S.C.R. NO.

















     WHEREAS, many correctional jurisdictions in the United States use an incentive system that rewards inmates for positive behavior, commonly known as credit for good time served; and


     WHEREAS, an earned time credit system was first implemented in the eighteenth century to relieve overcrowding, reward inmates who have no behavioral infractions, and encourage participation in inmate rehabilitation programs; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii does not have an earned time program incentive to provide eligibility for parole of an inmate before the expiration of that inmate's minimum term, as set by the Hawaii Paroling Authority; and


     WHEREAS, an earned time program provides for release on parole before the expiration of an inmate's minimum term upon demonstrating progress toward rehabilitation in certain categories; and


     WHEREAS, an earned time program is necessary for inmates to have a sense of accomplishment and achievement, both of which are critical to successful rehabilitation and re-entry into the community; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2011, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Public Safety is requested to plan and implement an earned time program as described in this measure, for committed persons who are serving time for a non-violent drug offense and who have successfully completed a residential drug abuse program; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Public Safety is requested to develop, establish, and implement the following standards and procedures for the earned time program:


     (1)  Objective standards for measuring progress in each of the following categories, to the extent that the services are available at the committed person's correctional facility:


         (A)  Work, vocational, or occupational training and skills, including consideration of factors such as attendance, promptness, performance, cooperation, care of materials, and safety;


         (B)  Social adjustment, including skills such as group living, housekeeping, personal hygiene, and cooperation;


         (C)  Participation in counseling sessions and self-help groups;


         (D)  Therapeutic and other similar departmental programs; and


         (E)  Education or literacy programs;


     (2)  Procedures for evaluating, recording, and certifying progress under the earned time program; and


     (3)  Procedures for awarding earned time deductions and recording and applying days earned under the earned time program; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Public Safety annually review the performance of each person committed to its custody to date and grant, withhold, withdraw, or restore an earned time deduction from the person's minimum term of imprisonment set by the Hawaii Paroling Authority; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following information about the earned time program be made available in writing to all eligible committed persons upon request and conspicuously posted in an area of the correctional facility that is accessible for review by committed persons:


     (1)  Departmental standards and procedures for the earned time program; and


     (2)  Equivalencies between:


         (A)  Days served in accordance with earned time program requirements and credits earned; and


         (B)  Credits earned and days earned; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Public Safety report to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2012 on its progress in establishing and implementing an earned time program consistent with this measure; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to Director of Public Safety and Administrator of the Hawaii Paroling Authority.









Report Title: 

Public Safety; Earned Time Program