the effective date 1 of the transfer. This paragraph subsection shall apply to all 2 transfers pursuant to this chapter or section 313.2 . 3 Sec. 87. Section 308A.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 308A.2 Funds. 6 The department of natural resources may accept in the name 7 of the state funds contributed by such the groups ; specified 8 in section 308A.1 and such the funds shall be used exclusively 9 in the establishment of bikeways as herein provided in this 10 chapter . Additional funds as may be necessary in purchasing 11 signs and otherwise carrying out the provisions of this chapter 12 may be expended by the department of natural resources if 13 authorized by the general assembly pursuant to appropriations 14 for such purposes ; and the . The department shall be authorized 15 to accept and expend federal funds made available for the 16 purposes of aiding in the implementation of this chapter . 17 Sec. 88. Section 312.3, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 18 2019, is amended by striking the paragraph. 19 Sec. 89. Section 313.4, subsection 6, Code 2019, is amended 20 by striking the subsection. 21 Sec. 90. Section 317.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 317.9 Duty of board to enforce. 24 The Unless otherwise provided, responsibility for the 25 enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be vested 26 in the board of supervisors as to all farm of the following: 27 1. Farm lands , railroad . 28 2. Railroad lands , abandoned . 29 3. Abandoned cemeteries , state . 30 4. State lands and state parks , primary . 31 5. Primary and secondary roads ; roads . 32 6. Roads , streets , and other lands within cities unless 33 otherwise provided . 34 Sec. 91. Section 321.1, subsection 11, paragraph f, 35 -37- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 37/ 135
H.F. _____ subparagraphs (1) and (2), Code 2019, are amended to read as 1 follows: 2 (1) The combination of vehicles has a gross combination 3 weight rating or combined gross combination weight, whichever 4 is greater, of twenty-six thousand one or more pounds, 5 including a towed vehicle or vehicles having a gross vehicle 6 weight rating or gross vehicle weight, whichever is greater, of 7 ten thousand one or more pounds. 8 (2) The motor vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating 9 or gross vehicle weight, whichever is greater, of twenty-six 10 thousand one or more pounds. 11 Sec. 92. Section 321.228, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 2. The provisions of sections 321.261 to through 321.273 , 14 and sections 321.277 and 321.280 shall apply upon highways and 15 elsewhere throughout the state. 16 Sec. 93. Section 321.277, Code 2019, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 321.277 Reckless driving. 19 1. Any A person who drives any vehicle in such manner as to 20 indicate either a willful or a wanton disregard for the safety 21 of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. 22 2. Every A person who is convicted of reckless driving shall 23 be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 24 Sec. 94. Section 321.319, Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 321.319 Entering intersections from different highways. 27 1. When two vehicles enter an intersection from different 28 highways or public streets at approximately the same time, the 29 driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way 30 to the vehicle on the right. 31 2. The foregoing rule contained in subsection 1 is modified 32 at through highways and as otherwise as hereinafter stated in 33 this chapter . 34 Sec. 95. Section 321.325, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -38- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 38/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 321.325 Pedestrians subject to signals. 2 Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic-control signals at 3 intersections as heretofore declared provided in this chapter , 4 but at all other places pedestrians shall be accorded the 5 privileges and shall be subject to the restrictions stated in 6 sections 321.327 to through 321.331 . 7 Sec. 96. Section 321.334, Code 2019, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 321.334 Penalties. 10 Any A person who shall carry be fined not less than one 11 dollar nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, if 12 the person does any of the following: 13 1. Carries a cane or walking stick such as is prescribed in 14 section 321.332 , but contrary to the provisions hereof, or who 15 shall fail of this chapter. 16 2. Fails to heed the approach of a person lawfully so 17 carrying a cane or walking stick that is white in color or 18 white tipped with red, or who is being led by a guide dog , or 19 who shall fail . 20 3. Fails to immediately come to a complete stop , and take 21 such precautions against accident or injury to such a person , 22 shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than one 23 hundred dollars for each offense described in subsection 2 . 24 Sec. 97. Section 321.347, Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 321.347 Exceptions. 27 Provided that Notwithstanding section 321.345, at 28 intersections of such through highways with boulevards or 29 heavy traffic streets in cities, the city council, subject 30 to the approval of the department, may determine that the 31 through highway traffic shall come to a stop, or may erect 32 traffic-control signals, or may adopt such other means of 33 handling the traffic as may be deemed practical and proper. 34 Sec. 98. Section 321.384, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -39- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 39/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 321.384 When lighted lamps required. 2 1. Every motor vehicle upon a highway within the state, 3 at any time from sunset to sunrise, and at such other times 4 when conditions such as fog, snow, sleet, or rain provide 5 insufficient lighting to render clearly discernible persons 6 and vehicles on the highway at a distance of five hundred feet 7 ahead, shall display lighted headlamps as provided in section 8 321.415 , subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles 9 as hereinafter stated provided in this chapter . 10 2. Whenever a requirement is hereinafter declared 11 established in this chapter as to the distance from which 12 certain lamps and devices shall render objects visible or 13 within which such lamps or devices shall be visible, said 14 provisions that requirement shall apply during the times stated 15 in subsection 1 of this section upon a straight level unlighted 16 highway under normal atmospheric conditions unless a different 17 time or condition is expressly stated. 18 Sec. 99. Section 322.20, Code 2019, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 322.20 Extension of time. 21 Sections 537.2503 and 537.3402 notwithstanding, if the 22 holder of a retail installment contract in connection with the 23 purchase or sale of a vehicle, at the request of the buyer, 24 renews the loan or extends the scheduled due date of all or 25 any part of an installment or installments, the holder may 26 restate the amount of installments and the time schedule for 27 paying installments and collect for installments, subject to 28 the renewal or extension, a finance charge on the outstanding 29 declining balance of the amount financed for the period of 30 the extension or renewal. The finance charge on a renewal or 31 extension under this subsection section shall not exceed the 32 rate on the original retail installment contract as limited by 33 section 322.19 . 34 Sec. 100. Section 322G.7, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 35 -40- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 40/ 135
H.F. _____ 2019, is amended to read as follows: 1 To facilitate uniform application, interpretation, and 2 enforcement of this section and section 322G.6 , and in 3 implementing rules adopted pursuant to section 322G.14 , the 4 attorney general may cooperate with agencies that perform 5 similar functions in any other states that enact these 6 or similar sections. The cooperation authorized by this 7 subsection section may include any of the following: 8 Sec. 101. Section 325A.13, subsections 3 and 6, Code 2019, 9 are amended to read as follows: 10 3. It is unlawful for a taxicab service to transport 11 passengers by motor vehicle for hire from any place in this 12 state to another place in this state, irrespective of the 13 route or highway traversed, without first having obtained a 14 taxicab service passenger certificate from the department. 15 However, a taxicab service passenger certificate issued by the 16 department does not authorize a taxicab service to transport 17 passengers within the boundaries of an area governed by a local 18 authority that licenses or regulates such vehicles pursuant 19 to section 321.236, subsection 7 , unless the taxicab service 20 is in compliance with all applicable regulations of the local 21 authority. 22 6. A person operating a motor vehicle in a car pool or 23 van pool is exempt from the requirement requirements of this 24 chapter . 25 Sec. 102. Section 327F.31, Code 2019, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 327F.31 Political subdivision ordinances. 28 An ordinance or resolution adopted by a political 29 subdivision of this state which relates to the speed of a 30 train in an area within the jurisdiction of the political 31 subdivision is subject to approval by the state department of 32 transportation. Any speed ordinance or resolution adopted by 33 a political subdivision of the state prior to July 1, 1988, 34 which has not been approved by the department shall be referred 35 -41- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 41/ 135
H.F. _____ to the department by the political subdivision and shall be 1 in full force and effect upon approval of the ordinance or 2 resolution by the department. This subsection section does 3 not abrogate, modify, or alter any historical or contractual 4 agreement between a political subdivision of the state and a 5 railroad corporation in existence on July 1, 1975. 6 Sec. 103. Section 329.12, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 1. The governing body of any municipality seeking to 9 exercise powers under this chapter shall by ordinance provide 10 for the appointment of a board of adjustment, as provided in 11 section 414.7 for a city, or as provided in section 335.10 for 12 a county. The board of adjustment has the same powers and 13 duties, and its procedure and appeals are subject to the same 14 provisions as established in sections 414.9 to 414.19 through 15 414.18 for a city, or sections 335.12 to through 335.21 for a 16 county. 17 Sec. 104. Section 331.238, subsection 2, paragraph a, 18 subparagraph (7), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 19 (7) The organization of county departments, agencies, or 20 boards. The organization plan may provide for the abolition 21 or consolidation of a board or a commission and the assumption 22 of its powers and duties by the board of supervisors or 23 another officer. This paragraph does not apply to the board of 24 trustees of a county hospital. 25 Sec. 105. Section 331.362, subsection 6, Code 2019, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 6. The board shall provide for the control or eradication of 28 noxious weeds in accordance with chapter 317 . 29 Sec. 106. Section 331.437, Code 2019, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 331.437 Expenditures exceeding appropriations. 32 1. It is unlawful for a county official, the expenditures of 33 whose office come under this part, to authorize the expenditure 34 of a sum for the official’s department larger than the amount 35 -42- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 42/ 135
H.F. _____ which has been appropriated for that department by the board. 1 2. A county official in charge of a department or office who 2 violates this law section is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 3 The penalty in this section is in addition to the liability 4 imposed in section 331.476 . 5 Sec. 107. Section 349.16, Code 2019, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 349.16 What published. 8 There shall be published in each of said the official 9 newspapers at the expense of the county during the ensuing 10 year: 11 1. The proceedings of the board of supervisors, as furnished 12 by the county auditor, excluding from the publication of said 13 those proceedings , its the canvass of the various elections, 14 as provided by law; the complete text of any questions or 15 propositions submitted to the registered voters of the county 16 by the board of supervisors, which shall be published with the 17 required notice of a general or special election; and witness 18 fees of witnesses before the grand jury and in the district 19 court in criminal cases. 20 2. The schedule of bills allowed by said the board of 21 supervisors . 22 3. The reports of the county treasurer, including a schedule 23 of the receipts and expenditures of the county and the current 24 cash balance in each fund in the treasurer’s office together 25 with the total of warrants outstanding against each of the 26 funds as shown by the warrant register in the auditor’s office. 27 A listing of warrants outstanding is not required if the county 28 issues checks in lieu of warrants , and there are no remaining 29 outstanding warrants issued by the county. 30 4. A synopsis of the expenditures of township trustees for 31 road purposes as provided by law. 32 Sec. 108. Section 351.29, Code 2019, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 351.29 Construction clause. 35 -43- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 43/ 135
H.F. _____ A holding that one or more sections hereof of this chapter 1 are unconstitutional shall not be held to invalidate the 2 remaining sections. 3 Sec. 109. Section 355.19, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 355.19 Application of terms. 6 The use of the term “Iowa plane coordinate system north zone” 7 or “Iowa plane coordinate system south zone” on a map, report 8 of survey, or other document shall be limited to coordinates 9 based on the Iowa plane coordinate system as defined in this 10 chapter subchapter . 11 Sec. 110. Section 357.33, Code 2019, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 357.33 Appeal procedure. 14 Any person aggrieved, may appeal from any final action of the 15 board of supervisors in relation to any matter involving the 16 person’s rights, to the district court of the county in which 17 the district is located. The procedure in such appeals shall 18 be governed by the provisions of sections 468.84 to 468.99 19 through 468.98 provided that whenever in the above sections the 20 words “drainage district” occur, the words “benefited water 21 district” shall be substituted. 22 Sec. 111. Section 358.3, Code 2019, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 358.3 Jurisdiction —— decisions —— records. 25 The board of supervisors of the county in which the proposed 26 sanitary district, or the major portion thereof of the proposed 27 sanitary district , is located shall have jurisdiction of the 28 proceedings on said the petition as herein provided in this 29 chapter , and the decision of a majority of the members of said 30 the board shall be necessary for adoption. All orders of the 31 board made hereunder under this chapter shall be spread at 32 length upon the records of the proceedings of the board of 33 supervisors, but need not be published under section 349.16 . 34 Sec. 112. Section 358.15, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -44- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 44/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 358.15 Personal interest in contracts. 2 No A trustee of such district shall not be directly or 3 indirectly interested in any contract, work, or business of the 4 district, or in the sale of any article the expense, price, 5 or consideration of which is paid by such district; nor in 6 the purchase of any real estate or other property belonging 7 to the district, or which shall is to be sold for taxes or 8 assessments , or by virtue of legal process at the suit of said 9 the district ; provided, that nothing herein . However, this 10 section shall not be construed as prohibiting the selection of 11 any person as trustee because of the person’s ownership of real 12 estate in the district or because the person is a taxpayer in 13 the district. 14 Sec. 113. Section 359.12, Code 2019, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 359.12 Order for election. 17 The county commissioner of elections shall issue an order 18 for such the first election, stating the time and place of 19 the same election , the officers to be elected, and any other 20 business to be transacted ; and no business . Business not named 21 in such the order shall not be transacted at such the election. 22 Sec. 114. Section 372.1, subsection 3, Code 2019, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 3. Within thirty days of the date that this section 25 becomes effective, a A city shall adopt by ordinance a charter 26 embodying its existing form of government, which must be one of 27 the forms provided in this subchapter , and shall file a copy of 28 its charter with the secretary of state, and maintain copies 29 available for public inspection. 30 Sec. 115. Section 388.7, Code 2019, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 388.7 Prior utility board. 33 1. A utility board functioning on the effective date of 34 the city code July 1, 1975, shall continue to function until 35 -45- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 45/ 135
H.F. _____ discontinued as provided in this chapter , and has all the 1 powers granted in this chapter . 2 2. Nothing in the city code shall be construed to allow the 3 abrogation of any franchise. 4 Sec. 116. Section 390.5, Code 2019, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 390.5 Financing. 7 A city may finance its share of the cost of a joint facility 8 by the use of any method of financing available for city 9 utilities under the statutes of this state, for the financing 10 of electric generation or transmission facilities to be owned 11 by a city in their entirety, including but not limited to the 12 provisions of chapters 397 and 407, Code 1973 , and sections 13 384.23 to through 384.36 and sections 384.80 to through 384.94 14 as applicable. Revenues derived by a city utility from its 15 share of ownership or operation of a joint facility shall be 16 deemed to be revenues of the city utility for all purposes 17 including the issuance and payment of bonds secured by or 18 payable from the revenues of a city utility. A joint agreement 19 shall be deemed payable from revenues or revenue bonds of a 20 city utility in the absence of provision to the contrary or a 21 referendum approving the issuance of general obligation bonds. 22 Sec. 117. Section 400.11, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 23 2019, is amended to read as follows: 24 a. The commission, within one hundred eighty days after 25 the beginning of each competitive examination for original 26 appointment, shall certify to the city council a list of the 27 names of forty persons, or a lesser number as determined by 28 the commission, who qualify with the highest standing as a 29 result of each examination for the position they seek to fill, 30 or the number which have qualified if less than forty, in the 31 order of their standing, and all newly created offices or other 32 vacancies in positions under civil service which occur before 33 the beginning of the next examination for the positions shall 34 be filled from the lists, or from the preferred list existing 35 -46- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 46/ 135
H.F. _____ as if provided for in case of diminution of employees, within 1 thirty days. If a tie occurs in the examination scores which 2 would qualify persons for the last position on the list, the 3 list of the names of the persons who qualify with the highest 4 standing as a result of each examination shall include all 5 persons who qualify for the last position. Preference for 6 temporary service in civil service positions shall be given 7 those on the lists. However, the commission may certify a 8 list of names eligible for appointment subject to successfully 9 completing a medical examination. The medical examination 10 shall be provided pursuant to commission rules adopted under 11 section 400.8 . 12 Sec. 118. Section 400.11, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 13 2019, is amended to read as follows: 14 a. The commission, within ninety days after the beginning of 15 each competitive examination for promotion, shall certify to 16 the city council a list of names of the ten persons who qualify 17 with the highest standing as a result of each examination for 18 the position the persons seek to fill, or the number which have 19 qualified if less than ten, in the order of their standing and 20 all newly created offices or other vacancies in positions under 21 civil service which occur before the beginning of the next 22 examination for the positions shall be filled from the lists, 23 or from the preferred list existing as if provided for in the 24 case of diminution of employees, within thirty days. If a tie 25 occurs in the examination scores which would qualify persons 26 for the tenth position on the list, the list of names of the 27 persons who qualify with the highest standing as a result of 28 each examination shall include all persons who qualify for the 29 tenth position. 30 Sec. 119. Section 414.7, Code 2019, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 414.7 Board of adjustment —— review by council. 33 1. The council shall provide for the appointment of a board 34 of adjustment and in . In the regulations and restrictions 35 -47- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 47/ 135
H.F. _____ adopted pursuant to the authority of this chapter , the 1 council shall provide that the said board of adjustment may 2 in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions 3 and safeguards make special exceptions to the terms of the 4 ordinances in harmony with its general purpose and intent 5 and in accordance with general or specific rules therein 6 contained in the ordinance and provide that any property owner 7 aggrieved by the action of the council in the adoption of such 8 regulations and restrictions may petition the said board of 9 adjustment direct to modify regulations and restrictions as 10 applied to such property owners. 11 2. The council may provide for its review of variances 12 granted by the board of adjustment by the council before their 13 the effective date of the variances . The council may remand 14 a decision to grant a variance to the board of adjustment for 15 further study. The effective date of the variance is delayed 16 for thirty days from the date of the remand. 17 Sec. 120. Section 414.18, Code 2019, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 414.18 Trial —— judgment —— costs. 20 1. If upon the hearing , which shall be tried de novo , it 21 shall appear to the court that testimony is necessary for 22 the proper disposition of the matter, it the court may take 23 evidence or appoint a referee to take such evidence as it may 24 direct and . The referee shall report the same evidence to the 25 court with the referee’s findings of fact and conclusions of 26 law, which shall constitute a part of the proceedings upon 27 which the determination of the court shall be made. The court 28 may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the 29 decision brought up for review. 30 2. Costs shall not be allowed against the board, unless 31 it shall appear to the court that it the board acted with 32 gross negligence or in bad faith or with malice in making the 33 decision appealed from. 34 Sec. 121. Section 420.286, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -48- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 48/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 420.286 Procedure. 2 On the presentation of a petition signed by one-fourth of 3 the electors, as shown by the vote at the next preceding city 4 election, of any city acting under a special charter or act 5 of incorporation, to the governing body thereof of the city , 6 asking that the question of the amendment of such the special 7 charter or act of incorporation be submitted to the electors 8 of such city, such the governing body shall immediately 9 propose sections amendatory of said to amend the charter or 10 act of incorporation, and shall submit the same amendment , as 11 requested, at the first ensuing city election. At least ten 12 days before such the election , the mayor of such the city shall 13 issue a proclamation setting forth the nature and character 14 of such the amendment, and shall cause such the proclamation 15 to be published in a newspaper published therein in the city , 16 or, if there be none, the mayor shall cause the same amendment 17 to be posted in five public places in such the city. On the 18 day specified, the proposition to adopt the amendment shall be 19 submitted to the electors thereof of the city for adoption or 20 rejection, in the manner provided by the general election laws. 21 Sec. 122. Section 420.288, Code 2019, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 420.288 Submission at special election. 24 The legislative body of said the city may submit any 25 amendment to the vote of the people as aforesaid at any special 26 election, provided one-half of the electors as aforesaid 27 petition for that purpose, and the proceedings shall be the 28 same as at the general election. 29 Sec. 123. Section 421B.4, Code 2019, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 421B.4 Combination sales. 32 In all offers for sale or sales involving cigarettes and any 33 other item at a combined price, and in all offers for sale , or 34 sales , involving the giving of any gift or concession of any 35 -49- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 49/ 135
H.F. _____ kind whatsoever (whether whatsoever, whether it be coupons or 1 otherwise) otherwise , the wholesaler’s or retailer’s combined 2 selling price shall not be below the cost to the wholesaler or 3 the cost to the retailer, respectively, of the total of all 4 articles, products, commodities, gifts and concessions included 5 in such transactions: transactions. If any such articles, 6 products, commodities, gifts , or concessions , shall are not be 7 cigarettes, the basic cost thereof shall be determined in like 8 the same manner as provided in section 421B.2, subsection 8 . 9 Sec. 124. Section 422.33, subsection 5, paragraph f, 10 subparagraph (1), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 11 (1) For purposes of this section subsection , “base amount” 12 means the product of the fixed-based percentage times the 13 average annual gross receipts of the taxpayer for the four 14 taxable years preceding the taxable year for which the credit 15 is being determined, but in no event shall the base amount be 16 less than fifty percent of the qualified research expenses for 17 the credit year. 18 Sec. 125. Section 423.2A, subsection 2, paragraph g, Code 19 2019, is amended to read as follows: 20 g. Beginning the first day of the quarter following July 1, 21 2014, transfer to the raceway facility tax rebate fund created 22 in section 423.4, subsection 11 , paragraph “e” , that portion 23 of the sales tax receipts collected and remitted upon sales of 24 tangible personal property or services furnished by retailers 25 at a raceway facility meeting the qualifications of section 26 423.4, subsection 11 , that remains after the transfers required 27 in paragraphs “a” through “f” of this subsection 2 . This 28 paragraph is repealed June 30, 2025, or thirty days following 29 the date on which an amount of total rebates specified in 30 section 423.4, subsection 11 , paragraph “c” , subparagraph (3), 31 subparagraph division (a) or (b), whichever is applicable, 32 has been provided or thirty days following the date on which 33 rebates cease as provided in section 423.4, subsection 11 , 34 paragraph “c” , subparagraph (4), whichever is earliest. 35 -50- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 50/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 126. Section 423.3, subsection 46, Code 2019, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 46. The sales price from sales or rentals to a printer or 3 publisher of the following: acetate; anti-halation backing; 4 antistatic spray; back lining; base material used as a carrier 5 for light sensitive emulsions; blankets; blow-ups; bronze 6 powder; carbon tissue; codas; color filters; color separations; 7 contacts; continuous tone separations; creative art; custom 8 dies and die cutting materials; dampener sleeves; dampening 9 solution; design and styling; diazo coating; dot etching; dot 10 etching solutions; drawings; drawsheets; driers; duplicate 11 films or prints; electronically digitized images; electrotypes; 12 end product of image modulation; engravings; etch solutions; 13 film; finished art or final art; fix; fixative spray; flats; 14 flying pasters; foils; goldenrod paper; gum; halftones; 15 illustrations; ink; ink paste; keylines; lacquer; lasering 16 images; layouts; lettering; line negatives and positives; 17 linotypes; lithographic offset plates; magnesium and zinc 18 etchings; masking paper; masks; masters; mats; mat service; 19 metal toner; models and modeling; mylar; negatives; nonoffset 20 spray; opaque film process paper; opaquing; padding compound; 21 paper stock; photographic materials: acids, plastic film, 22 desensitizer emulsion, exposure chemicals, fix, developers, 23 and paper; photography, day rate; photopolymer coating; 24 photographs; photostats; photo-display tape; phototypesetter 25 materials; ph-indicator pH-indicator sticks; positives; press 26 pack; printing cylinders; printing plates, all types; process 27 lettering; proof paper; proofs and proof processes, all 28 types; pumice powder; purchased author alterations; purchased 29 composition; purchased phototypesetting; purchased stripping 30 and pasteups; red litho tape; reducers; roller covering; screen 31 tints; sketches; stepped plates; stereotypes; strip types; 32 substrate; tints; tissue overlays; toners; transparencies; 33 tympan; typesetting; typography; varnishes; veloxes; wood 34 mounts; and any other items used in a like capacity to any 35 -51- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 51/ 135
H.F. _____ of the above enumerated items by the printer or publisher to 1 complete a finished product for sale at retail. Expendable 2 tools and supplies which are not enumerated in this subsection 3 are excluded from the exemption. “Printer” means that portion 4 of a person’s business engaged in printing that completes a 5 finished product for ultimate sale at retail or means that 6 portion of a person’s business used to complete a finished 7 printed packaging material used to package a product for 8 ultimate sale at retail. “Printer” does not mean an in-house 9 printer who prints or copyrights its own materials. 10 Sec. 127. Section 423.34, Code 2019, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 423.34 Liability of user. 13 Any person who uses any tangible personal property, 14 specified digital products, or services enumerated in section 15 423.2 upon which the use tax has not been paid, either to the 16 county treasurer or to a retailer or direct to the department 17 as required by this subchapter , shall be liable for the payment 18 of tax, and shall on or before the last day of the month next 19 succeeding each quarterly period pay the use tax upon all 20 tangible personal property , specified digital products, or 21 services used by the person during the preceding quarterly 22 period in the manner and accompanied by such returns as the 23 director shall prescribe. All of the provisions of sections 24 423.32 and 423.33 with reference to the returns and payments 25 shall be applicable to the returns and payments required by 26 this section . 27 Sec. 128. Section 427.1, subsection 13, Code 2019, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 13. Public airports. Any lands, the use of which (without , 30 without charge by or compensation to the holder of the legal 31 title thereto) to the lands, has been granted to and accepted 32 by the state or any political subdivision thereof for airport 33 or aircraft landing area purposes. 34 Sec. 129. Section 427.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -52- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 52/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 427.9 Suspension of taxes, assessments, and rates or charges, 2 including interest, fees, and costs. 3 If a person is a recipient of federal supplementary security 4 income or state supplementary assistance, as defined in 5 section 249.1 , or is a resident of a health care facility, 6 as defined by section 135C.1 , which is receiving payment 7 from the department of human services for the person’s care, 8 the person shall be deemed to be unable to contribute to the 9 public revenue. The director of human services shall notify 10 a person receiving such assistance of the tax suspension 11 provision and shall provide the person with evidence to 12 present to the appropriate county board of supervisors which 13 shows the person’s eligibility for tax suspension on parcels 14 owned, possessed, or upon which the person is paying taxes 15 as a purchaser under contract. The board of supervisors so 16 notified, without the filing of a petition and statement as 17 specified in section 427.8 , shall order the county treasurer to 18 suspend the collection of all the taxes, special assessments, 19 and rates or charges, including interest, fees, and costs, 20 assessed against the parcels and remaining unpaid by the person 21 or contractually payable by the person, for such time as the 22 person remains the owner or contractually prospective owner 23 of the parcels, and during the period the person receives 24 assistance as described in this section . The county board of 25 supervisors shall annually send to the department of human 26 services the names and social security numbers of persons 27 receiving a tax suspension pursuant to this section . The 28 department shall verify the continued eligibility for tax 29 suspension of each name on the list and shall return the list 30 to the board of supervisors. The director of human services 31 shall advise the person that the person may apply for an 32 additional property tax credit pursuant to sections 425.16 33 to 425.39 through 425.37 which shall be credited against the 34 amount of the taxes suspended. 35 -53- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 53/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 130. Section 428.35, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2019, 1 are amended to read as follows: 2 2. Tax imposed. An annual excise tax is hereby levied on 3 such handling of grain in the amount hereinafter provided in 4 this section . All grain so handled shall be exempt from all 5 taxation as property under the laws of this state. The amount 6 of such excise tax shall be a sum equal to one-fourth mill per 7 bushel upon all grain as herein defined in this section that 8 is so handled. 9 3. Statement filing form. Every person engaged in handling 10 grain shall, on the first day of January of each year and 11 not later than sixty days thereafter, make and file with the 12 assessor a statement of the number of bushels of grain handled 13 by the person in that district during the year immediately 14 preceding, or the part thereof, during which the person was 15 engaged in handling grain ; and on . Upon demand , the assessor 16 shall have the right to inspect all such person’s records 17 thereof. A form for making such the statement shall be 18 included in the blanks prescribed by the director of revenue. 19 If such a statement is not furnished as herein required in this 20 subsection , section 441.24 shall be applicable apply . 21 Sec. 131. Section 434.2, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, 22 is amended to read as follows: 23 On or before October 31 each year, the department of revenue 24 shall assess all of the property of each railway corporation 25 in the state, excepting the lands, lots, and other real estate 26 belonging thereto to the railway corporation and not used in 27 the operation of any railway, and excepting railway bridges 28 across the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and excepting 29 grain elevators ; and for . For the purpose of making such 30 the assessment its , the president, vice president, general 31 manager, general superintendent, receiver, or such other 32 officer of the railway corporation as the department of revenue 33 may designate, shall, on or before the first day of April in 34 each year, furnish to the department of revenue a verified 35 -54- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 54/ 135
H.F. _____ statement showing in detail for the year ended December 31 next 1 preceding: 2 Sec. 132. Section 435.33, Code 2019, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 435.33 Rent reimbursement. 5 A home owner who qualifies for a reduced tax rate provided 6 in section 435.22 and who rents a space upon which to set the 7 home shall be entitled to the protections provided in sections 8 425.33 to through 425.36 and if the home owner who qualifies 9 for a reduced tax rate believes that a landlord has increased 10 the home owner’s rent because the home owner is eligible for a 11 reduced tax rate, the provisions of sections 425.33 and 425.36 12 shall be applicable. 13 Sec. 133. Section 441.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 441.9 Removal of assessor. 16 The assessor may be removed by a majority vote of the 17 conference board, after charges of misconduct, nonfeasance, 18 malfeasance, or misfeasance in office shall have been are 19 substantiated at a public hearing, if same a hearing is 20 demanded by the assessor by written notice served upon the 21 chairperson of the conference board. For purposes of this 22 section , “misconduct” includes but is not limited to knowingly 23 engaging in assessment methods, practices, or conduct that 24 contravene any applicable law, administrative rule, or order of 25 any court or other government authority. 26 Sec. 134. Section 441.37, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 27 2019, is amended to read as follows: 28 a. (1) Any property owner or aggrieved taxpayer who is 29 dissatisfied with the owner’s or taxpayer’s assessment may file 30 a protest against such assessment with the board of review on 31 or after April 2, to and including April 30, of the year of 32 the assessment. In any county which has been declared to be a 33 disaster area by proper federal authorities after March 1 and 34 prior to May 20 of said year of assessment, the board of review 35 -55- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 55/ 135
H.F. _____ shall be authorized to remain in session until June 15 and the 1 time for filing a protest shall be extended to and include the 2 period from May 25 to June 5 of such year. The protest shall 3 be in writing on forms prescribed by the director of revenue 4 and, except as provided in subsection 3 , signed by the one 5 protesting or by the protester’s duly authorized agent. The 6 taxpayer may have an oral hearing on the protest if the request 7 for the oral hearing is made in writing at the time of filing 8 the protest. The protest must be confined to one or more of the 9 following grounds: 10 (1) (a) That said assessment is not equitable as compared 11 with assessments of other like property in the taxing district. 12 (2) (b) That the property is assessed for more than the 13 value authorized by law. 14 (3) (c) That the property is not assessable, is exempt from 15 taxes, or is misclassified. 16 (4) (d) That there is an error in the assessment. 17 (5) (e) That there is fraud or misconduct in the assessment 18 which shall be specifically stated. For purposes of this 19 section , “misconduct” means the same as defined in section 20 441.9 . If the local board of review, property assessment 21 appeal board, or district court decides in favor of the 22 property owner or aggrieved taxpayer and finds that there was 23 fraud or misconduct in the assessment, the property owner’s or 24 aggrieved taxpayer’s reasonable costs incurred in bringing the 25 protest or appeal shall be paid from the assessment expense 26 fund under section 441.16 . For purposes of this section , costs 27 include but are not limited to legal fees, appraisal fees, and 28 witness fees. 29 (2) If the local board of review, property assessment appeal 30 board, or district court decides in favor of the property 31 owner or aggrieved taxpayer and finds that there was fraud or 32 misconduct in the assessment, the property owner’s or aggrieved 33 taxpayer’s reasonable costs incurred in bringing the protest 34 or appeal shall be paid from the assessment expense fund under 35 -56- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 56/ 135
H.F. _____ section 441.16. 1 (3) For purposes of this section, “costs” include but are 2 not limited to legal fees, appraisal fees, and witness fees. 3 (4) For purposes of this section, “misconduct” means the 4 same as defined in section 441.9. 5 Sec. 135. Section 441.40, Code 2019, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 441.40 Costs, fees, and expenses apportioned. 8 The clerk of the court shall likewise certify to the county 9 treasurer the costs assessed by the court on any appeal from 10 a board of review to the district court, in all cases where 11 the costs are taxed against the board of review or any taxing 12 district. Thereupon the county treasurer shall compute and 13 apportion the costs between the various taxing districts 14 participating in the proceeds of the collection of the taxes 15 involved in any such appeal, and the treasurer shall so compute 16 and apportion the various amounts which the taxing districts 17 are required to pay in proportion to the amount of taxes each 18 of the taxing districts is entitled to receive from the whole 19 amount of taxes involved in each of such appeals. The county 20 treasurer shall deduct from the proceeds of all general taxes 21 collected the amount of costs so computed and apportioned by 22 the treasurer from the moneys due to each taxing district 23 from general taxes collected. The amount deducted shall be 24 certified to each taxing district in lieu of moneys collected. 25 The county treasurer shall pay to the clerk of the district 26 court the amount of the costs so computed, apportioned, 27 and collected by the treasurer in all cases now on file or 28 hereafter filed in which the costs have not been paid. 29 Sec. 136. Section 450.3, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, 30 is amended to read as follows: 31 The tax hereby imposed under this chapter shall be collected 32 upon the net market value , and shall go into the general fund 33 of the state , to be determined as herein provided in this 34 chapter , of any property passing as follows: 35 -57- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 57/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 137. Section 450.48, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 1. Except as provided in subsection 2 , when in case of 3 deferred estates or remainder interests in personal property or 4 in the proceeds of any real estate that may be sold during the 5 time of a life, term, or prior estate, the persons interested 6 who may desire to defer the payment of the tax until the 7 determination of the prior estate, shall file with the clerk 8 of the proper district court a bond as provided herein in this 9 chapter in other cases , such . The bond to shall be renewed 10 every two years until the tax upon such the deferred estate is 11 paid. If at the end of any two-year period the bond is not 12 promptly renewed as herein provided in this section and the tax 13 has not been paid, the bond shall be declared forfeited, and 14 the amount thereof of the bond forthwith collected. 15 Sec. 138. Section 452A.54, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 3. Application for a refund of fuel tax under this 18 subchapter must be made for each quarter in which the excess 19 payment was reported, and will not be allowed unless the amount 20 of fuel tax paid on the fuel purchased in this state, in excess 21 of that consumed for highway operation in this state in the 22 quarter applied for, is in an amount exceeding ten dollars. An 23 application for a refund of excess Iowa fuel tax paid under 24 this subchapter which is filed for any period or in any manner 25 other than herein as set out in this section shall not be 26 allowed. 27 Sec. 139. Section 455C.6, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 28 amended to read as follows: 29 3. The department shall approve a redemption center 30 if it finds that the redemption center will provide a 31 convenient service to consumers for the return of empty 32 beverage containers. The order of the department approving 33 a redemption center shall state the dealers to be served by 34 the redemption center and the kind and brand names of empty 35 -58- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 58/ 135
H.F. _____ beverage containers which the redemption center must accept. 1 The order may contain such other provisions to insure ensure 2 that the redemption center will provide a convenient service to 3 the public as the director may determine. 4 Sec. 140. Section 455D.4A, subsection 2, unnumbered 5 paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 6 Recycling of materials for the purpose of being excluded 7 from the solid waste provisions of chapter 455B, division 8 IV, part 1 , must be legitimate. A material that is not 9 legitimately recycled is discarded material and is a solid 10 waste. In determining if recycling is legitimate, a recycling 11 facilities facility must establish all of the following: 12 Sec. 141. Section 455D.4A, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 13 2019, is amended to read as follows: 14 b. The material is being managed as a valuable commodity 15 while under their the facility’s control. 16 Sec. 142. Section 455D.4A, subsections 6 and 9, Code 2019, 17 are amended to read as follows: 18 6. To establish that a material is being managed as a 19 valuable commodity while under their the facility’s control, 20 a recycling facility owner or operator shall ensure that 21 stockpiled material is not speculatively accumulated by 22 maintaining current inventory records and is managed in a 23 manner consistent with comparable recyclable materials or 24 products in an equally protective manner. 25 9. Scrap metal as defined in section 455D.1 is not subject 26 to the provisions of this section . 27 Sec. 143. Section 455D.16, subsection 7, paragraph a, Code 28 2019, is amended to read as follows: 29 a. Review and grant approval of, deny, or approve with 30 modifications a manufacturer plan required under this section . 31 The department shall not approve a plan unless all elements 32 of subsection 4 , paragraph “a” , are adequately addressed and 33 the program outlined in the plan will assure a maximum rate 34 of collection of mercury-added thermostats. In reviewing 35 -59- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 59/ 135
H.F. _____ a plan the department may consider consistency of the plan 1 with collection requirements in other states and consider 2 consistency between thermostat manufacturer collection 3 programs. In reviewing plans, the agency department shall 4 ensure that education and outreach programs are uniform and 5 consistent to ensure ease of implementation by thermostat 6 wholesalers and thermostat retailers. 7 Sec. 144. Section 455G.3, subsection 6, Code 2019, is 8 amended by striking the subsection. 9 Sec. 145. Section 461A.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 10 follows: 11 461A.9 Condemnation statutes. 12 All the provisions of the law relating to the condemnation of 13 lands for public state purposes shall apply to the provisions 14 hereof of this chapter in and so far as applicable. 15 Sec. 146. Section 461A.10, Code 2019, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 461A.10 Title to lands. 18 The title to all lands purchased, condemned, or donated, 19 hereunder under this chapter , for park or highway purposes, 20 shall be taken in the name of the state and if thereafter it 21 shall be deemed advisable to sell any portion of the land so 22 purchased or condemned, the proceeds of such the sale shall be 23 placed to the credit of the said public state parks fund to be 24 used for such park purposes. 25 Sec. 147. Section 461A.16, Code 2019, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 461A.16 Landscape architect. 28 The commission may call upon the Iowa state university 29 of science and technology for the services of at least one 30 competent landscape architect, engineer, or gardener, who 31 shall, under the direction of the commission, proceed to work 32 with it the commission in the improvement of the state property 33 under the control of said the commission. The president of 34 said the Iowa state university of science and technology shall, 35 -60- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 60/ 135
H.F. _____ when called upon, designate the landscape architect, engineer, 1 or gardener, as the case may be, who shall work with said the 2 commission. 3 Sec. 148. Section 461A.20, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 461A.20 State department of transportation —— duties. 6 The commission may call upon the state department of 7 transportation for the services of at least one competent 8 engineer, who shall, under the direction of the commission, 9 proceed to work in conjunction with it the commission in 10 carrying out the true spirit and purpose of this chapter . 11 Sec. 149. Section 462A.2, subsection 43, Code 2019, is 12 amended to read as follows: 13 43. “Watercraft” means any vessel which through the buoyance 14 buoyant force of water floats upon the water and is capable of 15 carrying one or more persons. 16 Sec. 150. Section 462A.39, Code 2019, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 462A.39 Expiration date. 19 Each special certificate issued hereunder under this chapter 20 shall expire at midnight on April 30 of the last calendar year 21 of the registration period, and a new special certificate 22 for the ensuing registration period may be obtained upon 23 application to the commission and payment of the fee provided 24 by law. 25 Sec. 151. Section 468.11, Code 2019, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 468.11 Survey. 28 1. The engineer shall examine the lands described in the 29 petition and any other lands which would be benefited by said 30 improvement or necessary in carrying out the same purposes of 31 the petition . 32 2. The engineer shall locate and survey such ditches, 33 drains, levees, settling basins, pumping stations, and other 34 improvements as will be necessary, practicable, and feasible 35 -61- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 61/ 135
H.F. _____ in carrying out the purposes of the petition and which will be 1 of public benefit or utility, or conducive to public health, 2 convenience, or welfare. 3 Sec. 152. Section 468.16, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 468.16 Service on agent. 6 1. If any person, corporation, or company owning or having 7 interest in any land or other property affected by any proposed 8 improvement under this chapter shall file with the auditor 9 files an instrument in writing with the auditor designating 10 the name and post office address of the agent of the person, 11 corporation, or company upon whom service of notice of said 12 the proceeding shall be made, the auditor shall, not less 13 than twenty days prior to the date set for hearing upon said 14 the petition, send a copy of said the notice by certified 15 mail addressed to the agent so designated. Proof of such 16 service shall be made by affidavit of the auditor filed in 17 said the proceeding at or before the date of the hearing upon 18 the petition, and such service shall be in lieu of all other 19 service of notice to such persons, corporations, or companies. 20 2. This designation when filed shall be in force for 21 a period of five years thereafter and shall apply to all 22 proceedings under said chapters this chapter during such 23 period. The person, company, or corporation making such 24 designation shall have the right to change the agent appointed 25 therein in the designation or to amend it the designation in 26 any other particular. 27 Sec. 153. Section 468.27, Code 2019, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 468.27 Dismissal or establishment —— permanent easement. 30 1. The board shall at the meeting, or at an adjourned 31 session of the meeting, consider the costs of construction 32 of the improvement as shown by the reports of the engineer 33 and the amount of damages and compensation awarded to all 34 claimants , and if . If , in its the board’s opinion, the costs 35 -62- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 62/ 135
H.F. _____ of construction and amount of damages awarded create a greater 1 burden than should justly be borne by the lands benefited by 2 the improvement, it the board shall then dismiss the petition 3 and assess the costs and expenses to the petitioners and their 4 sureties , but if it . However, if the board finds that the cost 5 and expense is not a greater burden than should be justly borne 6 by the land benefited by the improvement, it then the board 7 shall finally and permanently locate and establish the district 8 and improvement. 9 2. Following its the establishment of the district , the 10 drainage district is deemed to have acquired by permanent 11 easement all right-of-way rights-of-way for drainage district 12 ditches, tile lines, settling basins and other improvements, 13 unless they the rights-of-way are acquired by fee simple, 14 in the dimensions shown on the survey and report made in 15 compliance with sections 468.11 and 468.12 or as shown on the 16 permanent survey, plat, and profile, if one is made. Upon 17 the establishment of the district, the petitioners shall file 18 with the county auditor the survey and report or permanent 19 survey, plat, and profile, as set forth in sections 468.172 20 and 468.173 . This filing constitutes constructive notice to 21 all persons of the rights conferred by this section . The 22 permanent easement includes the right of ingress and egress 23 across adjoining land and the right of access for maintenance, 24 repair, improvement, and inspection. The owner or lessee 25 shall be reimbursed for any crop damages incurred in the 26 maintenance, repair, improvement, and inspection except within 27 the right-of-way of the drainage district. 28 Sec. 154. Section 468.70, Code 2019, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 468.70 Installment assessments —— interest-bearing warrants 31 —— improvement certificates. 32 1. The board may provide by resolution for the payment of 33 assessments in not more than twenty annual installments with 34 interest at a rate determined by the board, notwithstanding 35 -63- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 63/ 135
H.F. _____ chapter 74A . The board may issue warrants bearing interest 1 at the same rate, which warrants shall be numbered and state 2 a maturity date , in which event they the warrants shall bear 3 interest from the date of issuance without being presented for 4 payment and marked unpaid for want of funds. The warrants may 5 be sold by the board for cash in an amount not less than their 6 face value, together with any accrued interest. 7 2. The board may provide by resolution for the issuance 8 of improvement certificates payable to bearer or to the 9 contractors, naming them, who have constructed the said 10 improvement or completed any part thereof of the improvement , 11 in payment or part payment of such work. 12 Sec. 155. Section 468.74, Code 2019, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 468.74 Drainage bonds. 15 1. When a drainage district has been established or the 16 making of any subsequent repair or improvement determined 17 upon, if the board of supervisors shall find that the cost 18 of such improvement will create assessments against the land 19 included therein in the district that are greater than should 20 be levied in a single year upon the lands benefited by such the 21 improvement, then, instead of issuing improvement certificates, 22 as provided in sections 468.70 through 468.73 , the board may 23 fix the amount that shall be levied and collected each year 24 until such cost and expenses are paid, and may issue drainage 25 bonds of the county covering all assessments exclusive of 26 assessments of one hundred dollars and less. 27 2. Before such drainage bonds shall be issued, the governing 28 body of the district shall cause an action for declaratory 29 judgment to be brought in the district court of the county in 30 which the bonds are to be issued, asking that their legality 31 be confirmed. The court shall fix a date for hearing thereon 32 on the legality of the bonds and notice thereof of hearing 33 shall be given to the owners of each lot or tract of land 34 within the district, which shall be affected by an assessment 35 -64- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 64/ 135
H.F. _____ to pay the proposed bonds, as shown by the transfer books in 1 the auditor’s office ; also . Notice shall also be given to 2 the holders of liens of record upon said the affected lands ; 3 and to all persons to whom it may concern without naming them 4 specifically. Such The notice shall be given by publication 5 and by mailing for the same time in advance of hearing and in 6 the same manner prescribed in section 468.15 . After the entry 7 of the declaratory judgment adjudicating the validity of such 8 bonds, the approval of the district court shall be endorsed on 9 the bonds before their issuance. 10 Sec. 156. Section 468.108, Code 2019, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 468.108 Bridges. 13 1. When a levee, ditch, drain, or change of any natural 14 watercourse crosses a public highway, necessitating moving or 15 building or rebuilding any secondary road bridge upon , or ditch 16 or drain crossing the road, the board of supervisors shall 17 move, build, or rebuild it the bridge, ditch, or drain , paying 18 the costs and expenses, including construction, maintenance, 19 repair and improvement costs, from county funds. 20 2. If the bridge or crossing be is upon or across a primary 21 or interstate road, the moving, building, or rebuilding 22 work aforesaid shall be done by the state department of 23 transportation and paid for out of the primary road fund. 24 Sec. 157. Section 468.118, Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 468.118 Abandoned right-of-way. 27 1. If a railroad or other utility has abandoned the use of 28 its right-of-way for the purpose it was originally acquired 29 or has sold its right-of-way to a person who will use it 30 the right-of-way for a purpose other than for which it was 31 originally acquired, the prior right or privilege of the 32 drainage district to pass through the right-of-way of the 33 railroad or utility shall become a permanent easement in favor 34 of the drainage district for drainage purposes including the 35 -65- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 65/ 135
H.F. _____ right of ingress and egress through adjacent property and 1 the right of access for maintenance, repair, improvement and 2 inspection. The permanent easement has the same dimensions as 3 originally specified in the engineer’s report and survey, or as 4 acquired by use or as subsequently acquired. 5 2. If a railroad or other utility has abandoned the use of 6 its right-of-way for the purpose it was originally acquired 7 or has sold its right-of-way to a person who will use it 8 the right-of-way for a purpose other than for which it was 9 originally acquired in segments, each segment shall be assessed 10 for benefits in the same proportion as the area of the segment 11 bears to the area of the right-of-way through the forty-acre 12 tract. 13 Sec. 158. Section 468.127, Code 2019, is amended to read as 14 follows: 15 468.127 Payment. 16 1. The costs of the repair or improvements provided for in 17 section 468.126 shall be paid for out of the funds of the levee 18 or drainage district. If the funds on hand are not sufficient 19 to pay such expenses, the board within two years shall levy an 20 assessment sufficient to pay the outstanding indebtedness and 21 leave the balance which the board determines is desirable as 22 a sinking fund to pay maintenance and repair expenses. Any 23 assessment made under this section on any tract, parcel or lot 24 within the district which is computed at less than five dollars 25 shall be fixed at the sum of five dollars. 26 2. If the board deems that the costs of the repairs or 27 improvements will create assessments against the lands in the 28 district greater than should be borne in one year, it the 29 board may levy the same assessment at one time and provide 30 for the payment of said the costs and assessments in the 31 manner provided in sections 468.57 through 468.61 ; provided 32 that assessments may be collected in not more than twenty 33 installments as the board may determine. 34 Sec. 159. Section 468.133, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -66- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 66/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 468.133 Commissioners to apportion benefits —— interest 2 prohibited. 3 1. For the purpose of ascertaining the proportionate 4 benefits, the board shall appoint commissioners having the 5 qualifications of benefit commissioners, one of whom shall be 6 an engineer. Such The commissioners who are appointed shall 7 not be residents of any of the districts affected, nor shall 8 any member thereof of the commission have any interest in land 9 in any districts affected by the contemplated work. Such The 10 commission shall determine the percentage of benefits and the 11 sum total to be assessed to each district for the improvement. 12 2. In the event that one of the districts to be assessed 13 under this statute section shall have any improvement such as 14 a settling basin which reduces the quality and quantity of 15 flow or sediment, such commission may give consideration to 16 the existence of such an improvement when they determine the 17 percentage of benefits and the sum total to be assessed to each 18 district for the improvement. 19 Sec. 160. Section 468.135, Code 2019, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 468.135 Report and review —— appeal. 22 1. The commissioners shall file with the board a detailed 23 report of their findings. Said The board shall review said 24 the report and may, by proper order, increase or decrease 25 the amount which shall be charged to each district. After 26 the final order of the board herein has been made, said 27 the board shall notify the county auditor, in the time and 28 manner as provided in sections 468.133 and 468.134 , of said 29 the order , and said . The county auditor shall notify by 30 certified mail the board of supervisors , and said the board or 31 boards of trustees , of said the final order. Said The board 32 of supervisors and said the board or boards of trustees, if 33 aggrieved by said the final order, may appeal therefrom from 34 the order to the district court of the county in which any of 35 -67- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 67/ 135
H.F. _____ the improvement proposed or done is located. 1 2. Any such appeal shall be taken, perfected , and conducted 2 in the time and manner provided in section 468.83, subsection 3 1 , and sections 468.84 through 468.88 , for appeals contemplated 4 by said those sections. 5 Sec. 161. Section 468.151, Code 2019, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 468.151 Actions —— settlement —— counsel. 8 1. Levee or drainage districts through their governing 9 bodies are authorized to maintain actions in law or equity 10 for the purposes of preventing or recovering damages that may 11 accrue to such the districts on account of the impairment of 12 their functions, or the increase in the cost of maintenance 13 or operation of such the districts, or on account of damages 14 to property owned by such the districts, resulting from 15 the construction or operation of locks, dams , and pools in 16 the Mississippi or Missouri rivers; they river. Levee or 17 drainage districts may make settlements and adjustments of such 18 damages and written contracts with relation thereto to such 19 damages , and receive any appropriations that may be made by 20 the Congress of the United States for the increased cost to 21 drainage or levee districts and may agree to the construction 22 and maintenance of present equipment and of new or remedial 23 works, improvements and equipment as a part of such damages, or 24 as a means of lessening the damages which will be suffered by 25 the said districts. Said The districts are further authorized 26 to employ legal and engineering counsel for such purposes and 27 to pay for the same cost of employing legal and engineering 28 counsel out of the award of damages or out of the maintenance 29 funds of the district. 30 2. If a lump sum settlement is made between the United 31 States and the district to provide an annual payment of income 32 therefrom from the lump sum settlement , the county treasurer 33 of the county in which the greater portion of the district is 34 situated shall be custodian of such the principal fund. The 35 -68- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 68/ 135
H.F. _____ governing body of the district shall apply to the district 1 court for authority to invest said the fund as provided by 2 section 636.23 , and, in addition to the investments therein 3 approved , the court may authorize investment of said the fund 4 in interest-bearing bonds or warrants of said the district. 5 The income from said the fund shall be disbursed by direction 6 of the governing body of the district. 7 Sec. 162. Section 468.159, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 2. The board of trustees may also lease or sell and convey 10 such other property of the district, both real and personal, 11 as is no longer needed for the purposes for which the district 12 was established, and any such leases , or sales and conveyances 13 prior to July 1, 1970, are hereby legalized and declared to be 14 valid and binding. 15 Sec. 163. Section 468.356, Code 2019, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 468.356 Petition —— procedure —— emergency pumping station. 18 1. Such A pumping station shall not be established or 19 maintained unless a petition therefor shall be presented to 20 the board signed by not less than one-third of the owners 21 of lands benefited thereby by the establishment of a pumping 22 station . The lands benefited by such a pumping station shall 23 be determined by the board on said the petition and report 24 of the engineer, and such other evidence as it the board may 25 hear. No additional land shall be taken into any such drainage 26 district after the improvements therein in the district have 27 been substantially completed, unless one-third of the owners 28 of the land proposed to be annexed have petitioned therefor or 29 consented in writing thereto to the annexation . 30 2. However, the board of supervisors may install a 31 temporary portable pumping station to remove flood waters in an 32 emergency. The board of supervisors shall levy and collect the 33 cost of the purchase, operation , and maintenance of the pumping 34 station from the lands in the district benefited by the pumping 35 -69- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 69/ 135
H.F. _____ station in the same manner as provided for in the construction 1 and maintenance of a drainage or levee district. For the 2 purpose of this paragraph subsection, an emergency occurs when 3 ponded or standing water does not freely flow to the outlet 4 ditch and the capacity of the outlet ditch is not fully used. 5 Sec. 164. Section 468.376, Code 2019, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 468.376 Funds available to pay bonds. 8 1. When refunding bonds shall be issued to pay for drainage 9 improvements under the provisions of this part, all special 10 assessments, taxes, and sinking funds applicable to the payment 11 of such bonds previously issued shall be applicable in the same 12 manner and the same extent to the payment of the refunding 13 bonds issued hereunder under this part , and all the powers and 14 duties to levy and collect special assessments and taxes or 15 create liens upon property shall continue until all refunding 16 bonds shall be paid. 17 2. The drainage district shall collect the special 18 assessments out of which the said bonds are payable and hold 19 the same special assessments separate and apart in trust for 20 the payment of said the refunding bonds but the provisions of 21 this part shall not apply to assessments or bonds adjudicated 22 to be void. 23 Sec. 165. Section 468.533, Code 2019, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 468.533 Petition —— canvass. 26 1. For such purposes a A petition requesting that a district 27 placed under the management of trustees be placed back under 28 the management of a board or boards of supervisors, that is 29 signed by a majority of persons, including corporations, owning 30 land within the district assessed for benefits and who in the 31 aggregate own more than one-half the acreage of such lands, 32 may be filed in the office of the auditor and , if the district 33 is situated in more than one county, then a duplicate shall be 34 filed in the office of the auditor of each county. 35 -70- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 70/ 135
H.F. _____ 2. The trustees shall fix a date not less than ten nor more 1 than thirty days from the date such the petition is filed for 2 the canvass of such petition, and the trustees and auditor or 3 auditors shall canvass said the petition and certify and record 4 in the drainage record the result. 5 Sec. 166. Section 468.543, Code 2019, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 468.543 Notice. 8 The board shall give ten days’ notice of said the meeting 9 described under section 468.542 in the same manner as required 10 in relation to the issuance of bonds under chapter 73A . 11 Sec. 167. Section 468.559, Code 2019, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 468.559 Applicability of funds. 14 All special assessments, taxes, and sinking funds applicable 15 to the payment of the indebtedness refunded by said drainage 16 bonds shall be applicable in the same manner and to the same 17 extent to the payment of such refunding bonds issued hereunder 18 under this part , and the powers, rights, and duties to levy 19 and collect special assessments or taxes, or create liens upon 20 property shall continue until all refunding bonds shall be 21 paid. 22 Sec. 168. Section 468.561, Code 2019, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 468.561 Liens unimpaired. 25 When drainage refunding bonds are issued hereunder , nothing 26 in this part shall be construed as impairing the lien of 27 any unpaid drainage assessments or installments in such 28 the drainage district, the time of payment of which is not 29 extended, nor shall this part be construed as impairing the 30 priority of the lien thereof of any unpaid drainage assessments 31 or installments nor the right, duty, and power of the officers 32 authorized by law to levy, collect, and apply the proceeds 33 thereof of the assessments or installments to the payment 34 of outstanding drainage bonds issued in anticipation of the 35 -71- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 71/ 135
H.F. _____ collection thereof of the assessments or installments . 1 Sec. 169. Section 468.566, Code 2019, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 468.566 Refinancing powers. 4 1. In order to effect such a loan under section 468.565 , 5 the governing body of such a district, or board of supervisors, 6 is authorized to execute such agreements and contracts, and 7 to fulfill such requirements of the loaning agency as are not 8 inconsistent with this part; and to issue, and pledge or sell 9 such the bonds at their face value to the said reconstruction 10 finance corporation, or other loaning agency, furnishing the 11 funds for such the debt readjustment, in the amount required 12 for such the adjustment. 13 2. The governing body, or board of supervisors, shall also 14 have the authority as a part of such the plan of refinancing, 15 adjusting, composing, and refunding its of the district’s 16 indebtedness, to cancel the old assessments collectible against 17 the land within the district, pledged to the payment of its the 18 district’s outstanding indebtedness and proportionately and 19 equitably to relevy the same assessments , with interest, over 20 the period covered by the new bonds, in an amount sufficient to 21 pay said the new bonds and interest thereon, provided, however, 22 that on the bonds. However, the new assessments thereby 23 created against any tract of land within the district shall not 24 be in excess of the unpaid assessments against such the tract 25 before the readjustment or composition is made, and provided 26 further, that such the new and extended assessment against such 27 the tract shall fully replace the old assessment. 28 Sec. 170. Section 468.579, Code 2019, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 468.579 Lien. 31 When conservator’s drainage district bonds are issued 32 hereunder under this part , nothing herein in this part shall 33 be construed as impairing the lien of all unpaid assessments 34 upon the real estate within said the drainage district, nor 35 -72- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 72/ 135
H.F. _____ shall this part be construed as impairing the priority of the 1 lien thereof of the unpaid assessments , nor the right, duty and 2 power of the officer authorized by law, to levy, collect and 3 apply the proceeds thereof of the assessments , to the payment 4 of outstanding drainage bonds issued in anticipation of the 5 collection thereof of the assessments . 6 Sec. 171. Section 468.622, Code 2019, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 468.622 Drainage connection with highway. 9 1. When the course of natural drainage of any land runs to 10 a public highway, the owner of such land shall have the right 11 to enter upon such the highway for the purpose of connecting 12 the owner’s drain or ditch with any drain or ditch constructed 13 along or across the said highway , but in . In making such 14 the connections, the owner shall do so in accordance with 15 specifications furnished by the highway authorities having 16 jurisdiction thereof over the highway , which specifications 17 shall be furnished to the owner on application. The owner 18 shall leave the highway in as good condition in every way as it 19 was before the said work was done. 20 2. If a tile line or drainage ditch must be projected across 21 the right-of-way to a suitable outlet, the expense of both 22 material and labor used in installing the tile line or drainage 23 ditch across the highway and any subsequent repair thereof 24 of the tile line or drainage ditch shall be paid from funds 25 available for the highways affected. 26 Sec. 172. Section 476.15, Code 2019, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 476.15 Extent of jurisdiction. 29 The jurisdiction and powers of the board shall extend as 30 hereinbefore provided in this chapter to the utility business 31 of public utilities operating within this state to the full 32 extent permitted by the Constitution and laws of the United 33 States. 34 Sec. 173. Section 476.19, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -73- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 73/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 476.19 Construction of statutes. 2 Nothing herein contained in this chapter shall be construed 3 to invalidate any proceedings under statutes existing prior 4 to the enactment of this chapter ; nor shall any action, 5 litigation or appeal pending prior to the effective date of 6 rate regulation of this chapter be affected hereby . 7 Sec. 174. Section 476.46, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 8 2019, is amended to read as follows: 9 b. The fund shall include moneys remitted to the fund 10 pursuant to subsection 3 and any other moneys appropriated or 11 otherwise directed to the fund. 12 Sec. 175. Section 490.803, subsection 3, paragraph b, 13 subparagraph (2), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 14 (2) This subparagraph paragraph “b” is repealed on January 15 1, 2022. 16 Sec. 176. Section 502.202, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 17 2019, is amended to read as follows: 18 c. The security does not constitute the whole or part of 19 an unsold allotment to, or a subscription or participation 20 by, the broker-dealer as an underwriter of the security , or a 21 redistribution. 22 Sec. 177. Section 502.406, subsection 5, Code 2019, is 23 amended to read as follows: 24 5. Additional conditions or waivers. A rule adopted 25 or order issued under this chapter may impose such other 26 conditions, not inconsistent with the National Securities 27 Markets Improvement Act of 1996. An order or A rule adopted or 28 order issued under this chapter may waive, in whole or in part, 29 specific requirements in connection with registration as are in 30 the public interest and for the protection of investors. 31 Sec. 178. Section 505.27, subsection 3, Code 2019, is 32 amended to read as follows: 33 3. The commissioner shall compile annually the data 34 included in reports filed by insurers pursuant to this section 35 -74- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 74/ 135
H.F. _____ into an aggregate form by insurer, except that such data shall 1 not include information that directly or indirectly identifies 2 any individual, including a patient, an insured, or a health 3 care provider. The commissioner shall submit a written report 4 summarizing such data along with any recommendations to the 5 general assembly and the governor annually by December 1 , 2007, 6 with subsequent reports submitted to the general assembly and 7 the governor annually thereafter . 8 Sec. 179. Section 506.10, subsection 4, Code 2019, is 9 amended to read as follows: 10 4. Nothing herein contained in this section shall impair 11 or affect in any manner any such contracts issued or made 12 as an inducement to insurance prior to the enactment of this 13 section April 16, 1921 , or prevent the payment of the dividends 14 or returns therein stipulated to be paid. 15 Sec. 180. Section 507A.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 507A.2 Purpose. 18 1. The purpose of this chapter is to subject certain persons 19 and insurers to the jurisdiction of the insurance commissioner 20 and the courts of this state in suits by or on behalf of the 21 state and insureds or beneficiaries under insurance contracts. 22 The general assembly hereby declares that it is a subject 23 of concern that many residents of this state hold policies 24 of insurance issued by persons and insurers not authorized 25 to do insurance business in this state, thus presenting to 26 such residents the often insuperable obstacle of asserting 27 their legal rights under such policies in forums foreign to 28 them under laws and rules of practice with which they are 29 not familiar. The general assembly further declares that it 30 is also concerned with the protection of residents of this 31 state against acts by persons and insurers not authorized to 32 do an insurance business in this state, by the maintenance of 33 fair and honest insurance markets, by protecting the premium 34 tax revenues of this state, by protecting authorized persons 35 -75- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 75/ 135
H.F. _____ and insurers which are subject to regulation from unfair 1 competition by unauthorized persons and insurers, and by 2 protecting against the evasion of the insurance regulatory laws 3 of this state. 4 2. In furtherance of such state interest, in this chapter 5 the general assembly herein provides methods for substituted 6 service of process upon such persons or insurers in any 7 proceeding, suit or action in any court and substitute service 8 of any notice, order, pleading, or process upon such persons or 9 insurers in any proceeding before the commissioner of insurance 10 to enforce or effect full compliance with the insurance and 11 tax laws of this state. In so doing, the state exercises its 12 powers to protect residents of this state and to define what 13 constitutes doing an insurance business in this state, and 14 also exercises powers and privileges available to this state 15 by virtue of Pub. L. No. 79-15, 79th Congress of the United 16 States, Ch. 20, 1st Sess., S. 340, 59 Stat. 33, codified at 17 15 U.S.C. §1011 1015, which declares that the business of 18 insurance and every person engaged therein shall be subject to 19 the laws of the several states. 20 Sec. 181. Section 507A.3, subsection 1, unnumbered 21 paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 22 Unless otherwise indicated, “insurer” as used in this section 23 chapter includes all corporations, associations, partnerships 24 and individuals engaged in the business of insurance. Any 25 of the following acts in this state, effected by mail or 26 otherwise, by an unauthorized insurer is defined to be doing an 27 insurance business in this state: 28 Sec. 182. Section 508.4, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 29 to read as follows: 30 1. All amendments to the articles of incorporation of 31 companies already organized under the laws of this state shall 32 be approved in like the same manner as provided in section 33 508.2 . 34 Sec. 183. Section 511.23, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -76- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 76/ 135
H.F. _____ follows: 1 511.23 Penalties. 2 Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the 3 provisions of section 511.22 , or sections 515.8 to through 4 515.10 and section 515.23 or failing to comply with any of the 5 provisions therein in those sections , shall be subjected to the 6 penalties provided in sections 507.10 and 507.12 . 7 Sec. 184. Section 513D.1, Code 2019, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 513D.1 Association health plans. 10 The commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules that 11 allow for the creation of association health plans that 12 are consistent with the United States department of labor’s 13 regulations in 29 C.F.R. pt. 2510 . A multiple employer welfare 14 arrangement that is recognized as tax-exempt under Internal 15 Revenue Code section 501(c)(9) and that is registered with the 16 commissioner prior to January 1, 2018, shall not be considered 17 an association health plan unless the multiple employer 18 welfare arrangement affirmatively elects to be treated as an 19 association health plan. 20 Sec. 185. Section 513D.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 513D.2 Rules and enforcement. 23 1. The commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules, as 24 necessary, pursuant to chapter 17A to administer this chapter . 25 2. The commissioner or insurance may take any enforcement 26 action under the commissioner’s authority to enforce compliance 27 with this chapter . 28 Sec. 186. Section 514A.4, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 29 amended to read as follows: 30 1. Other policy provisions. No A policy provision which is 31 not subject to section 514A.3 shall not make a policy, or any 32 portion thereof of a policy , less favorable in any respect to 33 the insured or the beneficiary than the provisions thereof of 34 the policy which are subject to this chapter . 35 -77- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 77/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 187. Section 514B.13, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 1. After a health maintenance organization has been 3 in operation twenty-four months, it shall have an annual 4 open enrollment period of at least one month during which 5 it accepts enrollees up to the limits of its capacity, as 6 determined by the health maintenance organization, in the 7 order in which they the prospective enrollees apply for 8 enrollment. A health maintenance organization may apply to 9 the commissioner for authorization to impose such underwriting 10 restrictions upon enrollment as are necessary to preserve its 11 financial stability, to prevent excessive adverse selection 12 by prospective enrollees, or to avoid unreasonably high 13 or unmarketable charges for enrollee coverage for health 14 care services. The commissioner shall approve or deny the 15 application made pursuant to this section within a reasonable 16 period of time from the receipt of the application. 17 Sec. 188. Section 515.32, Code 2019, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 515.32 Bylaws. 20 It The company may adopt such bylaws and regulations 21 not inconsistent with law as shall appear to them it to be 22 necessary for the regulation and conduct of the business. 23 Sec. 189. Section 515.109, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code 24 2019, is amended to read as follows: 25 a. The form of the standard policy (with permission to 26 substitute for the word “company” a more accurate descriptive 27 term for the type of insurer) shall be as follows: 28 FIRST PAGE OF STANDARD FIRE POLICY 29 No. ... 30 (Space for insertion of name of company or companies issuing 31 the policy and other matter permitted to be stated at the head 32 of the policy.) 33 (Space for listing amounts of insurance, rates and premiums 34 for the basic coverages insured under the standard form of 35 -78- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 78/ 135
H.F. _____ policy and for additional coverages or perils insured under 1 endorsements attached.) 2 IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PROVISIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREIN 3 OR ADDED HERETO AND OF ...... DOLLARS PREMIUM this company, 4 for the term of ...... from the .... day of ....... (month), 5 ..... (year), to the .... day of ....... (month), .... 6 (year), at noon, Standard Time, at location of property 7 involved, to an amount not exceeding ......... Dollars, does 8 insure ........ and legal representatives, to the extent of 9 the actual cash value of the property at the time of loss, 10 but not exceeding the amount which it would cost to repair or 11 replace the property with material of like kind and quality 12 within a reasonable time after such loss, without allowance for 13 any increased cost of repair or reconstruction by reason of any 14 ordinance or law regulating construction or repair, and without 15 compensation for loss resulting from interruption of business 16 or manufacture, nor in any event for more than the interest of 17 the insured, against all DIRECT LOSS BY FIRE, LIGHTNING AND BY 18 REMOVAL FROM PREMISES ENDANGERED BY THE PERILS INSURED AGAINST 19 IN THIS POLICY, EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED, to the property 20 described hereinafter while located or contained as described 21 in this policy, or pro rata for five days at each proper place 22 to which any of the property shall necessarily be removed for 23 preservation from the perils insured against in this policy, 24 but not elsewhere. 25 Assignment of this policy shall not be valid except with 26 the written consent of this company. This policy is made and 27 accepted subject to the foregoing provisions and stipulations 28 and those hereinafter stated, which are hereby made a part of 29 this policy, together with such other provisions, stipulations 30 and agreements as may be added hereto, as provided in this 31 policy. 32 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this company has executed and attested 33 these presents ; but this policy shall not be valid unless 34 countersigned by the duly authorized agent of this company at 35 -79- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 79/ 135
H.F. _____ ...... 1 ........ ........ 2 Secretary. President. 3 Countersigned this .... 4 day of ...... (month), ... (year). 5 ........ 6 Agent. 7 SECOND PAGE OF STANDARD FIRE POLICY 8 Concealment —— fraud. This entire policy shall be void 9 if, whether before or after a loss, an insured has willfully 10 concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circumstance 11 concerning this insurance or the subject thereof, or the 12 interest of an insured therein, or in case of any fraud or 13 false swearing by an insured relating thereto. 14 Uninsurable and excepted property. This policy shall not 15 cover accounts, bills, currency, deeds, evidences of debt, 16 money or securities; nor, unless specifically named hereon in 17 writing, bullion or manuscripts. 18 Perils not included. This company shall not be liable for 19 loss by fire or other perils insured against in this policy 20 caused, directly or indirectly, by: (a) Enemy attack by armed 21 forces, including action taken by military, naval or air forces 22 in resisting an actual or an immediately impending enemy 23 attack; (b) invasion; (c) insurrection; (d) rebellion; (e) 24 revolution; (f) civil war; (g) usurped power; (h) order of any 25 civil authority except acts of destruction at the time of and 26 for the purpose of preventing the spread of fire, provided that 27 such fire did not originate from any of the perils excluded by 28 this policy; (i) neglect of an insured to use all reasonable 29 means to save and preserve the property at and after a loss, 30 or when the property is endangered by fire in neighboring 31 premises; (j) nor shall this company be liable for loss by 32 theft. 33 Other insurance. Other insurance may be prohibited or the 34 amount of insurance may be limited by endorsement attached 35 -80- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 80/ 135
H.F. _____ hereto. 1 Conditions suspending or restricting insurance. Unless 2 otherwise provided in writing added hereto this company shall 3 not be liable for loss occurring under any of the following 4 circumstances: 5 [a] While the hazard is created or increased by any means 6 within the control or knowledge of an insured. 7 [b] While a described building, whether intended for 8 occupancy by owner or tenant, is vacant or unoccupied beyond a 9 period of sixty consecutive days. 10 [c] As a result of explosion or riot, unless fire ensue, and 11 in that event for loss by fire only. 12 Other perils or subjects. Any other peril to be insured 13 against or subject of insurance to be covered in this policy 14 shall be by endorsement in writing hereon or added hereto. 15 Added provisions. The extent of the application of insurance 16 under this policy and of the contribution to be made by this 17 company in case of loss, and any other provision or agreement 18 not inconsistent with the provisions of this policy, may be 19 provided for in writing added hereto, but no provision may be 20 waived except such as by the terms of this policy is subject to 21 change. 22 Waiver provisions. No permission affecting this insurance 23 shall exist, or waiver of any provision be valid, unless 24 granted herein or expressed in writing added hereto. No 25 provision, stipulation or forfeiture shall be held to be waived 26 by any requirement or proceeding on the part of this company 27 relating to appraisal or to any examination provided for 28 herein. 29 Cancellation of policy. This policy shall be canceled at any 30 time at the request of the insured, in which case this company 31 shall, upon demand and surrender of this policy, refund the 32 excess of paid premium above the customary short rates for the 33 expired time. This policy may be canceled at any time by this 34 company by giving to the insured a five days’ written notice 35 -81- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 81/ 135
H.F. _____ of cancellation with or without tender of the excess of paid 1 premium above the pro rata premium for the expired time, which 2 excess, if not tendered, shall be refunded on demand. Notice 3 of cancellation shall state that said excess premium (if not 4 tendered) will be refunded on demand. 5 Mortgagee interests and obligations. If loss hereunder is 6 made payable, in whole or in part, to a designated mortgagee 7 not named herein as the insured, such interest in this policy 8 may be canceled by giving to such mortgagee a ten days’ written 9 notice of cancellation. 10 If the insured fails to render proof of loss such mortgagee, 11 upon notice, shall render proof of loss in the form herein 12 specified within sixty days thereafter and shall be subject 13 to the provisions hereof relating to appraisal and time of 14 payment and of bringing suit. If this company shall claim 15 that no liability existed as to the mortgagor or owner, it 16 shall, to the extent of payment of loss to the mortgagee, 17 be subrogated to all the mortgagee’s rights of recovery, but 18 without impairing mortgagee’s right to sue; or it may pay off 19 the mortgage debt and require an assignment thereof and of 20 the mortgage. Other provisions relating to the interests and 21 obligations of such mortgagee may be added hereto by agreement 22 in writing. 23 Pro rata liability. This company shall not be liable for a 24 greater proportion of any loss than the amount hereby insured 25 shall bear to the whole insurance covering the property against 26 the peril involved, whether collectible or not. 27 Requirements in case loss occurs. The insured shall give 28 immediate written notice to this company of any loss, protect 29 the property from further damage, forthwith separate the 30 damaged and undamaged personal property, put it in the best 31 possible order, furnish a complete inventory of the destroyed, 32 damaged and undamaged property, showing in detail quantities, 33 costs, actual cash value and amounts of loss claimed; AND 34 WITHIN SIXTY DAYS AFTER THE LOSS, UNLESS SUCH TIME IS EXTENDED 35 -82- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 82/ 135
H.F. _____ IN WRITING BY THIS COMPANY, THE INSURED SHALL RENDER TO THIS 1 COMPANY A PROOF OF LOSS, signed and sworn to by the insured, 2 stating the knowledge and belief of the insured as to the 3 following: The time and origin of the loss, the interest of 4 the insured and of all others in the property, the actual cash 5 value of each item thereof and the amount of loss thereto, all 6 encumbrances thereon, all other contracts of insurance, whether 7 valid or not, covering any of said property, any changes in the 8 title, use, occupation, location, possession or exposures of 9 said property since the issuing of this policy, by whom and 10 for what purpose any building herein described and the several 11 parts thereof were occupied at the time of loss and whether 12 or not it then stood on leased ground, and shall furnish a 13 copy of all the descriptions and schedules in all policies 14 and, if required, verified plans and specifications of any 15 building, fixtures or machinery destroyed or damaged. The 16 insured, as often as may be reasonably required, shall exhibit 17 to any person designated by this company all that remains of 18 any property herein described, and submit to examinations 19 under oath by any person named by this company, and subscribe 20 the same; and, as often as may be reasonably required, shall 21 produce for examination all books of account, bills, invoices 22 and other vouchers, or certified copies thereof if originals be 23 lost, at such reasonable time and place as may be designated by 24 this company or its representative, and shall permit extracts 25 and copies thereof to be made. 26 Appraisal. In case the insured and this company shall fail 27 to agree as to the actual cash value or the amount of loss, 28 then, on the written demand of either, each shall select a 29 competent and disinterested appraiser and notify the other of 30 the appraiser selected within twenty days of such demand. The 31 appraisers shall first select a competent and disinterested 32 umpire; and failing for fifteen days to agree upon such umpire, 33 then, on request of the insured or this company, such umpire 34 shall be selected by a judge of a court of record in the state 35 -83- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 83/ 135
H.F. _____ in which the property covered is located. The appraisers shall 1 then appraise the loss, stating separately actual cash value 2 and loss to each item; and, failing to agree, shall submit 3 their differences, only, to the umpire. An award in writing, 4 so itemized, of any two when filed with this company shall 5 determine the amount of actual cash value and loss. Each 6 appraiser shall be paid by the party selecting the appraiser 7 and the expenses of appraisal and umpire shall be paid by the 8 parties equally. 9 Company’s options. It shall be optional with this company 10 to take all, or any part, of the property at the agreed or 11 appraised value, and also to repair, rebuild or replace the 12 property destroyed or damaged with other of like kind and 13 quality within a reasonable time, on giving notice of its 14 intention so to do within thirty days after the receipt of the 15 proof of loss herein required. 16 Abandonment. There can be no abandonment to this company of 17 any property. 18 When loss payable. The amount of loss for which this 19 company may be liable shall be payable sixty days after proof 20 of loss, as herein provided, is received by this company and 21 ascertainment of the loss is made either by agreement between 22 the insured and this company expressed in writing or by the 23 filing with this company of an award as herein provided. 24 Suit. No suit or action on this policy for the recovery of 25 any claim shall be sustainable in any court of law or equity 26 unless all the requirements of this policy shall have been 27 complied with, and unless commenced within twelve months next 28 after inception of the loss. 29 Subrogation. This company may require from the insured an 30 assignment of all right of recovery against any party for loss 31 to the extent that payment therefor is made by this company. 32 THIRD PAGE OF STANDARD FIRE POLICY 33 ATTACH FORM BELOW THIS LINE 34 FOURTH PAGE OF STANDARD FIRE POLICY 35 -84- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 84/ 135
H.F. _____ STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE POLICY 1 Expires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Amount $ . . . . . . . . . . Total 4 Premium $ . . . . . . 5 . . . . 6 Insured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ____________________________________________________________ 8 SEE INSIDE OF POLICY FOR PERILS COVERED 9 NO. 10 (Space of approximately two (2) inches for use of Agent or 11 Insurer.) 12 (Space of approximately two (2) inches for use of Agent or 13 Insurer.) 14 Sec. 190. Section 515G.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 515G.9 Act of conversion —— continuation of company. 17 1. When the commissioner and the policyholders approve the 18 conversion plan as provided in this chapter , the commissioner 19 shall issue a new certificate of authority to the successor 20 stock company effective on the date specified in the plan. The 21 successor stock company is a continuation of the mutual insurer 22 and the conversion does not annul or modify any of the mutual 23 insurer’s existing suits, contracts, or liabilities except 24 as provided in the approved conversion plan. All rights, 25 franchises, and interests of the mutual insurer in and to 26 property, assets, and other interests shall be transferred to 27 and shall vest in the successor stock company and the successor 28 stock company shall assume all obligations and liabilities of 29 the mutual insurer. 30 2. The successor stock company shall exercise all rights and 31 powers and perform all duties conferred or imposed by law on 32 insurance companies writing the classes of insurance written 33 by it the company , and shall retain the rights and contracts 34 existing before conversion, subject to provisions of the plan. 35 -85- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 85/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 191. Section 520.7, Code 2019, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 520.7 Judgment —— satisfaction. 3 A judgment rendered in any such case where service of process 4 has been so had made under section 520.6 upon the commissioner 5 of insurance, shall be valid and binding against any and all 6 such subscribers as their interests appear and such judgment 7 may be satisfied out of the funds in the possession of the 8 attorney belonging to such subscribers. 9 Sec. 192. Section 533.106, subsection 5, Code 2019, is 10 amended to read as follows: 11 5. A person who violates this section subsections 1 through 12 4 shall be permanently disqualified from acting as an officer, 13 director, or employee of a state credit union and permanently 14 disqualified from acting as superintendent or an employee of 15 the credit union division. 16 Sec. 193. Section 537.2301, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 17 amended to read as follows: 18 2. A person who is not authorized to make supervised loans 19 as provided herein in this section shall not engage in the 20 business of making supervised loans or undertaking direct 21 collection of payments from or enforcement of rights against 22 consumers arising from supervised loans, but the person may 23 collect and enforce for three months without a license if 24 the person promptly applies for a license and the person’s 25 application has not been denied. 26 Sec. 194. Section 543B.40, Code 2019, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 543B.40 Depositions. 29 The testimony may be taken by deposition as in civil cases, 30 and any person may be compelled to appear and depose in the 31 same manner as witnesses may be compelled to appear and testify 32 as hereinbefore provided in this chapter . 33 Sec. 195. Section 543C.6, Code 2019, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -86- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 86/ 135
H.F. _____ 543C.6 Sales by brokers. 1 It shall be unlawful for any subdivider to sell or lease, or 2 offer for sale or lease, any subdivided land located without 3 this state except through a real estate broker or salesperson 4 duly licensed in this state. The provision of section 543B.7, 5 subsection 1 , exempting regular employees of the owner of 6 real estate from the licensing requirements of chapter 543B , 7 shall not in any way apply to the sale of any subdivided land 8 regulated by this chapter and subdividers covered by this 9 chapter may not avail themselves of the provisions of section 10 543B.7, subsection 1 , but must pursuant to this subsection 11 section sell only through licensed Iowa brokers and licensed 12 salespersons. 13 Sec. 196. Section 546.10, subsection 10, Code 2019, is 14 amended to read as follows: 15 10. Notwithstanding section 17A.6, subsection 2 , the 16 licensing boards included within the bureau pursuant to 17 subsection 1 may adopt standards by reference to another 18 publication without providing a copy of the publication to the 19 administrative rules coordinator code editor if the publication 20 containing the standards is readily accessible on the internet 21 at no cost and the internet site at which the publication may 22 be found is included in the administrative rules that adopt the 23 standard. 24 Sec. 197. Section 573.1, subsection 4, Code 2019, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 4. “Public improvement” is one an improvement , the cost of 27 which is payable from taxes or other funds under the control 28 of the public corporation, except that in cases of public 29 improvement for drainage or levee purposes the provisions of 30 the drainage law in cases of conflict shall govern. 31 Sec. 198. Section 573.8, Code 2019, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 573.8 Highway improvements. 34 1. In case of highway improvements by the county, claims 35 -87- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 87/ 135
H.F. _____ shall be filed with the county auditor of the county letting 1 the contract. In case of contracts for improvements on the 2 farm-to-market highway system paid from farm-to-market funds, 3 claims shall be filed with the auditor of the state department 4 of transportation. 5 2. But no claims Claims filed for credit extended for the 6 personal expenses or personal purchases of employees for their 7 individual use shall not cause any part of the unpaid funds of 8 the contractor to be withheld. 9 Sec. 199. Section 602.9110, Code 2019, is amended to read 10 as follows: 11 602.9110 Other public employment prohibited. 12 No An annuity shall not be paid to any person, except a 13 survivor, entitled to receive an annuity hereunder under this 14 article while the person is serving as a state officer or 15 employee. However, this section does not prohibit the payment 16 of an annuity to a senior judge while serving as provided in 17 section 602.9206. 18 However, this section does not prohibit the payment of an 19 annuity to a senior judge while serving as provided in section 20 602.9206 . 21 Sec. 200. Section 613.8, Code 2019, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 613.8 Actions against state. 24 Upon the conditions herein provided in this chapter for the 25 protection of the state, the consent of the state be and it is 26 hereby given, to be made a party in any suit or action which 27 is now pending or which may hereafter be brought in any of the 28 district courts of Iowa, any of the United States district 29 courts within the state or in any other court of or in Iowa 30 having jurisdiction of the subject matter, involving the title 31 to real estate, the partition of real estate, the foreclosure 32 of liens or mortgages against real estate , or the determination 33 of the priorities of liens or claims against real estate, for 34 the purpose of obtaining an adjudication touching or pertaining 35 -88- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 88/ 135
H.F. _____ to any mortgage or other lien or claim which the state may have 1 or claim to the real estate involved. The petition in such 2 the action shall specifically allege the interest or apparent 3 interest of the state and the specific facts upon which the 4 claim against the state is based and it shall be legally 5 insufficient to allege said the claim in general terms. 6 Sec. 201. Section 614.1, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, 7 is amended to read as follows: 8 Actions may be brought within the times herein limited 9 as follows , respectively, after their causes accrue, and not 10 afterwards, except when otherwise specially declared: 11 Sec. 202. Section 614.9, Code 2019, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 614.9 Exception in case of death. 14 If the person having a cause of action dies within one 15 year next previous to the expiration of the limitation above 16 provided for, such the limitation shall not apply until one 17 year after such the person’s death. 18 Sec. 203. Section 622.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 622.2 Credibility. 21 Facts which have heretofore caused the exclusion of 22 testimony may still be shown for the purpose of lessening its 23 the credibility of the testimony . 24 Sec. 204. Section 622.80, Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 622.80 Pleading taken true. 27 Or if If the delinquent party shows by the party’s own 28 testimony, or otherwise, that the party could not have a 29 full personal knowledge of the transaction, the court may 30 order the party’s pleading to be taken as true; subject to be 31 reconsidered by the court within a reasonable time thereafter, 32 upon satisfactory reasons being shown for the delinquency. 33 Sec. 205. Section 622.86, Code 2019, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -89- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 89/ 135
H.F. _____ 622.86 Foreign affidavits. 1 Those An affidavit taken out of the state before any judge 2 or clerk of a court of record, or before a notarial officer 3 as provided in chapter 9B , or a commissioner appointed by the 4 governor of this state to take acknowledgment of deeds in 5 the state where such the affidavit is taken, are of the same 6 credibility as if taken within the this state. 7 Sec. 206. Section 628.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 628.2 When sale absolute. 10 When real property has been levied upon, if the estate 11 is less than a leasehold having two years of an unexpired 12 term, the sale is absolute, but if of a larger amount, it is 13 redeemable as hereinafter prescribed in this chapter . 14 Sec. 207. Section 628.5, Code 2019, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 628.5 Redemption by creditors. 17 If no redemption is not made by the debtor as above provided 18 in section 628.3 , thereafter, and at any time within nine 19 months from the day of sale, said redemption may be made by 20 a mortgagee before or after the debt secured by the mortgage 21 falls due, or by any creditor whose claim becomes a lien prior 22 to the expiration of the time allowed for such redemption. 23 Sec. 208. Section 628.8, Code 2019, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 628.8 Redemption by creditors from each other. 26 Creditors having the right of redemption may redeem from 27 each other within the time above limited, and in the manner 28 herein provided in this chapter . 29 Sec. 209. Section 628.13, Code 2019, is amended to read as 30 follows: 31 628.13 By holder of title. 32 1. The terms of redemption, when made by the titleholder, 33 shall be the payment into the clerk’s office of the amount of 34 the certificate, and all sums paid by the holder thereof in 35 -90- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 90/ 135
H.F. _____ effecting redemptions, added to the amount of the holder’s own 1 lien, or the amount the holder has credited thereon on the 2 lien , if less than the whole, with interest at contract rate 3 on the certificate of sale from its date, and upon sums so paid 4 by way of redemption from date of payment, and upon the amount 5 credited on the holder’s own judgment from the time of said the 6 credit, in each case including costs. 7 2. Redemption may also be made by the titleholder presenting 8 to the clerk of the district court the sheriff’s certificate of 9 sale properly assigned to the titleholder, whereupon the clerk 10 of the district court shall cancel the certificate. 11 Sec. 210. Section 628.15, Code 2019, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 628.15 After nine months. 14 After the expiration of nine months from the day of sale, 15 the creditors can no longer redeem from each other, except as 16 hereinafter provided in the chapter . 17 Sec. 211. Section 628.16, Code 2019, is amended to read as 18 follows: 19 628.16 Who gets property. 20 Unless the defendant redeems, the purchaser, or the creditor 21 who has last redeemed prior to the expiration of the nine 22 months aforesaid from the day of sale , will hold the property 23 absolutely. 24 Sec. 212. Section 628.17, Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 628.17 Claim extinguished. 27 In case it If the property is thus held by a redeeming 28 creditor, the redeeming creditor’s lien, and the claim out 29 of which it the lien arose, will be held to be extinguished, 30 unless the redeeming creditor pursues the course pointed out in 31 sections 628.18 to through 628.20 , inclusive . 32 Sec. 213. Section 628.22, Code 2019, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 628.22 Assignment of certificate. 35 -91- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 91/ 135
H.F. _____ A creditor redeeming as above contemplated pursuant to this 1 chapter is entitled to receive an assignment of the certificate 2 issued by the sheriff to the original purchaser as hereinbefore 3 directed . 4 Sec. 214. Section 631.12, Code 2019, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 631.12 Entry of judgment —— setting aside default judgment. 7 1. The clerk shall immediately enter the judgment in the 8 small claims docket and district court lien book, without 9 recording. Such relief Relief shall be granted as is 10 appropriate. Upon entering judgment, the court may provide 11 for installment payments to be made directly by the party 12 obligated to the party entitled thereto ; and in such event . If 13 installment payments are ordered, execution shall not issue as 14 long as such the payments are made , but execution shall issue 15 for the full unpaid balance of the judgment upon the filing 16 of an affidavit of default. When entered on the small claims 17 docket and district court lien book, a small claims judgment 18 shall constitute a lien to the same extent as regular judgments 19 entered on the district court judgment docket and lien book ; 20 but . However, if a small claims judgment requires installment 21 payments, it the judgment shall not be enforceable until an 22 affidavit of default is filed. 23 2. A defendant may move to set aside a default judgment in 24 the manner provided for doing so in district court by rule 25 ofcivil procedure 1.977 . Sec. 215. Section 633.25, Code 2019, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 633.25 Validity of clerk’s orders. 29 The records Records , orders, and judgments made and entered 30 by the clerk under section 633.22 , as hereinbefore provided, 31 and which have not been reversed, set aside, or modified by the 32 court, shall stand, and shall be of the same force, validity, 33 and effect, and be entitled to the same faith and credit, as if 34 they had been made by the court. 35 -92- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 92/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 216. Section 633.417, Code 2019, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 633.417 Separate action in lieu of proceeding on claims. 3 The provisions of sections 633.438 to through 633.448 are 4 not applicable to actions continued or commenced under section 5 633.415 . 6 Sec. 217. Section 633.432, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 2. Unless the court allows the claim, the claim shall 9 be disposed of as a contested claim in accordance with the 10 provisions of sections 633.439 to through 633.448 . 11 Sec. 218. Section 633.447, Code 2019, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 633.447 Trial and hearing. 14 The trial of a claim and the offsets or counterclaims, if 15 any, shall be to the court without a jury ; provided, however . 16 However , that the court may, in its discretion, either on its 17 own motion or upon the motion of any party, submit the same 18 matter to a jury ; and provided further, that in . In the event 19 that the amount of the claim or a counterclaim exceeds the sum 20 of three hundred dollars, either party shall be entitled to a 21 jury trial, if a written demand therefor is made as provided 22 in the rules of civil procedure in relation to the trial of 23 ordinary actions. 24 Sec. 219. Section 633.469, Code 2019, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 633.469 Interlocutory report. 27 1. The personal representative may at any time file an 28 interlocutory accounting to the court showing the condition of 29 the estate, its the estate’s debts and property, the amount of 30 money received, and the disposition made of any of the assets 31 of the estate. 32 2. The court may on application of any interested party, 33 or on its own motion, order such an interlocutory accounting 34 at any time. Such an accounting shall embrace all matters 35 -93- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 93/ 135
H.F. _____ directed by the court. The court may order such further 1 accountings from time to time as it the court may determine to 2 be to the best interests of the estate. 3 Sec. 220. Section 633.479, Code 2019, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 633.479 Discharge. 6 1. Upon final settlement of an estate, an order shall be 7 entered discharging the personal representative from further 8 duties and responsibilities. The order approving the final 9 report shall constitute a waiver of the omission from the final 10 report of any of the recitals required in section 633.477 . 11 2. a. An order approving the final report and discharging 12 the personal representative shall not be required if all of the 13 following apply: 14 (1) All distributees otherwise entitled to notice are 15 adults , and are under no legal disability , have . 16 (2) All distributees have signed waivers of notice as 17 provided in section 633.478 , have . 18 (3) All distributees have signed statements of consent 19 agreeing that the prayer of the final report shall constitute 20 an order approving the final report and discharging the 21 personal representative , and if the . 22 (4) All of the statements of consent are dated not more 23 than thirty days prior to the date of the final report , and if 24 compliance . 25 (5) Compliance with sections 422.27 and 450.58 have been 26 fulfilled and receipts . 27 (6) Any required receipts , sworn statements, and 28 certificates , as any of these that are required, are on file. 29 In those instances 30 b. If the requirements of paragraph “a” have been met, 31 final order shall not be required and the prayer of the final 32 report shall be considered as granted and shall have the same 33 force and effect as an order of discharge of the personal 34 representative and an order approving the final report. 35 -94- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 94/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 221. Section 633.641, Code 2019, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 633.641 Duties of conservator. 3 1. It is the duty of the conservator of the estate to 4 protect and preserve it the estate , to invest it the assets 5 prudently, to account for it the assets, receipts, and 6 disbursements as herein provided in this chapter , and to 7 perform all other duties required of the conservator by law, 8 and at the termination of the conservatorship, to deliver the 9 assets of the ward to the person entitled thereto. 10 2. The conservator shall report to the department of human 11 services the assets and income of any ward receiving medical 12 assistance under chapter 249A . Reports shall be made upon 13 establishment of a conservatorship for an individual applying 14 for or receiving medical assistance, upon application for 15 benefits on behalf of the ward, upon annual or semiannual 16 review of continued medical assistance eligibility, when 17 any significant change in principal or income occurs in 18 the conservatorship account, or as otherwise requested by 19 the department of human services. Written reports shall be 20 provided to the department of human services county office for 21 the county in which the ward resides or the county office in 22 which the ward’s medical assistance is administered. 23 Sec. 222. Section 633.666, Code 2019, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 633.666 Denial and contest of claims. 26 The provisions of sections 633.438 to through 633.448 shall 27 be applicable to the denial and contest of claims against 28 conservatorships, but shall not be applicable to actions 29 continued or commenced under section 633.665 . 30 Sec. 223. Section 636.18, Code 2019, is amended to read as 31 follows: 32 636.18 Criminal bonds. 33 Nothing contained in sections 636.14 to through 636.17 shall 34 apply to bonds in criminal cases. 35 -95- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 95/ 135
H.F. _____ Sec. 224. Section 657.6, Code 2019, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 657.6 Stay of execution. 3 Instead of issuing such a warrant, the court may order the 4 same warrant to be stayed upon motion of the defendant, and 5 upon the defendant’s entering if the defendant enters into an 6 undertaking to the state, in such sum and with such surety as 7 the court may direct, conditioned under the condition that 8 either that the defendant will discontinue said the nuisance , 9 or that, within a time limited by the court, and not exceeding 10 six months, the defendant will cause the same nuisance to be 11 abated and removed, as either is directed by the court ; and, 12 upon . Upon the defendant’s failure to perform the condition 13 of the defendant’s undertaking, the same surety shall be 14 forfeited, and the court, upon being satisfied of such a 15 default, may order such the warrant forthwith to issue, and 16 action may be brought on such the undertaking. 17 Sec. 225. Section 669.14, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 18 2019, is amended to read as follows: 19 The provisions of this chapter shall not apply , with respect 20 to any claim against the state, to: 21 Sec. 226. Section 709.15, subsection 2, paragraph a, 22 subparagraph (2), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 Any sexual conduct with an emotionally dependent patient 25 or client or emotionally dependent former patient or client 26 for the purpose of arousing or satisfying the sexual desires 27 of the counselor or therapist or the emotionally dependent 28 patient or client or emotionally dependent former patient or 29 client , which . Sexual conduct includes but is not limited to 30 the following: 31 Sec. 227. Section 709.15, subsection 2, paragraph a, 32 subparagraph (3), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended 33 to read as follows: 34 Any sexual conduct with a patient or client or former patient 35 -96- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 96/ 135
H.F. _____ or client within one year of the termination of the provision 1 of mental health services by the counselor or therapist for 2 the purpose of arousing or satisfying the sexual desires of 3 the counselor or therapist or the patient or client or former 4 patient or client , which . Sexual conduct includes but is not 5 limited to the following: 6 Sec. 228. Section 715A.10, subsection 4, paragraph b, Code 7 2019, is amended to read as follows: 8 b. “Merchant” means an owner or operator of a retail 9 mercantile establishment or an agent, employee, lessee, 10 consignee, officer, director, franchisee, or independent 11 contractor of such owner or operator. A “merchant” also 12 includes an establishing financial institution referred to in 13 section 527.5 , or a person who receives from an authorized 14 user of a payment card, or someone the person believes to 15 be an authorized user, a payment card or information from a 16 payment card, or what the person believes to be a payment card 17 or information from a payment card, as the instrument for 18 obtaining, purchasing, or receiving goods, services, money, or 19 anything else of value from the person. 20 Sec. 229. Section 716.7, subsection 2, paragraph a, 21 subparagraph (2), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended 22 to read as follows: 23 Entering or remaining upon or in property without 24 justification after being notified or requested to abstain from 25 entering or to remove or vacate therefrom by the owner, lessee, 26 or person in lawful possession, or the agent or employee of 27 the owner, lessee, or person in lawful possession, or by any 28 peace officer, magistrate, or public employee whose duty it 29 is to supervise the use or maintenance of the property. A 30 person has been notified or requested to abstain from entering 31 or remaining upon or in property within the meaning of this 32 subparagraph (2) if any of the following is applicable: 33 Sec. 230. Section 726.5, Code 2019, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -97- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 97/ 135
H.F. _____ 726.5 Nonsupport. 1 1. a. A person, who being able to do so, fails or refuses 2 to provide support for the person’s child or ward under the age 3 of eighteen years for a period longer than one year or in an 4 amount greater than five thousand dollars commits the offense 5 of nonsupport ; provided that no . 6 b. A person shall not be held to have violated this section 7 who if the person fails to support any child or ward under the 8 age of eighteen who has left the home of the parent or other 9 person having legal custody of the child or ward without the 10 consent of that parent or person having legal custody of the 11 child or ward. 12 2. “Support” , for the purposes of this section , means any 13 support which has been fixed by court order, or, in the absence 14 of any such order or decree, the minimal requirements of food, 15 clothing or shelter. 16 3. Nonsupport is a class “D” felony. 17 Sec. 231. Section 809A.3, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 2. Notwithstanding subsection 1 , violations of chapter 20 321 or 321J shall not be considered conduct giving rise to 21 forfeiture, except for violations of the following: 22 a. Section 321.232 . 23 b. A second or subsequent violation of section 321J.4B, 24 subsection 2 , paragraph “a” , subparagraph (2). 25 c. b. Section 321J.4B, subsection 6, 9 , or 10 . 26 Sec. 232. Section 901A.2, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 27 amended to read as follows: 28 1. A person convicted of a sexually predatory offense 29 which is a serious or aggravated misdemeanor, who has a prior 30 conviction for a sexually predatory offense, shall be sentenced 31 to and shall serve twice the maximum period of incarceration 32 for the offense, notwithstanding any other provision of the 33 Code to the contrary, prior to being eligible for parole 34 or work release. However, a A person sentenced under this 35 -98- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 98/ 135
H.F. _____ subsection shall not have the person’s sentence reduced under 1 chapter 903A or otherwise by more than fifteen percent. 2 Sec. 233. Section 910.2, Code 2019, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 910.2 Restitution or community service to be ordered by 5 sentencing court. 6 1. a. In all criminal cases in which there is a plea of 7 guilty, verdict of guilty, or special verdict upon which a 8 judgment of conviction is rendered, the sentencing court shall 9 order that restitution be made by each offender to the victims 10 of the offender’s criminal activities, to the clerk of court 11 for fines, penalties, surcharges, and, to the extent that the 12 offender is reasonably able to pay, for crime the following: 13 (1) Crime victim assistance reimbursement , restitution . 14 (2) Restitution to public agencies pursuant to section 15 321J.2, subsection 13 , paragraph “b” , court . 16 (3) Court costs including correctional fees approved 17 pursuant to section 356.7 , court-appointed . 18 (4) Court-appointed attorney fees ordered pursuant to 19 section 815.9 , including the expense of a public defender, when 20 applicable , contribution . 21 (5) Contribution to a local anticrime organization , or 22 restitution . 23 (6) Restitution to the medical assistance program pursuant 24 to chapter 249A . 25 b. However, victims shall be paid in full before fines, 26 penalties, and surcharges, crime victim compensation 27 program reimbursement, public agencies, court costs 28 including correctional fees approved pursuant to section 29 356.7 , court-appointed attorney fees ordered pursuant to 30 section 815.9 , including the expenses of a public defender, 31 contributions to a local anticrime organization, or the medical 32 assistance program are paid. 33 c. In structuring a plan of restitution, the court 34 shall provide for payments in the following order of 35 -99- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 99/ 135
H.F. _____ priority: victim, fines, 1 (1) Victim. 2 (2) Fines, penalties, and surcharges , crime . 3 (3) Crime victim compensation program reimbursement , 4 public . 5 (4) Public agencies , court . 6 (5) Court costs including correctional fees approved 7 pursuant to section 356.7 , court-appointed . 8 (6) Court-appointed attorney fees ordered pursuant to 9 section 815.9 , including the expense of a public defender , 10 contribution . 11 (7) Contribution to a local anticrime organization , and 12 the . 13 (8) The medical assistance program. 14 2. a. When the offender is not reasonably able to pay 15 all or a part of the crime victim compensation program 16 reimbursement, public agency restitution, court costs 17 including correctional fees approved pursuant to section 356.7 , 18 court-appointed attorney fees ordered pursuant to section 19 815.9 , including the expense of a public defender, contribution 20 to a local anticrime organization, or medical assistance 21 program restitution, the court may require the offender 22 in lieu of that portion of the crime victim compensation 23 program reimbursement, public agency restitution, court costs 24 including correctional fees approved pursuant to section 25 356.7 , court-appointed attorney fees ordered pursuant to 26 section 815.9 , including the expense of a public defender, 27 contribution to a local anticrime organization, or medical 28 assistance program restitution for which the offender is not 29 reasonably able to pay, to perform a needed public service 30 for a governmental agency or for a private nonprofit agency 31 which provides a service to the youth, elderly, or poor of the 32 community. 33 b. When community service is ordered, the court shall set 34 a specific number of hours of service to be performed by the 35 -100- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 100/ 135
H.F. _____ offender which, for payment of court-appointed attorney fees 1 ordered pursuant to section 815.9 , including the expenses of a 2 public defender, shall be approximately equivalent in value to 3 those costs. The judicial district department of correctional 4 services shall provide for the assignment of the offender to 5 a public agency or private nonprofit agency to perform the 6 required service. 7 Sec. 234. Section 915.86, subsection 14, Code 2019, is 8 amended to read as follows: 9 14. Reasonable crime-related expenses incurred by a victim, 10 the victim’s parent or caretaker, or a survivor of a deceased 11 victim to replace inadequate or damaged or install new locks, 12 windows, and other residential security items or install new 13 locks, windows, and other residential security items , not to 14 exceed five hundred dollars per residence. 15 Sec. 235. 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1158, section 11, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 SEC. 11. Section 427A.1 , Code 2018, is amended by adding the 18 following new subsection: 19 NEW SUBSECTION . 6A. a. For purposes of this section , 20 “transmission property” means cable and wire facilities, 21 poles, aerial cable, underground cable, buried cable, 22 intrabuilding network cable, or aerial wire within the meaning 23 of and for purposes of the uniform system of accounts for 24 telecommunication companies in 47 C.F.R. pt. 32 , in effect on 25 the effective date of this section of this Act. “Transmission 26 property” also includes lines, electronic equipment, headend 27 electronics, poles, aerial cable, cable drops, lasers, fiber 28 optics, underground cable, and any electronics attached thereto 29 used to provide telecommunications service, cable television 30 signals, or internet service to subscribers. “Transmission 31 property” does not include a tower as defined in section 8C.2 . 32 b. Transmission property that is not subject to assessment 33 and taxation under chapter 433 , shall be subject to assessment 34 and taxation as follows: 35 -101- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 101/ 135
H.F. _____ (1) For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2019, at 1 seventy-five percent of the transmission property’s actual 2 value. 3 (2) For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2020, at 4 fifty percent of the transmission property’s actual value. 5 (3) For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2021, at 6 thirty percent of the transmission property’s actual value. 7 (4) For the assessment year beginning January 1, 2022, and 8 each subsequent assessment year, transmission property shall 9 not be assessed and taxed as real property. 10 Sec. 236. Section 514C.32, subsection 3, as enacted by 2018 11 Iowa Acts, chapter 1165, section 137, is amended to read as 12 follows: 13 3. The requirements of this section apply to and supersede 14 any conflicting requirements regarding services provided under 15 a policy or contract, which is delivered, issued for delivery, 16 continued, or renewed in this state on or after the effective 17 date of this division of this Act, and apply to and supersede 18 any conflicting requirements regarding services contained in 19 an existing policy or contract on the policy’s or contract’s 20 anniversary or renewal date, whichever is later. 21 Sec. 237. Section 514C.33, subsection 3, as enacted by 2018 22 Iowa Acts, chapter 1165, section 138, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 3. The requirements of this section apply to and supersede 25 any conflicting requirements regarding services provided under 26 a policy or contract which is delivered, issued for delivery, 27 continued, or renewed in this state on or after the effective 28 date of this division of this Act, and apply to and supersede 29 any conflicting requirements regarding services contained in 30 an existing policy or contract on the policy’s or contract’s 31 anniversary or renewal date, whichever is later. 32 Sec. 238. 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1172, section 89, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 NEW SUBSECTION . 3. The parent or guardian of a child 35 -102- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 102/ 135
H.F. _____ who meets the requirements of subsection 2 , paragraph “b” , 1 paragraph may enroll the child in a school district in a county 2 in this state that is located contiguous to the out-of-state 3 federal military installation. Notwithstanding section 285.1 4 relating to transportation of resident pupils, the parent or 5 guardian is responsible for transporting the child without 6 reimbursement to and from a point on a regular school bus route 7 of the district of enrollment. 8 Sec. 239. REPEAL. Sections 13.20, 13.21, 13.22, 13.23, 9 13.24, 126.26, 325A.25, and 453B.16, Code 2019, are repealed. 10 DIVISION II 11 APPLICABILITY PROVISIONS 12 Sec. 240. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. The following apply 13 retroactively to July 1, 2018: 14 1. The section of this Act amending 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 15 1158, section 11. 16 2. The section of this Act amending 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 17 1172, section 89. 18 Sec. 241. RETROACTIVE APPLICABILITY. The following apply 19 retroactively to June 1, 2018: 20 1. The section of this Act amending 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 21 1165, section 137. 22 2. The section of this Act amending 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 23 1165, section 138. 24 EXPLANATION 25 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 26 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 27 This bill contains statutory corrections that adjust 28 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 29 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, delete 30 temporary language, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, 31 update ongoing provisions, or remove ambiguities. The Code 32 sections amended include the following: 33 Section 1.14: Deletes language that creates a nonspecific, 34 floating time reference in language providing for the 35 -103- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 103/ 135
H.F. _____ enforcement of tribal ordinances or customs, if not 1 inconsistent with applicable civil law, in civil causes of 2 action within the Sac and Fox Indian settlement. 3 Section 8.33: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs, updates the 4 style, and substitutes the word “subsection” for “provision” to 5 clarify an internal reference in this provision setting time 6 limits on the incurring or creation of state obligations and 7 providing for the reversion of unencumbered funds to the state 8 treasure. 9 Section 8.35A: Substitutes the words “data files” for 10 “tapes” to update language describing how budget information 11 is transmitted from the department of management to the 12 legislative services agency. 13 Section 8.38: Updates language to current style, replaces 14 an unclear reference to “the foregoing provision” with “this 15 section”, and divides a sentence into two in this provision 16 establishing liability to the state for claims exceeding or 17 misuse of funds appropriated. 18 Section 8.46: Conforms language added by 2018 Iowa Acts, 19 chapter 1075, to the definition of “lease-purchase arrangement” 20 in this provision governing lease-purchase arrangements made 21 by state agencies. 22 Section 8.57B: Conforms language describing how the water 23 quality infrastructure fund is funded to language in Code 24 section 8.57, which calls for the deposit, not transfer, of the 25 referenced revenues into the water quality infrastructure fund. 26 Section 8A.315: Strikes language that was originally added 27 to this Code section’s predecessor statute, former Code section 28 18.18, in conjunction with other language which established 29 a preference for purchase of starch-based plastics. When 30 the starch-based plastics purchasing preference language was 31 stricken in 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1165, section 15, however, 32 the “including but not limited to” language was inadvertently 33 left within this text. 34 Sections 9A.105, 9A.106, 9A.110, and 9A.113: Adds “all of” 35 -104- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 104/ 135
H.F. _____ or “any of” to clarify language listing considerations, duties, 1 and contract and record keeping requirements under the uniform 2 athlete agents Act. 3 Sections 13.20, 13.21, 13.22, 13.23, and 13.24: Repeals 4 these obsolete provisions which established a legal assistance 5 program for financially distressed farmers for and during the 6 mid-1980s farm crisis. 7 Section 16.134A: Strikes the redundant word “fiscal” 8 in language describing the period of time during which 9 appropriations are made for various purposes from the water 10 quality financial assistance fund. 11 Section 16.154: Adds the words “all of” to clarify language 12 articulating the requirements for financial assistance 13 applications under the water quality financing program. 14 Language relating to the application process is also changed to 15 reflect the approval of the applications of eligible entities 16 by the Iowa finance authority. 17 Section 17A.4B: Strikes a definition of the term 18 “cost-benefit analysis” which is not used in this Code section 19 requiring a jobs impact statement to be provided to the 20 administrative rules coordinator prior to publication of a 21 notice of intended action or an administrative rule. 22 Section 24.27: Divides this Code section into two, numbers 23 the resultant paragraphs, and moves a comma to facilitate 24 citation and to clarify the applicability of language modifying 25 the date on which an appeal protesting the decision of a 26 certifying board regarding any proposed budget, expenditure, or 27 tax levy must be filed. 28 Section 26.2: Updates grammar and uses Code tabulation 29 style to facilitate citation to and within the definition of 30 “public improvement” in the Code chapter pertaining to public 31 construction bidding. 32 Sections 29A.12A and 29A.57: Corrects the usage and 33 conforms the language of these two provisions that eliminate 34 liability for the state and members of certain governing 35 -105- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 105/ 135
H.F. _____ boards for actions taken for morale, welfare, and recreation 1 activities or for actions taken to purchase or improve armory 2 facilities and installations. 3 Section 43.20: Adds the word “by” in multiple instances 4 to conform language describing the signature requirements 5 for nomination papers for federal, state, and local elective 6 offices to other similar language within this provision. 7 Section 44.9: Conforms terminology used to qualify 8 reference to the school officer with whom candidates for school 9 offices must file requests for withdrawal of nomination to 10 other similar terminology elsewhere in the Code. 11 Section 49.58: Rewrites, to improve the grammatical 12 construction of and to eliminate a double negative in, language 13 establishing requirements for placement of a candidate’s name 14 on a ballot in a special election. 15 Sections 49.102 and 49.103: Adds a Code section reference 16 to two provisions describing the disposition of ballots which 17 contain defects or errors to tie those provisions to the Code 18 section which describes the types of errors and defects that 19 will not cause a ballot to be rejected. 20 Section 53.26: Divides content based on subject matter 21 and separates language articulating the verbiage that must be 22 endorsed on the back of each ballot that is not counted in an 23 election to improve the readability, to highlight requirements 24 of this Code section relating to the handling of rejected 25 ballots, and to conform to similar language in Code section 26 50.5. 27 Section 59.5: Divides a long sentence and replaces the 28 word “same” with language referencing another Code section to 29 improve the readability and to clarify this provision relating 30 to the process to be followed in election contests for seats 31 in the general assembly. 32 Section 66.10: Updates and clarifies what is meant by “such 33 petition”, based on language elsewhere in this Code chapter, in 34 this provision relating to the filing of a petition for removal 35 -106- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 106/ 135
H.F. _____ of a public officer. 1 Sections 66.15, 66.16, and 66.17: Updates archaic language 2 and adds a citation to facilitate hypertext linkage to related 3 content in these provisions regarding orders for hearing on 4 petitions for removal of public officers. 5 Section 66.30: Updates archaic language and adds a citation 6 to the Code section referenced currently by content only 7 to facilitate hypertext linkage and clarify this provision 8 relating to city ordinances establishing the procedure 9 applicable to removal of city officers. 10 Section 69.16: Supplies missing language and updates the 11 style of language to improve the readability of this provision 12 relating to the appointment of members of the general assembly 13 to various boards, commissions, and councils. 14 Section 76.2: Moves a comma to clarify the applicability 15 of language modifying an alternative date on which resolutions 16 providing for the assessment taxes on taxable real property to 17 support the issuance of bonds by a political subdivision of the 18 state may be filed, if the political subdivision is a school 19 district. 20 Section 84A.2: Adds the words “economic development 21 agencies”, that were inadvertently dropped during the bill 22 drafting process from the bill that was enacted as 2018 Iowa 23 Acts, chapter 1143, and which enacted this definitions section 24 for the Code chapter pertaining to the department of workforce 25 development. 26 Section 85.37: Deletes obsolete language relating to 27 maximum weekly benefit amounts paid in the 1970s for workers’ 28 compensation for temporary total or permanent partial 29 disabilities. 30 Section 85A.26: Substitutes the date of “on October 1, 1947” 31 for the words “at the time of the enactment of this chapter” 32 and updates other language to clarify the meaning of this 33 provision relating to the effect of the enactment of this Code 34 chapter relating to workers’ compensation on employer liability 35 -107- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 107/ 135
H.F. _____ under preexisting policies of insurance. 1 Section 86.11: Strikes obsolete language, that appears 2 to have been a reference to the enactment of this language 3 by 1923 Acts, chapter 28, section 73, from language that 4 requires employers to keep records of all injuries sustained 5 by employees in the course of the employees’ employment which 6 result in incapacity for a longer period than one day. 7 Section 88.1: Clarifies an otherwise vague Code chapter 8 reference by substituting the word “this” for the word “the” in 9 language authorizing the labor commissioner to set occupational 10 safety and health standards and provide for an adjudicatory 11 process relating to occupational safety and health. 12 Section 96.7: Reformats to remove language relating to 13 computation of the reserve fund ratio for the unemployment 14 compensation fund in years past while keeping language 15 applicable to the current computation of the reserve fund 16 ratio. 17 Section 96.16: Changes “to” to “through” in two string 18 citations to provisions describing offenses deemed to be 19 fraudulent practices to conform the citations to current Code 20 citation style. 21 Section 100.52: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and replaces 22 the nondescriptive pronoun “it” with specific language 23 to clarify the meaning of and facilitate citation to this 24 provision relating to the review and issuance of inspections 25 warrants for property damaged or destroyed by fire. 26 Section 123.38: Adds and changes language to reference the 27 estate of a deceased licensee or permittee in this provision 28 describing liquor control licenses, wine permits, or beer 29 permits as personal privileges, but providing for operation of 30 a business under the license or permit of a deceased license 31 or permit holder by an executor or administrator of the estate 32 for a limited period of time. 33 Section 123.91: Eliminates obsolete language referring to 34 the laws in effect prior to the enactment of 1931 Iowa Acts, 35 -108- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 108/ 135
H.F. _____ chapter 42, section 1, and adds language excepting provisions 1 in which alternative penalties are specified, in this provision 2 establishing the penalties applicable to persons committing 3 second or subsequent offenses under the alcoholic beverage 4 control Code chapter. 5 Section 123.99: Redrafts to articulate the elements of 6 offenses which are punishable as simple misdemeanors under the 7 alcoholic beverage control Code chapter. 8 Section 123.107: Strikes the word “But” from language that 9 does not appear to state an exception and updates archaic 10 language and punctuation in this provision relating to the 11 contents of indictments or informations charging violations of 12 the alcoholic beverage control Code chapter. 13 Section 124.302: Adds language relating to the conducting 14 of research to conform language requiring registration of 15 certain persons under the controlled substances Code chapter 16 with language appearing later in this Code section that 17 indicates that persons performing research must conform their 18 activities to the authority given under their registration and 19 under the controlled substances Code chapter. 20 Section 124.308: Replaces a comma with the word “or” in 21 language which is not a series or an independent clause to 22 clarify the meaning of requirements surrounding the dispensing 23 of controlled substances. 24 Section 124.409: Corrects an internal reference that became 25 incorrect when former subsection 1 was stricken by 2002 Iowa 26 Acts, chapter 1175, section 26, from this Code section relating 27 to the commitment for treatment of persons charged with or 28 convicted of unlawful manufacture, possession, or delivery of 29 controlled or imitation controlled substances. 30 Sections 126.26 and 453B.16: Repeals these two Code 31 sections which provide for the sending of notices of conviction 32 for certain drug-related offenses by the clerk of the district 33 court to the state department of transportation to conform 34 to changes made by 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1172, sections 95 35 -109- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 109/ 135
H.F. _____ through 104, which struck language providing for revocation of 1 drivers’ licenses based on those drug-related convictions. 2 Section 139A.18: Changes the word “settlement” to 3 “residence” to conform to similar changes made in this Code 4 section by 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1137, section 24, in 5 this provision relating to the process for certification and 6 payment of claims for services or supplies furnished to combat 7 communicable and infectious diseases and poisonings. 8 Section 139A.30: Divides this Code section based on content 9 and to facilitate the creation of standard internal references 10 to rules and exceptions in this provision relating to reports 11 and information in reports which include information regarding 12 the identity of persons infected with a sexually transmitted 13 disease or infection. 14 Section 154D.4: Moves language to clarify the criteria 15 which must be met for a practitioner to be excluded from 16 coverage under the Code chapter pertaining to the practice of 17 applied behavior analysis. 18 Section 155A.27: Strikes commas and adds “that is” to 19 clarify the requirements relating to when a prescription drug 20 may be dispensed by a pharmacy to a private individual. 21 Section 156.2: Redrafts the prefatory paragraph excluding 22 certain persons from the applicability of a Code section to 23 refer to the terminology defined in that Code section in this 24 Code section within the Code chapter pertaining to funeral 25 directing, mortuary science, and cremation. 26 Section 159A.14: Substitutes the date “July 27, 2011” 27 for general language referencing the date of the publication 28 of the state fire marshal’s order relating to commercially 29 available dispensers compatible for use with E-85 gasoline to 30 clarify this provision relating to eligibility for financial 31 incentives for installation of gasoline storage and dispensing 32 infrastructure. 33 Sections 166D.2 and 166D.3: Strikes a definition of the 34 term “advisory committee”, which is used only in Code section 35 -110- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 110/ 135
H.F. _____ 166D.3, from Code section 166D.2, and redesignates paragraphs 1 and changes the word “board” to “committee” in four places to 2 reflect other language in Code section 166D.3, in which the 3 state pseudorabies advisory committee is established. 4 Section 206.7A: Changes the term “operator” to “commercial, 5 public, or private applicator” to conform the terminology used 6 in language excluding certain persons from certain restrictions 7 relating to off-label discharge of pesticides into natural and 8 certain artificial lakes to defined terms. 9 Section 206.22: Adds a reference to Code section 206.7A to 10 match the earlier insertion of the same Code reference by 2018 11 Iowa Acts, chapter 1085, section 2, in language establishing 12 penalties for violation of the Code chapter regulating 13 pesticides. 14 Section 216.5: Conforms language in this provision, which 15 relates to the adoption of administrative requirements, to 16 language used elsewhere in this Code section and in Code 17 chapter 17A. 18 Section 218.9: Rewrites this provision to account for 19 the evolution of the applicability of this Code section 20 relating to the appointment of superintendents for certain 21 institutions, from applying to multiple types of administrators 22 and institutions in the 1980s to applying to superintendents 23 of institutions under the authority of the department of human 24 services only, after the final changes were made to the Code 25 section’s applicability by 2000 Iowa Acts, chapter 1112. 26 Section 218.40: Updates and clarifies archaic language and 27 an internal reference in this provision permitting residents 28 of department of human services institutions to perform 29 services in the institutions or in industries established in 30 the institutions. 31 Section 218.56: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and deletes 32 commas from an essential clause in this provision relating to 33 purchase of supplies and vendor warrants for institutions under 34 the authority of the department of human services. 35 -111- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 111/ 135
H.F. _____ Section 222.63: Conforms language relating to the process 1 relating to the finding of residency for patients with 2 intellectual disabilities to similar language in Code section 3 230.4, governing findings of residency for patients with mental 4 illness. 5 Section 226.41: Clarifies language and an internal 6 reference to update archaic language used in this provision 7 allowing charges to be made by the state mental health 8 institutes for treatment services provided to civilians injured 9 in an emergency disaster. 10 Section 229A.8: Redrafts, to reflect earlier language, a 11 provision allowing a person committed for treatment under the 12 Code chapter relating to sexually violent predators to reassert 13 a speedy hearing demand after initial waiver. 14 Section 230.25: Strikes references to the county auditor 15 from language relating to lists of names of residents of a 16 county who are eligible for mental health and disability 17 services funding to reflect changes made to Code chapter 18 230 by 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1137, that eliminated that 19 responsibility from the county auditor’s duties. 20 Section 231.64: Changes the word “care” to “living and 21 community support services” to mirror the changes made 22 elsewhere in this Code section relating to the services 23 available to persons with long-term care needs by 2018 Iowa 24 Acts, chapter 1049, section 17. 25 Section 232.127: Conforms to current Code tabulation style 26 to standardize and clarify language relating to prerequisite 27 findings necessary for entry of a dispositional order in a 28 family in need of assistance proceeding. 29 Section 232.150: Updates to clarify language relating to 30 the sending of notice and copies of an order to seal records 31 relating to juvenile delinquency proceedings. 32 Sections 233.2 and 233.6: Adds references to first 33 responders in language relating to notification of the 34 department of human services, providing testimony at hearing, 35 -112- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 112/ 135
H.F. _____ and providing information to releasing parents to reflect the 1 addition of first responders by 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1050, 2 as persons to whom a newborn may be released under the newborn 3 infant custody release procedures Code chapter. 4 Section 237A.5: Corrects the style of this provision to 5 conform to the style of other similar provisions in this Code 6 section relating to records checks of and restrictions placed 7 on persons seeking employment in a child care facility or as a 8 child care home provider. 9 Section 260C.22: Updates archaic internal references to 10 clarify the meaning of those references in this provision 11 relating to votes on tax levies for community college grounds 12 and facilities acquisition, maintenance, construction, or 13 improvement. 14 Section 262.57: Updates archaic language and strikes 15 or clarifies archaic references to time and content to 16 clarify language within this provision relating to bonds or 17 notes issued by the state board of regents for purposes of 18 funding construction, repair, or remodeling projects at the 19 institutions under the regents’ control. 20 Section 262.66: Replaces archaic point-in-time references 21 with the date on which this language was enacted in 1963 Iowa 22 Acts, chapter 166, section 12, and updates other archaic 23 language to clarify the meaning of this provision legalizing 24 rights acquired and actions taken by the state board of regents 25 in financing projects at the institutions under the regents’ 26 control prior to the enactment of the 1963 legislation. 27 Section 266.46: Divides and numbers the resulting 28 unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate citation and changes the 29 words “In addition” to “Notwithstanding subsection 1”, in 30 language that contravenes an immediately preceding rule that 31 provides a public right to examine and copy information held by 32 Iowa state university of science and technology. 33 Section 273.8: Changes “to” to “through” to conform a string 34 citation to current Code style in this provision describing 35 -113- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 113/ 135
H.F. _____ standards applicable to area education agency director district 1 boundary lines which are redrawn due to changes in area 2 population. 3 Section 274.44: Replaces the ambiguous words “such matters” 4 with specific Code references to clarify language describing 5 the scope of the issues relating to school districts over which 6 a determination by the director of department of education is 7 final. 8 Section 274.45: Changes “to” to “through” to conform 9 a string citation to current Code style in this provision 10 relating to payment of expenses incurred by the director of the 11 department of education in carrying out duties pertaining to 12 the sale of school property for purposes of national defense or 13 flood control projects. 14 Section 275.9: Changes “to” to “through” to clarify the 15 meaning of this string citation and to conform to current Code 16 style in this provision relating boundary changes related to 17 school district reorganizations. 18 Section 279.36: Replaces the word “statute” with a 19 specific statutory reference to Code section 618.11 in this 20 provision regarding procedures and fees for publication of 21 the proceedings of the boards of directors of public school 22 districts. 23 Section 297.31: Updates archaic language in this provision 24 relating to appraisal and sale of school property and 25 improvements. 26 Section 299A.1: Conforms the definition of the term 27 “independent private instruction” to the definition of “private 28 instruction” in the Code chapter relating to the provision of 29 educational instruction in other than a public or accredited 30 nonpublic school. 31 Section 303.34: Changes “to” to “through” to conform 32 a string citation to current Code style in this provision 33 relating to the creation of historical preservation districts. 34 Section 306.42: Corrects an internal reference error made 35 -114- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 114/ 135
H.F. _____ when this subsection, relating to liability for claims or 1 damage in transferred rights-of-way, was enacted in 1987 Iowa 2 Acts, chapter 232, section 18. 3 Section 308A.2: Updates and clarifies archaic language and 4 references and divides a long sentence into two to improve the 5 readability of this provision relating to the acceptance and 6 expenditure of funds for the establishment of bikeways. 7 Sections 312.3 and 313.4: Strikes from both of these Code 8 sections obsolete language regarding a transfer of jurisdiction 9 fund which was created for purposes of providing funds for road 10 maintenance and construction for the fiscal years during the 11 period beginning July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2013, to 12 counties which assumed jurisdiction over certain primary roads. 13 Section 317.9: Redrafts to conform content currently 14 contained within a series to Code tabulation style in this 15 provision articulating the duty of county boards of supervisors 16 to enforce a program of weed control and eradication on certain 17 types of property. 18 Section 321.1: Conforms language within the definition of 19 the term “commercial motor vehicle” to the terms “combined 20 gross weight”, “gross weight”, and “gross vehicle weight 21 rating” in the definitions section for the Code chapter 22 governing motor vehicles and law of the road. 23 Section 321.228: Changes “to” to “through” to conform 24 a string citation to current Code style in this provision 25 governing the applicability of statutes relating to operation 26 of vehicles on property other than highways. 27 Section 321.277: Redrafts and numbers unnumbered paragraphs 28 to facilitate citation to and conform this provision 29 establishing the offense of reckless driving to current Code 30 style. 31 Section 321.319: Updates archaic language in and numbers 32 unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate citation to and within 33 this Code section pertaining to right-of-way rules applicable 34 to vehicles entering intersections from different highways or 35 -115- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 115/ 135
H.F. _____ streets. 1 Section 321.325: Updates archaic language and changes 2 “to” to “through” to conform a string citation to current 3 Code style in this provision relating to the privileges and 4 restrictions of, and applicability of traffic-control signals 5 to, pedestrians. 6 Section 321.334: Redrafts to articulate the elements of and 7 facilitate the citation within and to certain criminal offenses 8 related to the carrying of, and persons who must use, a white 9 cane or walking stick or to persons who are led by a guide dog. 10 Section 321.347: Clarifies an archaic reference, clarifies 11 a reference to city councils by name, and corrects the grammar 12 of a series in this provision which permits a city to govern 13 and erect traffic-control signals, with the approval of the 14 department of transportation, within the city limits. 15 Section 321.384: Redrafts to clarify archaic internal 16 references in this provision establishing requirements for the 17 display of lighted headlamps by motor vehicles. 18 Section 322.20: Corrects an incorrect internal reference 19 inadvertently created when this provision relating to finance 20 charges applicable to extensions of time on retail installment 21 contracts for the purchase or sale of a vehicle was stricken 22 and rewritten by 1990 Iowa Acts, chapter 1088, section 1. 23 Section 322G.7: Corrects an incorrect internal reference 24 inadvertently created when this provision relating to an 25 informal dispute resolution system relating to enforcement of 26 regulation relating to defective motor vehicles was enacted in 27 1991 Iowa Acts, chapter 153, section 7. 28 Section 325A.13: Conforms terminology used in language 29 relating to taxicab service passenger certificates 30 to terminology used in Code section 321.236, which is 31 referenced in the same language, and changes “requirement” 32 to “requirements” to reflect the fact that Code chapter 325A 33 imposes multiple requirements on various persons and entities. 34 Section 325A.25: Repeals this obsolete provision relating 35 -116- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 116/ 135
H.F. _____ to the issuance of certificates or permits to transport goods 1 in interstate commerce to common carriers or contract carriers 2 prior to January 1, 1998, that was enacted in 1997 Iowa Acts, 3 chapter 104, section 56. 4 Section 327F.31: Corrects an incorrect internal reference 5 inadvertently created when this provision relating to political 6 subdivision ordinances relating to the speed of trains within 7 the jurisdiction of the political subdivision was enacted in 8 1988 Iowa Acts, chapter 1079, section 1. 9 Section 329.12: Changes “to” to “through” in two places 10 and conforms the scope of the two string citations regarding 11 similar procedures to each other and to current Code style 12 in this provision relating to the establishment, powers, and 13 duties of city boards of adjustment. 14 Section 331.238: Deletes language in a paragraph made 15 obsolete by the enactment of broader language covering the same 16 subject matter in 1991 Iowa Acts, chapter 256, section 17, in 17 this provision relating to requirements and limitations placed 18 on alternative forms of county government. 19 Section 331.362: Conforms language referencing Code chapter 20 317, and relating to the duties of county boards of supervisors 21 with respect to weeds, to the language of Code chapter 317. 22 Section 331.437: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 23 facilitate citation and changes the word “law” to “section” to 24 conform to other language within this Code section prohibiting 25 the expenditure of funds by county officials in amounts which 26 are larger than the amount appropriated to the particular 27 county department by the board of supervisors. 28 Section 349.16: Updates archaic language and deletes 29 incorrect commas in this provision relating to publication 30 of the proceedings of the county board of supervisors and of 31 reports by various county officers. 32 Section 351.29: Replaces an archaic reference with the 33 words “of this chapter” to clarify the applicability of this 34 savings provision in the Code chapter regulating dogs and other 35 -117- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 117/ 135
H.F. _____ animals and their owners. 1 Section 355.19: Changes the word “chapter” to “subchapter” 2 to reflect the placement and applicability of the definition 3 of the term “Iowa plane coordinate system” in this provision 4 limiting the use of other terms to the coordinates based on 5 that system. 6 Section 357.33: Changes “to” to “through” and changes 7 the last citation in a string citation to conform to similar 8 citations to the same provisions elsewhere in the Code and to 9 conform to current Code style in this provision describing the 10 appeal procedures for persons aggrieved by final actions of 11 the board of supervisors regarding the establishment of water 12 districts. 13 Section 358.3: Updates archaic language and substitutes 14 Code chapter references for archaic internal references in 15 this provision relating to the jurisdiction and authority of a 16 county board of supervisors to establish a sanitary district. 17 Section 358.15: Updates language, divides a long sentence 18 into two, and substitutes a Code section reference for an 19 archaic internal reference in this provision prohibiting 20 trustees of sanitary districts from having personal interest in 21 any contract, work, business, or real estate of or belonging to 22 the district. 23 Section 359.12: Updates language, divides a long sentence 24 into two, and eliminates a double negative in this provision 25 relating to the issuance of orders for first elections for 26 officers of new townships. 27 Section 372.1: Strikes obsolete language relating to a 28 July 1975 date of enactment of this Code section regarding the 29 adoption of charters by cities and the filing of those charters 30 with the secretary of state. 31 Section 388.7: Changes “the effective date of the city code” 32 to “July 1, 1975”, to reflect the applicability date associated 33 with sections 1 through 198 of 1972 Iowa Acts, chapter 1088, 34 as amended by 1974 Iowa Acts, chapter 1212, section 1, in 35 -118- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 118/ 135
H.F. _____ this provision relating to the effect of the enactment of the 1 legislation establishing home rule on city utility boards 2 functioning on the effective date of that legislation. 3 Section 390.5: Changes “to” to “through” in two places to 4 conform the string citations to similar procedures to each 5 other and to current Code style in this provision relating to 6 financing of a joint city electrical utility facility. 7 Section 400.11: Changes the word “as” to “if” to conform 8 to changes made by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 2, to Code section 9 400.28, making permissive the diminution of employees in a 10 classification or grade under civil service and creating the 11 possibility that a list may not be available or used. 12 Section 414.7: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 13 citation, divides long sentences, and updates archaic language 14 and style to improve the readability of this provision relating 15 to the powers of city boards of adjustment and review of 16 variances granted by those boards. 17 Section 414.18: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 18 citation, divides long sentences, and updates archaic language 19 and style to improve readability of this provision relating 20 to review by a court of decisions made by city boards of 21 adjustment. 22 Section 420.286: Updates archaic language to conform to 23 current Code style and clarify the meaning of this provision 24 relating to amendment of the charters of special charter 25 cities. 26 Section 420.288: Eliminates archaic language to conform 27 this provision relating to the submission of amendments to 28 charters of special charter cities to a vote of the people to 29 current Code style. 30 Section 421B.4: Replaces parentheses with commas, 31 eliminates a colon, and updates language to conform to current 32 Code style in this provision governing the determination of 33 costs of cigarettes in sales involving cigarettes and any other 34 item at a combined price. 35 -119- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 119/ 135
H.F. _____ Section 422.33: Changes the word “section” to “subsection” 1 in the definition of “base amount” to conform to similar 2 referencing used in the related definitions of “basic research 3 payment” and “qualified research expense” in this subsection 4 that provides a reduction in corporate income tax for 5 increasing research activities. 6 Section 423.2A: Reenacts changes in this language relating 7 to the transfer of moneys to fund sales tax rebates to a 8 raceway facility which were made by 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 9 1146, section 1, when the language appeared in former Code 10 section 423.2, subsection 11, paragraph “b”, subparagraph (7). 11 The changes shown were not codified because the underlying 12 language was repealed and reenacted without these changes by 13 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1161. 14 Section 423.3: Corrects the capitalization of the term 15 “pH-indicator” in language providing a sales tax exemption for 16 sales or rentals of certain items to a printer or publisher. 17 Section 423.34: Adds the words “tangible personal” before 18 the word “property” and adds the words “specified digital 19 products” to conform this language to similar changes made to 20 this Code section by 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1161. 21 Section 427.1: Redrafts, to replace parentheses with 22 commas, this provision classifying land granted to the state or 23 a political subdivision as exempt from taxation. 24 Section 427.9: Changes “to” to “through” and changes the 25 last citation in a string citation to eliminate a reference 26 to repealed Code section 425.38 and conform the citation to 27 current Code style in this provision relating to the suspension 28 of taxes, assessments, and rates and charges for persons who 29 are receiving public assistance and are unable to pay taxes. 30 Section 428.35: Updates the style, replaces archaic 31 references, and divides a long sentence to improve the 32 readability of this provision relating to the imposition of an 33 excise tax on the handling of grain. 34 Section 434.2: Divides long sentences and replaces archaic 35 -120- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 120/ 135
H.F. _____ terminology to clarify and update the style of this provision 1 relating to the assessment of railway property for taxation. 2 Section 435.33: Changes “to” to “through” to conform 3 a string citation to current Code style in this provision 4 relating to rent reimbursement for excess rent charges incurred 5 by home owners who qualify for a reduced tax rate. 6 Section 441.9: Replaces the word “same” with the words “a 7 hearing” to clarify the meaning of this description of the 8 process used to remove an assessor from office. 9 Section 441.37: Divides a subparagraph, redesignates all 10 of the content of a paragraph, and places a defined term in 11 quotation marks to conform the organization and style of this 12 provision relating to protests against assessments of property 13 by property owners or aggrieved taxpayers to the applicability 14 of the subject matter as expressed in the content. 15 Section 441.40: Updates language by removing an ambiguous 16 time reference from this provision relating to apportionment of 17 costs, fees, and expenses associated with appeals from board of 18 review decisions on property tax assessments among the taxing 19 districts entitled to receive funds from taxes involved in the 20 appeals. 21 Section 450.3: Replaces archaic internal references with 22 references to Code chapter 450 and adds commas to improve the 23 grammar and readability of this provision listing the types 24 of property that are to be considered in the calculation of 25 inheritance taxes due. 26 Section 450.48: Splits a long sentence into two and updates 27 archaic language and references to improve the clarity of 28 language relating to the posting of bond by persons who desire 29 to defer the payment of inheritance tax until the estate 30 or remainder interests which has been deferred have been 31 determined. 32 Section 452A.54: Replaces an archaic reference with a 33 reference to “this section” in this provision relating to 34 applications for refunds of fuel taxes. 35 -121- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 121/ 135
H.F. _____ Section 455C.6: Changes “insure” to “ensure” in this 1 provision relating to orders by the department of natural 2 resources approving beverage container redemption centers. 3 Section 455D.4A: Conforms language to a defined term, 4 replaces nonspecific possessive pronouns with specific 5 terminology, and removes an extraneous reference to a defined 6 term to improve readability and to conform to current Code 7 style in provisions outlining the criteria required for 8 approval of a facility as a recycling facility. 9 Section 455D.16: Changes “agency” to “department” to 10 conform this language to earlier language indicating that the 11 department of natural resources is the entity responsible for 12 reviewing manufacturer plans for mercury-added thermostat 13 collection programs. 14 Section 455G.3: Strikes obsolete language that appropriated 15 moneys from the Iowa comprehensive petroleum underground 16 storage tank fund to the department of natural resources for 17 fiscal year 2011, for database modifications necessary to 18 accept batched external data regarding certain underground 19 storage tank inspections. 20 Section 461A.9: Replaces an ambiguous reference to “hereof” 21 with “of this chapter” to clarify language describing the 22 applicability of law relating to condemnation to provisions 23 applicable to public lands and waters. 24 Section 461A.10: Replaces an ambiguous reference to 25 “hereunder” with “under this chapter” to clarify language 26 describing the taking of land in the name of the state and the 27 disposition and use of proceeds of sale of state lands. 28 Section 461A.16: Clarifies ambiguous terminology and 29 updates a reference to the Iowa state university of science and 30 technology by name in this provision permitting the natural 31 resources commission to call upon the university to supply 32 a landscape architect, engineer, or gardener to assist the 33 commission in the improvement of state property. 34 Section 461A.20: Replaces the word “it” with “the 35 -122- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 122/ 135
H.F. _____ commission” to clarify language relating to cooperation 1 between the state department of transportation and the natural 2 resources commission regarding public lands and waters. 3 Section 462A.2: Corrects the adjective used in this 4 definition of “watercraft” to describe how a vessel remains 5 afloat on water. 6 Section 462A.39: Replaces an ambiguous reference to 7 “hereunder” with “under this chapter” to clarify language 8 relating to the expiration of special certificates issued to a 9 manufacturer or dealer for vessels that are not registered but 10 are owned or stored, or are being repaired or altered by the 11 manufacturer or dealer. 12 Section 468.11: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and updates 13 archaic terminology to clarify and facilitate citation to this 14 provision regarding survey of property to be included within a 15 proposed levee and drainage district. 16 Section 468.16: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 17 citation, updates terminology and style, and replaces an 18 incorrect reference with a reference to “this chapter” in this 19 provision requiring service of notice of proceedings relating 20 to a proposed levee and drainage district on the agent of any 21 person, corporation, or company owning or having an interest in 22 land affected by any proposed levee or drainage improvement. 23 Section 468.27: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 24 citation, updates terminology and style, and divides a long 25 sentence into two to improve the readability of this provision 26 describing the meeting of the county board of supervisors at 27 which the dismissal of a petition to establish or a decision 28 to locate and establish a levee and drainage district is made, 29 and the effect of the establishment of a district on rights in 30 property. 31 Section 468.70: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 32 citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology in this provision 33 permitting a levee and drainage district board to provide for 34 the payment of assessments, the issuance and sale of warrants, 35 -123- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 123/ 135
H.F. _____ and the issuance of improvement certificates to pay for the 1 work and cost of levee and drainage improvements. 2 Section 468.74: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 3 citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology in this provision 4 permitting and providing a process for the issuance of drainage 5 bonds to pay for the costs of improvements within levee and 6 drainage districts. 7 Section 468.108: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 8 facilitate citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology in this 9 provision allocating responsibility for costs and making of 10 improvements when a levee, ditch, drain, or change to a natural 11 watercourse crosses a public highway. 12 Section 468.118: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 13 facilitate citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology in this 14 provision describing the effect of abandonment of a railway 15 right-of-way on rights or privileges of levee and drainage 16 districts to pass through the property. 17 Section 468.127: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 18 facilitate citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology in this 19 provision describing how the costs of repairs or improvements 20 in levee and drainage districts are to be paid. 21 Section 468.133: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 22 facilitate citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology in 23 this provision relating to the appointment of disinterested 24 commissioners to determine the percentage of benefits and 25 amounts to be assessed to each levee and drainage district for 26 drainage improvements that benefit more than one district. 27 Section 468.135: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 28 facilitate citation, divides a long sentence into two, and 29 clarifies ambiguous terminology in this provision regarding the 30 report and review of the findings of commissioners appointed 31 under Code section 468.133, regarding the proportionate 32 benefits and assessments related to drainage improvements that 33 benefit more than one levee and drainage district. 34 Section 468.151: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 35 -124- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 124/ 135
H.F. _____ facilitate citation, clarifies ambiguous terminology, and 1 adds a missing “and” to complete a sentence in this provision 2 authorizing a levee and drainage district to maintain actions 3 at law or in equity and enter into settlements to protect the 4 interests of the district. 5 Section 468.159: Conforms language to earlier language in 6 this provision pertaining to the lease or sale or conveyance of 7 levee and drainage district property. 8 Section 468.356: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 9 facilitate citation, corrects an internal reference based on 10 the numbering, and clarifies ambiguous terminology in this 11 provision relating to the establishment of pumping stations in 12 levee and drainage districts. 13 Section 468.376: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 14 facilitate citation and clarifies ambiguous terminology and 15 references in this provision relating to the use of refunding 16 bonds to pay for drainage improvements in levee and drainage 17 districts. 18 Section 468.533: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 19 facilitate citation and redrafts ambiguous language to clarify 20 and update the style of this provision relating to the process 21 for petitions requesting that levee and drainage district 22 management be removed from a board of trustees and placed under 23 a county board or boards of supervisors. 24 Section 468.543: Adds language and a Code section reference 25 to clarify that the meeting referenced in this provision 26 requiring notice of a meeting is the drainage board meeting 27 regarding drainage refunding bonds. 28 Section 468.559: Updates archaic language and references 29 to clarify this provision regarding funds received for payment 30 of refunding bonds issued for debts of a levee and drainage 31 district. 32 Section 468.561: Updates archaic language and references to 33 clarify language that provides that the issuance of drainage 34 refunding bonds does not impair the lien or priority of the 35 -125- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 125/ 135
H.F. _____ lien of the levee and drainage district for unpaid drainage 1 assessments or installments nor the duty of public officers to 2 levy, collect, and apply the proceeds of the assessments or 3 installments to the payment of outstanding drainage bonds. 4 Section 468.566: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 5 facilitate citation, divides a long sentence into two, and 6 clarifies ambiguous terminology and referencing in this 7 provision relating to the powers of the governing board 8 of a levee and drainage district to refinance outstanding 9 indebtedness of the district. 10 Section 468.579: Updates archaic language and references 11 to clarify language that provides that the issuance of 12 conservator’s drainage district bonds does not impair the lien 13 or priority of the lien of unpaid drainage assessments or 14 installments nor the duty of public officers to levy, collect, 15 and apply the proceeds of the assessments or installments to 16 the payment of outstanding drainage bonds. 17 Section 468.622: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 18 facilitate citation, divides a long sentence into two, and 19 clarifies ambiguous terminology in this provision relating to a 20 land owner’s right to connect the owner’s ditch or drain with 21 any drain or ditch constructed along or across a highway and 22 how certain expenses are to be paid. 23 Section 476.15: Replaces the word “hereinbefore” with 24 a reference to Code chapter 476 to clarify the meaning of 25 this provision describing the jurisdiction and powers of the 26 utilities board over public utilities. 27 Section 476.19: Replaces the word “herein” with “in this 28 chapter” to clarify this provision relating to the effect of 29 the enactment of Code chapter 476 on proceedings or litigation 30 based on prior statutes. 31 Section 476.46: Strikes a reference to former subsection 3, 32 which was stricken by 2017 Iowa Acts, chapter 169, section 43, 33 in this provision establishing the alternate energy revolving 34 loan program. 35 -126- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 126/ 135
H.F. _____ Section 490.803: Changes a subparagraph reference to a 1 paragraph reference to conform to similar language and to give 2 this repeal of language relating to the increase or decrease 3 in the number of directors of a public corporation substantive 4 effect. 5 Section 502.202: Adds a comma after the word “security” 6 to clarify the meaning of language including certain 7 securities with the types of transactions that are exempt from 8 registration requirements under the uniform securities Act. 9 Section 502.406: Conforms language relating to adoption 10 of rules and issuance of orders to earlier language in this 11 provision allowing for the waiver of certain requirements in 12 connection with the registration of a security. 13 Section 505.27: Eliminates obsolete language relating to 14 the filing of the initial report in this provision relating to 15 reports by the commissioner of insurance that compile aggregate 16 data from reports filed by insurers with the division of 17 insurance and include recommendations to the general assembly. 18 Section 506.10: Substitutes the actual effective date 19 of April 16, 1921, for language referencing the enactment of 20 this Code section and replaces an archaic reference with the 21 words “in this section” to clarify which contracts providing 22 inducements to insurance were not affected by the prohibitions 23 contained in this Code section. 24 Section 507A.2: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 25 citation and clarifies ambiguous references in this provision 26 stating the purpose of the Code chapter regulating the practice 27 of insurance by unauthorized persons and insurers. 28 Section 507A.3: Changes the word “section” to “chapter” in 29 this definitions section for the Code chapter regulating the 30 practice of insurance by unauthorized persons and insurers. 31 Section 508.4: Updates and clarifies archaic language 32 describing the method of approval of amendments to articles of 33 incorporation of life insurance companies by referencing a Code 34 section describing the approval process that appears earlier in 35 -127- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 127/ 135
H.F. _____ this Code chapter. 1 Section 511.23: Changes “to” to “through” to conform a 2 string citation to current Code style and updates archaic 3 references in this provision establishing penalties for 4 certain unlawful practices by life insurance companies and 5 associations. 6 Sections 513D.1 and 513D.2: Adds the words “of insurance” 7 after two references to “commissioner” to clarify the 8 reference, because the term “commissioner” is not defined in 9 this Code chapter governing association health plans. 10 Section 514A.4: Updates to clarify archaic language and 11 redrafts to improve the readability of a double negative in 12 language prohibiting the inclusion of a policy provision which 13 makes a policy or a portion of the policy less favorable to an 14 insured or beneficiary than the provisions of the policy which 15 are subject to the Code chapter establishing requirements for 16 accident and health insurance policies. 17 Section 514B.13: Substitutes for the word “they” the words 18 “prospective enrollees” to clarify language establishing 19 open enrollment periods requirements for health maintenance 20 organizations. 21 Section 515.32: Clarifies ambiguous language relating to 22 the adoption of bylaws by insurance companies which are not 23 life insurance companies. 24 Section 515.109: Modifies the language of the standard fire 25 insurance policy to reflect the repeal of the countersignature 26 requirements contained in former Code sections 515.22 and 27 515.52 through 515.56 by 1998 Iowa Acts, chapter 1057, section 28 13. 29 Section 515G.9: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to facilitate 30 citation and replaces the word “it” with “the company” to 31 clarify this provision relating to plans for conversion of 32 mutual insurance companies to stock companies. 33 Section 520.7: Replaces the words “so had” with a reference 34 to Code section 520.6 to clarify and conform to current Code 35 -128- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 128/ 135
H.F. _____ style language relating to the effect of service of process on 1 the commissioner of insurance, when the commissioner is acting 2 as the agent for service of process under a reciprocal or 3 interinsurance contract. 4 Section 533.106: Changes an internal reference from 5 “section” to “subsections 1 through 4” to reflect the fact that 6 subsections 1 through 4 contain the prohibitions referenced in 7 this Code section relating to employees of the credit union 8 division of the department of commerce. 9 Section 537.2301: Replaces the word “herein” with the words 10 “in this section” to clarify the meaning of this provision 11 prohibiting the making of supervised loans, or collecting 12 payments or enforcing rights against a consumer arising from a 13 supervised loan, by persons not authorized to make that type 14 of loan. 15 Section 543B.40: Replaces the word “hereinbefore” with 16 a reference to Code chapter 543B to clarify this provision 17 relating to the taking of depositions in investigations by the 18 real estate commission. 19 Section 543C.6: Changes an internal reference from 20 “subsection” to “section” in this undivided provision requiring 21 sales by subdividers of land to be accomplished through a real 22 estate broker or salesperson. 23 Section 546.10: Changes a reference to the administrative 24 rules coordinator to a reference to the administrative code 25 editor to reflect the change in the responsibility to receive 26 copies of publications referenced in administrative rules that 27 was made by 2010 Iowa Acts, chapter 1031, section 53. 28 Section 573.1: Substitutes the words “an improvement” for 29 the word “one” and supplies a missing “that” to improve the 30 readability of a definition of “public improvement” in the 31 definitions section for the Code chapter regarding contracts 32 and procedures for the construction of public improvements. 33 Section 573.8: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and redrafts a 34 paragraph containing a prohibition to reflect current drafting 35 -129- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 129/ 135
H.F. _____ style in this provision relating to claims filed for contractor 1 expenses incurred in the construction of highway improvements. 2 Section 602.9110: Combines two unnumbered paragraphs into a 3 single paragraph to facilitate citation, replaces an ambiguous 4 reference to “hereunder” with the “under this article”, and 5 updates the style of this provision prohibiting the payment 6 of an annuity under the judicial retirement system while the 7 person is serving as a state officer or employee, other than 8 as a senior judge. 9 Section 613.8: Replaces the ambiguous word “herein” with 10 the more specific language, “in this chapter”, deletes language 11 referencing a nonspecific time frame, adds a comma before the 12 last item in a series, and updates archaic terminology in this 13 provision relating to suits against the state involving title 14 to or interests in real estate. 15 Section 614.1: Changes the word “herein” to “as follows” 16 to eliminate an ambiguity in this provision establishing time 17 limitations on civil actions. 18 Section 614.9: Strikes the word “above” and replaces 19 the word “such” in two instances with more specific language 20 to clarify this provision extending limitations on causes 21 of actions of a person who has died for one year after the 22 person’s death. 23 Section 622.2: Strikes the word “heretofore” to eliminate 24 an ambiguous time reference and replaces “its credibility” 25 with “the credibility of the testimony” to clarify language 26 relating to the use of facts which have caused the exclusion 27 of testimony. 28 Section 622.80: Strikes the word “Or” which appears at 29 the beginning of this section relating to pleadings made by a 30 delinquent party to a proceeding that the person could not have 31 full personal knowledge of the transaction. 32 Section 622.86: Replaces the word “Those” with “An 33 affidavit”, the word “such” with “the”, and “the” with “this” 34 to clarify the meaning and update the style of this provision 35 -130- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 130/ 135
H.F. _____ relating to the credibility of out-of-state affidavits. 1 Section 628.2: Replaces the word “hereinafter” with a 2 reference to “in this chapter” in this provision describing 3 when the sale of real property is not subject to redemption 4 under Code chapter 628. 5 Section 628.5: Updates the style and replaces a reference to 6 “above” with a reference to Code section 628.3 to clarify this 7 provision regarding redemption by creditors if a debtor does 8 not exercise the debtor’s redemption rights. 9 Section 628.8: Strikes references to “above” and “herein” 10 and inserts a general reference to Code chapter 628 to clarify 11 this provision permitting creditors who have a right of 12 redemption to redeem from each other. 13 Section 628.13: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs and replaces 14 archaic terminology with more specific language in this 15 provision relating to redemption by a property. 16 Section 628.15: Replaces a reference to “hereinafter” 17 with a general reference to Code chapter 628 to clarify the 18 reference within this provision describing limitations on a 19 creditor’s right to redeem. 20 Section 628.16: Replaces the word “aforesaid” with “from 21 the day of sale” in this provision describing who holds 22 property absolutely after the expiration of creditors’ rights 23 to redeem to reflect language contained in Code section 628.15 24 relating to the same subject matter. 25 Section 628.17: Replaces the word “it” in two places 26 with more specific language and changes “to” to “through” 27 and deletes the word “inclusive” to conform to current Code 28 style, to clarify this provision describing what happens to 29 a redeeming creditor’s lien if the creditor who holds the 30 property fails to take action to preserve the lien. 31 Section 628.22: Replaces a reference to “above” with a 32 general reference to Code chapter 628 to clarify this provision 33 articulating when a creditor is entitled to assignment of the 34 sheriff’s certificate of sale. 35 -131- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 131/ 135
H.F. _____ Section 631.12: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs, divides a 1 long sentence into three sentences, and updates terminology 2 to improve citation to and the readability of this provision 3 relating to entry of judgment and setting aside default 4 judgements in small claims. 5 Section 633.25: Updates the style and replaces a reference 6 to “hereinbefore provided” with a reference to Code section 7 633.22 to improve the readability and clarify this provision 8 relating to the validity of clerks’ orders in probate. 9 Sections 633.417, 633.432, and 633.666: Changes “to” 10 to “through” to conform similar string citations regarding 11 procedures applicable to denial and contest of claims in 12 probate to current Code style in these provisions relating to 13 the filing of claims against a decedent’s estate, the allowance 14 or disallowance of claims of a personal representative of an 15 estate, and the denial and contest of claims. 16 Section 633.447: Divides a long sentence into three 17 sentences and updates the style of this provision describing 18 when a probate matter is to be heard by the court or submitted 19 to a jury. 20 Section 633.469: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 21 facilitate citation and updates the language of this provision 22 regarding interlocutory accountings by personal representatives 23 of decedents’ estates. 24 Section 633.479: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 25 facilitate citation and conforms a list of conditions precedent 26 which, if met, allow an estate to be finalized and personal 27 representative discharges without an order of the court to 28 current Code tabulation style to improve readability and to 29 facilitate referencing within the provision. 30 Section 633.641: Numbers unnumbered paragraphs to 31 facilitate citation and replaces the word “it” in several 32 places with more specific language to clarify the meaning of 33 this provision describing the duties of a conservator of an 34 estate. 35 -132- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 132/ 135
H.F. _____ Section 636.18: Changes “to” to “through” to conform 1 a string citation to current Code style in this provision 2 excluding the cited Code sections, relating to the posting 3 of bond through a surety company, from applying to bonds in 4 criminal cases. 5 Section 657.6: Divides a long sentence into two sentences 6 and updates the language to improve the readability of this 7 provision describing the conditions for stays of execution in 8 nuisance cases. 9 Section 669.14: Adds a comma after the word “apply” in 10 this prefatory phrase describing the types of claims which are 11 precluded from consideration under the state tort claims Act. 12 Section 709.15: Divides a long sentence in two places in 13 subsection 2, of this Code section to match similar language in 14 subsection 3, paragraph “a”, subparagraph (2), and to simplify 15 the language in this provision prohibiting sexual conduct 16 between a counselor or therapist and a patient or client. 17 Section 715A.10: Adds the missing word “or” to complete 18 a phrase which is not a series in a definition of the term 19 “merchant” within this provision prohibiting certain uses of 20 scanning devices or encoding machines. 21 Section 716.7: Adds the words “or requested” after the word 22 “notified” to conform this language articulating when a person 23 has received sufficient notice for purposes of the definition 24 of the term “trespass” to earlier language. 25 Section 726.5: Divides this Code section into parts based 26 upon content, and numbers, letters, and updates language in 27 the resultant Code section subunits to facilitate citation and 28 improve the readability of this provision prohibiting failure 29 or refusal of a person to provide support for the person’s 30 child or ward under the age of 18 years. 31 Section 809A.3: Conforms the language of this Code section, 32 which includes certain offenses as “conduct giving rise to 33 forfeiture”, to the requirements specified in Code section 34 321J.4B, which includes all of the subsections referenced, and 35 -133- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 133/ 135
H.F. _____ which, in subsection 6, refers to the language stricken in this 1 section of the bill. 2 Section 901A.2: Deletes the word “However” from language 3 that does not appear to state an exception in this provision 4 relating to the length of time to be served by certain 5 convicted criminal offenders. 6 Section 910.2: Restructures language to conform listings 7 of the items to be included as part of orders for restitution 8 in criminal cases and the priority of payment that attaches 9 to the items to current Code tabulation style to improve the 10 readability and to facilitate citation to the items listed. 11 Section 915.86: Redrafts language relating to certain items 12 that may be paid for with funds from the victim compensation 13 fund to clarify that the words “install new” modifies the words 14 “locks, windows, and other residential security items”. 15 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1158, section 11: Adds the words 16 “section of this” before the word “Act” to clarify the 17 effective date of language because 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 18 1158, had multiple effective dates. The change is made 19 retroactively applicable to July 1, 2018, in Division II of the 20 bill. 21 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1165, sections 137 and 138: Adds the 22 words “division of this” before the word “Act” to clarify the 23 effective date language contained within the new subsections 24 that were added to Code sections 514C.32 and 514C.33. The 25 division of 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1165, which contained these 26 changes was effective upon enactment, and differed from other 27 effective dates applicable to other changes in that Act. The 28 changes made to both sections and contained in the bill are 29 made retroactively applicable to June 1, 2018, in Division II 30 of the bill. 31 2018 Iowa Acts, chapter 1172, section 89: Strikes an 32 extraneous instance of the word “paragraph” to correct an error 33 made in an amendment adding a new subsection 3 to Code section 34 282.1. The change is made retroactively applicable to July 1, 35 -134- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 134/ 135
H.F. _____ 2018, in Division II of the bill. 1 -135- LSB 1777HC (9) 88 lh/jh 135/ 135