House File 2350 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  COMMITTEE ON STATE

                                 (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 585)

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act concerning gambling game licensure requirements and
  2    fees, and including applicability provisions.
    TLSB 5990HV (2) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 99F.5, subsection 1, Code 2016, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    1.  A qualified sponsoring organization may apply to the
  1  4 commission for a license to conduct gambling games on an
  1  5 excursion gambling boat or gambling structure as provided in
  1  6 this chapter. A person may apply to the commission for a
  1  7 license to operate an excursion gambling boat. An operating
  1  8 agreement entered into on or after May 6, 2004, between
  1  9 a qualified sponsoring organization and an operator of an
  1 10 excursion gambling boat or gambling structure shall provide for
  1 11 a minimum distribution by the qualified sponsoring organization
  1 12 for educational, civic, public, charitable, patriotic, or
  1 13 religious uses as defined in section 99B.1, that averages at
  1 14 least three percent of the adjusted gross receipts for each
  1 15 license year.  If an operating agreement has been entered into
  1 16 between a qualified sponsoring organization and an operator of
  1 17 an excursion gambling boat or gambling structure, the person
  1 18 licensed to operate the excursion gambling boat or gambling
  1 19 structure pursuant to that agreement shall be noted and
  1 20 included as a part of the initial or renewed license issued to
  1 21 the qualified sponsoring organization. The application shall
  1 22 be filed with the administrator of the commission at least
  1 23 ninety days before the first day of the next excursion season
  1 24 as determined by the commission, shall identify the excursion
  1 25 gambling boat upon which gambling games will be authorized,
  1 26 shall specify the exact location where the excursion gambling
  1 27 boat will be docked, and shall be in a form and contain
  1 28 information as the commission prescribes. The minimum capacity
  1 29 of an excursion gambling boat or gambling structure is two
  1 30 hundred fifty persons.
  1 31    Sec. 2.  Section 99F.10, subsection 7, Code 2016, is amended
  1 32 to read as follows:
  1 33    7.  In addition to any other fees required by this chapter,
  1 34 a person awarded a new license to conduct gambling games
  1 35 pursuant to section 99F.7 on or after January 1, 2004, shall
  2  1 pay the applicable initial license fee to the commission as
  2  2 provided by this subsection. A person awarded a new license
  2  3 shall pay one=fifth of the applicable initial license fee
  2  4 immediately upon the granting of the license, one=fifth of
  2  5 the applicable initial license fee within one year of the
  2  6 granting of the license, one=fifth of the applicable initial
  2  7 license fee within two years of the granting of the license,
  2  8 one=fifth of the applicable initial license fee within three
  2  9 years of the granting of the license, and the remaining
  2 10 one=fifth of the applicable initial license fee within four
  2 11 years of the granting of the license. However, the license
  2 12 fee provided for in this subsection shall not only apply when
  2 13 a licensed facility is sold and a new license is issued to the
  2 14 purchaser a person for a facility that increases the number of
  2 15 licensed facilities in the county. Fees paid pursuant to this
  2 16 subsection are not refundable to the licensee. For purposes of
  2 17 this subsection, the applicable initial license fee shall be
  2 18 five million dollars if the population of the county where the
  2 19 licensee shall conduct gambling games is fifteen thousand or
  2 20 less based upon the most recent federal decennial census, shall
  2 21 be ten million dollars if the population of the county where
  2 22 the licensee shall conduct gambling games is more than fifteen
  2 23 thousand and less than one hundred thousand based upon the most
  2 24 recent federal decennial census, and shall be twenty million
  2 25 dollars if the population of the county where the licensee
  2 26 shall conduct gambling games is one hundred thousand or more
  2 27 based upon the most recent federal decennial census. Moneys
  2 28 collected by the commission from an initial license fee paid
  2 29 under this subsection shall be deposited in the rebuild Iowa
  2 30 infrastructure fund created in section 8.57.
  2 31    Sec. 3.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies to initial or
  2 32 renewed licenses issued to a qualified sponsoring organization
  2 33 on or after the effective date of this Act.
  2 34                           EXPLANATION
  2 35 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  3  1 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  3  2    Code section 99F.5, concerning gambling game licensing, is
  3  3 amended to provide that if an operating agreement has been
  3  4 entered into between a qualified sponsoring organization and an
  3  5 operator of an excursion gambling boat or gambling structure,
  3  6 the person licensed to operate the boat or structure shall be
  3  7 noted and included as a part of the initial or renewed license
  3  8 issued to the qualified sponsoring organization.
  3  9    Code section 99F.10, concerning license fees, is amended to
  3 10 provide that the initial license fee shall be paid only when a
  3 11 new license is issued to a person for a facility that increases
  3 12 the number of licensed facilities in the county.
  3 13    This bill applies to licenses issued or renewed on or after
  3 14 the effective date of the bill.
       LSB 5990HV (2) 86