S.C.R. NO.














requesting a report to the legislature reviewing workforce housing in kakaako mauka.



     WHEREAS, the area known as Kakaako Mauka lies within the Kakaako Community Development District under the jurisdiction of the Housing Community Development Authority and is bounded by Piikoi Street, Ala Moana Boulevard, Punchbowl Street, and King Street; and


     WHEREAS, Kakaako Mauka has been designed to be a mixed-use development area and consists of a community of businesses and commercial, industrial, and residential projects into which rail transit will be incorporated; and


     WHEREAS, workforce housing is an essential foundation upon which to build a more sustainable future for the Kakaako Mauka area and grow a more competitive workforce to meet the challenges of a global economy; and


     WHEREAS, affordable workforce housing is important to Hawaii's residents and is a goal of the Legislature; and


     WHEREAS, transportation services are also important to establish linkages between where people live and where people work; and


     WHEREAS, policies enacted by the Legislature may improve the state of workforce housing and transportation services in Kakaako Mauka; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-fifth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2010, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Hawaii Community Development Authority is requested to review the status and adequacy of existing workforce housing in the Kakaako Mauka area; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Hawaii Community Development Authority's review include the following:


     (1)  The existing mix, cost, and availability of workforce housing in Kakaako Mauka and recommended changes, if any, to the mix, cost, and availability of workforce housing;


     (2)  General planning and development policies and zoning practices needed to increase the availability of workforce housing in Kakaako Mauka;


     (3)  The amount of rental housing necessary to provide an affordable housing option in Kakaako Mauka for those who are unable to purchase a home;


     (4)  Building and zoning codes that present barriers to building workforce housing in Kakaako Mauka;


     (5)  Previous legislative attempts to create workforce housing in Kakaako Mauka;


     (6)  Recommended legislation to make reasonable and appropriate changes to building and zoning codes that will facilitate the creation of workforce housing in Kakaako Mauka;


     (7)  Recommendations that will facilitate the creation of workforce housing;


     (8)  Recommended modifications to existing structures that would allow for the redevelopment of workforce housing in Kakaako Mauka, including but not limited to potential structural modifications to dwelling structures;


     (9)  The costs associated with the structural and other modifications;


    (10)  Information on sources of funding, supplies, and labor to complete the modifications, including suppliers willing to donate or provide tools, equipment, and supplies at a reduced cost, public or private loan or grant programs that are available to finance the modifications, and the potential use of building industry apprentices or volunteers to provide labor for the modifications;


    (11)  Recommended legislation amending licensing requirements to permit the use of apprentices or volunteers to provide labor for the modifications; and


    (12)  Mechanisms by which personnel may be trained to analyze and make recommendations or structural modifications to existing structures and, in particular, to:


         (A)  Identify agencies or individuals who currently engage in assessing homes for structural modification;


         (B)  Evaluate existing practices for assessments; and


         (C)  Identify the skills necessary to conduct structural modification assessments and determine the feasibility of introducing training programs for these skills in local educational institutions; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Hawaii Community Development Authority is requested to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2011 Regular Session; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that state and county building and zoning councils, including the State Building Code Council, select representatives from their respective agencies to assist the Hawaii Community Development Authority in its review; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor and the Director of the Hawaii Community Development Authority.










Report Title: 

HCDA; Workforce Housing; Report to Legislature