H.R. NO.













Requesting the executive office on aging to inventory the elderly services and family and elderly demographics of the islands of Molokai and Lanai and the east maui area.




WHEREAS, many elderly individuals on the islands of Molokai and Lanai and in the district of Hana are subject to multiple risks, including homelessness, language barriers, abuse, unemployment, poverty, and lack of transportation at any given time; and


     WHEREAS, social determinants of health complicate the ability to address elderly health concerns and pose challenges to elderly patients and providers in identifying, assessing, and treating health problems; and


     WHEREAS, providing non-clinical services for the elderly that are designed to address gaps in care by qualified staff from the community, who build relationships and trust with their patients, can reduce social determinants of health barriers and address issues such as housing, transportation, interpretation, economic security, and linkage and coordination with providers of other services, such as education, behavioral health, and employment services; and


     WHEREAS, failure to address the social determinants of health and provide other enabling services for the elderly, including care coordination, often result in costlier, preventable health care costs such as hospitalizations and emergency-room utilization; and


WHEREAS, traditional health care and payment for health care do not address social determinants of health related to language, culture, economic and livelihood security, environmental quality, transportation, and many other barriers individuals face to utilize health care services; and


     WHEREAS, health care costs for the elderly could be reduced with improved access to primary care services and risk adjustment for social determinants of health and other enabling services; and


     WHEREAS, the Medicaid, gap-group, and uninsured populations have significant socioeconomic pressures, which if addressed will result in measurable improvement in preventable health care costs; and


     WHEREAS, differences among population groups exist; therefore, disaggregation of assessment data by race, age, gender, socioeconomic status, education level, and geography is vital to addressing social determinants of health; and


     WHEREAS, an inventory of existing services available for the elderly on the islands of Molokai and Lanai and in the district of Hana is critical for determining the need for additional services and for making appropriate referrals for service; now, therefore,  


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, that the Executive Office on Aging is requested to create an inventory of the elderly services available on the islands of Lanai and Molokai and in the area of East Maui, specifically Keanae, Wailuanui, Hana, Kipahulu, and Kaupo; and


   BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the inventory on elderly services of the islands of Lanai and Molokai and in the area of East Maui include:


     (1)  Long-term care services;


     (2)  Health services;


     (3)  Financial education;


     (4)  Identity theft services;


     (5)  Transportation;


     (6)  Hospitals;


     (7)  Emergency and ambulatory services;


     (8)  Meal delivery services;


     (9)  Personal care services;


    (10)  Community care foster family homes;


    (11)  Adult day care centers or programs;


    (12)  Adult day health centers;


    (13)  Adult residential care homes;


    (14)  Foster care homes;


    (15)  Independent living facilities; and


    (16)  Housing loan programs that offer deposit and first month's rental loans; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Office on Aging is requested to research the following demographics of the islands of Lanai and Molokai and the area of East Maui:


     (1)  The number of families;


     (2)  The number of children;


     (3)  The number of elders living above the poverty income level;


     (4)  The number of elders living below the poverty income level;


     (5)  The percentage of elders living with other family members; and


     (6)  The percentage of elders living alone; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; the Department of Human Services; and the County of Maui Council on Aging are requested to assist the Executive Office on Aging in gathering the information requested by this measure; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Office on Aging is requested to submit a report to this body, not later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2015, containing the inventory of the elderly services, the population data, and its recommendation of services to the elderly that are needed and not available on the islands of Molokai and Lanai and in the district of Hana; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of the Executive on Office on Aging; the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; the Director of Human Services; the Chair of the County of Maui Council on Aging; and the Director of the County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns.









Report Title: 

Elderly Services; Inventory; Lanai; Molokai; and Hana