H.R. NO.













Establishing a task force within the department of business, economic development, and tourism to examine the potential benefits of creating twenty-four hour marketplaces across the state.




     WHEREAS, it is important to find new business and development opportunities that will keep much-needed dollars within Hawaii; and


     WHEREAS, there is a need to provide support to local businesses and communities, which in turn will serve the people of Hawaii by providing increased revenue streams to the State; and


WHEREAS, tourism is one of Hawaii's largest industries, helping to generate much-needed revenues and create jobs; and


WHEREAS, tourism is a twenty-four hour per day industry, with business transactions being conducted at all hours of the day and night; and


WHEREAS, airline flights arrive from all parts of the world with visitors to our islands coming from many different time zones across the world; and


     WHEREAS, many residents and visitors expect the freedom and convenience provided by food, retail, and entertainment establishments open twenty-four hours per day; and


     WHEREAS, Hawaii's uniquely diverse cultural heritage is one of its strongest attractions; and


     WHEREAS, residents and visitors seek locally made and produced items for personal use or to share when they travel abroad; and
     WHEREAS, providing a medium for the State to showcase its diversity through food, music, and art will help to attract visitors and provide immediate economic stimulus to the visitor industry; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2013, that there is established within the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism a Twenty-four Hour Marketplace Task Force, whose purpose is to recommend potential viable locations and implementation strategies for proposed twenty-four hour marketplaces throughout the State; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force members serve without compensation and that all necessary expenses, including travel expenses, be paid by the agency, organization, or department to which the member belongs; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following persons or their designees be requested jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate to serve on the task force:


(1)  The Chair of the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii;


(2)  The State Director of the Hawaii Small Business Development Center;


(3)  One member of the legislative Small Business Caucus chosen by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;


(4)  One member of the legislative Small Business Caucus chosen by the President of the Senate;


(5)  One member of Enterprise Honolulu;


     (6)  One member of the Maui Economic Development Board;


     (7)  One member of the Hawaii Island Economic Development Board;

     (8)  One member of the Kauai Economic Development Board; and


     (9)  The Chair of the Board of Land and Natural Resources; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force be chaired by the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, or the Director's designee; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism provide administrative support, including the recording of minutes, to the task force; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no task force member be subject to Chapter 84, Hawaii Revised Statutes, solely because of the member's participation as a member of the task force; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force, in conjunction with the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, submit a report to the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2014; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report recommend:


     (1)  Viable locations throughout Hawaii for twenty-four hour marketplaces; and


     (2)  Strategies to encourage visitor and resident spending through the establishment of twenty-four hour marketplaces across the State; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force be dissolved on June 30, 2014; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; Chair of the Board of Land and Natural Resources; President of the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii; State Director of the Hawaii Small Business Development Center; Chair of Enterprise Honolulu; President of the Maui Economic Development Board; Chair of the Hawaii Island Economic Development Board; and President of the Kauai Economic Development Board.









Report Title: 

Twenty-Four Hour Marketplaces; Tourism