H.C.R. NO.














requesting the board of education and department of education to evaluate the comprehensive plan for teaching reading in hawaii schools and to move forward with appropriate implementation.




     WHEREAS, dyslexia is a learning disability that is neurological in origin and is characterized by difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor spelling, and decoding abilities; and


     WHEREAS, these difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and requires the provision of effective classroom instruction; and


     WHEREAS, secondary consequences may include problems with reading comprehension and reduced reading experience, which can impede the growth of vocabulary and background knowledge; and


     WHEREAS, it is estimated that up to twenty percent of the population as a whole in the United States has dyslexia or another reading disability and an even higher percentage of students in Hawaii read below basic reading levels or experience other challenges with literacy; and


     WHEREAS, on January 14, 2013, a working group created pursuant to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 110, Regular Session of 2010, submitted to the Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Education the Comprehensive Plan for Teaching Reading in Hawaii Schools, which addresses dyslexia awareness and literacy instruction as they relate to teacher preparation programs, teacher licensure requirements, professional development for educators, and reading programs in public schools; and


     WHEREAS, in written testimony dated February 6, 2013, and submitted to the Education Committee of the House of Representatives, the Department of Education stated in part, "the Department has addressed the concerns of the Work Group [sic] through implementation of its dyslexia awareness efforts…Professional development for all teachers is available through complex area/state staff and professional development coursework.  Response to Intervention is occurring at schools throughout the state with student progress being monitored through several systems.  The practice of educational data-based decision making is imbedded at every school.  Schools apply a data team process that reviews student progress, creates action plans to focus on student needs, and, when needed, employs the assistance of "higher levels" of support with a focus on student success…"; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2013, the Senate concurring, that the Board of Education and Department of Education are requested to evaluate the Comprehensive Plan for Teaching Reading in Hawaii Schools and to move forward with appropriate implementation; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education and Department of Education are requested to coordinate with the University of Hawaii and Hawaii Teacher Standards Board to evaluate the Comprehensive Plan and move forward with appropriate implementation; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Education and Department of Education are requested to evaluate the implementation of the following items, in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan:


     (1)  The promotion of awareness of dyslexia;


     (2)  Making available professional development to educators to support students with dyslexia or other literacy challenges; and


     (3)  Requiring at each public school a minimum of one licensed literacy specialist who meets requirements established by the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board, provided that if the availability of funding or qualified personnel prevents full compliance, requiring a minimum of one licensed literacy specialist to be dedicated to each complex and that services of licensed literacy specialists be allocated reasonably across all schools; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education submit a written report, approved by the Board of Education, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2014, on the status of its efforts toward achieving the recommendations in the Comprehensive Plan, including the matters raised in its written testimony dated February 6, 2013; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report include, but not be limited to the following:


     (1)  The percentage of students identified as having dyslexia, characteristics of dyslexia, or other literacy challenges;


     (2)  The screening, assessment, and diagnostic measures used to assist such students, along with the intensity and frequency of assessments and interventions and an explanation of how data-based decision-making is used at each level of support;


     (3)  How the data from screening, assessment and diagnostic testing, research-validated interventions, and retesting procedures used in schools will be used as proof of the effectiveness of these procedures by showing students' targeted and annual growth and achievement on statewide assessments and the difference between ending peer achievement at the same grade level and annual system growth by grade level and year;


     (4)  The amount of direct instructional time given to reading during core reading instruction and research-validated interventions;


     (5)  The number of schools with licensed reading teachers, licensed reading specialists, and licensed literacy specialists, including the number of individuals in each position by grade level and subject matter; and


     (6)  Any other information requested by the chairpersons of the House of Representatives Committee on Education and Senate Committee on Education; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Education, Superintendent of Education, President of the University of Hawaii, Chairperson of the University of Hawaii Board of Regents, Executive Director of the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board, and Director of the Legislative Reference Bureau.









Report Title: 

Dyslexia; Board of Education; Department of Education