House File 601 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON
                                     GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 185)

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act providing for the confidentiality of certain cyber
  2    security and critical infrastructure information developed
  3    and maintained by a government body.
    TLSB 2641HV (1) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 22.7, subsection 50, Code 2017, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    50.  Information concerning cyber security, critical
  1  4 infrastructure, security procedures, or emergency preparedness
  1  5 information developed and maintained by a government body
  1  6 for the protection of governmental employees, visitors to
  1  7 the government body, persons in the care, custody, or under
  1  8 the control of the government body, or property under the
  1  9 jurisdiction of the government body, if disclosure could
  1 10 reasonably be expected to jeopardize such employees, visitors,
  1 11 persons, or property.
  1 12    a.  (1)  Such information includes but is not limited to
  1 13 information directly related to vulnerability assessments;
  1 14 information contained in records relating to security measures
  1 15 such as security and response plans, security codes and
  1 16 combinations, passwords, restricted area passes, keys, and
  1 17 security or response procedures; emergency response protocols;
  1 18 and information contained in records that if disclosed would
  1 19 significantly increase the vulnerability of critical physical
  1 20 systems or infrastructures of a government body to attack.
  1 21    (2)  For purposes of this subsection, "information concerning
  1 22 cyber security" includes but is not limited to information
  1 23 relating to cyber security defenses, threats, attacks, or
  1 24 general attempts to attack cyber system operations.
  1 25    b.  This subsection shall only apply to information held by
  1 26 a government body that has adopted a rule or policy identifying
  1 27 the specific records or class of records to which this
  1 28 subsection applies and which is contained in such a record.
  1 29                           EXPLANATION
  1 30 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  1 31 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  1 32    This bill provides for the confidentiality of certain cyber
  1 33 security and critical infrastructure information developed and
  1 34 maintained by a government body.
  1 35    Under current law, information concerning security
  2  1 procedures or emergency preparedness information developed
  2  2 and maintained by a government body for the protection of
  2  3 governmental employees, visitors to the government body,
  2  4 persons in the care, custody, or under the control of the
  2  5 government body, or property under the jurisdiction of the
  2  6 government body, if disclosure could reasonably be expected to
  2  7 jeopardize such employees, visitors, persons, or property must
  2  8 be kept confidential under Code section 22.7 unless otherwise
  2  9 ordered by a court, by the lawful custodian of the records, or
  2 10 by another person duly authorized to release such information.
  2 11 The bill includes cyber security and critical infrastructure
  2 12 information developed and maintained by a government body for
  2 13 such purposes.  Information concerning cyber security includes
  2 14 but is not limited to information relating to cyber security
  2 15 defenses, threats, attacks, or general attempts to attack cyber
  2 16 system operations.
       LSB 2641HV (1) 87