House File 2080 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  HIGHFILL

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act providing for the issuance and display of one motor
  2    vehicle registration plate.
    TLSB 5671YH (3) 87


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 8A.362, subsection 7, Code 2018, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    7.  The director shall require that a sign be placed on
  1  4 each state=owned motor vehicle in a conspicuous place which
  1  5 indicates its ownership by the state. This requirement
  1  6 shall not apply to motor vehicles requested to be exempt by
  1  7 the director or by the commissioner of public safety. All
  1  8 state=owned motor vehicles shall display a registration
  1  9 plates plate bearing the word "official" except motor vehicles
  1 10 requested to be furnished with an ordinary plates plate by the
  1 11 director or by the commissioner of public safety pursuant to
  1 12 section 321.19. The director shall keep an accurate record of
  1 13 the registration plates used on all state=owned motor vehicles.
  1 14 This subsection shall not apply to an assigned vehicle rented
  1 15 or leased pursuant to section 8A.367.
  1 16    Sec. 2.  Section 321.18, subsection 7, Code 2018, is amended
  1 17 to read as follows:
  1 18    7.  Any school bus in this state used exclusively for
  1 19 the transportation of pupils to and from school or a school
  1 20 function or for the purposes provided in section 285.1,
  1 21 subsection 1, and section 285.10, subsection 9, or used
  1 22 exclusively for the transportation of children enrolled in a
  1 23 federal head start program. Upon application the department
  1 24 shall, without charge, issue a registration certificate and
  1 25 registration plates plate. The plates plate shall be attached
  1 26 to the front and rear of each bus exempt from registration
  1 27 under this subsection.
  1 28    Sec. 3.  Section 321.19, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code
  1 29 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  1 30    c.  However, the director of the department of administrative
  1 31 services or the director of transportation may order the
  1 32 issuance of a regular registration plates plate for any
  1 33 exempted vehicle used by any of the following:
  1 34    (1)  Peace officers or federal law enforcement officers in
  1 35 the enforcement of the law.
  2  1    (2)  Persons enforcing chapter 124 and other laws relating to
  2  2 controlled substances.
  2  3    (3)  Persons in the department of justice, the alcoholic
  2  4 beverages division of the department of commerce, disease
  2  5 investigators of the Iowa department of public health, the
  2  6 department of inspections and appeals, and the department of
  2  7 revenue, who are regularly assigned to conduct investigations
  2  8 which cannot reasonably be conducted with a vehicle displaying
  2  9 an "official" state registration plates plate.
  2 10    (4)  Persons who are federal agents or officers regularly
  2 11 assigned to conduct investigations which cannot reasonably be
  2 12 conducted with a vehicle displaying an "official" registration
  2 13 plates plate.
  2 14    (5)  Persons in the Iowa lottery authority whose regularly
  2 15 assigned duties relating to security or the carrying of
  2 16 lottery tickets cannot reasonably be conducted with a vehicle
  2 17 displaying an "official" registration plates plate.
  2 18    (6)  Persons in the economic development authority
  2 19 who are regularly assigned duties relating to existing
  2 20 industry expansion or business attraction, and mental health
  2 21 professionals or health care professionals who provide off=site
  2 22 or in=home medical or mental health services to clients of
  2 23 publicly funded programs.
  2 24    Sec. 4.  Section 321.20B, subsection 4, paragraph a,
  2 25 subparagraph (3), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018, is amended
  2 26 to read as follows:
  2 27    Issue a citation and remove the motor vehicle's license
  2 28 plates plate and registration receipt.
  2 29    Sec. 5.  Section 321.20B, subsection 4, paragraph a,
  2 30 subparagraph (3), subparagraph division (a), Code 2018, is
  2 31 amended to read as follows:
  2 32    (a)  Upon removing the license plates plate and registration
  2 33 receipt, the peace officer shall deliver the plates plate for
  2 34 destruction, as appropriate, and forward the registration
  2 35 receipt and evidence of the violation, as determined by the
  3  1 department, to the county treasurer of the county in which the
  3  2 motor vehicle is registered.
  3  3    Sec. 6.  Section 321.20B, subsection 4, paragraph a,
  3  4 subparagraph (4), subparagraph division (a), Code 2018, is
  3  5 amended to read as follows:
  3  6    (a)  Issue a citation, remove the motor vehicle's license
  3  7 plates plate and registration receipt, and impound the motor
  3  8 vehicle. The peace officer shall deliver the plates plate
  3  9  for destruction, as appropriate, and forward the registration
  3 10 receipt and evidence of the violation, as determined by the
  3 11 department, to the county treasurer of the county in which the
  3 12 motor vehicle is registered.
  3 13    Sec. 7.  Section 321.20B, subsection 4, paragraph b,
  3 14 subparagraph (1), subparagraph divisions (a) and (b), Code
  3 15 2018, are amended to read as follows:
  3 16    (a)  If the person was cited pursuant to paragraph "a",
  3 17 subparagraph (3), the owner or driver shall provide a copy of
  3 18 the receipt to the county treasurer of the county in which the
  3 19 motor vehicle is registered and the owner shall be assessed a
  3 20 fifteen dollar administrative fee by the county treasurer who
  3 21 shall issue a new license plates plate and registration to the
  3 22 person after payment of the fee.
  3 23    (b)  If the person was cited pursuant to paragraph "a",
  3 24 subparagraph (4), the owner or driver, after the owner
  3 25 provides proof of financial liability coverage to the clerk
  3 26 of court, may claim the motor vehicle after such person pays
  3 27 any applicable fine and the costs of towing and storage for
  3 28 the motor vehicle, and the owner or driver provides a copy
  3 29 of the receipt and the owner pays to the county treasurer of
  3 30 the county in which the motor vehicle is registered a fifteen
  3 31 dollar administrative fee, and the county treasurer shall issue
  3 32 a new license plates plate and registration to the person.
  3 33    Sec. 8.  Section 321.20B, subsection 4, paragraph b,
  3 34 subparagraph (2), subparagraph divisions (a) and (b), Code
  3 35 2018, are amended to read as follows:
  4  1    (a)  Sign an admission of violation on the citation and
  4  2 remit to the clerk of court a scheduled fine as provided in
  4  3 section 805.8A, subsection 14, paragraph "f", for a violation of
  4  4 subsection 1. Upon payment of the fine to the clerk of court of
  4  5 the county where the citation was issued, payment of a fifteen
  4  6 dollar administrative fee to the county treasurer of the
  4  7 county in which the motor vehicle is registered, and providing
  4  8 proof of payment of any applicable fine and proof of financial
  4  9 liability coverages to the county treasurer of the county in
  4 10 which the motor vehicle is registered, the treasurer shall
  4 11 issue a new license plates plate and registration to the owner.
  4 12    (b)  Request an appearance before the court on the matter.
  4 13 If the matter goes before the court, and the owner or driver
  4 14 is found guilty of a violation of subsection 1, the court
  4 15 may impose a fine as provided in section 805.8A, subsection
  4 16 14, paragraph "f", for a violation of subsection 1, or the
  4 17 court may order the person to perform unpaid community
  4 18 service instead of the fine. Upon the payment of the fine
  4 19 or the entry of the order for unpaid community service, the
  4 20 person shall provide proof of payment or entry of such order
  4 21 and the county treasurer of the county in which the motor
  4 22 vehicle is registered shall issue a new license plates plate
  4 23  and registration to the owner upon the owner providing proof
  4 24 of financial liability coverage and paying a fifteen dollar
  4 25 administrative fee to the county treasurer.
  4 26    Sec. 9.  Section 321.22, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended
  4 27 to read as follows:
  4 28    1.  An urban transit company or system having a franchise
  4 29 to operate in any city and any regional transit system may
  4 30 make application to the department, upon forms furnished by
  4 31 the department, for a certificate containing a distinguishing
  4 32 number and for one or more pairs of registration plates to be
  4 33 attached to the front and rear of buses owned or operated by
  4 34 the transit company or system.
  4 35    Sec. 10.  Section 321.23, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
  5  1 to read as follows:
  5  2    3.  In the event an applicant for registration of a foreign
  5  3 vehicle for which a certificate of title has been issued is
  5  4 able to furnish evidence of being the registered owner of the
  5  5 vehicle to the county treasurer of the owner's residence,
  5  6 although unable to surrender such certificate of title,
  5  7 the county treasurer may issue a registration receipt and
  5  8 plates plate upon receipt of the required annual registration
  5  9 fee and the fee for new registration but shall not issue a
  5 10 certificate of title thereto for the vehicle. Upon surrender
  5 11 of the certificate of title from the foreign state, the county
  5 12 treasurer shall issue a certificate of title to the owner, of
  5 13 the vehicle or other person entitled thereto, of such vehicle
  5 14  to the certificate of title as provided in this chapter. The
  5 15 owner of a vehicle registered under this subsection shall not
  5 16 be required to obtain a certificate of title in this state and
  5 17 may transfer ownership of the vehicle to a motor vehicle dealer
  5 18 licensed under chapter 322 if, at the time of the transfer,
  5 19 the certificate of title is held by a secured party and the
  5 20 dealer has forwarded to the secured party the sum necessary to
  5 21 discharge the security interest pursuant to section 321.48,
  5 22 subsection 1.
  5 23    Sec. 11.  Section 321.25, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended
  5 24 to read as follows:
  5 25    1.  A vehicle may be operated upon the highways of this state
  5 26 without a registration plates plate for a period of forty=five
  5 27 days after the date of delivery of the vehicle to the purchaser
  5 28 from a dealer if a card bearing the words "registration applied
  5 29 for" is attached on the rear of the vehicle. The card shall
  5 30 have plainly stamped or stenciled the registration number of
  5 31 the dealer from whom the vehicle was purchased and the date
  5 32 of delivery of the vehicle. In addition, a dealer licensed
  5 33 to sell new motor vehicles may attach the card to a new motor
  5 34 vehicle delivered by the dealer to the purchaser even if the
  5 35 vehicle was purchased from an out=of=state dealer and the card
  6  1 shall bear the registration number of the dealer that delivered
  6  2 the vehicle. A dealer shall not issue a card to a person known
  6  3 to the dealer to be in possession of a registration plates
  6  4  plate which may be attached to the vehicle. A dealer shall
  6  5 not issue a card unless an application for registration and
  6  6 certificate of title has been made by the purchaser and a
  6  7 receipt issued to the purchaser of the vehicle showing the fee
  6  8 paid by the person making the application. Dealers' records
  6  9 shall indicate the agency to which the fee is sent and the date
  6 10 the fee is sent. The dealer shall forward the application by
  6 11 the purchaser to the county treasurer or state office within
  6 12 thirty calendar days from the date of delivery of the vehicle.
  6 13 However, if the vehicle is subject to a security interest
  6 14 and has been offered for sale pursuant to section 321.48,
  6 15 subsection 1, the dealer shall forward the application by the
  6 16 purchaser to the county treasurer or state office within thirty
  6 17 calendar days from the date of the delivery of the vehicle to
  6 18 the purchaser.
  6 19    Sec. 12.  Section 321.26, subsection 2, Code 2018, is amended
  6 20 to read as follows:
  6 21    2.  The county treasurer may adjust the renewal or expiration
  6 22 date of vehicles when deemed necessary to equalize the number
  6 23 of vehicles registered in each twelve=month period or for the
  6 24 administrative efficiency of the county treasurer's office.
  6 25 The adjustment shall be accomplished by delivery of a written
  6 26 notice to the vehicle owner of the adjustment and allowance of
  6 27 a credit for the remaining months of the unused portion of the
  6 28 annual registration fee, rounded to the nearest whole dollar,
  6 29 which amount shall be deducted from the annual registration
  6 30 fee due at the time of registration. Upon receipt of the
  6 31 notification the owner shall, within thirty days, surrender the
  6 32 registration card and registration plates plate to the county
  6 33 treasurer of the county where the vehicle is registered, except
  6 34 that the registration plates plate shall not be surrendered
  6 35 if a validation stickers sticker or other emblems are emblem
  7  1 is used to designate the month and year of expiration of
  7  2 registration. Upon payment of the annual registration fee,
  7  3 less the credit allowed for the remaining months of the
  7  4 unused portion of the annual registration fee, the county
  7  5 treasurer shall issue a new registration card and registration
  7  6 plates plate, validation stickers sticker, or emblems emblem
  7  7  which indicate indicates the month and year of expiration of
  7  8 registration.
  7  9    Sec. 13.  Section 321.34, subsections 1, 2, and 3, Code 2018,
  7 10 are amended to read as follows:
  7 11    1.  Plates Plate issued.  The county treasurer upon receiving
  7 12 application, accompanied by proper fee, for registration of a
  7 13 vehicle shall issue to the owner one registration plate for
  7 14 a motorcycle, motorized bicycle, autocycle, truck tractor,
  7 15 trailer, or semitrailer and two registration plates for every
  7 16 other motor vehicle. The registration plates plate, including
  7 17 any special registration plates plate, shall be assigned
  7 18 to the owner of a vehicle. When the owner of a registered
  7 19 vehicle transfers or assigns ownership of the vehicle to
  7 20 another person, the owner shall remove the registration plates
  7 21  plate from the vehicle. The owner shall forward the plates
  7 22  plate to the county treasurer where the vehicle is registered
  7 23 or the owner may have the plates plate assigned to another
  7 24 vehicle within thirty days after transfer, upon payment of the
  7 25 fees required by law. The owner shall immediately affix the
  7 26  registration plates plate retained by the owner to another
  7 27 vehicle owned or acquired by the owner, providing the owner
  7 28 complies with section 321.46. The department shall adopt rules
  7 29 providing for the assignment of a registration plates plate to
  7 30 the transferee of a vehicle for which a credit is allowed under
  7 31 section 321.46, subsection 6.
  7 32    2.  Validation stickers.
  7 33    a.  In lieu of issuing a new registration plates plate
  7 34  each registration year for a vehicle renewing registration,
  7 35 the department may reassign the registration plates plate
  8  1  previously issued to the vehicle and may adopt and prescribe
  8  2 an annual validation sticker indicating payment of annual
  8  3 registration fees. The department shall issue one validation
  8  4 sticker for each set of registration plates plate. The
  8  5 sticker shall specify the month and year of expiration of the
  8  6 registration plates plate. The sticker shall be displayed
  8  7 only on the rear registration plate, except that the sticker
  8  8 shall be displayed on the front registration plate of a truck
  8  9 tractor.
  8 10    b.  The state department of transportation shall adopt rules
  8 11 to provide for the placement of the motor vehicle registration
  8 12 validation sticker.
  8 13    3.  Radio operators plates.  The owner of an automobile,
  8 14 motorcycle, trailer, or motor truck who holds an amateur radio
  8 15 license issued by the federal communications commission may,
  8 16 upon written application to the county treasurer accompanied
  8 17 by a fee of five dollars, order a special registration plates
  8 18  plate bearing the call letters authorized the radio station
  8 19 covered by the person's amateur radio license. When received
  8 20 by the county treasurer, such special registration plates
  8 21  plate shall be issued to the applicant in exchange for the
  8 22 registration plates plate previously issued to the person. Not
  8 23 more than one set of special registration plates plate may be
  8 24 issued to an applicant. Said fee shall be in addition to and
  8 25 not in lieu of the fee for a regular registration plates plate.
  8 26 Special A special registration plates plate must be surrendered
  8 27 upon expiration of the owner's amateur radio license and the
  8 28 owner shall thereupon be entitled to the owner's regular
  8 29 registration plates plate. The county treasurer shall validate
  8 30 special plates in the same manner as regular registration
  8 31 plates, upon payment of five dollars in addition to the regular
  8 32 annual registration fee.
  8 33    Sec. 14.  Section 321.34, subsection 5, paragraph a, Code
  8 34 2018, is amended to read as follows:
  8 35    a.  Upon application and the payment of a fee of twenty=five
  9  1 dollars, the director may issue to the owner of a motor
  9  2 vehicle registered in this state or a trailer or travel trailer
  9  3 registered in this state, a personalized registration plates
  9  4  plate marked with up to seven initials, letters, or combination
  9  5 of numerals and letters requested by the owner. However,
  9  6 personalized registration plates for autocycles, motorcycles,
  9  7 and motorized bicycles shall be marked with no more than six
  9  8 initials, letters, or combinations of numerals and letters.
  9  9 Upon receipt of the personalized registration plates plate,
  9 10 the applicant shall surrender the regular registration plates
  9 11  plate to the county treasurer. The fee for issuance of the
  9 12 personalized registration plates plate shall be in addition to
  9 13 the regular annual registration fee.
  9 14    Sec. 15.  Section 321.34, subsection 6, Code 2018, is amended
  9 15 to read as follows:
  9 16    6.  Sample vehicle registration plates.  Vehicle A vehicle
  9 17  registration plates plate displaying the general design of
  9 18 a regular registration plates plate, with the word "sample"
  9 19 displayed on the plate, may be furnished to any person upon
  9 20 payment of a fee of three dollars, except that such plates may
  9 21 be furnished to governmental agencies without cost. Sample A
  9 22 sample registration plates plate shall not be attached to a
  9 23 vehicle moved on the highways of this state.
  9 24    Sec. 16.  Section 321.34, subsection 7, paragraphs a and e,
  9 25 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
  9 26    a.  Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the
  9 27 director may issue to the owner of a motor vehicle subject
  9 28 to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor
  9 29 truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, trailer over two
  9 30 thousand pounds, or travel trailer registered in this state, a
  9 31  collegiate registration plates plate created pursuant to this
  9 32 subsection. Upon receipt of the collegiate registration plates
  9 33  plate, the applicant shall surrender the regular registration
  9 34 plates plate to the county treasurer.
  9 35    e.  A collegiate registration plate shall not be issued if
 10  1 its combination of alphanumeric characters are identical to
 10  2 those contained on a current personalized registration plate
 10  3 issued under subsection 5. However, the owner of a motor
 10  4 vehicle who has a personalized registration plate issued for
 10  5 the motor vehicle may, after proper application and payment
 10  6 of fees, be issued a collegiate registration plate containing
 10  7 the same alphanumeric characters as those on the personalized
 10  8 plate. Upon receipt of the collegiate registration plates
 10  9  plate, the owner shall surrender the personalized registration
 10 10 plates plate to the county treasurer.
 10 11    Sec. 17.  Section 321.34, subsection 7A, paragraphs b and c,
 10 12 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 10 13    b.  Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the
 10 14 director may issue to the owner of a motor vehicle subject
 10 15 to registration under section 321.109, subsection 1, motor
 10 16 truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, trailer over two
 10 17 thousand pounds, or travel trailer registered in this state,
 10 18 a collegiate registration plates plate created pursuant to
 10 19 this subsection. The fee for the issuance of a collegiate
 10 20 registration plates plate is twenty=five dollars, which fee
 10 21 is in addition to the regular annual registration fee for the
 10 22 vehicle. An applicant may obtain a personalized collegiate
 10 23 registration plate upon payment of the additional fee for a
 10 24 personalized plate as provided in subsection 5 in addition to
 10 25 the collegiate plate fee and the regular registration fee. The
 10 26 county treasurer shall validate collegiate registration plates
 10 27 issued under this subsection in the same manner as regular
 10 28 registration plates, upon payment of five dollars in addition
 10 29 to the regular annual registration fee. Upon receipt of the
 10 30 collegiate registration plates plate, the applicant shall
 10 31 surrender the regular registration plates plate to the county
 10 32 treasurer.
 10 33    c.  A personalized collegiate registration plate shall
 10 34 not be issued if its combination of alphanumeric characters
 10 35 are identical to those contained on a current personalized
 11  1 registration plate issued under subsection 5. However, the
 11  2 owner of a motor vehicle who has a personalized registration
 11  3 plate issued for the motor vehicle may, after proper
 11  4 application and payment of fees, be issued a collegiate
 11  5 registration plate containing the same alphanumeric characters
 11  6 as those on the personalized plate. Upon receipt of the
 11  7 collegiate registration plates plate, the owner shall surrender
 11  8 the personalized registration plates plate to the county
 11  9 treasurer.
 11 10    Sec. 18.  Section 321.34, subsections 8, 8A, and 9, Code
 11 11 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 11 12    8.  Medal of honor plates.
 11 13    a.  The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration
 11 14 under section 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motorcycle,
 11 15 trailer, or motor truck who has been awarded the medal of
 11 16 honor may, upon written application to the department, order a
 11 17  special registration plates plate which shall be red, white,
 11 18 and blue in color and shall bear an emblem of the medal of
 11 19 honor and an identifying number. Each applicant applying for
 11 20 a special registration plates plate under this subsection may
 11 21 order only one set of registration plates plate under this
 11 22 subsection. The application is subject to approval by the
 11 23 department and the special registration plates plate shall
 11 24 be issued at no charge to the applicant in exchange for the
 11 25 registration plates plate previously issued to the person.
 11 26 A person who is issued a special plates plate under this
 11 27 subsection is exempt from payment of any annual registration
 11 28 fee for the motor vehicle bearing the special plates plate.
 11 29 The department shall validate the special plates in the same
 11 30 manner as regular registration plates are validated under this
 11 31 section. The department shall not issue special registration
 11 32 plates until service organizations in the state have furnished
 11 33 the department either the special dies or the cost of the
 11 34 special dies necessary for the manufacture of the special
 11 35 registration plate.
 12  1    b.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 12  2 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use the
 12  3 special plates plate subject to registration of the special
 12  4 plates plate in the surviving spouse's name. If the surviving
 12  5 spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special
 12  6 plates plate to the department and the department shall issue a
 12  7  regular registration plates plate to the surviving spouse.
 12  8    8A.  Ex=prisoner of war special plates.
 12  9    a.  The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration
 12 10 under section 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motorcycle,
 12 11 trailer, or motor truck who was a prisoner of war during a
 12 12 time of military conflict may, upon written application to
 12 13 the department, order only one set of special registration
 12 14 plates plate with an ex=prisoner of war processed emblem. The
 12 15 emblem shall be designed by the department in cooperation
 12 16 with the adjutant general and shall signify that the owner
 12 17 was a prisoner of war as described in this subsection. The
 12 18 application is subject to approval by the department, in
 12 19 consultation with the adjutant general. The special plates
 12 20  plate shall be issued at no charge and are is subject to
 12 21 an annual registration fee of fifteen dollars. The county
 12 22 treasurer shall validate the special plates in the same
 12 23 manner as regular registration plates are validated under this
 12 24 section.
 12 25    b.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 12 26 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 12 27 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 12 28 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name and
 12 29 upon payment of the annual registration fee. If the surviving
 12 30 spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special
 12 31 plates plate to the department and the department shall issue a
 12 32  regular registration plates plate to the surviving spouse.
 12 33    9.  Leased vehicles.  Registration plates A registration
 12 34 plate under this section, including a disabled veteran plates
 12 35  plate specified in section 321.105, may be issued to the lessee
 13  1 of a motor vehicle if the lessee provides evidence of a lease
 13  2 for a period of more than sixty days and if the lessee complies
 13  3 with the requirements, under this section, for issuance of the
 13  4 specific registration plates plate.
 13  5    Sec. 19.  Section 321.34, subsection 10, paragraphs a, b, and
 13  6 d, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 13  7    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is a current
 13  8 or retired member of a paid or volunteer fire department may,
 13  9 upon written application to the department, order a special
 13 10 registration plates plate, designed by the department in
 13 11 cooperation with representatives designated by the Iowa fire
 13 12 fighters' associations, which signify that the applicant
 13 13 is a current or retired member of a paid or volunteer fire
 13 14 department.
 13 15    b.  The application shall be approved by the department in
 13 16 consultation with representatives designated by the Iowa fire
 13 17 fighters' associations, and the special registration plates
 13 18  plate shall be issued to the applicant in exchange for the
 13 19 registration plates plate previously issued to the person. An
 13 20 applicant who is the owner of a business=trade truck or special
 13 21 truck shall not be issued a special fire fighter registration
 13 22 plates plate for more than one vehicle. The fee for the
 13 23 special plates plate is twenty=five dollars which shall be
 13 24 paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The
 13 25 department shall validate the special plates in the same manner
 13 26 as regular registration plates are validated under this section
 13 27 at the regular annual registration fee.
 13 28    d.  For purposes of this subsection, a person is considered
 13 29 to be retired if the person is recognized by the chief of the
 13 30 fire department where the individual served, and on record,
 13 31 as officially retired from the fire department. Special A
 13 32 special registration plates plate with a fire fighter emblem
 13 33 shall be surrendered, as provided in subsection 12, in exchange
 13 34 for a regular registration plates plate upon termination of
 13 35 the motor vehicle owner's membership in the paid or volunteer
 14  1 fire department, unless the person is a retired member in good
 14  2 standing.
 14  3    Sec. 20.  Section 321.34, subsection 10A, paragraph a, Code
 14  4 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 14  5    a.  The owner of a motor vehicle referred to in subsection
 14  6 12 who is a current member of a paid or volunteer emergency
 14  7 medical services agency may, upon written application to
 14  8 the department, order a special registration plates plate,
 14  9 designed by the department in cooperation with representatives
 14 10 designated by the Iowa emergency medical services association,
 14 11 which plates signify signifies that the applicant is a current
 14 12 member of a paid or volunteer emergency medical services
 14 13 agency. The application shall be approved by the department,
 14 14 in consultation with representatives designated by the Iowa
 14 15 emergency medical services association, and the special
 14 16 registration plates plate shall be issued to the applicant
 14 17 in exchange for the registration plates plate previously
 14 18 issued to the person. The fee for the special plates plate is
 14 19 twenty=five dollars which is in addition to the regular annual
 14 20 registration fee. The department shall validate the special
 14 21 plates in the same manner as regular registration plates are
 14 22 validated under this section at the regular annual registration
 14 23 fee.
 14 24    Sec. 21.  Section 321.34, subsection 11, paragraphs a, c, and
 14 25 d, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 14 26    a.  Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the
 14 27 director may issue a natural resources plates plate to the
 14 28 owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section
 14 29 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motor truck, motor home,
 14 30 multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer.
 14 31    c.  (1)  The special natural resources fee for a
 14 32  letter=number designated natural resources plates plate
 14 33  is forty=five dollars. The fee for a personalized natural
 14 34 resources plates plate is forty=five dollars which shall be
 14 35 paid in addition to the special natural resources fee of
 15  1 forty=five dollars. The fees collected by the director under
 15  2 this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of
 15  3 state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer
 15  4 of state shall credit monthly from the statutory allocations
 15  5 fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa
 15  6 resources enhancement and protection fund created pursuant to
 15  7 section 455A.18, the amount of the special natural resources
 15  8 fees collected in the previous month for the natural resources
 15  9 plates.
 15 10    (2)  From the moneys credited to the Iowa resources
 15 11 enhancement and protection fund under subparagraph (1), ten
 15 12 dollars of the fee collected for each natural resources plate
 15 13 issued, and fifteen dollars from each renewal fee, shall be
 15 14 allocated to the department of natural resources wildlife
 15 15 bureau to be used for nongame wildlife programs.
 15 16    d.  Upon receipt of the special registration plates plate,
 15 17 the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates
 15 18  plate to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall
 15 19 validate the special registration plates in the same manner as
 15 20 regular registration plates are validated under this section.
 15 21 The annual special natural resources fee for a letter=number
 15 22 designated plates plate is twenty=five dollars which shall
 15 23 be paid in addition to the regular annual registration fee.
 15 24 The annual fee for a personalized natural resources plates
 15 25  plate is five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the
 15 26 annual special natural resources fee and the regular annual
 15 27 registration fee. The annual special natural resources fee
 15 28 shall be credited as provided under paragraph "c".
 15 29    Sec. 22.  Section 321.34, subsection 11A, paragraphs a, c,
 15 30 and d, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 15 31    a.  Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the
 15 32 director may issue a "love our kids" plates plate to the owner
 15 33 of a motor vehicle subject to registration under section
 15 34 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motor truck, motor home,
 15 35 multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel trailer.
 16  1    c.  The special fee for a letter=number designated love
 16  2 our kids plates plate is thirty=five dollars. The fee for a
 16  3  personalized love our kids plates plate is twenty=five dollars,
 16  4 which shall be paid in addition to the special love our kids
 16  5 fee of thirty=five dollars. The fees collected by the director
 16  6 under this subsection shall be paid monthly to the treasurer
 16  7 of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer
 16  8 of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations
 16  9 fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa
 16 10 department of public health the amount of the special fees
 16 11 collected in the previous month for the love our kids plates.
 16 12 Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys transferred under this
 16 13 subsection shall not revert to the general fund of the state.
 16 14    d.  Upon receipt of the special registration plates plate,
 16 15 the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates
 16 16  plate to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall
 16 17 validate the special registration plates in the same manner as
 16 18 regular registration plates are validated under this section.
 16 19 The annual special love our kids fee for a letter=number
 16 20 designated plates plate is ten dollars, which shall be paid in
 16 21 addition to the regular annual registration fee. The annual
 16 22 fee for a personalized love our kids plates plate is five
 16 23 dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the annual special
 16 24 love our kids fee and the regular annual registration fee. The
 16 25 annual love our kids fee shall be credited as provided under
 16 26 paragraph "c".
 16 27    Sec. 23.  Section 321.34, subsection 11B, paragraphs a, c,
 16 28 and d, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 16 29    a.  Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the
 16 30 director may issue a "motorcycle rider education" plates plate
 16 31  to the owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration under
 16 32 section 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motor truck, motor
 16 33 home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, or travel
 16 34 trailer.
 16 35    c.  The special fee for a letter=number designated motorcycle
 17  1 rider education plates plate is thirty=five dollars. The fee
 17  2 for a personalized motorcycle rider education plates plate is
 17  3 twenty=five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the
 17  4 special motorcycle rider education fee of thirty=five dollars.
 17  5 The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall
 17  6 be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in
 17  7 the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer
 17  8 monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under
 17  9 section 321.145, subsection 2, to the department for use in
 17 10 accordance with section 321.179, the amount of the special
 17 11 fees collected in the previous month for the motorcycle rider
 17 12 education plates.
 17 13    d.  Upon receipt of the special registration plates plate,
 17 14 the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates
 17 15  plate to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall
 17 16 validate the special registration plates in the same manner as
 17 17 regular registration plates are validated under this section.
 17 18 The annual special motorcycle rider education fee for a
 17 19  letter=number designated plates plate is ten dollars, which
 17 20 shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration
 17 21 fee. The annual fee for a personalized motorcycle rider
 17 22 education plates plate is five dollars, which shall be paid
 17 23 in addition to the annual special motorcycle rider education
 17 24 fee and the regular annual registration fee. The annual
 17 25 motorcycle rider education fee shall be credited as provided
 17 26 under paragraph "c".
 17 27    Sec. 24.  Section 321.34, subsection 12, paragraphs a and b,
 17 28 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 17 29    a.  The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration
 17 30 pursuant to section 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motor
 17 31 truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer,
 17 32 or travel trailer may, upon written application to the
 17 33 department, order a special registration plates plate with a
 17 34 distinguishing processed emblem as authorized by this section
 17 35 or as approved by the department. The fee for the issuance of
 18  1 a special registration plates plate is twenty=five dollars for
 18  2 each vehicle, unless otherwise provided by this section, which
 18  3 fee is in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The
 18  4 county treasurer shall validate special registration plates
 18  5 with a distinguishing processed emblem in the same manner as
 18  6 regular registration plates, upon payment of five dollars in
 18  7 addition to the regular annual registration fee.
 18  8    b.  Upon receipt of a special registration plate with a
 18  9 distinguishing processed emblem as authorized by this section
 18 10 or as approved by the department, the applicant shall surrender
 18 11 the regular registration plates plate to the county treasurer.
 18 12 An applicant no longer eligible for a special registration
 18 13 plate shall surrender the special vehicle registration plates
 18 14  plate to the county treasurer for issuance of a regular
 18 15 registration plates plate.
 18 16    Sec. 25.  Section 321.34, subsection 12A, Code 2018, is
 18 17 amended to read as follows:
 18 18    12A.  Special registration plates ==== armed forces services.
 18 19    a.  An owner of a vehicle referred to in subsection 12 who
 18 20 applies for any type of special registration plates plate
 18 21  associated with service in the United States armed forces shall
 18 22 be issued one set of the special registration plates plate at
 18 23 no charge, but shall be subject to the annual registration
 18 24 fee of fifteen dollars, if the owner is eligible for, but has
 18 25 relinquished to the department or the county treasurer or has
 18 26 not been issued, an ex=prisoner of war or legion of merit
 18 27 special registration plates plate under this section.
 18 28    b.  An owner of a vehicle referred to in subsection 12 who
 18 29 applies for any type of special registration plates plate
 18 30  associated with service in the United States armed forces
 18 31 shall be issued one set of the special registration plates
 18 32  plate at no charge and subject to no annual registration fee
 18 33 if the owner is eligible for, but has relinquished to the
 18 34 department or the county treasurer or has not been issued, a
 18 35  medal of honor registration plates plate under subsection 8
 19  1 or a disabled veteran registration plates plate under section
 19  2 321.105.
 19  3    c.  The owner shall provide the appropriate information
 19  4 regarding the owner's eligibility for any of the special
 19  5 registration plates described in paragraph "a" or "b", and
 19  6 regarding the owner's eligibility for the special registration
 19  7 plates plate for which the owner has applied, as required by
 19  8 the department.
 19  9    d.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a
 19 10  special plates plate under this subsection may continue to
 19 11 use the special plates plate subject to registration of the
 19 12 special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name and upon
 19 13 payment of the same annual registration fee, if applicable.
 19 14 If the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 19 15 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 19 16 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 19 17 the surviving spouse.
 19 18    Sec. 26.  Section 321.34, subsection 13, paragraph a,
 19 19 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 19 20    (1)  The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration
 19 21 pursuant to section 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motor
 19 22 truck, motor home, multipurpose vehicle, motorcycle, trailer,
 19 23 or travel trailer may upon request be issued a special
 19 24 registration plates plate that contain contains a space
 19 25 reserved for the placement of an organization decal. If the
 19 26 special plates are plate is requested at the time of initial
 19 27 application for registration and certificate of title for
 19 28 the vehicle, no special plate fee is required other than the
 19 29 regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If the
 19 30 special plates are plate is requested as a replacement plates
 19 31  plate, the owner shall surrender the current regular or special
 19 32 registration plates plate in exchange for the special plates
 19 33  plate and shall pay a replacement plate fee of five dollars.
 19 34 The county treasurer shall validate special plates with an
 19 35 organization decal in the same manner as regular plates, upon
 20  1 payment of the annual registration fee.
 20  2    Sec. 27.  Section 321.34, subsections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
 20  3 20, 20A, and 20B, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 20  4    14.  Persons with disabilities special plates.  An owner
 20  5 referred to in subsection 12 or an owner of a trailer used to
 20  6 transport a wheelchair who is a person with a disability, or
 20  7 who is the parent or guardian of a child who resides with the
 20  8 parent or guardian owner and who is a person with a disability,
 20  9 as defined in section 321L.1, may, upon written application to
 20 10 the department, order a special registration plates plate with
 20 11 a persons with disabilities processed emblem designed by the
 20 12 department bearing the international symbol of accessibility.
 20 13 The special registration plates plate with a persons with
 20 14 disabilities processed emblem shall only be issued if the
 20 15 application is accompanied with a statement from a physician
 20 16 licensed under chapter 148 or 149, a physician assistant
 20 17 licensed under chapter 148C, an advanced registered nurse
 20 18 practitioner licensed under chapter 152, or a chiropractor
 20 19 licensed under chapter 151, written on the physician's,
 20 20 physician assistant's, nurse practitioner's, or chiropractor's
 20 21 stationery, stating the nature of the applicant's or the
 20 22 applicant's child's disability and such additional information
 20 23 as required by rules adopted by the department, including proof
 20 24 of residency of a child who is a person with a disability. If
 20 25 the application is approved by the department, the special
 20 26 registration plates plate with a persons with disabilities
 20 27 processed emblem shall be issued to the applicant. There
 20 28 shall be no fee in addition to the regular annual registration
 20 29 fee for the special registration plates plate with a persons
 20 30 with disabilities processed emblem. The authorization for
 20 31 a special registration plates plate with a persons with
 20 32 disabilities processed emblem shall not be renewed without
 20 33 the applicant furnishing evidence to the department that
 20 34 the owner of the vehicle or the owner's child is still a
 20 35 person with a disability as defined in section 321L.1. An
 21  1 owner who has a child who is a person with a disability shall
 21  2 provide satisfactory evidence to the department that the child
 21  3 with a disability continues to reside with the owner. The
 21  4 registration plates plate with a persons with disabilities
 21  5 processed emblem shall be surrendered in exchange for a regular
 21  6 registration plates plate as provided in subsection 12 when the
 21  7 owner of the vehicle or the owner's child no longer qualifies
 21  8 as a person with a disability as defined in section 321L.1 or
 21  9 when the owner's child who is a person with a disability no
 21 10 longer resides with the owner.
 21 11    15.  Legion of merit special plates.
 21 12    a.  The owner of a motor vehicle subject to registration
 21 13 under section 321.109, subsection 1, autocycle, motorcycle,
 21 14 trailer, or motor truck who has been awarded the legion of
 21 15 merit shall be issued one set of special registration plates
 21 16  plate with a legion of merit processed emblem, upon written
 21 17 application to the department and presentation of satisfactory
 21 18 proof of the award of the legion of merit as established
 21 19 by the Congress of the United States. The emblem shall be
 21 20 designed by the department in cooperation with the adjutant
 21 21 general and shall signify that the owner was awarded the legion
 21 22 of merit. The application is subject to approval by the
 21 23 department, in consultation with the adjutant general. The
 21 24 special plates plate shall be issued at no charge and are is
 21 25  subject to an annual registration fee of fifteen dollars. The
 21 26 county treasurer shall validate the special plates in the same
 21 27 manner as regular registration plates are validated under this
 21 28 section.
 21 29    b.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 21 30 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 21 31 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 21 32 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name and
 21 33 upon payment of the annual registration fee. If the surviving
 21 34 spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall return the special
 21 35 plates plate to the department and the department shall issue a
 22  1  regular registration plates plate to the surviving spouse.
 22  2    16.  National guard special plates.
 22  3    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is a
 22  4 member of the national guard, as defined in chapter 29A,
 22  5 may, upon written application to the department, order a
 22  6  special registration plates plate with a national guard
 22  7 processed emblem with the emblem designed by the department in
 22  8 cooperation with the adjutant general which emblem signifies
 22  9 that the applicant is a member of the national guard. The
 22 10 application shall be approved by the department in consultation
 22 11 with the adjutant general. The special plate fees collected by
 22 12 the director under subsection 12, paragraph "a", from the annual
 22 13 validation of letter=number designated national guard plates,
 22 14 and subsection 12, paragraph "c", from the issuance and annual
 22 15 validation of personalized national guard plates shall be paid
 22 16 monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road
 22 17 use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly
 22 18 from the statutory allocations fund created under section
 22 19 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created
 22 20 in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected
 22 21 under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month
 22 22 for national guard plates. Special A special registration
 22 23 plates plate with a national guard processed emblem shall be
 22 24 surrendered, as provided in subsection 12, in exchange for
 22 25 a regular registration plates plate upon termination of the
 22 26 owner's membership in the active national guard.
 22 27    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 22 28 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 22 29 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 22 30 plates plate with a national guard processed emblem at no
 22 31 charge.
 22 32    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 22 33 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 22 34 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 22 35 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 23  1 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 23  2 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 23  3 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 23  4 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 23  5 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 23  6 the surviving spouse.
 23  7    17.  Pearl Harbor special plates.
 23  8    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was at Pearl
 23  9 Harbor, Hawaii, as a member of the armed services of the United
 23 10 States on December 7, 1941, may, upon written application to
 23 11 the department, order a special registration plates plate with
 23 12 a Pearl Harbor processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed
 23 13 by the department in consultation with service organizations.
 23 14 The application is subject to approval by the department. The
 23 15 special plate fees collected by the director under subsection
 23 16 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation of letter=number
 23 17 designated Pearl Harbor plates, and subsection 12, paragraph
 23 18 "c", from the issuance and annual validation of personalized
 23 19 Pearl Harbor plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of
 23 20 state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer
 23 21 of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations
 23 22 fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the
 23 23 veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount
 23 24 of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph
 23 25 "a", in the previous month for Pearl Harbor plates.
 23 26    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 23 27 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 23 28 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 23 29 plates plate with a Pearl Harbor processed emblem at no charge.
 23 30    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 23 31 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 23 32 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 23 33 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 23 34 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 23 35 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 24  1 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 24  2 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 24  3 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 24  4 the surviving spouse.
 24  5    18.  Purple heart special plates.
 24  6    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a
 24  7 purple heart medal by the United States government for wounds
 24  8 received in military or naval combat against an armed enemy
 24  9 of the United States may, upon written application to the
 24 10 department and presentation of satisfactory proof of the award
 24 11 of the purple heart medal, order a special registration plates
 24 12  plate with a purple heart processed emblem. The design of
 24 13 the emblem shall include a representation of a purple heart
 24 14 medal and ribbon. The application is subject to approval by
 24 15 the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The
 24 16 special plate fees collected by the director under subsection
 24 17 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation of letter=number
 24 18 designated purple heart plates, and subsection 12, paragraph
 24 19 "c", from the issuance and annual validation of personalized
 24 20 purple heart plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of
 24 21 state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer
 24 22 of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations
 24 23 fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the
 24 24 veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount
 24 25 of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph
 24 26 "a", in the previous month for purple heart plates.
 24 27    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 24 28 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 24 29 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 24 30 plates plate with a purple heart processed emblem at no charge.
 24 31    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 24 32 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 24 33 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 24 34 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 24 35 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 25  1 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 25  2 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 25  3 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 25  4 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 25  5 the surviving spouse.
 25  6    19.  United States armed forces retired special plates.
 25  7    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is a retired
 25  8 member of the United States armed forces may, upon written
 25  9 application to the department and upon presentation of
 25 10 satisfactory proof of membership, order a special registration
 25 11 plates plate with a United States armed forces retired
 25 12 processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the
 25 13 department in consultation with service organizations. The
 25 14 application is subject to approval by the department. For
 25 15 purposes of this subsection, a person is considered to be
 25 16 retired if the person is recognized by the United States armed
 25 17 forces as retired from the United States armed forces. The
 25 18 special plate fees collected by the director under subsection
 25 19 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation of letter=number
 25 20 designated armed forces retired plates, and subsection 12,
 25 21 paragraph "c", from the issuance and annual validation of
 25 22 personalized armed forces retired plates shall be paid monthly
 25 23 to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax
 25 24 fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the
 25 25 statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145,
 25 26 subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in
 25 27 section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under
 25 28 subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for armed
 25 29 forces retired plates.
 25 30    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 25 31 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 25 32 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 25 33 plates plate with an armed forces retired processed emblem at
 25 34 no charge.
 25 35    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 26  1 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 26  2 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 26  3 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 26  4 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 26  5 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 26  6 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 26  7 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 26  8 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 26  9 the surviving spouse.
 26 10    20.  Silver or bronze star plates.
 26 11    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a
 26 12 silver or a bronze star by the United States government, may,
 26 13 upon written application to the department and presentation of
 26 14 satisfactory proof of the award of the silver or bronze star,
 26 15 order a special registration plates plate with a silver or
 26 16 bronze star processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by
 26 17 the department in consultation with the adjutant general. The
 26 18 special plate fees collected by the director under subsection
 26 19 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation of letter=number
 26 20 designated silver star and bronze star plates, and subsection
 26 21 12, paragraph "c", from the issuance and annual validation of
 26 22 personalized silver star and bronze star plates shall be paid
 26 23 monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use
 26 24 tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from
 26 25 the statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145,
 26 26 subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in
 26 27 section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under
 26 28 subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for silver
 26 29 star and bronze star plates.
 26 30    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 26 31 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 26 32 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 26 33 plates plate with a silver star or bronze star processed emblem
 26 34 at no charge.
 26 35    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 27  1 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 27  2 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 27  3 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 27  4 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 27  5 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 27  6 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 27  7 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 27  8 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 27  9 the surviving spouse.
 27 10    20A.  Distinguished service, navy, or air force cross plates.
 27 11    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded
 27 12 a distinguished service cross, a navy cross, or an air force
 27 13 cross by the United States government may, upon written
 27 14 application to the department and presentation of satisfactory
 27 15 proof of the award, order a special registration plates plate
 27 16  with a distinguished service cross, navy cross, or air force
 27 17 cross processed emblem. The emblem shall be designed by the
 27 18 department in consultation with the adjutant general. The
 27 19 special plate fees collected by the director under subsection
 27 20 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation of letter=number
 27 21 designated distinguished service cross, navy cross, and air
 27 22 force cross plates, and subsection 12, paragraph "c", from the
 27 23 issuance and annual validation of personalized distinguished
 27 24 service cross, navy cross, and air force cross plates shall
 27 25 be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in
 27 26 the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer
 27 27 monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under
 27 28 section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans license fee
 27 29 fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees
 27 30 collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous
 27 31 month for distinguished service cross, navy cross, and air
 27 32 force cross plates.
 27 33    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 27 34 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 27 35 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 28  1 plates plate with a distinguished service cross, navy cross, or
 28  2 air force cross processed emblem at no charge.
 28  3    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 28  4 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 28  5 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 28  6 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 28  7 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 28  8 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 28  9 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 28 10 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 28 11 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 28 12 the surviving spouse.
 28 13    20B.  Soldier's, navy and marine corps, or airman's medal
 28 14 plates.
 28 15    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded
 28 16 a soldier's medal, a navy and marine corps medal, or an
 28 17 airman's medal by the United States government may, upon
 28 18 written application to the department and presentation of
 28 19 satisfactory proof of the award, order a special registration
 28 20 plates plate with a soldier's medal, navy and marine corps
 28 21 medal, or airman's medal processed emblem. The emblem shall be
 28 22 designed by the department in consultation with the adjutant
 28 23 general. The special plate fees collected by the director
 28 24 under subsection 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation
 28 25 of letter=number designated soldier's medal, navy and marine
 28 26 corps medal, and airman's medal plates, and subsection 12,
 28 27 paragraph "c", from the issuance and annual validation of
 28 28 personalized soldier's medal, navy and marine corps medal, and
 28 29 airman's medal plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer
 28 30 of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer
 28 31 of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations
 28 32 fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the
 28 33 veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount
 28 34 of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph
 28 35 "a", in the previous month for soldier's medal, navy and marine
 29  1 corps medal, and airman's medal plates.
 29  2    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 29  3 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 29  4 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 29  5 plates plate with a soldier's medal, navy and marine corps
 29  6 medal, or airman's medal processed emblem at no charge.
 29  7    c.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 29  8 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 29  9 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 29 10 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 29 11 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 29 12 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 29 13 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 29 14 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 29 15 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 29 16 the surviving spouse.
 29 17    Sec. 28.  Section 321.34, subsection 20C, paragraphs b, c,
 29 18 and d, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 29 19    b.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who was awarded a
 29 20 combat infantryman badge, combat action badge, combat action
 29 21 ribbon, air force combat action medal, or combat medical badge
 29 22 by the United States government may, upon written application
 29 23 to the department and presentation of satisfactory proof of
 29 24 the award, order a special registration plates plate with a
 29 25 combat infantryman badge, combat action badge, combat action
 29 26 ribbon, air force combat action medal, or combat medical badge
 29 27 processed emblem. The special plate fees collected by the
 29 28 director under subsection 12, paragraph "a", from the annual
 29 29 validation of letter=number designated combat infantryman
 29 30 badge, combat action badge, combat action ribbon, air force
 29 31 combat action medal, and combat medical badge plates, and
 29 32 subsection 12, paragraph "c", from the issuance and annual
 29 33 validation of personalized combat infantryman badge, combat
 29 34 action badge, combat action ribbon, air force combat action
 29 35 medal, and combat medical badge plates shall be paid monthly
 30  1 to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax
 30  2 fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the
 30  3 statutory allocations fund created under section 321.145,
 30  4 subsection 2, to the veterans license fee fund created in
 30  5 section 35A.11 the amount of the special fees collected under
 30  6 subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the previous month for combat
 30  7 infantryman badge, combat action badge, combat action ribbon,
 30  8 air force combat action medal, and combat medical badge plates.
 30  9    c.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 30 10 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 30 11 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 30 12 plates plate with a combat infantryman badge, combat action
 30 13 badge, combat action ribbon, air force combat action medal,
 30 14 or combat medical badge distinguishing processed emblem at no
 30 15 charge.
 30 16    d.  The surviving spouse of a person who was issued a special
 30 17 plates plate under this subsection may continue to use or apply
 30 18 for and use the special plates plate subject to registration
 30 19 of the special plates plate in the surviving spouse's name
 30 20 and upon payment of the annual five=dollar special plate fee
 30 21 and the regular annual registration fee for the vehicle. If
 30 22 the surviving spouse remarries, the surviving spouse shall
 30 23 return the special plates plate to the department and the
 30 24 department shall issue a regular registration plates plate to
 30 25 the surviving spouse.
 30 26    Sec. 29.  Section 321.34, subsection 21, paragraphs a and b,
 30 27 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 30 28    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 may, upon written
 30 29 application to the department, order a special registration
 30 30 plates plate with an Iowa heritage emblem. The emblem shall
 30 31 contain a picture of the American gothic house and the words
 30 32 "Iowa Heritage" and shall be designed by the department in
 30 33 consultation with the state historical society of Iowa.
 30 34    b.  The special Iowa heritage fee for a letter=number
 30 35 designated plates plate is thirty=five dollars. The
 31  1 special fee for a personalized Iowa heritage plates plate is
 31  2 twenty=five dollars which shall be paid in addition to the
 31  3 special fee of thirty=five dollars. The annual special Iowa
 31  4 heritage fee is ten dollars for a letter=number designated
 31  5 registration plates plate and is fifteen dollars for a
 31  6  personalized registration plates plate which shall be paid in
 31  7 addition to the regular annual registration fee.
 31  8    Sec. 30.  Section 321.34, subsections 22, 23, and 24, Code
 31  9 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 31 10    22.  Education plates.
 31 11    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12, upon written
 31 12 application to the department, may order a special registration
 31 13 plates plate with an education emblem. The education emblem
 31 14 shall be designed by the department in cooperation with the
 31 15 department of education.
 31 16    b.  The special school transportation fee for a letter=number
 31 17 designated education plates plate is thirty=five dollars. The
 31 18 fee for a personalized education plates plate is twenty=five
 31 19 dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the special school
 31 20 transportation fee of thirty=five dollars. The annual special
 31 21 school transportation fee is ten dollars for a letter=number
 31 22 designated registration plates plate and is fifteen dollars for
 31 23 a personalized registration plates plate which shall be paid
 31 24 in addition to the regular annual registration fee. The fees
 31 25 collected by the director under this subsection shall be paid
 31 26 monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in the road
 31 27 use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer monthly
 31 28 from the statutory allocations fund created under section
 31 29 321.145, subsection 2, to the school budget review committee
 31 30 in accordance with section 257.31, subsection 17, the amount
 31 31 of the special school transportation fees collected in the
 31 32 previous month for the education plates.
 31 33    23.  Breast cancer awareness plates.
 31 34    a.  Upon application and payment of the proper fees, the
 31 35 director may issue a breast cancer awareness plates plate to an
 32  1 owner of a motor vehicle referred to in subsection 12.
 32  2    b.  Breast cancer awareness plates shall contain an image
 32  3 of a pink ribbon and shall be designed by the department in
 32  4 consultation with the Susan G. Komen foundation.
 32  5    c.  The special fee for a letter=number designated breast
 32  6 cancer awareness plates plate is thirty=five dollars. The fee
 32  7 for a personalized breast cancer awareness plates plate is
 32  8 twenty=five dollars, which shall be paid in addition to the
 32  9 special breast cancer awareness fee of thirty=five dollars.
 32 10 The fees collected by the director under this subsection shall
 32 11 be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and deposited in
 32 12 the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state shall transfer
 32 13 monthly from the statutory allocations fund created under
 32 14 section 321.145, subsection 2, to the Iowa department of public
 32 15 health the amount of the special fees collected in the previous
 32 16 month for the breast cancer awareness plates and such funds
 32 17 are appropriated to the Iowa department of public health. The
 32 18 Iowa department of public health shall distribute one hundred
 32 19 percent of the funds received monthly in the form of grants to
 32 20 support breast cancer screenings for both men and women who
 32 21 meet eligibility requirements like those established by the
 32 22 Susan G. Komen foundation. In the awarding of grants, the Iowa
 32 23 department of public health shall give first consideration
 32 24 to affiliates of the Susan G. Komen foundation and similar
 32 25 nonprofit organizations providing for breast cancer screenings
 32 26 at no cost in Iowa. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys
 32 27 transferred under this subsection shall not revert to the
 32 28 general fund of the state.
 32 29    d.  Upon receipt of the special registration plates plate,
 32 30 the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates
 32 31  plate to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall
 32 32 validate the special registration plates in the same manner
 32 33 as regular registration plates are validated under this
 32 34 section. The annual special breast cancer awareness fee for
 32 35 a letter=number designated plates plate is ten dollars, which
 33  1 shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration
 33  2 fee. The annual special fee for a personalized breast cancer
 33  3 awareness plates plate is five dollars, which shall be paid
 33  4 in addition to the annual special breast cancer awareness fee
 33  5 and the regular annual registration fee. The annual special
 33  6 breast cancer awareness fee shall be credited and transferred
 33  7 as provided under paragraph "c".
 33  8    24.  Gold star plates.
 33  9    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who is the
 33 10 surviving spouse, parent, child, or sibling of a deceased
 33 11 member of the United States armed forces who died while serving
 33 12 on active duty during a time of military conflict or who died
 33 13 as a result of such service may order a special registration
 33 14 plates plate bearing a gold star emblem upon written
 33 15 application to the department accompanied by satisfactory
 33 16 supporting documentation as determined by the department.
 33 17 The gold star emblem shall be designed by the department in
 33 18 cooperation with the commission of veterans affairs. The
 33 19 special plate fees collected by the director under subsection
 33 20 12, paragraph "a", from the annual validation of letter=number
 33 21 designated gold star plates, and subsection 12, paragraph "c",
 33 22 from the issuance and annual validation of personalized gold
 33 23 star plates shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state and
 33 24 deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state
 33 25 shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund
 33 26 created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the veterans
 33 27 license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount of the
 33 28 special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in
 33 29 the previous month for gold star plates.
 33 30    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 33 31 who is approved for a special registration plates plate under
 33 32 this subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 33 33 plates plate bearing a gold star emblem at no charge.
 33 34    Sec. 31.  Section 321.34, subsection 25, paragraph b, Code
 33 35 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 34  1    b.  An owner referred to in subsection 12, upon written
 34  2 application to the department, may order a special registration
 34  3 plates plate with a civil war sesquicentennial processed
 34  4 emblem. The special plate fees collected by the director under
 34  5 subsection 12, paragraphs "a" and "c", from the issuance and
 34  6 annual validation of letter=number designated and personalized
 34  7 civil war sesquicentennial plates shall be paid monthly to the
 34  8 treasurer of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The
 34  9 treasurer of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory
 34 10 allocations fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2,
 34 11 to the department of cultural affairs the amount of the special
 34 12 fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph "a", in the
 34 13 previous month for civil war sesquicentennial plates, and such
 34 14 funds are appropriated to the department of cultural affairs to
 34 15 be used for the Iowa battle flag project.
 34 16    Sec. 32.  Section 321.34, subsection 26, paragraphs b and c,
 34 17 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 34 18    b.  An owner of a motor vehicle referred to in subsection
 34 19 12, upon written application to the department, may order
 34 20 a special registration plates plate with a fallen peace
 34 21 officers processed emblem. The special fee for a letter=number
 34 22 designated fallen peace officers plates plate is thirty=five
 34 23 dollars. The fee for a personalized fallen peace officers
 34 24 plates plate is twenty=five dollars, which shall be paid
 34 25 in addition to the special fallen peace officers fee of
 34 26 thirty=five dollars. The fees collected by the director under
 34 27 this paragraph shall be paid monthly to the treasurer of state
 34 28 and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer of state
 34 29 shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations fund
 34 30 created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the department
 34 31 of public safety the amount of the special fees collected
 34 32 in the previous month for the fallen peace officers plates
 34 33 and such funds are appropriated to the department of public
 34 34 safety. The department of public safety shall distribute one
 34 35 hundred percent of the funds received monthly in the form of
 35  1 grants to nonprofit organizations that provide resources to
 35  2 assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families
 35  3 and affected coworkers of law enforcement officers killed in
 35  4 the line of duty. In the awarding of grants, the department
 35  5 of public safety shall give first consideration to concerns of
 35  6 police survivors, inc., and similar nonprofit organizations
 35  7 providing such resources. Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys
 35  8 transferred under this subsection shall not revert to the
 35  9 general fund of the state.
 35 10    c.  Upon receipt of the special registration plates plate,
 35 11 the applicant shall surrender the current registration plates
 35 12  plate to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall
 35 13 validate the special registration plates in the same manner
 35 14 as regular registration plates are validated under this
 35 15 section. The annual special fallen peace officers fee for a
 35 16  letter=number designated plates plate is ten dollars, which
 35 17 shall be paid in addition to the regular annual registration
 35 18 fee. The annual special fee for a personalized fallen peace
 35 19 officers plates plate is five dollars, which shall be paid
 35 20 in addition to the annual special fallen peace officers fee
 35 21 and the regular annual registration fee. The annual special
 35 22 fallen peace officers fee shall be credited and transferred as
 35 23 provided under paragraph "b".
 35 24    Sec. 33.  Section 321.34, subsection 27, Code 2018, is
 35 25 amended to read as follows:
 35 26    27.  United States veteran plates.
 35 27    a.  An owner referred to in subsection 12 who served in
 35 28 the armed forces of the United States and was discharged
 35 29 under honorable conditions may, upon written application
 35 30 to the department and upon presentation of satisfactory
 35 31 proof of military service and discharge under honorable
 35 32 conditions, order a special registration plates plate bearing a
 35 33 distinguishing processed emblem depicting the word "veteran"
 35 34 below an image of the American flag. The application is
 35 35 subject to approval by the department. The special plate fees
 36  1 collected by the director under subsection 12, paragraph "a",
 36  2 from the annual validation of letter=number designated United
 36  3 States veteran plates, and subsection 12, paragraph "c", from
 36  4 the issuance and annual validation of personalized United
 36  5 States veteran plates, shall be paid monthly to the treasurer
 36  6 of state and deposited in the road use tax fund. The treasurer
 36  7 of state shall transfer monthly from the statutory allocations
 36  8 fund created under section 321.145, subsection 2, to the
 36  9 veterans license fee fund created in section 35A.11 the amount
 36 10 of the special fees collected under subsection 12, paragraph
 36 11 "a", in the previous month for United States veteran plates.
 36 12    b.  Notwithstanding subsection 12, paragraph "a", an owner
 36 13 who is approved for a special registration plate under this
 36 14 subsection shall be issued one set of special registration
 36 15 plates plate bearing a distinguishing processed emblem
 36 16 depicting the word "veteran" below an image of the American
 36 17 flag at no charge.
 36 18    Sec. 34.  Section 321.37, Code 2018, is amended to read as
 36 19 follows:
 36 20    321.37  Display of plates registration plate.
 36 21    1.  Registration plates The registration plate issued for a
 36 22 motor vehicle other than an autocycle, motorcycle, motorized
 36 23 bicycle, or a truck tractor shall be attached to the rear of
 36 24 the motor vehicle, one in the front and the other in the rear.
 36 25 The registration plate issued for an autocycle, motorcycle,
 36 26 or other vehicle required to be registered hereunder shall be
 36 27 attached to the rear of the vehicle. The registration plate
 36 28 issued for a truck tractor shall be attached to the front of
 36 29 the truck tractor. The special plate issued to a dealer shall
 36 30 be attached on the rear of the vehicle when operated on the
 36 31 highways of this state.
 36 32    2.  Registration plates issued for a motor vehicle which
 36 33 is model year 1948 or older, and reconstructed or specially
 36 34 constructed vehicles built to resemble a model year 1948
 36 35 vehicle or older, other than a truck registered for more than
 37  1 five tons, autocycle, motorcycle, or truck tractor, may display
 37  2 one registration plate on the rear of the vehicle if the other
 37  3 registration plate issued to the vehicle is carried in the
 37  4 vehicle at all times when the vehicle is operated on a public
 37  5 highway.
 37  6    3.  2.  It is unlawful for the owner of a vehicle to place
 37  7 any frame around or over the registration plate which does not
 37  8 permit full view of all numerals and letters printed on the
 37  9 registration plate.
 37 10    Sec. 35.  Section 321.41, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
 37 11 to read as follows:
 37 12    3.  A person who has registered a vehicle in a county,
 37 13 other than the county designated on the vehicle registration
 37 14 plate, may apply to the county treasurer where the vehicle is
 37 15 registered for a new registration plates plate upon payment
 37 16 of a fee of five dollars and the return of the former county
 37 17 registration plates plate.
 37 18    Sec. 36.  Section 321.42, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended
 37 19 to read as follows:
 37 20    1.  If a registration card, or plate, or pair of plates
 37 21  is lost or becomes illegible, the owner shall immediately
 37 22 apply for replacement. The fee for a replacement registration
 37 23 card is three dollars. The fee for a replacement plate or
 37 24 pair of plates other than a replacement of a special plate
 37 25 issued pursuant to section 321.60 is five dollars. The
 37 26 fee for replacement of a special plate issued pursuant to
 37 27 section 321.60 is forty dollars. When the owner has furnished
 37 28 information required by the department and paid the proper fee,
 37 29 a duplicate, substitute, or new registration card, or plate,
 37 30 or pair of plates may be issued. The county treasurer or the
 37 31 department may waive the fee for a replacement plate if the
 37 32 plate is lost during a documented accident.
 37 33    Sec. 37.  Section 321.46, subsection 7, Code 2018, is amended
 37 34 to read as follows:
 37 35    7.  If a motor vehicle is leased and the lessee purchases
 38  1 the vehicle upon termination of the lease, the lessor shall,
 38  2 upon claim by the lessee with the lessor within six months of
 38  3 the purchase, assign the annual registration fee credit and
 38  4 registration plates plate for the leased motor vehicle to the
 38  5 lessee. Credit shall be applied as provided in subsection 3.
 38  6    Sec. 38.  Section 321.47, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
 38  7 to read as follows:
 38  8    3.  Whenever ownership of a vehicle is transferred under the
 38  9 provisions of this section, the registration plates plate shall
 38 10 be removed and forwarded to the county treasurer of the county
 38 11 where the vehicle is registered or to the department if the
 38 12 vehicle is owned by a nonresident. Upon transfer the vehicle
 38 13 shall not be operated upon the highways of this state until the
 38 14 person entitled to possession of the vehicle applies for and
 38 15 obtains registration for the vehicle.
 38 16    Sec. 39.  Section 321.52, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended
 38 17 to read as follows:
 38 18    1.  When a vehicle is sold outside the state for purposes
 38 19 other than for junk, the owner, dealer, or otherwise, shall
 38 20 detach the registration plates plate and registration card and
 38 21 shall indicate on the registration card the name and address
 38 22 of the foreign purchaser or transferee over the person's
 38 23 signature. Unless the registration plates are plate is
 38 24  legally attached to another vehicle, the owner shall surrender
 38 25 the registration plates plate and registration card to the
 38 26 county treasurer, who shall cancel the records, destroy the
 38 27 registration plates plate, and forward the registration card
 38 28 to the department. The department shall make a notation on
 38 29 the records of the out=of=state sale and, after a reasonable
 38 30 period, may destroy the files for that particular vehicle.
 38 31 The department is not authorized to make a refund of annual
 38 32 registration fees on a vehicle sold out of state unless it
 38 33 receives the registration card completed as provided in this
 38 34 section.
 38 35    Sec. 40.  Section 321.52, subsection 3, paragraphs a and b,
 39  1 Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 39  2    a.  When a vehicle for which a certificate of title is issued
 39  3 is junked or dismantled by the owner, the owner shall detach
 39  4 the registration plates plate and surrender the plates plate to
 39  5 the county treasurer, unless the plates are plate is properly
 39  6 assigned to another vehicle. The owner shall also surrender
 39  7 the certificate of title to the county treasurer, except when
 39  8 the vehicle is disposed of pursuant to subsection 2, paragraph
 39  9 "b".
 39 10    b.  Upon the surrender of the certificate of title and
 39 11 application for junking certificate, the county treasurer shall
 39 12 issue to the person, without fee, a junking certificate, which
 39 13 shall authorize the holder to possess, transport, or transfer
 39 14 ownership of the junked vehicle by endorsement of the junking
 39 15 certificate. The county treasurer shall hold the surrendered
 39 16 certificate of title, registration receipt, application for
 39 17 junking certificate, and, if applicable, the registration
 39 18 plates plate for a period of fourteen days following the
 39 19 issuance of a junking certificate under this subsection.
 39 20    Sec. 41.  Section 321.57, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
 39 21 to read as follows:
 39 22    3.  Also, a transporter may operate or move any vehicle of
 39 23 like type upon the highways solely for the purpose of delivery
 39 24 upon likewise displaying thereon on the vehicle a like plates
 39 25  plate issued to the transporter as provided in these sections.
 39 26    Sec. 42.  Section 321.89, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 39 27 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 39 28    (1)  A vehicle that has been left unattended on public
 39 29 property for more than twenty=four hours and lacks a current
 39 30 registration plates plate or two or more wheels or other parts
 39 31 which renders the vehicle totally inoperable.
 39 32    Sec. 43.  Section 321.96, subsection 1, Code 2018, is amended
 39 33 to read as follows:
 39 34    1.  A person shall not display or cause or permit to be
 39 35 displayed, or have in the person's possession, a vehicle
 40  1 identification number or component part number except as
 40  2 provided in this chapter, or a canceled, revoked, altered,
 40  3 or fictitious registration number plates plate, registration
 40  4 receipt, or certificate of title, as the same are respectively
 40  5 provided for in this chapter.
 40  6    Sec. 44.  Section 321.98, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code
 40  7 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 40  8    a.  A valid registration card and registration plate or
 40  9 plates issued for the vehicle for the current registration
 40 10 year are attached to and displayed on the vehicle when and as
 40 11 required by this chapter; and
 40 12    Sec. 45.  Section 321.101A, Code 2018, is amended to read as
 40 13 follows:
 40 14    321.101A  Revocation of registration by county treasurer.
 40 15    The county treasurer may revoke the registration and
 40 16 registration plates plate of a vehicle if the annual
 40 17 registration fee or the fee for new registration is paid by
 40 18 check, electronic payment, or credit card and the check,
 40 19 electronic payment, or credit card is not honored by the
 40 20 payer's financial institution or credit card company, upon
 40 21 reasonable notice and demand. The owner of the vehicle or
 40 22 person in possession of the registration and registration
 40 23 plates plate for the vehicle shall immediately return the
 40 24 revoked registration and registration plates plate to the
 40 25 appropriate county treasurer's office.
 40 26    Sec. 46.  Section 321.103, Code 2018, is amended to read as
 40 27 follows:
 40 28    321.103  Owner to return evidences of registration and title.
 40 29    Whenever If the department as authorized hereunder under
 40 30 this chapter cancels, suspends, or revokes the registration
 40 31 of a vehicle, or certificate of title, or registration
 40 32 card, or registration plate or plates, or any nonresident or
 40 33 other permit or the registration of any dealer, the owner or
 40 34 person in possession of the same shall immediately return the
 40 35 evidences of registration, certificate of title, or plates
 41  1  plate so canceled, suspended, or revoked to the department.
 41  2    Sec. 47.  Section 321.104, subsection 3, Code 2018, is
 41  3 amended to read as follows:
 41  4    3.  To fail to surrender a certificate of title, registration
 41  5 card, or registration plates plate upon cancellation,
 41  6 suspension, or revocation of the certificate or registration by
 41  7 the department and notice as prescribed in this chapter.
 41  8    Sec. 48.  Section 321.105, subsections 2 and 5, Code 2018,
 41  9 are amended to read as follows:
 41 10    2.  The annual registration fee shall be paid to the county
 41 11 treasurer at the same time the application is made for the
 41 12 registration or reregistration of the motor vehicle or trailer.
 41 13 An owner may, when applying for registration or reregistration
 41 14 of a motor vehicle or trailer, request that the plates plate be
 41 15 mailed to the owner's post office address. The owner's request
 41 16 shall be accompanied by a mailing fee as determined annually by
 41 17 the director in consultation with the Iowa county treasurers
 41 18 association.
 41 19    5.  Seriously disabled veterans who have been provided with
 41 20 an automobile or other vehicle by the United States government
 41 21 under the provisions of {1901 = 1903, Tit. 38 of the United
 41 22 States Code, 38 U.S.C. {1901 et seq. (1970) {3901 = 3904, shall
 41 23 be exempt from payment of the registration fee fees provided in
 41 24 this chapter for that vehicle, and shall be provided, without
 41 25 fee, with one set of regular registration plates plate or one
 41 26 set of any type of special registration plates plate associated
 41 27 with service in the United States armed forces for which the
 41 28 disabled veteran qualifies under section 321.34. The disabled
 41 29 veteran, to be able to claim the benefit, must be a resident of
 41 30 the state of Iowa. In lieu of the set of regular or special
 41 31 military registration plates plate available without fee,
 41 32 the disabled veteran may obtain a set of nonmilitary special
 41 33 registration plates plate or personalized plates plate issued
 41 34 under section 321.34 by paying the additional fees associated
 41 35 with those plates that plate.
 42  1    Sec. 49.  Section 321.115, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code
 42  2 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 42  3    c.  The owner of a motor vehicle registered under this
 42  4 subsection may display an authentic Iowa registration plate
 42  5 or set of plates from the model year of the motor vehicle,
 42  6 furnished by the person and approved by the department, in
 42  7 lieu of the current and valid Iowa registration plates plate
 42  8  issued for the vehicle, provided that the current and valid
 42  9 Iowa registration plates plate and the registration card issued
 42 10 for the vehicle are simultaneously carried within the vehicle
 42 11 and are available for inspection to any peace officer upon the
 42 12 officer's request.
 42 13    Sec. 50.  Section 321.115A, subsection 1, Code 2018, is
 42 14 amended to read as follows:
 42 15    1.  A motor vehicle may be registered as a replica vehicle or
 42 16 street rod. The annual registration fee is the fee provided
 42 17 for in section 321.109, 321.113, 321.122, or 321.124. The
 42 18 owner of a vehicle registered under this section may display
 42 19 a registration plate or set of plates from or representing
 42 20 the model year of the motor vehicle or the model year of the
 42 21 motor vehicle the registered vehicle is designed to resemble,
 42 22 furnished by the person and approved by the department, in
 42 23 lieu of the current and valid Iowa registration plates plate
 42 24  issued for the vehicle, provided that the current and valid
 42 25 Iowa registration plates plate and the registration card issued
 42 26 for the vehicle are simultaneously carried within the vehicle
 42 27 and are available for inspection to any peace officer upon the
 42 28 officer's request.
 42 29    Sec. 51.  Section 321.120, subsection 3, Code 2018, is
 42 30 amended to read as follows:
 42 31    3.  Upon approval of the application and payment of the
 42 32 proper fees, the county treasurer shall issue a regular
 42 33 registration plates plate for the business=trade truck. The
 42 34 department may adopt rules requiring the use of a sticker or
 42 35 other means to identify motor vehicles registered under this
 43  1 section.
 43  2    Sec. 52.  Section 321.121, subsection 2, Code 2018, is
 43  3 amended to read as follows:
 43  4    2.  Upon approval of the application and payment of the
 43  5 proper fees, the county treasurer shall issue a regular
 43  6 registration plates plate for the special truck. The
 43  7 department may adopt rules requiring the use of a sticker or
 43  8 other means to identify motor vehicles registered under this
 43  9 section.
 43 10    Sec. 53.  Section 321.126, subsection 1, paragraphs a, c, d,
 43 11 and h, Code 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 43 12    a.  If the vehicle is destroyed by fire or accident, or
 43 13 junked and its identity as a vehicle entirely eliminated, the
 43 14 owner in whose name the vehicle was registered at the time of
 43 15 destruction or dismantling shall return the plates registration
 43 16 plate to the department and within thirty days thereafter make
 43 17 a statement of such destruction or dismantling and make claim
 43 18 for refund. With reference to the destruction or dismantling
 43 19 of a vehicle, no refund shall be allowed unless a junking
 43 20 certificate has been issued, as provided in section 321.52.
 43 21    c.  If the vehicle is placed in storage by the owner upon
 43 22 the owner's entry into the military service of the United
 43 23 States, the owner shall return the plates registration plate
 43 24  to the county treasurer or the department and make a statement
 43 25 regarding the storage and military service and make claim for
 43 26 refund. Whenever the owner of a vehicle so placed in storage
 43 27 desires to again register the vehicle, the county treasurer or
 43 28 department shall compute and collect the fees for registration
 43 29 for the registration year commencing in the month the vehicle
 43 30 is removed from storage.
 43 31    d.  If the vehicle is registered by the county treasurer
 43 32 during the current registration year and the owner or lessee
 43 33 registers the vehicle for apportioned registration under
 43 34 chapter 326, the owner of the registered vehicle shall
 43 35 surrender the registration plates plate to the county treasurer
 44  1 and may file a claim for refund. In lieu of a refund, a credit
 44  2 for the annual registration fees paid to the county treasurer
 44  3 may be applied by the department to the owner or lessee's
 44  4 apportioned registration fees upon the surrender of the county
 44  5 plates plate and registration.
 44  6    h.  If the owner of the vehicle moves out of state, the
 44  7 owner may make a claim for a refund by returning the Iowa
 44  8 registration plates plate, along with evidence of the vehicle's
 44  9 registration in another jurisdiction, to the county treasurer
 44 10 of the county in which the vehicle was registered within
 44 11 six months of the out=of=state registration. For purposes
 44 12 of section 321.127, the unexpired months remaining in the
 44 13 registration year shall be calculated on the basis of the
 44 14 effective date of the out=of=state registration. However, for
 44 15 the purpose of timely issuance of the refund, the claim for a
 44 16 refund under this paragraph is considered to be filed on the
 44 17 date the registration documents are received by the county
 44 18 treasurer.
 44 19    Sec. 54.  Section 321.134, subsection 1, Code 2018, is
 44 20 amended to read as follows:
 44 21    1.  On the first day of the second month following the
 44 22 beginning of each registration year a penalty of five percent
 44 23 of the annual registration fee shall be added to the annual
 44 24 registration fees not paid by that date and an additional
 44 25 penalty of five percent shall be added the first day of each
 44 26 succeeding month, until the fee is paid. A penalty shall
 44 27 not be less than five dollars. If the owner of a vehicle
 44 28 surrenders the registration plates plate for a vehicle prior to
 44 29 the plates plate becoming delinquent, to the county treasurer
 44 30 of the county where the vehicle is registered, or to the
 44 31 department if the vehicle is registered under chapter 326,
 44 32 the owner may register the vehicle any time thereafter upon
 44 33 payment of the annual registration fee for the registration
 44 34 year without penalty. To avoid a penalty or an additional
 44 35 penalty in the case of a delinquent registration through a
 45  1 county treasurer, if the last calendar day of a month falls
 45  2 on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the payment deadline is
 45  3 extended to include the first business day of the following
 45  4 month. For payments made through a county treasurer's
 45  5 authorized internet site only, if the last day of the month
 45  6 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the electronic
 45  7 payment must be entered by midnight on the first business day
 45  8 of the next month. All other electronic payments must be
 45  9 entered by midnight on the last day of the month preceding the
 45 10 delinquent date.
 45 11    Sec. 55.  Section 321.166, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code
 45 12 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 45 13    b.  Trailers A trailer with an empty weights weight of two
 45 14 thousand pounds or less may, upon request, be licensed with a
 45 15  regular=sized license plates plate.
 45 16    Sec. 56.  Section 321.166, subsections 2, 6, 8, and 10, Code
 45 17 2018, are amended to read as follows:
 45 18    2.  Every registration plate or pair of plates shall
 45 19 display a registration plate number which shall consist
 45 20 of alphabetical or numerical characters or a combination
 45 21 thereof of characters and the name of this state, which may be
 45 22 abbreviated. Every registration plate issued by the county
 45 23 treasurer shall display the name of the county, including any
 45 24 plate issued pursuant to section 321.34, except Pearl Harbor
 45 25 and purple heart registration plates issued prior to January 1,
 45 26 1997; registration plates issued pursuant to section 321.34,
 45 27 subsection 13, paragraph "d"; and collegiate, fire fighter, and
 45 28 medal of honor registration plates. Special truck registration
 45 29 plates shall display the word "special". The department may
 45 30 adopt rules to implement this subsection.
 45 31    6.  Registration plates A registration plate issued to a
 45 32 disabled veteran under the provisions of section 321.105 shall
 45 33 display the alphabetical characters "DV" which shall precede
 45 34 the registration plate number. The plates plate may also
 45 35 display a persons with disabilities parking sticker if issued
 46  1 to the disabled veteran by the department under section 321L.2.
 46  2    8.  The owner of a trailer with an empty weight of two
 46  3 thousand pounds or less shall receive a registration plates
 46  4  plate for the trailer smaller than plates a plate regularly
 46  5 issued for automobiles a motor vehicle pursuant to rules
 46  6 adopted by the department in accordance with this section
 46  7 unless the owner requests a regular=sized plates plate.
 46  8    10.  If the department reissues a new registration plate
 46  9 design for a special registration plate under section 321.34,
 46 10 all persons who have purchased or obtained the special
 46 11 registration plates plate shall not be required to pay the
 46 12 issuance fee.
 46 13    Sec. 57.  Section 321.385A, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code
 46 14 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 46 15    b.  A citation issued for failure to have rear lamps as
 46 16 required under section 321.387 or a rear registration plate
 46 17 light as required under section 321.388 shall first provide for
 46 18 a seventy=two hour period within which the person charged with
 46 19 the violation shall replace or repair the lamps or light.
 46 20    Sec. 58.  Section 321.385A, subsection 2, Code 2018, is
 46 21 amended to read as follows:
 46 22    2.  If the person complies with the directive to replace or
 46 23 repair the headlamp, rear lamps, or rear registration plate
 46 24 light within the allotted time period, the citation shall be
 46 25 expunged. If the person fails to comply within the allotted
 46 26 time period, the citation shall be processed in the same manner
 46 27 as other citations.
 46 28    Sec. 59.  Section 321.388, Code 2018, is amended to read as
 46 29 follows:
 46 30    321.388  Illuminating plates.
 46 31    Either the rear lamp or a separate lamp shall be so
 46 32 constructed and placed as to illuminate with a white light the
 46 33 rear registration plate attached to the rear of the vehicle and
 46 34 render it clearly legible from a distance of fifty feet to the
 46 35 rear. When the rear registration plate is illuminated by an
 47  1 electric lamp other than the required rear lamp, the two lamps
 47  2 shall be turned on or off only by the same control switch at
 47  3 all times when headlamps are lighted. This section does not
 47  4 apply to commercial vehicles engaged exclusively in intrastate
 47  5 commerce that are dump trucks or that are used exclusively for
 47  6 the movement of construction materials and equipment to and
 47  7 from construction projects.
 47  8    Sec. 60.  Section 321J.4B, subsection 5, paragraph f,
 47  9 subparagraph (1), Code 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 47 10    (1)  If the vehicle subject to the court order is not in
 47 11 the custody of a law enforcement agency, the person or agency
 47 12 designated in the order as the person or agency responsible for
 47 13 executing the order shall, upon receipt of the order, promptly
 47 14 locate the vehicle specified in the order, seize the motor
 47 15 vehicle and the license plates registration plate, and send or
 47 16 deliver the vehicle's license plates registration plate to the
 47 17 department.
 47 18    Sec. 61.  Section 321J.4B, subsection 7, Code 2018, is
 47 19 amended to read as follows:
 47 20    7.  a.  Upon receipt of a notice of conviction of the
 47 21 defendant for a violation of subsection 2, the impounding
 47 22 authority shall seize the motor vehicle's license plates
 47 23  registration plate and registration, and shall send or deliver
 47 24 them to the department.
 47 25    b.  The department shall destroy license plates a
 47 26 registration plate received under this section and shall not
 47 27 authorize the release of the vehicle or the issuance of a new
 47 28 license plates registration plate for the vehicle until the
 47 29 period of impoundment or immobilization has expired, and the
 47 30 fee and costs assessed under subsection 10 have been paid. The
 47 31 fee for issuance of a new license plates registration plate and
 47 32 certificates certificate of registration shall be the same as
 47 33 for the replacement of a lost, mutilated, or destroyed license
 47 34 plates registration plate and certificates certificate of
 47 35 registration.
 48  1    Sec. 62.  Section 321L.2, subsection 1, paragraph a,
 48  2 subparagraphs (1) and (2), Code 2018, are amended to read as
 48  3 follows:
 48  4    (1)  Persons with disabilities registration plates. An
 48  5 applicant may order a persons with disabilities registration
 48  6 plates plate pursuant to section 321.34. An applicant may
 48  7 order a persons with disabilities registration plate for a
 48  8 trailer used to transport a wheelchair pursuant to section
 48  9 321.34 in addition to a persons with disabilities registration
 48 10 plates plate ordered by the applicant for a motor vehicle used
 48 11 to tow such a trailer pursuant to section 321.34.
 48 12    (2)  Persons with disabilities parking sticker. An
 48 13 applicant who owns a motor vehicle for which the applicant has
 48 14 been issued a registration plates plate under section 321.34
 48 15 or a registration plates plate as a seriously disabled veteran
 48 16 under section 321.105 may apply to the department for a persons
 48 17 with disabilities parking sticker to be affixed to the plates
 48 18  plate. The persons with disabilities parking stickers shall
 48 19 bear the international symbol of accessibility.
 48 20    Sec. 63.  Section 321L.2, subsection 5, Code 2018, is amended
 48 21 to read as follows:
 48 22    5.  A seriously disabled veteran who has been provided with
 48 23 an automobile or other vehicle by the United States government
 48 24 under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. {1901 et seq. (1970) {3901 =
 48 25 3904 is not required to apply for a persons with disabilities
 48 26 parking permit under this section unless the veteran has been
 48 27 issued a special registration plates plate or personalized
 48 28 plates plate for the vehicle. The regular registration plates
 48 29  plate issued for the disabled veteran's vehicle without fee
 48 30 pursuant to section 321.105 entitle entitles the disabled
 48 31 veteran to all of the rights and privileges associated with
 48 32 persons with disabilities parking permits under this chapter.
 48 33    Sec. 64.  Section 321L.2A, subsection 1, paragraph e, Code
 48 34 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 48 35    e.  The person carries in the motor vehicle a copy
 49  1 of the statement from a physician, physician assistant,
 49  2 advanced registered nurse practitioner, or chiropractor
 49  3 which accompanied the person's application for a persons with
 49  4 disabilities registration plates plate under section 321.34 or
 49  5 other persons with disabilities parking permit under section
 49  6 321L.2 and which indicates the person is permanently unable to
 49  7 walk. The person shall show the copy of the statement to any
 49  8 peace officer upon request.
 49  9    Sec. 65.  Section 326.3, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code
 49 10 2018, is amended to read as follows:
 49 11    b.  A recreational vehicle, a vehicle displaying a restricted
 49 12 plates plate, a bus used in the transportation of chartered
 49 13 parties, or a government=owned vehicle is not an apportionable
 49 14 vehicle; except that a truck or truck tractor, or the power
 49 15 unit in a combination of vehicles having a gross vehicle weight
 49 16 of twenty=six thousand pounds or less, or a bus used in the
 49 17 transportation of chartered parties may be registered under the
 49 18 plan at the option of the registrant.
 49 19    Sec. 66.  Section 326.12, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2018,
 49 20 is amended to read as follows:
 49 21    Registrants who delete commercial vehicles displaying an
 49 22  Iowa base plates plate from the fleet after the commencement of
 49 23 the registration year shall be allowed to transfer registration
 49 24 credit to a replacement vehicle in accordance with this
 49 25 section. Iowa shall allow credit for non=Iowa based deleted
 49 26 vehicles only if the jurisdiction designated by the registrant
 49 27 as the base jurisdiction of the deleted vehicle permits
 49 28 transfer of registration credit to the replacement vehicle.
 49 29 Allowance of credit for deleted vehicles shall be subject to
 49 30 the following conditions:
 49 31    Sec. 67.  Section 721.8, Code 2018, is amended to read as
 49 32 follows:
 49 33    721.8  Labeling publicly owned motor vehicles.
 49 34    All publicly owned motor vehicles shall bear at least
 49 35 two labels in a conspicuous place, one on each side of the
 50  1 vehicle. This label shall be designed to cover not less than
 50  2 one square foot of surface. This section does not apply to
 50  3 a motor vehicle which is specifically assigned by the head
 50  4 of the department or office owning or controlling it, to
 50  5 enforcement of police regulations or to motor vehicles issued
 50  6 an ordinary registration plates plate pursuant to section
 50  7 321.19, subsection 1.
 50  8    Sec. 68.  CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE.  The Code editor may make
 50  9 any change the Code editor deems necessary to any Code section
 50 10 that refers, in any context, to a set of, a pair of, or two
 50 11 motor vehicle registration plates rather than one registration
 50 12 plate, when there appears to be no doubt as to the proper
 50 13 method of making the correction.
 50 14    Sec. 69.  TRANSITION PROVISIONS.  The transition from the
 50 15 use of registration plates on both the front and rear of
 50 16 certain motor vehicles to the use of such plates on only the
 50 17 front or rear of certain motor vehicles, as directed by this
 50 18 Act, shall be accomplished in stages. A person applying for
 50 19 a new or replacement registration plate on or after July 1,
 50 20 2018, shall receive only one registration plate. Otherwise,
 50 21 the transition shall not be accomplished until a new series of
 50 22 registration plates is issued to replace a current series. The
 50 23 department of transportation shall adopt rules to implement the
 50 24 transition.
 50 25                           EXPLANATION
 50 26 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
 50 27 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
 50 28    Under current law, two registration plates are issued
 50 29 for any motor vehicle other than an autocycle, motorcycle,
 50 30 motorized bicycle, or truck tractor, and are required to be
 50 31 attached to the front and rear of the vehicle, with certain
 50 32 exceptions.
 50 33    This bill provides that only one registration plate shall
 50 34 be issued for a motor vehicle. The registration plate shall
 50 35 be attached to the rear of the motor vehicle, except that the
 51  1 registration plate for a truck tractor shall be attached to the
 51  2 front of the truck tractor, consistent with current law.
 51  3    The bill also makes corresponding Code language changes,
 51  4 makes some Code language changes to enhance readability,
 51  5 updates certain references to the United States Code, directs
 51  6 the Code editor to make changes to language referring to two
 51  7 registration plates rather than one, and provides for the
 51  8 transition from the use of two registration plates to the use
 51  9 of one registration plate.
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