House File 2466 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  ISENHART

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act creating a citizen trade policy council, establishing
  2    powers and duties for the council, creating a citizen trade
  3    policy council fund, and making an appropriation.
    TLSB 5452YH (7) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  15K.1  Definitions.
  1  2    As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
  1  3 requires:
  1  4    1.  "Authority" means the economic development authority
  1  5 created in section 15.105.
  1  6    2.  "Council" means the citizen trade policy council created
  1  7 in section 15K.2.
  1  8    3.  "Fund" means the citizen trade policy council fund
  1  9 created in section 15K.5.
  1 10    4.  "Trade agreement" means an agreement reached between
  1 11 the United States and any other country, countries, or other
  1 12 international political entity or entities that proposes to
  1 13 regulate trade among the parties to the agreement. "Trade
  1 14 agreement" includes but is not limited to any agreement under
  1 15 the auspices of the world trade organization, a multilateral
  1 16 or regional free trade agreement, a bilateral trade agreement
  1 17 entered into by the United States, and a request for a binding
  1 18 agreement received by the state from the office of the United
  1 19 States trade representative.
  1 20    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  15K.2  Citizen trade policy council.
  1 21    A citizen trade policy council is created to assess and
  1 22 monitor the legal and economic impacts of trade agreements on
  1 23 state laws and local ordinances, working conditions, and the
  1 24 business environment, and to provide a mechanism for citizens
  1 25 and members of the general assembly to voice their concerns and
  1 26 recommendations relating to the council's powers and duties.
  1 27 The council may make recommendations designed to protect Iowa's
  1 28 laws, jobs, natural resources, communities, and economy from
  1 29 any negative impact of trade agreements or to enhance the
  1 30 benefits of such trade agreements.
  1 31    Sec. 3.  NEW SECTION.  15K.3  Membership ==== terms ==== vacancies
  1 32 ==== limits.
  1 33    1.  The council shall consist of nineteen voting members and
  1 34 nine ex officio, nonvoting members. The voting members shall
  1 35 be as follows:
  2  1    a.  Ten public members, appointed by the governor, subject to
  2  2 confirmation by the senate, including:
  2  3    (1)  A person who operates a small business.
  2  4    (2)  A person who operates a small farm.
  2  5    (3)  A representative of a nonprofit organization that
  2  6 promotes fair trade policies.
  2  7    (4)  A representative of an Iowa=based corporation that is
  2  8 active in international trade.
  2  9    (5)  A health care professional.
  2 10    (6)  A representative of an Iowa=based manufacturing
  2 11 business with twenty=five or more employees.
  2 12    (7)  A representative of an economic development
  2 13 organization.
  2 14    (8)  A person who is active in organized labor.
  2 15    (9)  A member of a nonprofit human rights organization.
  2 16    (10)  A member of a nonprofit environmental organization.
  2 17    b.  Two public members appointed by the speaker of the house
  2 18 of representatives.
  2 19    c.  Two public members appointed by the minority leader of
  2 20 the house of representatives.
  2 21    d.  Two public members appointed by the majority leader of
  2 22 the senate.
  2 23    e.  Two public members appointed by the minority leader of
  2 24 the senate.
  2 25    f.  The attorney general or the attorney general's designee.
  2 26    2.  The ex officio, nonvoting members shall be the following:
  2 27    a.  The director of the authority, or the director's
  2 28 designee.
  2 29    b.  The director of the department of workforce development,
  2 30 or the director's designee.
  2 31    c.  The director of the department of natural resources, or
  2 32 the director's designee.
  2 33    d.  The secretary of agriculture, or the secretary's
  2 34 designee.
  2 35    e.  The director of human services, or the director's
  3  1 designee.
  3  2    f.  Four members of the general assembly, one of whom shall
  3  3 be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives,
  3  4 one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the
  3  5 house of representatives, one of whom shall be appointed by
  3  6 the majority leader of the senate, and one of whom shall be
  3  7 appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
  3  8    3.  The governor, the majority leader of the senate, and the
  3  9 speaker of the house of representatives shall each designate
  3 10 one of the public members appointed by them to the council to
  3 11 jointly serve as co=chairpersons. The council may appoint
  3 12 other officers and committees as necessary.
  3 13    4.  In appointing members of the public, the appointing
  3 14 authorities shall make every effort to appoint representatives
  3 15 of generally recognized and organized constituencies of
  3 16 interest groups. In appointing members of the public, the
  3 17 governor, the majority and minority leaders of the senate, and
  3 18 the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives
  3 19 shall comply with sections 69.16 and 69.16A.
  3 20    5.  For the purposes of convening a meeting, eleven
  3 21 voting members shall constitute a quorum, but for any other
  3 22 purpose a majority of the voting members of the council shall
  3 23 constitute a quorum, and a majority of a quorum may act in any
  3 24 matter within the jurisdiction of the council, unless a more
  3 25 restrictive rule is adopted by the council.
  3 26    6.  Except for ex officio, nonvoting members and the
  3 27 attorney general who shall serve terms coincident with their
  3 28 elective or appointed office, all other voting members shall be
  3 29 appointed for three=year staggered terms. A vacancy shall be
  3 30 filled by the same appointing authority that made the original
  3 31 appointment. Appointed members shall not serve more than two
  3 32 terms, however, members may continue to serve until their
  3 33 successors are appointed.
  3 34    7.  An ex officio member of the council who is a member
  3 35 of the general assembly shall be paid the per diem specified
  4  1 in section 2.10, subsection 5, for each day in attendance
  4  2 and shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses.
  4  3 Public members shall serve without compensation, but shall be
  4  4 reimbursed for all actual and necessary expenses they incur
  4  5 through service on the board.
  4  6    8.  The general assembly, through the legislative council,
  4  7 shall contract for staff support for the citizen trade
  4  8 policy council, which, to the extent funding permits, must be
  4  9 full=time staff support. In the event funding does not permit
  4 10 adequate staff support, the citizen trade policy council may
  4 11 request staff support from the legislative services agency and
  4 12 the authority.
  4 13    9.  Commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017,
  4 14 and every second fiscal year thereafter, there is appropriated
  4 15 from the general fund of the state to the council ten thousand
  4 16 dollars for the production of reports required under section
  4 17 15K.4.
  4 18    Sec. 4.  NEW SECTION.  15K.4  Powers and duties.
  4 19    1.  The council shall do all of the following:
  4 20    a.  Meet at least twice annually.
  4 21    b.  Hear public testimony and recommendations from the
  4 22 citizens of the state and qualified experts when appropriate
  4 23 at no fewer than two locations throughout the state each year
  4 24 on the actual and potential social, environmental, economic,
  4 25 legal, and other impacts of international trade agreements and
  4 26 negotiations on the state.
  4 27    c.  Every two years conduct an assessment of the impacts of
  4 28 international trade agreements on Iowa's state laws, political
  4 29 subdivision ordinances, working conditions, and economic,
  4 30 environmental, and natural resources.
  4 31    d.  Maintain active communications with and submit an annual
  4 32 report to the governor, the general assembly, the attorney
  4 33 general, members of Iowa's congressional delegation, the Iowa
  4 34 state association of counties, the Iowa league of cities, the
  4 35 United States trade representative's office, the national
  5  1 conference of state legislatures, and the national association
  5  2 of attorneys general or the successor organization of any
  5  3 of these groups. The council shall make the report easily
  5  4 accessible to the public on the general assembly's internet
  5  5 site. The report must contain information acquired pursuant
  5  6 to council activities under paragraph "b" and may contain
  5  7 information acquired pursuant to activities under paragraph
  5  8 "c".
  5  9    e.  Review and analyze trade agreements, and submit reports
  5 10 as required pursuant to section 15K.6.
  5 11    f.  By December 31, 2022, the council shall conduct an
  5 12 evaluation of its activities and recommend to the general
  5 13 assembly whether to continue, alter, or cease the council 's
  5 14 activities.
  5 15    2.  The council may do all of the following:
  5 16    a.  Maintain active communications with any entity the
  5 17 council determines appropriate regarding ongoing developments
  5 18 in international trade agreements and policy.
  5 19    b.  Recommend or submit legislation to the general assembly.
  5 20    c.  Recommend that the state support, or withhold its support
  5 21 from, proposed trade negotiations or agreements.
  5 22    d.  Examine any aspects of international trade, international
  5 23 economic integration, and trade agreements that the members of
  5 24 the council consider appropriate.
  5 25    Sec. 5.  NEW SECTION.  15K.5  Citizen trade policy council
  5 26 fund.
  5 27    1.  A citizen trade policy council fund is created in the
  5 28 office of the treasurer of state under the control of the
  5 29 council for the purpose of receiving moneys appropriated by the
  5 30 general assembly and any other moneys available to the council
  5 31 under subsection 2. The moneys in the fund are appropriated
  5 32 to the council for the purposes of the council. Moneys in
  5 33 the fund shall not be subject to appropriation for any other
  5 34 purpose by the general assembly, but shall be used only for
  5 35 the purposes of the council. The treasurer of state shall
  6  1 act as custodian of the fund and disburse moneys contained in
  6  2 the fund as directed by the council. The council shall make
  6  3 expenditures from the fund consistent with the purposes of the
  6  4 council.
  6  5    2.  The council may solicit and accept other moneys to
  6  6 fulfill its duties and deposit the moneys in the fund. The
  6  7 council shall annually notify the legislative council of any
  6  8 solicitation and acceptance of moneys under this subsection.
  6  9 All moneys accepted under this subsection shall be forwarded to
  6 10 the treasurer of state, along with an accounting that includes
  6 11 the amount received, the date that amount was received, from
  6 12 whom that amount was received, the purpose of the donation, and
  6 13 any limitation on use of the moneys.
  6 14    3.  At the beginning of each fiscal year, and at any other
  6 15 time at the request of co=chairpersons of the council, the
  6 16 treasurer of state shall provide to the council an accounting
  6 17 of all moneys available to the council, including moneys
  6 18 available for staff support.
  6 19    4.  Moneys in the fund are not subject to section 8.33.
  6 20 Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2, interest or
  6 21 earnings on moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.
  6 22    Sec. 6.  NEW SECTION.  15K.6  Trade agreements.
  6 23    1.  If the United States government provides the state with
  6 24 the opportunity to consent to or to reject binding the state
  6 25 to a trade agreement, or a designated provision within a trade
  6 26 agreement, an official of the state, including but not limited
  6 27 to the governor, shall not give consent to the United States
  6 28 government to bind the state to the trade agreement, except as
  6 29 provided in this section.
  6 30    2.  When a communication from the United States trade
  6 31 representative concerning a trade agreement is received by the
  6 32 state, the governor shall transmit a copy of the communication
  6 33 and the trade agreement, or relevant provisions of the trade
  6 34 agreement, to the co=chairpersons of the council, the president
  6 35 of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and
  7  1 the chairpersons and ranking members of the general assembly's
  7  2 standing committees on economic growth.
  7  3    3.  The council, in consultation with the authority, the
  7  4 attorney general, and the faculty of the international and
  7  5 comparative law program at the college of law at the university
  7  6 of Iowa, shall, immediately upon receipt, review and analyze a
  7  7 trade agreement and submit a report to the general assembly and
  7  8 the governor on the potential impact on the state of consenting
  7  9 to be bound by the trade agreement. The council shall make a
  7 10 recommendation to the general assembly regarding whether to
  7 11 consent to or reject binding the state to the agreement.
  7 12    4.  An official of the state, including but not limited to
  7 13 the governor, shall not consent to bind the state to the terms
  7 14 or provisions of a trade agreement unless the general assembly
  7 15 has passed a joint resolution authorizing the governor or
  7 16 other official to give consent to bind the state to the trade
  7 17 agreement or to a provision designated by the United States
  7 18 government within the trade agreement.
  7 19                           EXPLANATION
  7 20 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  7 21 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  7 22    This bill creates a citizen trade policy council (council),
  7 23 establishes powers and duties for the council, creates
  7 24 a citizen trade policy council fund (fund), and makes an
  7 25 appropriation.
  7 26    The bill creates the council, consisting of 19 voting
  7 27 members and nine ex officio, nonvoting members, to assess and
  7 28 monitor the legal and economic impacts of trade agreements on
  7 29 state laws and local ordinances, working conditions, and the
  7 30 state's natural resources, communities, and economy, and to
  7 31 provide a mechanism for citizens and members of the general
  7 32 assembly to voice their concerns and recommendations. The
  7 33 council is required to consist of 10 public members appointed
  7 34 by the governor, eight public members appointed by legislative
  7 35 leaders, and the attorney general. The nine ex officio,
  8  1 nonvoting members are required to include the director of the
  8  2 economic development authority, the director of the department
  8  3 of workforce development, the director of the department of
  8  4 natural resources, the secretary of agriculture, and the
  8  5 director of human services, or their respective designees,
  8  6 along with four members of the general assembly. The bill
  8  7 makes provisions for what constitutes a quorum of the council
  8  8 and the compensation and terms of members.
  8  9    Under the bill, the governor, the majority leader of the
  8 10 senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives
  8 11 are each required to designate one of the public members to
  8 12 jointly serve as co=chairpersons. The bill allows the council
  8 13 to appoint other officers and committees as necessary and
  8 14 requires that the general assembly, through the legislative
  8 15 council, contract for staff support for the council. The
  8 16 support is required to be full=time if funding permits, but if
  8 17 funding does not permit adequate staff support, the council
  8 18 is permitted to request staff support from the legislative
  8 19 services agency and the economic development authority. The
  8 20 bill provides the council with a standing appropriation
  8 21 of $10,000, every other fiscal year, for the production of
  8 22 reports.
  8 23    Under the bill, the council is required to meet at least
  8 24 twice annually and hear public testimony and recommendations
  8 25 at no fewer than two locations throughout the state each year.
  8 26 The council is also required to conduct an assessment of the
  8 27 impacts of international trade agreements on Iowa's state
  8 28 laws, political subdivision ordinances, working conditions,
  8 29 and economic, environmental, and natural resources once every
  8 30 two years. The bill requires the council to submit annual
  8 31 reports to the governor, the general assembly, the attorney
  8 32 general, members of Iowa's congressional delegation, the Iowa
  8 33 state association of counties, the Iowa league of cities, the
  8 34 United States trade representative's office, the national
  8 35 conference of state legislatures, and the national association
  9  1 of attorneys general. The bill also requires the council to
  9  2 conduct an evaluation of its activities and recommend to the
  9  3 general assembly, by December 31, 2022, whether to continue,
  9  4 alter, or cease the council's activities.
  9  5    The bill also allows the council to maintain active
  9  6 communications with any entity the council determines
  9  7 appropriate, recommend or submit legislation to the general
  9  8 assembly, recommend that the state support, or withhold its
  9  9 support from, future trade negotiations or agreements, and
  9 10 to examine any aspects of international trade, international
  9 11 economic integration, and trade agreements that the members of
  9 12 the council consider appropriate.
  9 13    The bill creates a fund in the office of the treasurer
  9 14 of state under the control of the council to receive moneys
  9 15 appropriated by the general assembly and from any other
  9 16 source. Under the bill, moneys in the fund are appropriated
  9 17 to the council and the treasurer of state is required to act
  9 18 as custodian of the fund and disburse moneys contained in the
  9 19 fund as directed by the council. The council is required to
  9 20 annually notify the legislative council of any solicitation or
  9 21 acceptance of moneys from outside sources. Moneys in the fund
  9 22 are not subject to reversion under Code section 8.33 and any
  9 23 interest or earnings on moneys in the fund are required to be
  9 24 credited to the fund.
  9 25    The bill provides that an official of the state, including
  9 26 the governor, is not able to give consent to bind the state
  9 27 to the terms or provisions of a trade agreement unless the
  9 28 general assembly has passed a joint resolution authorizing the
  9 29 governor or other official of the state to bind the state to
  9 30 the trade agreement or to a designated provision within the
  9 31 trade agreement.
  9 32    Under the bill, the governor is required to transmit a
  9 33 copy of a trade agreement, or relevant provisions of a trade
  9 34 agreement, to the co=chairpersons of the council, the president
  9 35 of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and
 10  1 the chairpersons and ranking members of the general assembly's
 10  2 standing committees on economic growth.
 10  3    The bill requires that the council, in consultation with
 10  4 the authority, the attorney general, and the faculty of the
 10  5 international and comparative law program at the college of
 10  6 law at the university of Iowa, immediately review, analyze,
 10  7 and submit a report on such a trade agreement. The bill
 10  8 requires the council to submit the report to the general
 10  9 assembly and the governor. The council is also required to
 10 10 make recommendations to the general assembly.
       LSB 5452YH (7) 86