S.R. NO.













Requesting the Department of health to convene a substance abuse task force.



     WHEREAS, the fiscal and social costs of substance abuse and disorders on Hawaii's health care system are unsustainable; and


     WHEREAS, while the cycle of substance abuse is a financial and social burden on the State's health care system, it is also a treatable disease; and


     WHEREAS, recent studies in the science of addiction have led to significant advances in drug abuse treatment that help people successfully manage their addictions and resume productive lives; and


     WHEREAS, research has shown that approximately seventy percent of addiction and mental health costs can be averted by effectively providing treatment before the onset of more serious chronic conditions; and


     WHEREAS, the issue of how to deal with marijuana has been the subject of recent consideration within the Legislature; and


     WHEREAS, in the Regular Session of 2015, the Legislature has considered measures to legalize marijuana, decriminalize marijuana, and establish medical marijuana dispensaries; and


     WHEREAS, the Legislature has also considered S.B. No. 1036 during the Regular Session of 2015, which would establish a task force within the Department of Health to address health care and payment reform steps to implement an effective addiction treatment system as a component of health care to improve outcomes and reduce overall health care costs; and


     WHEREAS, the Legislature has been asked to consider implementing the Uniform Collateral Sanctions and Disqualifications Act that would, among other things, require courts to advise defendants of the collateral sanctions triggered by a plea and provide for certificates of rehabilitation, which would allow qualifying individuals to have rights restored; and


     WHEREAS, studies indicate that in some states, marijuana offenders can avoid a criminal conviction by successfully completing a diversion program or entering a deferred entry of judgment; and


     WHEREAS, this body believes that the task force established by the Department of Health would be well situated to review the Uniform Collateral Sanctions and Disqualifications Act and report back with recommendations; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2015, that the Department of Health is requested to convene a substance abuse task force to address health care and payment to implement an effective addiction treatment system and justice system reform steps to reduce the toll of collateral sanctions, with the goal of improving overall outcomes and reducing the financial and social costs of drug use; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force is requested to:


     (1)  Provide multi-disciplinary teams to review and recommend policy changes in state and insurer systems for substance use disorders;


     (2)  Utilize the federal model of recovery-oriented system of care as outlined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration;


     (3)  Continue to integrate primary health care with addiction treatment by providing education and training to primary care providers on screening, brief interventions for mild or moderate substance use disorder conditions, and referrals to specialized substance use disorder treatment for moderate to chronic conditions;


     (4)  Develop a treatment program for mild to moderate conditions for substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders;


     (5)  Support transitional care management for emergency rooms to deal with patients with chronic substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders;


     (6)  Ensure Quest members and uninsured patients have adequate access to all modalities of substance abuse treatment, including residential, day treatment, and outpatient treatment, that meets minimum levels of utilization according to medical necessity;


     (7)  Develop offender re-entry programs that target offenders with chronic substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders so that needed services can be accessed immediately;


     (8)  Design payment reform models for reimbursement that adequately address the complex care needed for super users or other chronic conditions of substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders and that promote collaboration and consider risk adjustments;


     (9)  Determine the additional amount of funding needed to improve outcomes and reduce overall health care spending by providing funding for all modalities, including residential, day treatment, intensive outpatient, outpatient, and aftercare, for substance use disorders, co-occurring disorders, criminality, dual services, case management, peer mentoring, and recovery-oriented services; and


    (10)  Examine the Uniform Collateral Sanctions and Disqualifications Act and make policy recommendations on whether the Legislature should adopt the Act; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health request the following persons to participate in the task force:


     (1)  The Director of Health or the Director's designee, who shall serve as the chairperson of the task force;


     (2)  One member of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;


     (3)  One member of the Senate, to be appointed by the President of the Senate;


     (4)  The Director of Human Services or the Director's designee;


     (5)  The Director of Public Safety or the Director's designee;


     (6)  One member representing the Hawaii Substance Abuse Coalition, to be invited by the chairperson of the task force;


     (7)  One member representing the Hawaii Medical Association, to be invited by the chairperson of the task force;


     (8)  One member representing the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry;


     (9)  One member representing the Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii;


    (10)  One member representing a Hawaii inpatient or emergency room hospital, to be invited by the chairperson of the task force; and


    (11)  Any other member as assigned by the task force; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force submit a preliminary report of its progress to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2016; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force submit a final report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2017; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force be dissolved on June 30, 2017; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Director of Health, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Senate President, Director of Human Services, Director of Public Safety, Hawaii Substance Abuse Coalition, Hawaii Medical Association, Chair of the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry, and Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii.

























Report Title: 

Substance Abuse Treatment Task Force