H.R. NO.













Recognizing and congratulating the girl scouts of hawaii and the girl scouts of the United states of america for being the State of hawaii and THE nation's largest and oldest girl-focused leadership organizations.




     WHEREAS, the youth of Hawaii represent our future and the House of Representatives proudly acknowledges the 95th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of Hawaii and 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America; and


     WHEREAS, before women had the right to vote in the United States, Girl Scouts founder, Juliette Gordon Low, organized the first Girl Scout troop with 18 girls on March 12, 1912, in Savannah, Georgia; and


     WHEREAS, five years later, Queen Liliuokalani agreed to have the first Girl Scout troop formed in her honor, and a teacher at Kamehameha School for Girls, Florence Lowe, was the first Girl Scout leader to receive a commission from the national organization; and


     WHEREAS, Girl Scouts expanded to Hawaii Island in 1919, Maui in 1920, Molokai in 1924, Kauai in 1933, and Lanai in 1936, making the Girl Scouts of Hawaii the oldest Girl Scout council west of the Mississippi River; and


     WHEREAS, today, with over 3.2 million members, including nearly 5,500 in Hawaii, the national Girl Scout movement serves girls in every zip code in the United States and is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts with over ten million members in 145 counties; and


     WHEREAS, driven by its mission, "Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place", and its timeless values, Girl Scouts has renewed its vision for girls in kindergarten through twelfth grades in its 100th anniversary year; and


     WHEREAS, this vision includes the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, which is based on the belief that leaders are not defined by positions or titles, limited by age, or dictated by social-economic status, but are characterized by how they work with others and use their skills and abilities to create positive changes in the world; and


     WHEREAS, the Girl Scout Leadership Experience empowers girls to solve 21st century issues at a global level by providing them with innovative ways to learn and lead so they can discover themselves, connect with others, and take action to better their communities, state, and nation, as well as the world; and


     WHEREAS, there are over 50 million Girl Scout alumnae, including 80 percent of women business owners, 69 percent of female United State Senators, 67 percent of female members of the United States House of Representatives, and nearly every female astronaut who has flown in space; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, that this body hereby recognizes and congratulates the Girl Scouts of Hawaii and Girl Scouts of the United States of America for being the State of Hawaii and the nation's largest and oldest girl-focused leadership organizations, acknowledges their many years of accomplishments, and expresses its warmest aloha and best wishes for continued success in all their future endeavors.









Report Title: 

Recognizing and Congratulating the Girl Scouts of Hawaii and Girl Scouts of the United States of America