Report Title:

Hawaii Civil Air Patrol; Appropriation



Appropriates funds to the Hawaii civil air patrol for emergency services, cadet programs, and aerospace education in Hawaii.



S.B. NO.













making an appropriation to the Hawaii civil air patrol for operating expenses.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the Hawaii civil air patrol is a civilian volunteer auxiliary service of the United States Air Force.  The three missions of the Hawaii civil air patrol are providing emergency services, cadet programs, and aerospace education.  The Hawaii civil air patrol serves the State and the nation through homeland security and humanitarian efforts and has over five hundred members who provide volunteer public service.  The Hawaii civil air patrol consists of three squadrons and four aircraft on Oahu, one squadron and two aircraft on Kauai, one squadron and one aircraft on Maui, and two squadrons and two aircraft on the island of Hawaii.  All volunteers are trained and ready to execute emergency service missions, including tsunami warning, search and rescue, damage assessment, aerial homeland security support, and counter-drug reconnaissance.

     Since the 1950s, tsunami warning has been the Hawaii civil air patrol's primary mission in Hawaii.  Recently, in October 2006, following the earthquake, Hawaii civil air patrol units and crews assisted the Hawaii County Civil defense by taking photographs of damaged sites.  In November 2006, Hawaii civil air patrol units flew tsunami watch sorties over north and west Oahu to warn beachgoers to evacuate.  In January 2007, the Hawaii civil air patrol alerted beachgoers on the Na Pali coast to the possibility of a tsunami.  There is no other tsunami airborne warning capability in Hawaii outside the Hawaii civil air patrol.

     Even more vital is the role that the Hawaii civil air patrol plays in providing volunteers for emergency services.  The Hawaii civil air patrol participates in disaster relief operations by augmenting the operations of the United States Coast Guard.  Recently, in July 2002, the Hawaii civil air patrol was instrumental in locating a small plane that went down on Maui.  In February 2004, the Hawaii civil air patrol located the missing air ambulance near Hilo.  In December 2008, the Hawaii civil air patrol ran an aerial damage assessment mission to assist Kauai civil defense in gauging damage caused by recent storms and flooding.

     In addition, the Hawaii civil air patrol also has a fully developed cadet program that challenges and educates over two hundred cadets in leadership, military science, aerospace education, emergency services, and citizenship.  The cadet program includes a critical summer encampment for cadets that provides a comprehensive course covering leadership, team-building, drill and ceremonies, and exposure to the Hawaii civil air patrol and the United States Air Force.  The encampment is a requirement for a cadet to progress through the ranks.

     The legislature finds that the Hawaii civil air patrol requires state funding to allow it to continue the vital operations of tsunami warning, search and rescue, damage assessment aerial homeland security support, and counter-drug reconnaissance.

     SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $296,500 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the fiscal year 2009-2010 for the Hawaii civil air patrol to further its missions of providing emergency services, cadet programs, and aerospace education in Hawaii.

     The Hawaii civil air patrol shall use the appropriation as follows:

     (1)  $52,500 to provide funding for one hundred thirty cadets to attend summer encampment;

     (2)  $25,000 for aerospace education to provide two hundred cadets with orientation flights;

     (3)  $75,000 for six hundred training and proficiency flight hours;

     (4)  $81,000 to upgrade tsunami warning sirens;

     (5)  $9,000 to repair aircraft to meet maintenance standards and flight safety requirements;

     (6)  $14,000 to provide support for fourteen vehicles used by ground teams;

     (7)  $12,000 for general maintenance of buildings and grounds;

     (8)  $10,000 to upgrade and maintain radio communication equipment;

     (9)  $12,000 for utilities expenses, including electrical, water, and trash services, and internet and telephone connectivity; and

    (10)  $6,000 for expenses to administer the cadet program, aerospace education, and emergency services.

     SECTION 3.  The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of defense for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2009.


