House File 392 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 392 BY COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 45) A BILL FOR An Act relating to programs and services under the purview of 1 the department of public health. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 1252HV (3) 85 pf/nh
H.F. 392 DIVISION I 1 TRAUMA SYSTEM QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 2 Section 1. Section 147A.25, subsection 1, paragraph h, Code 3 2013, is amended to read as follows: 4 h. Iowa foundation of medical care director A representative 5 of the state’s Medicare quality improvement organization . 6 DIVISION II 7 REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTAIN AUTOPSIES 8 Sec. 2. Section 331.802, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 9 2013, is amended to read as follows: 10 c. The fee and expenses of the county medical examiner who 11 performs an autopsy or conducts an investigation of a person 12 who dies after being brought into this state for emergency 13 medical treatment by or at the direction of an out-of-state 14 law enforcement officer or public authority shall be paid by 15 the state. A claim for payment shall be filed with the Iowa 16 department of public health. If moneys are not appropriated 17 to the Iowa department of public health for the payment of 18 autopsies under this paragraph, claims for payment shall be 19 forwarded to the state appeal board and, if authorized by the 20 board, shall be paid out of moneys in the general fund of the 21 state not otherwise appropriated. 22 Sec. 3. Section 331.802, subsection 4, Code 2013, is amended 23 to read as follows: 24 4. The county medical examiner shall conduct the 25 investigation in the manner required by the state medical 26 examiner and shall determine whether the public interest 27 requires an autopsy or other special investigation. However, 28 if the death occurred in the manner specified in subsection 29 3 , paragraph “j”, the county medical examiner shall order 30 an autopsy, claims for the expense payment of which shall 31 be reimbursed by the Iowa department of public health filed 32 with the state appeal board and, if authorized by the board, 33 shall be paid out of moneys in the general fund of the state 34 not otherwise appropriated . In determining the need for an 35 -1- LSB 1252HV (3) 85 pf/nh 1/ 3
H.F. 392 autopsy, the county medical examiner may consider the request 1 for an autopsy from a public official or private person, but 2 the state medical examiner or the county attorney of the county 3 where the death occurred may require an autopsy. 4 DIVISION III 5 HIV HOME TEST KITS 6 Sec. 4. REPEAL. Section 126.25, Code 2013, is repealed. 7 DIVISION IV 8 TOBACCO CESSATION SERVICES —— MINORS 9 Sec. 5. NEW SECTION . 142A.11 Application for services —— 10 minors. 11 A minor shall have the legal capacity to act and give 12 consent to the provision of tobacco cessation services by 13 a hospital, clinic, health care provider, or other tobacco 14 cessation services provider. Consent shall not be subject to 15 later disaffirmance by reason of such minority. The consent of 16 another person, including but not limited to the consent of a 17 spouse, parent, custodian, or guardian, shall not be necessary. 18 EXPLANATION 19 This bill includes provisions that relate to programs and 20 services under the purview of the department of public health 21 (DPH). The bill is organized in divisions. 22 Division I relates to the membership of the system 23 evaluation and quality improvement committee for the trauma 24 system in the state. The bill changes the membership by 25 replacing the specific name of the one membership entity 26 with a general reference to the Medicare quality improvement 27 organization in the state. 28 Division II relates to county reimbursement for 29 investigations and autopsies that are for persons who die after 30 being brought into the state for emergency medical treatment 31 by or at the direction of an out-of-state law enforcement 32 officer or public authority; or for autopsies relating to the 33 death of a child under the age of two years if death results 34 from an unknown cause or if the circumstances surrounding the 35 -2- LSB 1252HV (3) 85 pf/nh 2/ 3
H.F. 392 death indicate that sudden infant death syndrome may be the 1 cause of death. Current law directs that claims for these 2 investigations and autopsies are to be filed by counties 3 initially with DPH, and, if moneys are not appropriated to 4 DPH for this purpose, the claims are to then be forwarded to 5 the state appeal board. Under the bill, claims would not be 6 initially filed with DPH, but would instead be filed directly 7 with the state appeal board for authorization of payment 8 from the general fund of the state from funds not otherwise 9 appropriated. 10 Division III relates to human immunodeficiency virus 11 (HIV) home test kits. Current law prohibits a person from 12 advertising for sale, offering for sale, or selling an HIV 13 home testing kit for antibody or antigen testing, and provides 14 civil and criminal penalties as well as injunctive relief for 15 violation of the prohibition. The United States food and drug 16 administration approved the use of such kits in July 2012, and 17 the bill repeals the Code provision prohibiting the HIV home 18 test kits in the state. 19 Division IV of the bill provides that a minor shall have 20 the legal capacity to act and give consent to the provision 21 of tobacco cessation services by a hospital, clinic, health 22 care provider, or other tobacco cessation services provider. 23 Consent is not subject to later disaffirmance by reason of such 24 minority, and the consent of another person is not necessary. 25 -3- LSB 1252HV (3) 85 pf/nh 3/ 3