House File 406 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  BEST

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act to require that certain postsecondary institutions
  2    provide employment and salary data to students declaring
  3    a major or enrolling in a course of study that leads to a
  4    credential or degree.
    TLSB 2170YH (4) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 260C.14, Code 2017, is amended by adding
  1  2 the following new subsection:
  1  3    NEW SUBSECTION.  25.  Adopt a policy to provide to each
  1  4 student who enrolls in a course of study in a program or field
  1  5 that leads to a certificate, competency=based credential,
  1  6 postsecondary diploma, or associate degree, the most current
  1  7 employment and salary data available for the arts and sciences
  1  8 or career and technical program or field of study in which
  1  9 the student is enrolled. The data provided to the student
  1 10 shall include data compiled from graduate surveys administered
  1 11 by the community college and relevant data published by the
  1 12 department of workforce development, by the United States
  1 13 department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, or by a
  1 14 nationally recognized association of colleges and employers,
  1 15 as applicable.
  1 16    Sec. 2.  Section 261.9, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph
  1 17 1, Code 2017, is amended to read as follows:
  1 18 "Accredited private institution" means an institution of
  1 19 higher learning located in Iowa which is operated privately
  1 20 and not controlled or administered by any state agency or
  1 21 any subdivision of the state and which meets the criteria in
  1 22 paragraphs "a" and "b" and all of the criteria in paragraphs "d"
  1 23 through "i" "j", except that institutions defined in paragraph
  1 24 "c" of this subsection are exempt from the requirements of
  1 25 paragraphs "a" and "b":
  1 26    Sec. 3.  Section 261.9, subsection 1, Code 2017, is amended
  1 27 by adding the following new paragraph:
  1 28    NEW PARAGRAPH.  j.  Adopts a policy to provide to each
  1 29 enrolled student, who declares a major area of study in a
  1 30 program or field offered by the institution, the most current
  1 31 employment and salary data available for the student's field
  1 32 of study. The data provided to the student shall include data
  1 33 compiled from graduate surveys administered by the institution
  1 34 and relevant data published by the department of workforce
  1 35 development, by the United States department of labor, bureau
  2  1 of labor statistics, or by a nationally recognized association
  2  2 of colleges and employers, as applicable.
  2  3    Sec. 4.  Section 262.9, Code 2017, is amended by adding the
  2  4 following new subsection:
  2  5    NEW SUBSECTION.  39.  Develop a policy requiring each
  2  6 institution of higher learning governed by the board to provide
  2  7 to each enrolled student, who declares a major area of study in
  2  8 a program or field offered by the institution, the most current
  2  9 employment and salary data available for the student's field
  2 10 of study.  The data provided to the student shall include data
  2 11 compiled from graduate surveys administered by the institution
  2 12 and relevant data published by the department of workforce
  2 13 development, by the United States department of labor, bureau
  2 14 of labor statistics, or by a nationally recognized association
  2 15 of colleges and employers, as applicable.
  2 16                           EXPLANATION
  2 17 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  2 18 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  2 19    This bill directs postsecondary institutions in Iowa,
  2 20 including community colleges, accredited private institutions,
  2 21 and regents universities, to provide certain students with the
  2 22 most current employment and salary data available for the field
  2 23 of study in which the student is majoring or is enrolled.  The
  2 24 data must be compiled from graduate surveys administered by
  2 25 the respective institution and from relevant data published
  2 26 by the department of workforce development, by the United
  2 27 States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, or by a
  2 28 nationally recognized association of colleges and employers,
  2 29 as applicable.
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