House Resolution 102 - Introduced


                    HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.    
                              BY  OURTH
  1  1 A Resolution recognizing Chronic Traumatic
  1  2    Encephalopathy Awareness Day.
  1  3    WHEREAS, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is
  1  4 a progressive, degenerative brain disease that appears
  1  5 in persons with a history of repetitive brain trauma
  1  6 sustained over a period of years; and
  1  7    WHEREAS, CTE was first described in 1928 by Dr.
  1  8 Harrison Martland in a study published in the Journal
  1  9 of the American Medical Association linking brain
  1 10 injury and boxing; and
  1 11    WHEREAS, it was not until 2002 that Dr. Bennet Omalu
  1 12 discovered the first pathological evidence of CTE in
  1 13 a professional football player and, together with his
  1 14 colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh, published
  1 15 the details of his groundbreaking findings in 2005; and
  1 16    WHEREAS, CTE is caused by a buildup of an abnormal
  1 17 protein called tau in the brain leading to brain cell
  1 18 death; and
  1 19    WHEREAS, the risk of developing CTE is greatest with
  1 20 athletes, military veterans, and domestic violence
  1 21 survivors, who frequently endure repeated subconcussive
  1 22 blows to the head from playing contact sports or suffer
  1 23 traumatic injury from military training or blasting or
  1 24 hits sustained by partners or caretakers; and it also
  1 25 appears in those with epilepsy; and
  1 26    WHEREAS, symptoms associated with CTE, such as
  1 27 sleep disturbances, memory loss, tremors, addictions,
  1 28 progressive dementia, depression, suicidal thoughts,
  2  1 impaired judgment, and paranoia, most often present
  2  2 years or decades after the brain trauma or hits cease,
  2  3 but have been found in a patient as young as 17 years
  2  4 old; and
  2  5    WHEREAS, currently, CTE can only be definitively
  2  6 diagnosed after death through postmortem
  2  7 neuropathological analysis; and
  2  8    WHEREAS, advocacy organizations, health care
  2  9 providers, and institutional researchers are dedicated
  2 10 to studying the cause and symptoms of CTE in order to
  2 11 enable parents and families to make informed decisions
  2 12 regarding the best interests of their children in
  2 13 youth sports and to develop an earlier diagnostic tool
  2 14 so patients may address these symptoms as early as
  2 15 possible; and
  2 16    WHEREAS, one such advocacy organization is CTE Hope,
  2 17 founded as a statewide advocacy and education support
  2 18 group by family and friends of Zac Easter of Indianola,
  2 19 Iowa, who suffered from CTE after multiple concussions
  2 20 and subconcussive hits playing youth and high school
  2 21 football from age 6 to 18, served our country in the
  2 22 Iowa Army National Guard, and was a victim of a car
  2 23 accident; and
  2 24    WHEREAS, the mission of CTE Hope is to put a face on
  2 25 this mind=robbing disease, and to educate the public
  2 26 that it does not only impact professional athletes, but
  2 27 children and nonathletes as well; and
  2 28    WHEREAS, CTE Hope also endeavors to further research
  2 29 on this devastating brain disease, with CTE Hope's
  2 30 initial research in Iowa confirming that saliva testing
  3  1 provides real=time indicators of inflammatory proteins
  3  2 in the brain that cause CTE; and
  3  3    WHEREAS, CTE Hope founded CTE Awareness Day and
  3  4 now along with other organizations will celebrate CTE
  3  5 Awareness Day across the United States on January 30,
  3  6 2018, in order to reflect on those lost to CTE, to help
  3  7 those suffering with the disease, and most importantly
  3  8 to stop the disease; NOW THEREFORE,
  3 10 the House of Representatives recognizes January 30,
  3 11 2018, as CTE Awareness Day in Iowa.
       LSB 5847HH (2) 87