House File 84 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  HEARTSILL

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to parent=taught driver education.
    TLSB 1468YH (4) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 321.178A, Code 2017, is amended to read
  1  2 as follows:
  1  3    321.178A  Driver Parent=taught driver education ==== teaching
  1  4 parent.
  1  5    1.  Teaching parent Instruction by qualified parent.  As an
  1  6 alternative to the driver education requirements under section
  1  7 321.178, a teaching qualified parent may instruct a student in
  1  8 a driver education course that meets the requirements of this
  1  9 section and provide evidence that the requirements under this
  1 10 section have been met.
  1 11    2.  Definitions.  For purposes of this section:
  1 12    a.  "Approved course" means driver education curriculum
  1 13 approved by the department pursuant to rules adopted under
  1 14 chapter 17A.  An approved course shall, at a minimum, meet
  1 15 the requirements of subsection 3 and be appropriate for
  1 16 teaching=parent=directed parent=directed driver education
  1 17 and related street or highway instruction. Driver education
  1 18 materials that meet or exceed standards established by the
  1 19 department for an approved course in driver education for a
  1 20 public or private school shall be approved unless otherwise
  1 21 determined by the department. The list of approved courses
  1 22 shall be posted on the department's internet site.
  1 23    b.  "Student" means a person between the ages of fourteen
  1 24 and twenty=one years who is within the custody and control of
  1 25 the teaching parent and who satisfies preliminary licensing
  1 26 requirements of the department.
  1 27    c. b.  "Teaching parent" "Qualified parent" means a person
  1 28 who is a parent, guardian, or legal custodian of a student who
  1 29 is currently providing competent private instruction to the
  1 30 student pursuant to section 299A.2 or 299A.3 and who provided
  1 31 such instruction to the student during the previous year; who,
  1 32 provided that the person has a valid driver's license, other
  1 33 than a motorized bicycle license or a temporary restricted
  1 34 license, that permits unaccompanied driving; and who the
  1 35 person has maintained a clear driving record for the previous
  2  1 two years. For purposes of this paragraph, "clear driving
  2  2 record" means the individual person has not been identified
  2  3 as a candidate for suspension or revocation of a driver's
  2  4 license under the habitual violator or habitual offender
  2  5 provisions of the department's regulations; is not subject to a
  2  6 driver's license suspension, revocation, denial, cancellation,
  2  7 disqualification, or bar; and has no record of a conviction
  2  8 for a moving traffic violation determined to be the cause of a
  2  9 motor vehicle accident.
  2 10    c.  "Student" means a person between the ages of fourteen
  2 11 and twenty=one years who is within the custody and control of
  2 12 the qualified parent and who satisfies preliminary licensing
  2 13 requirements of the department.
  2 14    3.  Course of instruction.
  2 15    a.  An approved course administered by a teaching qualified
  2 16  parent shall consist of but not be limited to the following:
  2 17    (1)  Thirty clock hours of classroom instruction.
  2 18    (2)  Forty hours of street or highway driving including
  2 19 four hours of driving after sunset and before sunrise while
  2 20 accompanied by the teaching qualified parent.
  2 21    (3)  Four hours of classroom instruction concerning
  2 22 substance abuse.
  2 23    (4)  A minimum of twenty minutes of instruction concerning
  2 24 railroad crossing safety.
  2 25    (5)  Instruction relating to becoming an organ donor under
  2 26 the revised uniform anatomical gift Act as provided in chapter
  2 27 142C.
  2 28    (6)  Instruction providing an awareness about sharing the
  2 29 road with bicycles and motorcycles.
  2 30    b.  The content of the course of instruction required under
  2 31 this subsection shall be equivalent to that required under
  2 32 section 321.178. However, reference and study materials,
  2 33 physical classroom requirements, and extra vehicle safety
  2 34 equipment required for instruction under section 321.178 shall
  2 35 not be required for the course of instruction provided under
  3  1 this section.
  3  2    4.  Course completion and certification.  Upon application
  3  3 by a student for an intermediate license, the teaching
  3  4  qualified parent shall provide evidence showing the student's
  3  5 completion of an approved course and substantial compliance
  3  6 with the requirements of subsection 3 by affidavit signed by
  3  7 the teaching qualified parent on a form to be provided by the
  3  8 department. The evidence shall include all of the following:
  3  9    a.  Documentation that the instructor is a teaching qualified
  3 10  parent as defined in subsection 2.
  3 11    b.  Documentation that the student is receiving competent
  3 12 private instruction under section 299A.2 or the name of
  3 13 the school district within which the student is receiving
  3 14 instruction under section 299A.3.
  3 15    c. b.  The name of the approved course completed by the
  3 16 student.
  3 17    d. c.  An affidavit attesting to satisfactory completion of
  3 18 course work and street or highway driving instruction.
  3 19    e. d.  Copies of written tests completed by the student.
  3 20    f. e.  A statement of the number of classroom hours of
  3 21 instruction.
  3 22    g. f.  A log of completed street or highway driving
  3 23 instruction including the dates when the lessons were
  3 24 conducted, the student's and the teaching qualified parent's
  3 25 name and initials noted next to each entry, notes on driving
  3 26 activities including a list of driving deficiencies and
  3 27 improvements, and the duration of the driving time for each
  3 28 session.
  3 29    5.  Intermediate license.  Any student who successfully
  3 30 completes an approved course as provided in this section,
  3 31 passes a driving test to be administered by the department,
  3 32 and is otherwise qualified under section 321.180B, subsection
  3 33 2, shall be eligible for an intermediate license pursuant
  3 34 to section 321.180B.  Twenty of the forty hours of street
  3 35 or highway driving instruction required under subsection 3,
  4  1 paragraph "a", subparagraph (2), may be used to satisfy the
  4  2 requirement of section 321.180B, subsection 2.
  4  3    6.  Full license.  A student must comply with section
  4  4 321.180B, subsection 4, to be eligible for a full driver's
  4  5 license pursuant to section 321.180B.
  4  6                           EXPLANATION
  4  7 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  4  8 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  4  9    This bill expands current law to allow any qualified parent
  4 10 to teach driver education to that parent's child. Current law
  4 11 allows a parent, guardian, or legal custodian of a student who
  4 12 is providing competent private instruction to that student to
  4 13 teach the student driver education, provided the person has a
  4 14 valid driver's license that permits unaccompanied driving and
  4 15 has a clear driving record for the previous two years.
  4 16    The requirements for a driver education course taught
  4 17 by a qualified parent are the same as the requirements
  4 18 currently applicable to a course taught by a "teaching parent".
  4 19 "Qualified parent" is defined to include a parent, guardian, or
  4 20 legal custodian of a student, provided the person has a valid
  4 21 driver's license that permits unaccompanied driving and has a
  4 22 clear driving record for the previous two years.
  4 23    The classroom instruction requirements for the alternative
  4 24 course of instruction are substantially the same as for an
  4 25 approved course of instruction offered by a public school
  4 26 district or private or commercial driver education school,
  4 27 with additional requirements for 40, rather than 20, hours
  4 28 of street or highway driving including night driving. The
  4 29 course of instruction must be a course approved by the
  4 30 department of transportation by rule and use driver education
  4 31 materials that meet or exceed standards established for driver
  4 32 education courses approved for public or private schools. A
  4 33 list of approved courses must be posted on the department of
  4 34 transportation's internet site. In order for the student to
  4 35 qualify for an intermediate driver's license, the qualified
  5  1 parent is required to document substantial compliance with the
  5  2 driver education course requirements and furnish an affidavit
  5  3 attesting to the student's satisfactory completion of the
  5  4 course work and street or highway driving to the department of
  5  5 education.
       LSB 1468YH (4) 87