S.C.R. NO.

















     WHEREAS, transforming Hawaii's surface transportation systems and infrastructure to prioritize walking, rolling, bicycling, and public transit is at the nexus of the State's commitments to public health, safety, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability; and


     WHEREAS, the most important component of this transformation is ensuring that every child in Hawaii enjoys the infrastructure, social support, confidence, and skills to walk, roll, bike, or bus to school; and


     WHEREAS, as a result of decades of automobile—centric planning and development, there are formidable barriers to this transformation; and


     WHEREAS, barriers include a lack of complete, safe, and comfortable bike and pedestrian networks; burdensome and complicated funding mechanisms for safe routes to school programs and community engagement; a lack of a state safe routes to school plan that creates performance measures, goals, strategies, and accountability; and a lack of coordination among state and county agencies and community—based organizations to promote safe routes to school; and


     WHEREAS, bringing together invested state and county agencies and community-based organizations to develop a comprehensive statewide safe routes to school strategic plan will both protect our keiki and also serve as a long-term investment in the future of mobility; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2022, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Transportation is urged to establish a Safe Routes to School Advisory Group to develop a comprehensive statewide safe routes to school strategic plan; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Advisory Group is requested to advise the State on strategies to ensure that all children in the State are able to safely bike, walk, roll, or bus to school by developing a strategic plan that:


(1)  Identifies ways to stabilize the safe routes special fund distribution mechanism;


(2)  Recommends strategies to streamline safe routes to school program funding to make it easier for schools and communities to apply for and receive funds;


(3)  Identifies and recommends funding mechanisms, planning processes, and programming that are inclusive and equitable; and


(4)  Recommends strategies to prioritize safe routes to school programming serving students attending schools that receive federal funds pursuant to Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Advisory Group shall consist of the following members or their designees:


(1)  The State of Hawaii Safe Routes to School Coordinator, who shall serve as the chair of the Advisory Group;


(2)  The physical activity and nutrition coordinator within the Department of Health;


(3)  The school wellness coordinator within the Department of Health;


(4)  A representative of the Department of Education;


(5)  A representative of the Honolulu Police Department;

     (6)  A representative of the Kauai Police Department;


(7)  A representative of the Hawaii Police Department;


(8)  A representative of the Maui Police Department;


(9)  The City and County of Honolulu Safe Routes to School coordinator;


(10) The County of Kauai safe routes to school coordinator;


(11) The County of Hawaii safe routes to school coordinator;


(12) The County of Maui safe routes to school coordinator;


(13) A representative of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization;


(14) A representative of the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization;


(15) A representative of Papa Ola Lokahi, who shall be invited to be a member by the Safe Routes to School Coordinator;


(16) A representative of the Hawaii Bicycling League, who shall be invited to be a member by the Safe Routes to School Coordinator; and


(17) A representative of the Hawaii Public Health Institute, who shall be invited to be a member by the Safe Routes to School Coordinator; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Safe Routes to School Advisory Group is requested to submit to the Legislature:


(1)  A preliminary report no later than December 1, 2022; and


(2)  A final report no later than December 1, 2023,


of the actions taken and progress made by the Advisory Group, including its findings and recommendations and any proposed legislation; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Advisory Group is requested to dissolve on June 30, 2024; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Transportation; the Director of Health; the Superintendent of Education; the State of Hawaii Safe Routes to School Coordinator; the City and County of Honolulu Safe Routes to School Coordinator; the County of Kauai Safe Routes to School Coordinator; the County of Hawaii Safe Routes to School Coordinator;  the County of Maui Safe Routes to School Coordinator; the Chief of the Honolulu Police Department; the Chief of the Kauai Police Department; the Chief of the Hawaii Police Department; the Chief of the Maui Police Department; the Executive Director of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization; the Executive Director of the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization; the Executive Director of Papa Ola Lokahi; the Executive Director of the Hawaii Bicycling League; and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hawaii Public Health Institute.









Report Title: 

Safe Routes to School; Report; Children