House File 430 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 430 BY ABDUL-SAMAD A BILL FOR An Act relating to named driver exclusions in motor vehicle 1 insurance policies and providing criminal penalties. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 2226YH (2) 85 av/nh
H.F. 430 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 321.21 Named driver exclusions —— 1 failure to maintain financial liability coverage. 2 1. An owner of a motor vehicle who obtains a policy of 3 liability insurance that meets the financial liability coverage 4 requirements of this chapter and that contains a named driver 5 exclusion which excludes a named individual from coverage under 6 the policy, and who expressly or impliedly permits that named 7 individual to drive the motor vehicle, commits the violation of 8 failure to maintain financial liability coverage under section 9 321.20B, subsection 1. 10 2. If the owner is found guilty of a violation of this 11 section, the court shall impose a fine as provided in section 12 805.8A, subsection 14, paragraph “f” . 13 EXPLANATION 14 This bill provides that an owner of a motor vehicle who 15 obtains a policy of liability insurance that meets the 16 financial liability requirements of Code chapter 321 and that 17 contains a named driver exclusion which excludes a named 18 individual from coverage under the policy, and who expressly 19 or impliedly permits that named individual to drive the motor 20 vehicle, commits the violation of failure to maintain financial 21 liability coverage under Code section 321.20B, subsection 1. 22 If the owner is found guilty of a violation of the bill, the 23 court shall impose the scheduled fine applicable to a violation 24 of Code section 321.20B, subsection 1. The scheduled fine is 25 $500 for a violation that occurs in connection with a motor 26 vehicle accident, and $250 in other instances. 27 -1- LSB 2226YH (2) 85 av/nh 1/ 1