House File 560 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to expenditures of moneys from the E911
2 emergency communications fund.
TLSB 1928HV (3) 86
1 1 Section 1. Section 34A.7A, subsection 2, Code 2015, is
1 2 amended by adding the following new paragraphs:
1 3 NEW PARAGRAPH. 0b. The program manager shall reimburse
1 4 the provider, on a calendar quarterly basis, for actual annual
1 5 lease costs associated with the operation of a statewide
1 6 land mobile radio communications system that interfaces with
1 7 the Iowa interoperability radio platform. The department
1 8 of transportation shall annually reimburse the program
1 9 manager up to two million dollars, which shall be returned
1 10 to the fund, for the program manager's reimbursement to
1 11 the provider of actual annual lease costs pursuant to this
1 12 paragraph. The department of administrative services shall
1 13 select the provider in accordance with section 8A.311. All
1 14 public safety answering points may access the statewide
1 15 land mobile radio communications system with no additional
1 16 charge to the individual public safety answering point. The
1 17 Iowa radio interoperability platform shall be under the
1 18 joint purview of the department of public safety and the
1 19 department of transportation. The departments shall jointly
1 20 submit a biannual report to the Iowa statewide interoperable
1 21 communications systems board beginning July 1, 2016.
1 22 NEW PARAGRAPH. 00b. (1) The program manager shall allocate
1 23 to each joint E911 service board and to the department of
1 24 public safety a minimum of one thousand dollars per calendar
1 25 quarter for each public safety answering point within the
1 26 service area of the department of public safety or joint E911
1 27 service board that has submitted an annual written request to
1 28 the program manager in a form approved by the program manager
1 29 by May 15 of each year.
1 30 (2) The amount allocated under this paragraph "00b" shall be
1 31 fifty=three percent of the total amount of surcharge generated
1 32 per calendar quarter allocated as follows:
1 33 (a) Sixty=five percent of the total dollars available for
1 34 allocation shall be allocated in proportion to the square miles
1 35 of the service area to the total square miles in this state.
2 1 (b) Thirty=five percent of the total dollars available for
2 2 allocation shall be allocated in proportion to the wireless
2 3 E911 calls taken at the public safety answering point in
2 4 the service area to the total number of wireless E911 calls
2 5 originating in this state.
2 6 (c) Notwithstanding subparagraph divisions (a) and (b), the
2 7 minimum amount allocated to each joint E911 service board and
2 8 to the department of public safety shall be no less than one
2 9 thousand dollars for each public safety answering point within
2 10 the service area of the department of public safety or joint
2 11 E911 service board.
2 12 (3) The funds allocated in this paragraph "00b" shall be
2 13 used for communication equipment utilized for the receipt and
2 14 disposition of 911 calls.
2 15 Sec. 2. Section 34A.7A, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code
2 16 2015, is amended by striking the paragraph.
2 17 Sec. 3. Section 34A.7A, subsection 2, paragraph f, Code
2 18 2015, is amended to read as follows:
2 19 f. If moneys remain in the fund after fully paying all
2 20 obligations under paragraphs "a", "0b", "00b", "b", "c", and
2 21 "d", and "e", the remainder may be accumulated in the fund
2 22 as a carryover operating surplus. This The program manager,
2 23 in consultation with the E911 communications council, shall
2 24 allocate an amount, not to exceed one hundred thousand
2 25 dollars per fiscal year, for development of public awareness
2 26 and educational programs related to the use of 911 by the
2 27 public, educational programs for personnel responsible for the
2 28 maintenance, operation, and upgrading of local E911 systems,
2 29 and the expenses of members of the E911 communications council
2 30 for travel, monthly meetings, and training. The remaining
2 31 surplus shall be used to fund future network and public safety
2 32 answering point improvements for the receipt and disposition
2 33 of 911 calls, including hardware and software for an internet
2 34 protocol=enabled next generation network, and wireless
2 35 carriers' transport costs related to wireless E911 services, if
3 1 those costs are not otherwise recovered by wireless carriers
3 2 through customer billing or other sources and approved by the
3 3 program manager in consultation with the E911 communications
3 4 council. Notwithstanding section 8.33, any moneys remaining
3 5 in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to
3 6 the general fund of the state but shall remain available for
3 7 the purposes of the fund.
3 9 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
3 10 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
3 11 This bill relates to the expenditure of moneys in the
3 12 E911 emergency communications fund. The bill adds a new
3 13 expenditure to the list of expenditures of the E911 emergency
3 14 communications fund. The new expenditure is prioritized after
3 15 the amount appropriated to the director of the department of
3 16 homeland security and emergency management and program manager
3 17 for implementation, support, and maintenance of the functions
3 18 of the director and the program manager. The bill requires
3 19 the program manager to reimburse the provider, from the E911
3 20 emergency communications fund, on a calendar quarterly basis,
3 21 the actual annual lease costs associated with the operation
3 22 of a statewide land mobile radio communications system that
3 23 interfaces with the Iowa interoperability radio platform.
3 24 The bill requires the department of transportation to
3 25 reimburse the program manager up to $2 million, which would be
3 26 returned to the E911 emergency communications fund, for lease
3 27 costs. The bill provides that all public safety answering
3 28 points may use the system at no additional charge. The Iowa
3 29 radio interoperability platform is under the joint purview
3 30 of the department of public safety and the department of
3 31 transportation. The bill requires the departments to jointly
3 32 submit a biannual report to the Iowa statewide interoperable
3 33 communications system board beginning July 1, 2016.
3 34 The bill reprioritizes the expenditures from the fund by
3 35 moving the allocations to the joint E911 service board and
4 1 to the department of public safety from fifth in the list of
4 2 priority to third in the list of priority after the amount used
4 3 to reimburse the provider for annual lease costs associated
4 4 with the operation of the statewide land mobile radio
4 5 communications system. The bill also increases the percentage
4 6 allocated from the total amount of surcharge generated per
4 7 calendar quarter from 46 percent to 53 percent. The bill adds
4 8 that from any surplus in the E911 emergency communications
4 9 fund remaining after payment of the priorities, the E911
4 10 program manager, in consultation with the E911 communications
4 11 council, shall allocate an amount not to exceed $100,000 per
4 12 fiscal year for development of public awareness and educational
4 13 programs for the public, for educational programs for personnel
4 14 responsible for maintenance, operation, and upgrading of
4 15 E911 systems, and for the expenses of members of the E911
4 16 communications council for travel, monthly meetings, and
4 17 training. The bill further requires that the remaining surplus
4 18 be used to fund future network and public safety answering
4 19 point improvements that are for the receipt and disposition of
4 20 911 calls.
LSB 1928HV (3) 86