House File 2329 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 2329 BY COMMITTEE ON VETERANS AFFAIRS (SUCCESSOR TO HF 2026) A BILL FOR An Act providing for the issuance of special hunting licenses 1 to certain nonresident disabled veterans. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 5219HV (2) 84 av/nh
H.F. 2329 Section 1. Section 483A.24, subsections 3 and 4, Code 1 Supplement 2011, are amended to read as follows: 2 3. The director shall provide up to seventy-five 3 nonresident deer hunting licenses for allocation as provided 4 in this subsection. 5 a. Thirty-five of the nonresident deer hunting licenses 6 shall be allocated as requested by a majority of a committee 7 consisting of the majority leader of the senate, speaker of 8 the house of representatives, and director of the economic 9 development authority, or their designees. The licenses 10 provided pursuant to this subsection shall be in addition 11 to the number of nonresident licenses authorized pursuant 12 to section 483A.8 . The purpose of the special nonresident 13 licenses is to allow state officials and local development 14 groups to promote the state and its natural resources to 15 nonresident guests and dignitaries. Photographs, videotapes, 16 or any other form of media resulting from the hunting 17 visitation shall not be used for political campaign purposes. 18 The nonresident licenses shall be issued without application 19 upon payment of the nonresident deer hunting license fee and 20 the wildlife habitat fee. The licenses are valid in all zones 21 open to deer hunting. The hunter safety and ethics education 22 certificate requirement pursuant to section 483A.27 is waived 23 for a nonresident issued a license pursuant to this subsection . 24 b. Forty of the nonresident deer hunting licenses shall be 25 allocated as provided in subsection 4A. 26 4. The director shall provide up to twenty-five 27 seventy-five nonresident wild turkey hunting licenses for 28 allocation as provided in this subsection. 29 a. Thirty-five of the nonresident wild turkey hunting 30 licenses shall be allocated as requested by a majority of a 31 committee consisting of the majority leader of the senate, 32 speaker of the house of representatives, and director of the 33 economic development authority, or their designees. The 34 licenses provided pursuant to this subsection shall be in 35 -1- LSB 5219HV (2) 84 av/nh 1/ 5
H.F. 2329 addition to the number of nonresident licenses authorized 1 pursuant to section 483A.7 . The purpose of the special 2 nonresident licenses is to allow state officials and local 3 development groups to promote the state and its natural 4 resources to nonresident guests and dignitaries. Photographs, 5 videotapes, or any other form of media resulting from the 6 hunting visitation shall not be used for political campaign 7 purposes. The nonresident licenses shall be issued without 8 application upon payment of the nonresident wild turkey hunting 9 license fee and the wildlife habitat fee. The licenses are 10 valid in all zones open to wild turkey hunting. The hunter 11 safety and ethics education certificate requirement pursuant to 12 section 483A.27 is waived for a nonresident issued a license 13 pursuant to this subsection . 14 b. Forty of the nonresident wild turkey hunting licenses 15 shall be allocated as provided in subsection 4A. 16 Sec. 2. Section 483A.24, Code Supplement 2011, is amended by 17 adding the following new subsection: 18 NEW SUBSECTION . 4A. Forty of the nonresident deer 19 hunting licenses and wild turkey hunting licenses allocated 20 when subsections 3 and 4 shall be available for issuance to 21 nonresidents who have served in the armed forces of the United 22 States on active federal service and who were disabled during 23 the veteran’s military service to enable the disabled veteran 24 to participate in a hunt that is conducted by an organization 25 that conducts hunting experiences in this state for disabled 26 veterans. The licenses shall be issued as follows: 27 a. The department shall prepare an application to be used by 28 a person requesting a special license under this subsection. 29 (1) The department shall verify that the license will be 30 used by the applicant in connection with a hunt conducted by 31 an approved organization that conducts hunting experiences 32 in this state for disabled veterans. The department shall 33 specify, by rules adopted under chapter 17A, what requirements 34 an organization must meet in order to be approved to conduct 35 -2- LSB 5219HV (2) 84 av/nh 2/ 5
H.F. 2329 hunts for disabled veterans who obtain licenses under this 1 subsection. 2 (2) The department of veterans affairs shall assist the 3 department in verifying the status or claims of applicants 4 under this subsection. As used in this subsection, “disabled” 5 means entitled to a service connected rating under 38 U.S.C. 6 ch. 11 with a degree of disability of thirty percent or more or 7 a person who is on active duty and has been awarded the purple 8 heart for disabilities incurred in action. 9 b. A license issued under this subsection shall be in 10 addition to the number of nonresident wild turkey hunting 11 licenses authorized pursuant to section 483A.7 and nonresident 12 deer hunting licenses authorized pursuant to section 483A.8. 13 However, a nonresident who obtains a license pursuant to 14 this subsection is not eligible to obtain a nonresident deer 15 hunting license or wild turkey hunting license under any other 16 provision of law. 17 c. A disabled veteran who receives a special license 18 under this subsection shall purchase a hunting license, and 19 a wild turkey hunting license or a deer hunting license, if 20 applicable, and pay the wildlife habitat fee, all for the same 21 fee that is charged to resident hunters. If hunting deer, 22 the disabled veteran shall also pay a one dollar fee that 23 shall be used and is appropriated for the purpose of deer herd 24 population management, including assisting with the cost of 25 processing deer donated to the help us stop hunger program 26 administered by the commission. 27 d. A disabled veteran who receives a special license under 28 this subsection shall complete the hunter safety and ethics 29 education course. 30 e. A license issued under this subsection is valid for use 31 only on a hunt conducted by an organization approved under this 32 subsection. 33 f. The commission shall adopt rules under chapter 17A for 34 the administration of this subsection. 35 -3- LSB 5219HV (2) 84 av/nh 3/ 5
H.F. 2329 EXPLANATION 1 This bill requires the director of the department of 2 natural resources to issue special deer hunting licenses and 3 wild turkey hunting licenses to certain nonresident disabled 4 veterans for use on hunts conducted by organizations that 5 conduct hunting experiences in the state for disabled veterans. 6 The director is required to make available 40 of the 75 7 special nonresident deer hunting licenses that are currently 8 allocated by a committee to promote the state and its natural 9 resources to nonresident guests and dignitaries, for issuance 10 to nonresident disabled veterans. The director is also 11 required to increase the number of special nonresident wild 12 turkey hunting licenses from 25 to 75, and to make 40 of those 13 licenses available for issuance to disabled veterans. 14 The special licenses must be used in connection with a hunt 15 conducted by an approved organization that conducts hunting 16 experiences in the state for disabled veterans. The department 17 is to adopt rules specifying what requirements an organization 18 must meet to be approved. 19 The special licenses are available to nonresident veterans 20 who are entitled to a service connected rating under federal 21 law with a degree of disability of 30 percent or more or to 22 nonresidents who are on active military duty and have been 23 awarded the purple heart for disabilities incurred in action. 24 The department of veterans affairs shall assist the department 25 in verifying the status of applicants for the licenses. 26 The special licenses are in addition to the number of 27 nonresident wild turkey and deer hunting licenses that are 28 otherwise authorized by law. A nonresident who obtains one 29 of the special licenses is not eligible to obtain another 30 nonresident wild turkey or deer hunting license under any other 31 provision of law. 32 A nonresident who purchases a special license must also 33 purchase a hunting license, and pay the wildlife habitat fee, 34 all for the same fees as a resident hunter. A nonresident who 35 -4- LSB 5219HV (2) 84 av/nh 4/ 5
H.F. 2329 purchases a special deer hunting license must also pay the 1 $1 fee for the purpose of deer herd population management, 2 including assisting with the cost of processing deer donated to 3 the help us stop hunger program. 4 A disabled veteran who receives one of the special licenses 5 must complete the hunter safety and ethics education course. 6 -5- LSB 5219HV (2) 84 av/nh 5/ 5