H.R. NO.













recognizing hawaiian nationals as a population residing lawfully in the hawaiian islands.




     WHEREAS, the Legislature enacted Act 195, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011, recognizing Native Hawaiians as the indigenous people of Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, the State has on numerous occasions, and in official documents and statutes including Act 195, affirmed that beginning in 1893, the United States violated the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom when it colluded with insurgents to usurp the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom; and


     WHEREAS, international law clearly indicates that despite regime changes, the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom was never relinquished or extinguished, therefore, the current status of the Hawaiian Kingdom is that of a nation in continuity; and


     WHEREAS, international law prohibits the coercive assignment or altering of an individual's nationality and citizenship to a foreign state without the explicit consent of that individual; and


     WHEREAS, in section 19 of the Admission Act of March 18, 1959, Public Law 86-3, the United States Congress affirmed that the Admission Act itself does not confer, terminate, or otherwise change the nationality status of Hawaiians; and


     WHEREAS, a sizeable part of the population of the Hawaiian Islands identify themselves as Hawaiian Nationals and lawfully reserve and assert their right to claim and exercise their nationality, as citizenship or subject-ship, in the Hawaiian Kingdom, a nation in continuity; and
     WHEREAS, the rights to Hawaiian Nationality are conferred by natural birth and customary law and practice, including lineal descent from Hawaiian Nationals, birth within the physical boundaries of the Hawaiian Islands, or a formal process of naturalization; and


     WHEREAS, pursuant to Hawaiian Kingdom laws, international treaties and conventions, the Law of Nations, and all other standards relating to nationality, Hawaiian Nationals are citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom, residing in their own country, the Hawaiian Islands, and are not citizens of the United States or residents of the State of Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, the term Hawaiian National is not synonymous with Native Hawaiian, which is a legal term coined and adopted by the United States Congress in 1920 to narrowly define Hawaiians according to aboriginal blood quantum; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2015, that Hawaiian Nationals are hereby recognized as an authentic population residing lawfully in the Hawaiian Islands; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Hawaiian Nationals are recognized as the authentic heirs, beneficiaries, and body politic of the Hawaiian Kingdom, a nation in continuity; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State commit to uphold the laws regarding nationality-based discrimination and to encourage the courts and law enforcement agencies in the State to cease all nationality-based harassment and prosecution of Hawaiian Nationals; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Hawaiian Nationals, as an authentic body politic, have the right to reorganize and restore their national government of, by, and for the people of the Hawaiian Islands; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Attorney General, the Chief Justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court, and the respective Mayors, Chiefs of Police, and Prosecuting Attorneys of the Counties of Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui, and the City and County of Honolulu.









Report Title: 

Hawaiian Nationals; Hawaiian Kingdom; Recognition