House File 261 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 261 BY KAUFMANN and WILLEMS A BILL FOR An Act reducing the period of time during which records of 1 a state bank or state credit union are required to be 2 preserved. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 2099YH (4) 84 rn/nh
H.F. 261 Section 1. Section 524.221, subsection 1, unnumbered 1 paragraph 1, Code 2011, is amended to read as follows: 2 A state bank is not required to preserve its records for 3 a period longer than eleven seven years after the first 4 day of January of the year following the time of the making 5 or filing of such records, provided, however, that account 6 records showing unpaid balances due to depositors shall not 7 be destroyed. A copy of an original may be kept in lieu of 8 any such original record. For purposes of this subsection , a 9 copy includes any duplicate, rerecording or reproduction of 10 an original record from any photograph, photostat, microfilm, 11 microcard, miniature or microphotograph, computer printout, 12 electronically stored data or image, or other process which 13 accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for accurately 14 and legibly reproducing an unaltered image or reproduction of 15 the original record. 16 Sec. 2. Section 533.322, subsection 1, Code 2011, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 1. The superintendent may adopt rules regarding the 19 preservation of records and files of a state credit union or 20 any other person supervised or regulated by the superintendent. 21 A state credit union is not required to preserve its records 22 for a period longer than eleven seven years after the first 23 day of January of the year following the time of the making 24 or filing of such records. However, account records showing 25 unpaid balances due to depositors shall not be destroyed. 26 EXPLANATION 27 This bill reduces the period of time during which a state 28 bank or state credit union is required to preserve its records 29 from the currently required 11 years after the first day of 30 January of the year following the time of the making or filing 31 of the record, to seven years after the first day of January 32 of the year following the time of the making or filing of the 33 record. 34 -1- LSB 2099YH (4) 84 rn/nh 1/ 1