House File 633 - Enrolled

                              HOUSE FILE       
                              BY  COMMITTEE ON

                              (SUCCESSOR TO HF 508)
                              (SUCCESSOR TO HF 29)
                                   A BILL FOR
                                         House File 633

                             AN ACT

    Section 1.  Section 257.11, subsection 5, unnumbered
 paragraph 1, Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 Shared operational functions == increased student
 opportunities == budget years beginning in 2014 through 2019
    Sec. 2.  Section 257.11, subsection 5, paragraph a,
 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
    (1)  In order to provide additional funding to increase
 student opportunities and redirect more resources to student
 programming for school districts that share operational
 functions, a district that shares with a political subdivision
 one or more operational functions of a curriculum director,
 master social worker, independent social worker, or school
 counselor, or one or more operational functions in the areas
 of superintendent management, business management, human
 resources, transportation, or operation and maintenance for at
 least twenty percent of the school year shall be assigned a
 supplementary weighting for each shared operational function.
 A school district that shares an operational function in
 the area of superintendent management shall be assigned a
 supplementary weighting of eight pupils for the function. A
 school district that shares an operational function in the area
 of business management, human resources, transportation, or
 operation and maintenance shall be assigned a supplementary
 weighting of five pupils for the function. A school district
 that shares the operational functions of a curriculum director,
 a master social worker or an independent social worker licensed
 under chapters 147 and 154C, or a school counselor shall be
 assigned a supplementary weighting of three pupils for the
 function. The additional weighting shall be assigned for
 each discrete operational function shared. However, a school
 district may receive the additional weighting under this
 subsection for sharing the services of an individual with a
 political subdivision even if the type of operational function
 performed by the individual for the school district and the
 type of operational function performed by the individual
 for the political subdivision are not the same operational
 function, so long as both operational functions are eligible
 for weighting under this subsection. In such case, the school
 district shall be assigned the additional weighting for the
 type of operational function that the individual performs for
 the school district, and the school district shall not receive
 additional weighting for any other function performed by the
 individual. The operational function sharing arrangement does
 not need to be a newly implemented sharing arrangement to
 receive supplementary weighting under this subsection.
    Sec. 3.  Section 257.11, subsection 5, paragraphs c, d, and
 e, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
    c.  Supplementary weighting pursuant to this subsection
 shall be available to a school district for a maximum of
 five years during the period commencing with the budget year
 beginning July 1, 2014, through the budget year beginning July
 1, 2019 2024. The maximum amount of additional weighting for
 which a school district shall be eligible in a budget year
 is twenty=one additional pupils. Criteria for determining
 the qualification of operational functions for supplementary
 weighting shall be determined by the department by rule,
 through consideration of increased student opportunities.
    d.  Supplementary weighting pursuant to this subsection
 shall be available to an area education agency for a maximum of
 five years during the period commencing with the budget year
 beginning July 1, 2014, through the budget year beginning July
 1, 2019 2024. The minimum amount of additional funding for
 which an area education agency shall be eligible in a budget
 year is thirty thousand dollars, and the maximum amount of
 additional funding for which an area education agency shall
 be eligible is two hundred thousand dollars. The department
 of management shall annually set a weighting for each area
 education agency to generate the approved operational sharing
 expense using the area education agency's special education
 cost per pupil amount and foundation level. Criteria for
 determining the qualification of operational functions
 for supplementary weighting shall be determined by the
 department by rule, through consideration of increased student
    e.  This subsection is repealed effective July 1, 2020 2025.
    Sec. 4.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act, being deemed of immediate
 importance, takes effect upon enactment.
    Sec. 5.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies to school budget
 years beginning on or after July 1, 2018, subject to the school
 budget year limitations of section 257.11, subsection 5.

                                                                                            LINDA UPMEYER

                                                                                            CHARLES SCHNEIDE

                                                                                            CARMINE BOAL

                                                                                            KIM REYNOLDS
