H.C.R. NO.














requesting all air carriers that fly interisland routes in hawaii to waive any baggage fee for a passenger's first checked bag on an interisland flight.




     WHEREAS, ensuring the safety of passengers who travel by air is critically important; and


     WHEREAS, to help pay for providing security services, the federal Transportation Security Administration has implemented security fees approved by Congress; and


     WHEREAS, making air travel as affordable as possible is also important; and


     WHEREAS, some air carriers have begun charging passengers a fee for each piece of checked baggage; and


     WHEREAS, at the same time rising fuel costs have contributed to higher airfares; and


     WHEREAS, the combination of higher fares and security and baggage fees has drastically increased the cost of interisland travel for many Hawaii residents and visitors; and


     WHEREAS, flying is the only practical way for most passengers to travel among the islands to visit family and friends, conduct business, pursue educational opportunities, and enjoy all that Hawaii has to offer; and


     WHEREAS, charging passengers for each piece of checked baggage could discourage interisland travel and make it prohibitively expensive for some passengers; and


     WHEREAS, it is reasonable to allow each air passenger to bring one piece of checked baggage without charging an additional fee; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, the Senate concurring, that all air carriers flying interisland routes in the State of Hawaii are urged to waive or refrain from imposing and collecting any fee for a passenger's first piece of checked baggage on any flight between islands in Hawaii; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Director of Transportation for distribution to all air carriers flying interisland routes in the State of Hawaii.









Report Title: 

Urging air carriers flying interisland routes in Hawaii to allow one piece of checked baggage per passenger without charge.