House File 2452 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 2452 BY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION (SUCCESSOR TO HF 2092) A BILL FOR An Act relating to motor grader operator training. 1 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 2 TLSB 5784HV (2) 90 th/ns
H.F. 2452 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 309.21A Motor grader operator 1 training. 2 1. A county, including the board of supervisors and the 3 county engineer, shall not employ a person to operate a motor 4 grader unless the person completes motor grader operator 5 training before the person operates a motor grader. This 6 subsection applies to persons employed to operate a motor 7 grader for the purpose of maintaining secondary roads if the 8 person has fewer than five years of experience operating a 9 motor grader. This subsection does not apply to persons 10 employed by a landfill who operate a motor grader for purposes 11 other than maintaining secondary roads. 12 2. Motor grader operator training must include a minimum 13 of six hours of training in a classroom setting and a minimum 14 of six hours of training operating a motor grader under the 15 supervision of an experienced motor grader operator. Training 16 must be provided by the Iowa local technical assistance program 17 offered by the institute for transportation of the Iowa state 18 university of science and technology, or by a county if the 19 training is substantially similar, and must include but is not 20 limited to the concepts described in subsection 3. 21 3. Motor grader operator training must include but is not 22 limited to all of the following: 23 a. Ideal roadway profile designs and application. 24 b. Proper grading techniques to ensure sufficient drainage 25 on roadways. 26 c. Standard roadway and shoulder maintenance methods. 27 EXPLANATION 28 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 29 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 30 This bill prohibits a county from employing a person to 31 operate a motor grader to maintain secondary roads unless the 32 person completes motor grader operator training if the person 33 has fewer than five years of experience. 34 Motor grader operator training must include at least six 35 -1- LSB 5784HV (2) 90 th/ns 1/ 2
H.F. 2452 hours of training in a classroom setting focusing on ideal 1 roadway profile designs and application, proper grading 2 techniques, and standard roadway and shoulder maintenance 3 methods. Motor grader operator training must also include at 4 least six hours of training behind the wheel of a motor grader 5 under the supervision of an experienced motor grader operator. 6 Under the bill, motor grader operator training must be 7 provided by the Iowa local technical assistance program 8 offered by the institute for transportation of the Iowa state 9 university of science and technology, or by a county if the 10 training is substantially similar. 11 -2- LSB 5784HV (2) 90 th/ns 2/ 2