S.R. NO.













Requesting the legislative reference bureau to conduct a study on the feasibility of the State establishing a universal, no-cost pre-kindergarten program.



     WHEREAS, there is an undisputed public benefit from substantial investment in high-quality, developmentally appropriate early learning programs; and


     WHEREAS, significant and continuing research affirms the positive effects of high-quality early learning programs on the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and economic outcomes of young children; and


     WHEREAS, longitudinal studies have also shown that high-quality early learning programs are especially effective for high-risk children, including low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children, with great potential to alter their lifetime trajectories; and


     WHEREAS, well-executed and well-targeted early learning programs have immediate and long-term benefits not only for the children participating in the programs but also for the societies in which they live, which boast higher levels of educational attainment; reduced homelessness, crime, and substance abuse; improved health; and better overall social and economic well-being; and


     WHEREAS, although there are pre-kindergarten education programs offered throughout the State, not all children have access to these programs, and the programs are cost-prohibitive for many families; and


     WHEREAS, a statewide, universal, no-cost pre-kindergarten program would ensure that every child in the State has equal and equitable access to early learning education; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2022, that the Legislative Reference Bureau is requested to conduct a study on the feasibility of the State establishing a universal no-cost pre-kindergarten program; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as a part of the study, the Legislative Reference Bureau is requested to:


     (1)  Research other states that have implemented a universal pre-kindergarten program, including how they have addressed transportation, the provision of school lunches, and other ancillary service for students;


     (2)  Research other states that have plans to or are in the process of implementing universal pre-kindergarten programs;


     (3)  Explore the potential positives and negatives of implementing a universal pre-kindergarten program in the State;


     (4)  Work with the Department of Education and Executive Office of Early Learning on examining how universal pre-kindergarten may be implemented in the State;


     (5)  Explain the existing pre-kindergarten programs in the State and the efficacy of those programs;


     (6)  Examine how a universal pre-kindergarten program in the State may include the following:


          (A)  Appropriate school staffing;


          (B)  Fair teacher compensation;


          (C)  Adequate credentialing requirements; and


          (D)  Staff professional development or continuing education;

     (7)  Discuss child assessment requirements, appropriate curriculum, and school schedules for a universal pre-kindergarten program in the State; and


     (8)  Provide fiscal analysis and projections, including funding mechanisms that would be relevant to the implementation of a universal pre-kindergarten program in the State; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Reference Bureau is requested to submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2023; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of the Legislative Reference Bureau, Superintendent of Education, and Chair of the Early Learning Board.









Report Title: 

Universal Pre-kindergarten Program; Feasibility Study; Legislative Reference Bureau