House File 188 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  MASCHER

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act providing for midwife licensure and providing for a fee
  2    and a penalty, and including effective date provisions.
    TLSB 2150YH (2) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 147.1, subsections 3 and 6, Code 2015,
  1  2 are amended to read as follows:
  1  3    3.  "Licensed" or "certified", when applied to a physician
  1  4 and surgeon, podiatric physician, osteopathic physician and
  1  5 surgeon, physician assistant, psychologist, chiropractor,
  1  6 nurse, dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistant,
  1  7 optometrist, speech pathologist, audiologist, pharmacist,
  1  8 physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, occupational
  1  9 therapist, occupational therapy assistant, orthotist,
  1 10 prosthetist, pedorthist, respiratory care practitioner,
  1 11 practitioner of cosmetology arts and sciences, practitioner
  1 12 of barbering, funeral director, dietitian, marital and family
  1 13 therapist, mental health counselor, social worker, massage
  1 14 therapist, midwife, athletic trainer, acupuncturist, nursing
  1 15 home administrator, hearing aid dispenser, or sign language
  1 16 interpreter or transliterator means a person licensed under
  1 17 this subtitle.
  1 18    6.  "Profession" means medicine and surgery, podiatry,
  1 19 osteopathic medicine and surgery, practice as a physician
  1 20 assistant, psychology, chiropractic, nursing, dentistry,
  1 21 dental hygiene, dental assisting, optometry, speech pathology,
  1 22 audiology, pharmacy, physical therapy, physical therapist
  1 23 assisting, occupational therapy, occupational therapy
  1 24 assisting, respiratory care, cosmetology arts and sciences,
  1 25 barbering, mortuary science, marital and family therapy,
  1 26 mental health counseling, social work, dietetics, massage
  1 27 therapy, midwifery, athletic training, acupuncture, nursing
  1 28 home administration, hearing aid dispensing, sign language
  1 29 interpreting or transliterating, orthotics, prosthetics, or
  1 30 pedorthics.
  1 31    Sec. 2.  Section 147.2, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
  1 32 to read as follows:
  1 33    1.  A person shall not engage in the practice of medicine
  1 34 and surgery, podiatry, osteopathic medicine and surgery,
  1 35 psychology, chiropractic, physical therapy, physical
  2  1 therapist assisting, nursing, dentistry, dental hygiene,
  2  2 dental assisting, optometry, speech pathology, audiology,
  2  3 occupational therapy, occupational therapy assisting,
  2  4 orthotics, prosthetics, pedorthics, respiratory care,
  2  5 pharmacy, cosmetology arts and sciences, barbering, social
  2  6 work, dietetics, marital and family therapy or mental health
  2  7 counseling, massage therapy, midwifery, mortuary science,
  2  8 athletic training, acupuncture, nursing home administration,
  2  9 hearing aid dispensing, or sign language interpreting
  2 10 or transliterating, or shall not practice as a physician
  2 11 assistant, unless the person has obtained a license for that
  2 12 purpose from the board for the profession.
  2 13    Sec. 3.  Section 147.13, Code 2015, is amended by adding the
  2 14 following new subsection:
  2 15    NEW SUBSECTION.  25.  For midwifery, the board of midwifery.
  2 16    Sec. 4.  Section 147.14, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended
  2 17 by adding the following new paragraph:
  2 18    NEW PARAGRAPH.  x.  For midwifery, a total of seven members,
  2 19 three members who are licensed midwives under chapter 148G;
  2 20 one member who is licensed under chapter 148, is a practicing
  2 21 family physician, and has professional experience consulting
  2 22 for and collaborating with direct=entry midwives; one member
  2 23 who is an advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed
  2 24 under chapter 152, is certified by the American midwifery
  2 25 certification board as a nurse=midwife, and has professional
  2 26 experience consulting for and collaborating with direct=entry
  2 27 midwives; and two members who are not licensed midwives or
  2 28 licensed health care providers who have received direct=entry
  2 29 midwifery services and who shall represent the general public.
  2 30    Sec. 5.  Section 147.74, Code 2015, is amended by adding the
  2 31 following new subsection:
  2 32    NEW SUBSECTION.  5A.  A midwife licensed under chapter 148G
  2 33 may use the words "licensed midwife" or the initials "L.M."
  2 34 after the person's name.
  2 35    Sec. 6.  NEW SECTION.  148G.1  Definitions.
  3  1 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
  3  2 requires:
  3  3    1.  "Board" means the board of midwifery created under
  3  4 chapter 147.
  3  5    2.  "Licensed midwife" means a person who is licensed to
  3  6 practice midwifery as provided in this chapter.
  3  7    3.  "Out=of=hospital" means any facility, institution, or
  3  8 place which is not an ambulatory surgical center or a hospital,
  3  9 such as a birth center as defined in section 135.61 or a
  3 10 private home.
  3 11    4.  "Practice of midwifery" means the provision of primary
  3 12 maternity care during the antepartum, intrapartum, or
  3 13 postpartum period by a person who is neither licensed to
  3 14 practice under chapter 148 or 148C, nor a nurse recognized
  3 15 by the board of nursing as an advanced registered nurse
  3 16 practitioner who is a certified nurse=midwife, and who is not
  3 17 rendering emergency services without compensation. "Practice
  3 18 of midwifery" may also include the carrying and administration
  3 19 of certain medications during the practice of midwifery,
  3 20 including oxytocin, as a postpartum antihemorrhagic agent,
  3 21 oxygen, intravenous fluids for stabilization, vitamin K, eye
  3 22 prophylactics, and other drugs or procedures as appropriate for
  3 23 the scope of practice for licensed midwives as determined by
  3 24 the board.
  3 25    Sec. 7.  NEW SECTION.  148G.2  Licensure ==== licensed
  3 26 midwifery.
  3 27    1.  Beginning July 1, 2016, every person engaged in the
  3 28 practice of midwifery in this state shall be licensed pursuant
  3 29 to this chapter.
  3 30    2.  Prior to obtaining licensure, an applicant shall
  3 31 successfully pass an examination approved by the board by rule
  3 32 demonstrating competencies in at least all of the following
  3 33 areas:  risk assessment and management; prenatal care;
  3 34 management of normal labor, birth, and postpartum; newborn care
  3 35 up to six weeks; and adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
  4  1 newborn resuscitation.
  4  2    3.  The applicant shall provide documentation, satisfactory
  4  3 to the board, of all of the following:
  4  4    a.  Knowledge and proficiency of all didactic components
  4  5 of midwifery, including definitions, signs and symptoms,
  4  6 differential diagnosis for risk assessment, stabilization and
  4  7 treatment, follow=up, referral, and transport.
  4  8    b.  Complete and thorough preparation as an assistant midwife
  4  9 prior to assuming responsibility as a primary midwife which
  4 10 shall include clinical care performed under supervision during
  4 11 training including, at a minimum:
  4 12    (1)  Seventy=five prenatal exams.
  4 13    (2)  Twenty births as an assistant midwife.
  4 14    (3)  Twenty births as primary midwife from the onset of labor
  4 15 to the delivery of the placenta and the stabilization of mother
  4 16 and newborn.
  4 17    (4)  Twenty newborn exams.
  4 18    (5)  Forty postpartum exams.
  4 19    c.  Assessment and verification of performance of skills
  4 20 during an intensive, hands=on skills assessment, performed for
  4 21 and scored by an evaluator approved by the board.
  4 22    d.  Passage of a three=hundred=fifty=item national board
  4 23 examination that covers all aspects of midwifery care as
  4 24 identified by job analysis approved by the board.
  4 25    e.  Evidence that the applicant has provided prenatal,
  4 26 intrapartal, and postpartal care as well newborn assessment,
  4 27 equivalent to a minimum of one thousand three hundred fifty
  4 28 clinical contact hours under the direct supervision of one or
  4 29 more instructors approved by the North American registry of
  4 30 midwives.
  4 31    4.  The applicant shall hold a certified professional
  4 32 midwife credential issued by the North American registry of
  4 33 midwives or any other nationally accredited credential as
  4 34 specified by the board. If an applicant has been subject to
  4 35 prior revocation of a license to practice medicine or nursing,
  5  1 the applicant shall not be eligible for licensure under this
  5  2 chapter, except as determined by the board.
  5  3    5.  The board may request, at the applicant's expense, that
  5  4 the department of public safety perform a criminal history
  5  5 check and the department of human services perform child and
  5  6 dependent adult abuse record checks of the applicant. If an
  5  7 applicant has a criminal record or a record of founded child or
  5  8 dependent adult abuse, the board shall perform an evaluation to
  5  9 determine whether the record warrants denial of licensure.
  5 10    Sec. 8.  NEW SECTION.  148G.3  Use of title ==== penalty.
  5 11    A person shall not use the title "licensed midwife",
  5 12 describe or imply that the person is a licensed midwife, or
  5 13 represent the person as a licensed midwife unless the person is
  5 14 licensed under this chapter or is licensed as a nurse=midwife
  5 15 under chapter 152.
  5 16    Sec. 9.  NEW SECTION.  148G.4  Rules.
  5 17    1.  The board shall:
  5 18    a.  Adopt rules relating to standards for professional
  5 19 conduct of persons licensed under this chapter.
  5 20    b.  Adopt rules consistent with this chapter and with
  5 21 chapters 17A, 147, and 272C which are necessary for the
  5 22 performance of its duties.
  5 23    c.  Act on matters concerning licensure and the processes
  5 24 of applying for, granting, suspending, imposing supervisory
  5 25 or probationary conditions upon, reinstating, and revoking a
  5 26 license.
  5 27    d.  Administer the provisions of this chapter requiring
  5 28 documentation required to demonstrate competence as a midwife,
  5 29 and the processing of applications for licenses and license
  5 30 renewal.
  5 31    e.  Develop continuing education requirements as a condition
  5 32 of license renewal.
  5 33    f.  Evaluate requirements for licensure in other states to
  5 34 determine if reciprocity may be granted.
  5 35    g.  Establish and collect licensure fees as provided in
  6  1 section 147.80 and retain fees as provided in section 147.82.
  6  2    h.  Establish procedures for the issuance, renewal, and
  6  3 revocation or suspension of a license under this chapter.
  6  4    i.  Maintain a registry of licensed midwives and statistics
  6  5 on the practice of midwifery utilizing vital statistics data.
  6  6    2.  In developing rules, the board may consult with
  6  7 persons knowledgeable regarding the prenatal and postpartum
  6  8 birth process, particularly those possessing experience
  6  9 with out=of=hospital births, including but not limited to
  6 10 persons licensed under chapter 148, certified professional
  6 11 midwives, advanced registered nurse practitioners who are
  6 12 certified nurse=midwives, and women who have given birth in
  6 13 an out=of=hospital setting. In developing rules relating
  6 14 to the practice of midwifery, the board shall reflect the
  6 15 knowledge and skills identified by the North American registry
  6 16 of midwives' current job description for the profession and the
  6 17 standards of practice of midwifery established by the national
  6 18 association of certified professional midwives or a successor
  6 19 organization.
  6 20    3.  Rules relating to the practice of midwifery shall be
  6 21 consistent with the North American registry of midwives'
  6 22 current job description for the profession and the standards
  6 23 of practice of midwifery established by the national
  6 24 association of certified professional midwives or a successor
  6 25 organization, and shall not expand the scope of practice of
  6 26 midwifery established by the national association of certified
  6 27 professional midwives or a successor organization.
  6 28    4.  At such time as the board determines that liability
  6 29 insurance is available at an affordable price to certified
  6 30 professional midwives, the board may mandate such coverage.
  6 31 Until that time, each midwife shall comply with the disclosure
  6 32 requirements in section 148G.5.
  6 33    Sec. 10.  NEW SECTION.  148G.5  Client disclosure.
  6 34    Prior to accepting a patient for midwifery care, a licensed
  6 35 midwife shall provide information to the patient indicating all
  7  1 of the following:
  7  2    1.  Evidence that the care provider is a licensed midwife
  7  3 meeting the requirements of this chapter.
  7  4    2.  Whether the licensed midwife has malpractice liability
  7  5 insurance coverage and the policy limits of such coverage.
  7  6    3.  The midwife's educational background and relevant
  7  7 experience, including experience in various birth settings.
  7  8    4.  The nature, scope, and location of the care to be
  7  9 given, including the possibility of and the guidelines for
  7 10 consultation, referral, or transfer of the patient to a
  7 11 hospital from an out=of=hospital setting.
  7 12    Sec. 11.  NEW SECTION.  148G.6  Exceptions.
  7 13    1.  This chapter does not prevent qualified members of other
  7 14 professions including but not limited to individuals licensed
  7 15 under chapter 148 or 152 from providing services consistent
  7 16 with the nature of the practice of midwifery.
  7 17    2.  This chapter does not prevent or prohibit a student
  7 18 midwife from performing tasks related to the practice of
  7 19 midwifery under the supervision of a licensed midwife, a
  7 20 certified nurse=midwife, or a licensed physician during
  7 21 completion of the licensure process.
  7 22    3.  The practice of midwifery in this state prior to July 1,
  7 23 2016, shall not constitute grounds for disciplinary action by
  7 24 the board.  The board may issue a license to a person who has
  7 25 practiced midwifery in this state prior to that date upon that
  7 26 person's application and compliance with the provisions of this
  7 27 chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.
  7 28    Sec. 12.  NEW SECTION.  148G.7  Prohibited practice.
  7 29    A person shall not practice midwifery, or represent that the
  7 30 person is a midwife, unless the person is licensed as provided
  7 31 in this chapter.
  7 32    Sec. 13.  NEW SECTION.  148G.8  Requirements for licensure ====
  7 33 temporary license.
  7 34    Beginning July 1, 2016, an individual who does not meet
  7 35 the requirements for licensure by examination pursuant to
  8  1 section 148G.2 may apply for a one=year temporary license, the
  8  2 qualifications for which shall be determined by the board by
  8  3 rule.  Renewal of the temporary license shall be determined
  8  4 by the board.  The board may revoke a temporary license if it
  8  5 determines that the temporary licensee has violated standards
  8  6 established by rule.
  8  7    Sec. 14.  Section 272C.1, subsection 6, Code 2015, is amended
  8  8 by adding the following new paragraph:
  8  9    NEW PARAGRAPH.  ag.  The board of midwifery, created pursuant
  8 10 to chapter 147.
  8 11    Sec. 15.  Section 272C.4, subsection 6, Code 2015, is amended
  8 12 to read as follows:
  8 13    6.  Define by rule acts or omissions that are grounds for
  8 14 revocation or suspension of a license under section 100D.5,
  8 15 105.22, 147.55, 148.6, 148B.7, 148G.4, 152.10, 153.34, 154A.24,
  8 16 169.13, 455B.219, 542.10, 542B.21, 543B.29, 544A.13, 544B.15,
  8 17 or 602.3203 or chapter 151 or 155, as applicable, and to define
  8 18 by rule acts or omissions that constitute negligence, careless
  8 19 acts, or omissions within the meaning of section 272C.3,
  8 20 subsection 2, paragraph "b", which licensees are required to
  8 21 report to the board pursuant to section 272C.9, subsection 2.
  8 22    Sec. 16.  INITIAL APPOINTMENTS.
  8 23    1.  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this
  8 24 Act, the initial midwife appointees to the board of midwifery
  8 25 created pursuant to this Act shall fulfill the national
  8 26 certification requirements of the North American registry of
  8 27 midwives.
  8 28    2.  One of the initial midwife appointments to the board
  8 29 shall be appointed for a one=year term, one shall be appointed
  8 30 for a two=year term, and one shall be appointed for a
  8 31 three=year term.  The members who are licensed under chapter
  8 32 148 or 152 shall each be appointed for a two=year term, and the
  8 33 members representing the general public shall each be appointed
  8 34 to a three=year term.
  8 35    Sec. 17.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  The following provision or
  9  1 provisions of this Act take effect July 1, 2016:
  9  2    1.  The section of this Act amending section 147.2,
  9  3 subsection 1.
  9  4    2.  The section of this Act enacting section 148G.7.
  9  5                           EXPLANATION
  9  6 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  9  7 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  9  8    This bill creates new Code chapter 148G that provides for
  9  9 the licensure of midwives beginning July 1, 2016.  A midwife
  9 10 is not an allopathic or osteopathic physician licensed under
  9 11 Code chapter 148 or a nurse licensed under Code chapter
  9 12 152 providing primary maternity care during the antepartum,
  9 13 intrapartum, or postpartum period.
  9 14    The bill provides for the establishment of a seven=member
  9 15 board of midwifery consisting of three members who are
  9 16 midwives, one physician, one nurse, and two members who
  9 17 represent the general public.  The bill provides for fees to
  9 18 fund the board and provides penalties for violation of the
  9 19 licensure requirement; those penalties are set out for all
  9 20 health=related boards in Code chapters 147 and 272C.  Code
  9 21 section 147.86 provides that it is a serious misdemeanor to
  9 22 violate a provision of the licensing laws.
  9 23    The board is similar in composition and responsibilities to
  9 24 other health=related licensing boards.
  9 25    The provisions of the bill amending Code section 147.2 and
  9 26 enacting Code section 148G.7, both prohibiting the practice of
  9 27 midwifery without a license, take effect July 1, 2016.
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