H.C.R. NO.














requesting an increased presence by the honolulu police department in the chinatown and downtown honolulu areas.




     WHEREAS, the Chinatown Historic District in Honolulu is one of the oldest Chinatowns in the United States, and Downtown Honolulu is home to some of Oahu's most historic places; and


     WHEREAS, it is important to maintain the safety of business owners, workers, and patrons, as well as protect their property and possessions; encourage commercial activity; and preserve the history and culture of the Chinatown and Downtown Honolulu areas; and


     WHEREAS, crimes such as drug dealing, illegal gambling, robbery, and purse snatching are plaguing business owners and dissuading visitors from visiting these areas; and


     WHEREAS, there has been an increase in crime, particularly in assaults and thefts, during the last quarter of 2016; and


     WHEREAS, according to a Honolulu Police Department (HPD) report, there was a total of 34 reported incidents relating to auto theft robbery, motor vehicle theft, unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle, burglary, theft, or graffiti-related incidents from January 24, 2017, through February 6, 2017, in Sector 1, identified as the Downtown, Aala Park, and Chinatown area; and


     WHEREAS, while the number of reported incidents within a short period of time is already a concern, many crimes may not be reported to HPD; and


     WHEREAS, in September 2016, a woman was shot and killed in an illegal gaming room in the Chinatown area; and

     WHEREAS, there is concern about the recent increase in and severity of criminal activity, and business owners in Chinatown are calling for more police presence in the area; and,


     WHEREAS, increasing the visible presence of uniformed police officers would improve public safety by deterring criminal activity as well as providing more immediate assistance to victims once a crime has been committed; now, therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-ninth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2017, the Senate concurring, that the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu and the Honolulu City Council are strongly urged to allocate more resources to the Honolulu Police Department, for the purpose of increasing visible police presence in, and active patrols of, the Downtown and Chinatown areas; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, the Chair of the Honolulu City Council, the Chief of the Honolulu Police Department, and the Chair of the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board.









Report Title: 

Chinatown and Downtown Honolulu; Increase Police Presence