House File 2354 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO HF 92)

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to student personal information protection.
    TLSB 1417HV (3) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  279.70  Student online personal
  1  2 information protection.
  1  3    1.  As used in this section, unless the context otherwise
  1  4 requires:
  1  5    a.  "Attendance center" means a school district building
  1  6 that contains classrooms used for instructional purposes for
  1  7 elementary, middle, or secondary school students.
  1  8    b.  "Covered information" means personally identifiable
  1  9 information or material, or information that is linked to
  1 10 personally identifiable information or material, in any media
  1 11 or format that is not publicly available and is any of the
  1 12 following:
  1 13    (1)  Created by or provided to an operator by a student, or
  1 14 the student's parent or legal guardian, in the course of the
  1 15 student's, parent's, or legal guardian's use of the operator's
  1 16 site, service, or application for kindergarten through grade
  1 17 twelve school purposes.
  1 18    (2)  Created by or provided to an operator by an employee
  1 19 or agent of a school district or attendance center for
  1 20 kindergarten through grade twelve school purposes.
  1 21    (3)  Gathered by an operator through the operation of its
  1 22 site, service, or application for kindergarten through grade
  1 23 twelve school purposes and personally identifies a student,
  1 24 including but not limited to information in the student's
  1 25 educational record or electronic mail, first and last name,
  1 26 home address, telephone number, electronic mail address, or
  1 27 other information that allows physical or online contact,
  1 28 discipline records, test results, special education data,
  1 29 juvenile dependency records, grades, evaluations, criminal
  1 30 records, medical records, health records, social security
  1 31 number, biometric information, disabilities, socioeconomic
  1 32 information, food purchases, political affiliations, religious
  1 33 information, text messages, documents, student identifiers,
  1 34 search activity, photos, voice recordings, or geolocation
  1 35 information.
  2  1    c.  "Interactive computer service" means that term as defined
  2  2 in 47 U.S.C. {230.
  2  3    d.  "Kindergarten through grade twelve school purposes" means
  2  4 purposes that are directed by or that customarily take place at
  2  5 the direction of a kindergarten through grade twelve attendance
  2  6 center, school district, or a practitioner employed by a school
  2  7 district, in the administration of school activities, including
  2  8 but not limited to instruction in the classroom or at home,
  2  9 administrative activities, and collaboration between students,
  2 10 school district or attendance center personnel, or parents, or
  2 11 are otherwise for the use and benefit of the school district or
  2 12 attendance center.
  2 13    e.  "Operator" means, to the extent that it is operating
  2 14 in this capacity, the operator of an internet site, online
  2 15 service, online application, or mobile application with actual
  2 16 knowledge that the site, service, or application is used
  2 17 primarily for kindergarten through grade twelve school purposes
  2 18 and was designed and marketed for such purposes.
  2 19    f.  "School district" means a public school district
  2 20 described in chapter 274.
  2 21    g.  "Targeted advertising" means presenting advertisements
  2 22 to a student where the advertisement is selected based on
  2 23 information obtained or inferred over time from that student's
  2 24 online behavior, usage of applications, or covered information.
  2 25 "Targeted advertising" does not include advertising to a student
  2 26 at an online location based upon that student's current visit
  2 27 to that location, or in response to that student's request
  2 28 for information or feedback, without the retention of that
  2 29 student's online activities or requests over time for the
  2 30 purpose of targeting subsequent ads.
  2 31    2.  a.  An operator shall not knowingly do any of the
  2 32 following:
  2 33    (1)  Engage in targeted advertising on the operator's
  2 34 internet site, service, or application, or target advertising
  2 35 on any other internet site, service, or application if the
  3  1 targeting of the advertising is based on any information,
  3  2 including covered information and persistent unique
  3  3 identifiers, that the operator has acquired because of the use
  3  4 of that operator's internet site, service, or application for
  3  5 kindergarten through grade twelve school purposes.
  3  6    (2)  Use information, including persistent unique
  3  7 identifiers, created or gathered by the operator's internet
  3  8 site, service, or application, to amass a profile about a
  3  9 student except in furtherance of kindergarten through grade
  3 10 twelve school purposes. "Amass a profile" does not include the
  3 11 collection and retention of account information that remains
  3 12 under the control of the student, the student's parent or
  3 13 guardian, or kindergarten through grade twelve school.
  3 14    (3)  Sell or rent a student's information, including covered
  3 15 information. This subparagraph does not apply to the purchase,
  3 16 merger, or other type of acquisition of an operator by another
  3 17 entity, if the operator or successor entity complies with this
  3 18 section regarding previously acquired student information, or
  3 19 to national assessment providers if the provider secures the
  3 20 express written consent of the parent or student, given in
  3 21 response to clear and conspicuous notice, solely to provide
  3 22 access to employment, educational scholarships or financial
  3 23 aid, or postsecondary educational opportunities.
  3 24    (4)  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, disclose
  3 25 covered information unless the disclosure is made for the
  3 26 following purposes:
  3 27    (a)  In furtherance of the kindergarten through grade twelve
  3 28 school purpose of the internet site, service, or application,
  3 29 if the recipient of the covered information disclosed under
  3 30 this subparagraph division does not further disclose the
  3 31 information unless done to allow or improve operability and
  3 32 functionality of the operator's internet site, service, or
  3 33 application.
  3 34    (b)  To ensure legal and regulatory compliance or protect
  3 35 against liability.
  4  1    (c)  To respond to or participate in the judicial process.
  4  2    (d)  To protect the safety or integrity of users of the
  4  3 internet site or others or the security of the internet site,
  4  4 service, or application.
  4  5    (e)  For a kindergarten through grade twelve school,
  4  6 educational, or employment purpose requested by the student or
  4  7 the student's parent or guardian, provided that the information
  4  8 is not used or further disclosed for any other purpose.
  4  9    (f)  To a third party, if the operator contractually
  4 10 prohibits the third party from using any covered information
  4 11 for any purpose other than providing the contracted service
  4 12 to or on behalf of the operator and requires the third party
  4 13 to protect student information to the same extent that the
  4 14 operator is required to do pursuant to this section, prohibits
  4 15 the third party from disclosing any covered information
  4 16 provided by the operator with subsequent third parties, and
  4 17 requires the third party to implement and maintain security
  4 18 procedures and practices consistent with current industry
  4 19 standards and all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and
  4 20 regulations.
  4 21    b.  Nothing in paragraph "a" shall prohibit the operator's
  4 22 use of information for maintaining, developing, supporting,
  4 23 improving, or diagnosing the operator's internet site, service,
  4 24 or application.
  4 25    3.  An operator shall do all of the following:
  4 26    a.  Implement and maintain security procedures and practices
  4 27 consistent with current industry standards and all applicable
  4 28 state and federal laws, rules, and regulations appropriate to
  4 29 the nature of the covered information designed to protect that
  4 30 covered information from unauthorized access, destruction, use,
  4 31 modification, or disclosure.
  4 32    b.  Delete as soon as reasonably practicable, a student's
  4 33 covered information if the school district or attendance center
  4 34 requests deletion of covered information under the control of
  4 35 the school district or attendance center, unless a student or
  5  1 parent or guardian consents to the maintenance of the covered
  5  2 information.
  5  3    4.  An operator may use or disclose covered information of a
  5  4 student under all of the following circumstances:
  5  5    a.  If other provisions of federal or state law require the
  5  6 operator to disclose the information, and the operator complies
  5  7 with the requirements of federal and state law in protecting
  5  8 and disclosing that information.
  5  9    b.  If no covered information is used for advertising or
  5 10 to amass a profile on the student for purposes other than
  5 11 elementary, middle school, or high school purposes; for
  5 12 legitimate research purposes, as required by state or federal
  5 13 law and subject to the restrictions under applicable state
  5 14 and federal law; or as allowed by state or federal law and
  5 15 in furtherance of kindergarten through grade twelve school
  5 16 purposes or postsecondary educational purposes.
  5 17    c.  To a state or local educational agency, including
  5 18 kindergarten through grade twelve attendance centers and
  5 19 school districts, for kindergarten through grade twelve school
  5 20 purposes, as permitted by state or federal law.
  5 21    5.  This section does not prohibit an operator from doing any
  5 22 of the following:
  5 23    a.  Using covered information to improve educational products
  5 24 if that information is not associated with an identified
  5 25 student within the operator's internet site, service, or
  5 26 application or other internet sites, services, or applications
  5 27 owned by the operator.
  5 28    b.  Using covered information that is not associated with
  5 29 an identified student to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
  5 30 operator's products or services, including in the operator's
  5 31 marketing.
  5 32    c.  Sharing covered information that is not associated with
  5 33 an identified student for the development and improvement of
  5 34 educational internet sites, services, or applications.
  5 35    d.  Using recommendation engines to recommend to a student
  6  1 either of the following:
  6  2    (1)  Additional content relating to an educational,
  6  3 other learning, or employment opportunity purpose within an
  6  4 online site, service, or application if the recommendation
  6  5 is not determined in whole or in part by payment or other
  6  6 consideration from a third party.
  6  7    (2)  Additional services relating to an educational,
  6  8 other learning, or employment opportunity purpose within an
  6  9 online site, service, or application if the recommendation
  6 10 is not determined in whole or in part by payment or other
  6 11 consideration from a third party.
  6 12    e.  Responding to a student's request for information or for
  6 13 feedback without the information or response being determined
  6 14 in whole or in part by payment or other consideration from a
  6 15 third party.
  6 16    6.  This section does not do any of the following:
  6 17    a.  Limit the authority of a law enforcement agency to obtain
  6 18 any content or information from an operator as authorized by
  6 19 law or under a court order.
  6 20    b.  Limit the ability of an operator to use student data,
  6 21 including covered information, for adaptive learning or
  6 22 customized student learning purposes.
  6 23    c.  Apply to general audience internet sites, general
  6 24 audience online services, general audience online applications,
  6 25 or general audience mobile applications, even if login
  6 26 credentials created for an operator's internet site, service,
  6 27 or application may be used to access those general audience
  6 28 internet sites, services, or applications.
  6 29    d.  Limit service providers from providing internet
  6 30 connectivity to attendance centers or students and students'
  6 31 families.
  6 32    e.  Prohibit an operator of an internet site, online service,
  6 33 online application, or mobile application from marketing
  6 34 educational products directly to parents if the marketing did
  6 35 not result from the use of covered information obtained by the
  7  1 operator through the provision of services covered under this
  7  2 section.
  7  3    f.  Impose a duty upon a provider of an electronic store,
  7  4 gateway, marketplace, or other means of purchasing or
  7  5 downloading software or applications to review or enforce
  7  6 compliance with this section on those applications or software.
  7  7    g.  Impose a duty on a provider of an interactive computer
  7  8 service to review or enforce compliance with this section by
  7  9 third=party content providers.
  7 10    h.  Prohibit students from downloading, exporting,
  7 11 transferring, saving, or maintaining the students' own student
  7 12 data or documents.
  7 13                           EXPLANATION
  7 14 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  7 15 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  7 16    This bill places restrictions on third parties that receive
  7 17 student data from a school district or attendance center,
  7 18 and on operators of internet sites, online services, online
  7 19 applications, and mobile applications designed, marketed, and
  7 20 used primarily for kindergarten through grade 12 (K=12) school
  7 21 purposes.
  7 23 an operator from knowingly engaging in targeted advertising
  7 24 that is based on or derived from information the operator
  7 25 acquired through use of that operator's internet sites and
  7 26 from using information created or gathered by the operator to
  7 27 amass a profile about a K=12 student in this state except in
  7 28 furtherance of school purposes. The bill also prohibits an
  7 29 operator from knowingly selling a student's information, though
  7 30 this prohibition does not apply to the purchase, merger, or
  7 31 other type of acquisition of an operator by another entity,
  7 32 provided that the operator or successor entity continues to be
  7 33 subject to the same restrictions.
  7 34    The operator is also prohibited from disclosing covered
  7 35 information unless the disclosure is in furtherance of K=12
  8  1 school purposes and the recipient of the covered information is
  8  2 subject to similar restrictions.  Disclosure is also authorized
  8  3 in order to ensure legal and regulatory compliance, to respond
  8  4 to or participate in judicial process, or to protect the safety
  8  5 or security of the internet site.
  8  6    The operator may also disclose covered information to a
  8  7 service provider if the operator implements and maintains
  8  8 reasonable security procedures and if the service provider is
  8  9 contractually prohibited from using any of the information for
  8 10 any purpose other than providing the contracted service to, or
  8 11 on behalf of, the operator, and from disclosing any covered
  8 12 information provided by the operator to subsequent third
  8 13 parties.
  8 14    However, these prohibitions do not prohibit the operator's
  8 15 use of information for maintaining, developing, supporting,
  8 16 improving, or diagnosing the operator's internet site, service,
  8 17 or application.
  8 18    The operator is required to implement and maintain
  8 19 reasonable security procedures and protect covered information
  8 20 from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or
  8 21 disclosure; and to delete a student's covered information if
  8 22 the school district or attendance center requests deletion of
  8 23 data under its control.
  8 24    Notwithstanding the disclosure prohibitions, as long as
  8 25 the operator does not violate the provisions prohibiting
  8 26 targeted advertising, the use of student information to amass a
  8 27 profile, and the sale of student information, an operator may
  8 28 disclose covered information of a student if other provisions
  8 29 of federal or state law require the operator to disclose the
  8 30 information, or for legitimate research purposes as required by
  8 31 and subject to state or federal law and under the direction of
  8 32 the school district or attendance center; and to state or local
  8 33 educational agencies as permitted by state or federal law.
  8 34    The bill does not prohibit an operator from using
  8 35 deidentified student covered information to improve educational
  9  1 products; limit a law enforcement agency from obtaining
  9  2 information as authorized by law or court order; limit the
  9  3 ability of an operator to use student data for adaptive
  9  4 learning or customized student learning purposes; apply
  9  5 to general audience internet sites, services, and online
  9  6 applications; restrict internet service providers from
  9  7 providing internet connectivity to attendance centers or
  9  8 students and their families; prohibit an operator from
  9  9 marketing educational products directly to parents so long
  9 10 as the marketing did not result from the use of covered
  9 11 information; impose a duty upon a provider of an electronic
  9 12 store, gateway, marketplace, or other means of purchasing or
  9 13 downloading software or applications to review or enforce
  9 14 compliance with applicable restrictions by such software or
  9 15 applications; impose a duty upon a provider of an interactive
  9 16 computer service to review or enforce compliance by third=party
  9 17 content providers; or prohibit students from downloading,
  9 18 exporting, or otherwise saving or maintaining their own
  9 19 student=created data or documents.
  9 20    DEFINITIONS.  The bill provides definitions for "operator",
  9 21 "covered information", "targeted advertising", and
  9 22 "kindergarten through grade twelve school purposes".
       LSB 1417HV (3) 87