S.R. NO.













requesting state departments to make unused state facilities available to the STATE PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE OFFICE ON EARLY LEARNING, or department of education for use by a public charter school, early learning program, or any other purpose deemed appropriate by the applicant.



     WHEREAS, public charter schools offer unique educational options for Hawaii's youth; and


     WHEREAS, facilities funding has been a long-standing issue for public charter schools; and


     WHEREAS, legislators recognized the need to fund charter schools facilities by moving several measures addressing the issue to conference during the 2014 Regular Session, but none of the measures made the final decking deadline; and


     WHEREAS, the long term financial sustainability of charter schools continues to be a concern; and


     WHEREAS, early learning programs are important to a child's social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development; and


     WHEREAS, studies have shown that children who participate in early learning programs are less likely to require expensive special education and behavioral interventions throughout their school years; and


     WHEREAS, the State has a duty to support its public charter schools and early learning programs; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2015, that all state departments and agencies are requested to notify the State Public Charter School Commission, Executive Office on Early Learning, and the Department of Education of unused facilities that may be appropriate for use by public charter schools, early learning programs, or the Department of Education; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon notice of an unused facility, the State Public Charter School Commission and Executive Office on Early Learning are requested to solicit proposals from public charter schools and early learning programs, respectively, that are interested in using and occupying all or portions of the facility; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Public Charter School Commission, Executive Office on Early Learning, and Department of Education submit applications to use and occupy the facility to the department or agency in control of the facility; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the department or agency in control of the facility is requested to review applications submitted by the State Public Charter School Commission, Executive Office on Early Learning, and Department of Education and make a final determination of which applicant or applicants, if any, are selected to use and occupy the facility; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Superintendent of Education, Executive Director of the State Public Charter School Commission, and Director of the Executive Office on Early Learning.

















Report Title: 

State Departments; State Public Charter School Commission; Executive Office on Early Learning; Department of Education; Unused Facilities