H.B. NO.














relating to marijuana.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that the use of marijuana should be legal for persons twenty-one years of age or older and that the sale of marijuana should be regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol.  This approach will redirect law enforcement resources to more serious threats to public safety and redirect income from the black market to legitimate businesses and to new employers who will generate tax revenue for the State.

     The legislature also finds that, in the interest of public health and safety, marijuana should be regulated so that:

     (1)  Individuals must show proof of age before purchasing marijuana;

     (2)  Selling, distributing, or transferring marijuana to minors and other individuals under the age of twenty-one shall remain illegal under state law;

     (3)  Driving under the influence of marijuana shall remain illegal under state law;

     (4)  Taxpaying business people, rather than criminal actors, will conduct sales of marijuana; and

     (5)  Marijuana will be labeled and subject to additional regulations to ensure that consumers are informed and protected.

     SECTION 2.  The Hawaii Revised Statutes is amended by adding a new chapter to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:



     §   -1  Definitions.  As used in this chapter:

     "Consumer" means a person twenty-one years of age or older who purchases marijuana or marijuana products for personal use from persons twenty-one years or age or older, but not for resale to others.

     "Department" means the department of taxation.

     "Marijuana" includes "marijuana", as defined in section 329-1, and "marijuana concentrate", as defined in section 712-1240.

     "Marijuana accessories" means any equipment, products, or materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, composting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, or vaporizing marijuana or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing marijuana into the human body.

     "Marijuana cultivation facility" means an entity licensed to cultivate, prepare, package, and sell marijuana to retail marijuana stores, to marijuana product manufacturing facilities, and to other marijuana cultivation facilities, but not to consumers.

     "Marijuana establishment" means a marijuana cultivation facility, a marijuana testing facility, a marijuana product manufacturing facility, or a retail marijuana store.

     "Marijuana product manufacturing facility" means an entity licensed to purchase marijuana; manufacture, prepare, and package marijuana products; and sell marijuana and marijuana products to other marijuana product manufacturing facilities and to retail marijuana stores, but not to consumers.

     "Marijuana products" means concentrated marijuana products and marijuana products that comprise marijuana and other ingredients and are intended for use or consumption, including but not limited to edible products, ointments, and tinctures.

     "Marijuana testing facility" means an entity licensed to analyze and certify the safety and potency of marijuana.

     "Retail marijuana store" means an entity licensed to purchase marijuana from marijuana cultivation facilities, purchase marijuana and marijuana products from marijuana product manufacturing facilities, and sell marijuana and marijuana products to consumers.

     "Unreasonably impracticable" means that the measures necessary to comply with regulations require such a high investment of risk, money, time, or any other resource or asset that the operation of a marijuana establishment is not worthy of being carried out in practice by a reasonably prudent businessperson.

     §   -2  Personal use of marijuana.  Notwithstanding any state law to the contrary, the following acts shall neither be a criminal offense under Hawaii law nor a basis for seizure or forfeiture of assets under Hawaii law for persons twenty-one years of age or older:

     (1)  Possessing, using, displaying, purchasing, or transporting marijuana accessories or one ounce or less of marijuana;

     (2)  Possessing, growing, processing, or transporting up to five marijuana plants and possession of the marijuana produced by the plants on the premises where the plants were grown; provided that the plants are grown in a secured space, the plants are not grown openly or publicly, and are not made available for sale;

     (3)  Transfer of one ounce or less of marijuana without remuneration to a person who is twenty-one years of age or older;

     (4)  Consumption of marijuana; provided that nothing in this section shall permit consumption that is conducted openly and publicly or in a manner that endangers others; and

     (5)  Assisting another person who is twenty-one years of age or older in any of the acts described in paragraphs (1) through (4).

     §   -3  Lawful operation of marijuana-related facilities.  Notwithstanding any state law to the contrary, the following acts shall neither be a criminal offense under Hawaii law nor a basis for seizure or forfeiture of assets under Hawaii law for persons twenty-one years of age or older:

     (1)  Manufacture, sale, purchase, or possession of marijuana accessories;

     (2)  Possessing, displaying, or transporting marijuana or marijuana products; purchase of marijuana from a marijuana cultivation facility; purchase of marijuana or marijuana products from a marijuana product manufacturing facility; or sale of marijuana or marijuana products to consumers if the person conducting the activities described in this paragraph holds a valid license to operate a retail marijuana store or is acting in the person's capacity as an owner, employee, or agent of a licensed retail marijuana store;

     (3)  Cultivating, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, displaying, or possessing marijuana; delivery or transfer of marijuana to a marijuana testing facility; selling marijuana to a marijuana cultivation facility, a marijuana product manufacturing facility, or a retail marijuana store; or the purchase of marijuana from a marijuana cultivation facility, if the person conducting the activities described in this paragraph holds a valid license to operate a marijuana cultivation facility or is acting in the person's capacity as an owner, employee, or agent of a licensed marijuana cultivation facility;

     (4)  Packaging, processing, transporting, manufacturing, displaying, or possessing marijuana or marijuana products; delivery or transfer of marijuana or marijuana products to a marijuana testing facility; selling marijuana or marijuana products to a retail marijuana store or a marijuana product manufacturing facility; purchase of marijuana from a marijuana cultivation facility; or purchase of marijuana or marijuana products from a marijuana product manufacturing facility, if the person conducting the activities described in this paragraph holds a valid license to operate a marijuana product manufacturing facility or is acting in the person's capacity as an owner, employee, or agent of a licensed marijuana product manufacturing facility;

     (5)  Possessing, cultivating, processing, repackaging, storing, transporting, displaying, transferring, or delivering marijuana or marijuana products if the person holds a valid license to operate a marijuana testing facility or is acting in the person's capacity as owner, employee, or agent of a licensed marijuana testing facility; and

     (6)  Leasing or otherwise allowing the use of property owned, occupied, or controlled by any person, corporation, or other entity for any of the activities conducted in accordance with paragraphs (1) through (5).

     §   -4  Regulation of marijuana.  (a)  Not later than October 29, 2015, the department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 necessary for implementation of this chapter.  The rules shall not prohibit the operation of marijuana establishments either expressly or by making operations unreasonably impracticable.  The rules shall include:

     (1)  Procedures for the issuance, renewal, suspension, and revocation of a license to operate a marijuana establishment;

     (2)  A schedule of application, licensing, and renewal fees;

     (3)  Qualifications for a license that are directly and demonstrably related to the operation of a marijuana establishment;

     (4)  Security requirements for marijuana establishments;

     (5)  Requirements to prevent the sale or diversion of marijuana and marijuana products to persons under the age of twenty-one;

     (6)  Labeling requirements for marijuana and marijuana products sold or distributed by a marijuana establishment;

     (7)  Health and safety regulations and standards for the manufacture of marijuana products and the cultivation of marijuana;

     (8)  Restrictions on the advertising and display of marijuana and marijuana products; and

     (9)  Civil penalties not to exceed $100 per violation for any failure to comply with rules made pursuant to this section.

     (b)  To ensure that individual privacy is protected, notwithstanding subsection (a), the department shall not require a consumer to provide a retail marijuana store with personal information other than government-issued identification to determine the consumer’s age.  A retail marijuana store shall not be required to acquire and record personal information about consumers other than information typically acquired in a financial transaction conducted at a retail liquor store.

     (c)  A marijuana establishment shall be subject to payment of income taxes on gross receipts under chapter 235 and payment of excise taxes under chapter 237 for each transaction conducted by the marijuana establishment.

     (d)  All revenue derived from the taxation of marijuana shall be deposited in the general fund of the State and expended as provided by section 237-13(9).

     (e)  The department shall establish rules pursuant to chapter 91 for the collection and expenditure of all taxes levied.

     (f)  Each application for a license to operate a marijuana establishment shall be submitted to the department.  The department shall:

     (1)  Begin accepting and processing applications by July 1, 2016;

     (2)  Issue a license to the applicant within ninety days of receipt of an application unless the department finds the applicant is not in compliance with rules adopted pursuant to subsection (a); and

     (3)  Upon denial of an application, notify the applicant in writing of the reason or reasons for its denial.

No license issued by the department pursuant to this section shall be valid for more than one year.

     §   -5  Effect on other laws.  (a)  Nothing in this chapter shall require an employer to permit or accommodate the use, consumption, possession, transfer, display, transportation, sale, or growing of marijuana in the workplace or to affect any employer policy restricting the use of marijuana by employees.

     (b)  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit driving under the influence of marijuana or driving while impaired by marijuana or to supersede statutory laws related to driving under the influence of marijuana or driving while impaired by marijuana, nor shall this chapter prevent the State from enacting and imposing criminal penalties for driving under the influence of or while impaired by marijuana.

     (c)  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit the transfer of marijuana, with or without remuneration, to a person under the age of twenty-one or to allow a person under the age of twenty-one to purchase, possess, use, transport, grow, or consume marijuana.

     (d)  Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a person, employer, school, hospital, detention facility, corporation, or any other entity who occupies, owns, or controls a property from prohibiting or otherwise regulating the possession, consumption, use, display, transfer, distribution, sale, transportation, or growing of marijuana on or in that property.

     §   -6  Medical marijuana provisions unaffected.  Nothing in this chapter shall limit any privileges or rights of a medical marijuana qualifying patient, primary caregiver, or registered entity as provided in chapter 329, part IX."

     SECTION 3.  Section 237-13, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

     "§237-13  Imposition of tax.  (a)  There is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected annually privilege taxes against persons on account of their business and other activities in the State measured by the application of rates against values of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross income, whichever is specified, as follows:

     (1)  Tax on manufacturers.

         (A)  Upon every person engaging or continuing within the State in the business of manufacturing, including compounding, canning, preserving, packing, printing, publishing, milling, processing, refining, or preparing for sale, profit, or commercial use, either directly or through the activity of others, in whole or in part, any article or articles, substance or substances, commodity or commodities, the amount of the tax to be equal to the value of the articles, substances, or commodities, manufactured, compounded, canned, preserved, packed, printed, milled, processed, refined, or prepared for sale, as shown by the gross proceeds derived from the sale thereof by the manufacturer or person compounding, preparing, or printing them, multiplied by one-half of one per cent.

         (B)  The measure of the tax on manufacturers is the value of the entire product for sale, regardless of the place of sale or the fact that deliveries may be made to points outside the State.

         (C)  If any person liable for the tax on manufacturers ships or transports the person's product, or any part thereof, out of the State, whether in a finished or unfinished condition, or sells the same for delivery to points outside the State (for example, consigned to a mainland purchaser via common carrier f.o.b. Honolulu), the value of the products in the condition or form in which they exist immediately before entering interstate or foreign commerce, determined as hereinafter provided, shall be the basis for the assessment of the tax imposed by this paragraph.  This tax shall be due and payable as of the date of entry of the products into interstate or foreign commerce, whether the products are then sold or not.  The department shall determine the basis for assessment, as provided by this paragraph, as follows:

              (i)  If the products at the time of their entry into interstate or foreign commerce already have been sold, the gross proceeds of sale, less the transportation expenses, if any, incurred in realizing the gross proceeds for transportation from the time of entry of the products into interstate or foreign commerce, including insurance and storage in transit, shall be the measure of the value of the products;

             (ii)  If the products have not been sold at the time of their entry into interstate or foreign commerce, and in cases governed by clause (i) in which the products are sold under circumstances such that the gross proceeds of sale are not indicative of the true value of the products, the value of the products constituting the basis for assessment shall correspond as nearly as possible to the gross proceeds of sales for delivery outside the State, adjusted as provided in clause (i), or if sufficient data are not available, sales in the State, of similar products of like quality and character and in similar quantities, made by the taxpayer (unless not indicative of the true value) or by others.  Sales outside the State, adjusted as provided in clause (i), may be considered when they constitute the best available data.  The department shall prescribe uniform and equitable rules for ascertaining the values;

            (iii)  At the election of the taxpayer and with the approval of the department, the taxpayer may make the taxpayer's returns under clause (i) even though the products have not been sold at the time of their entry into interstate or foreign commerce; and

             (iv)  In all cases in which products leave the State in an unfinished condition, the basis for assessment shall be adjusted so as to deduct the portion of the value as is attributable to the finishing of the goods outside the State.

     (2)  Tax on business of selling tangible personal property; producing.

         (A)  Upon every person engaging or continuing in the business of selling any tangible personal property whatsoever (not including, however, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness, [or] stocks, marijuana, or marijuana products), there is likewise hereby levied, and shall be assessed and collected, a tax equivalent to four per cent of the gross proceeds of sales of the business; provided that, in the case of a wholesaler, the tax shall be equal to one-half of one per cent of the gross proceeds of sales of the business; and provided further that insofar as the sale of tangible personal property is a wholesale sale under section 237-4(a)(8), the sale shall be subject to section 237-13.3.  Upon every person engaging or continuing within this State in the business of a producer, the tax shall be equal to one-half of one per cent of the gross proceeds of sales of the business, or the value of the products, for sale, if sold for delivery outside the State or shipped or transported out of the State, and the value of the products shall be determined in the same manner as the value of manufactured products covered in the cases under paragraph (1)(C).

         (B)  Gross proceeds of sales of tangible property in interstate and foreign commerce shall constitute a part of the measure of the tax imposed on persons in the business of selling tangible personal property, to the extent, under the conditions, and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and the Acts of the Congress of the United States which may be now in force or may be hereafter adopted, and whenever there occurs in the State an activity to which, under the Constitution and Acts of Congress, there may be attributed gross proceeds of sales, the gross proceeds shall be so attributed.

         (C)  No manufacturer or producer, engaged in such business in the State and selling the manufacturer's or producer's products for delivery outside of the State (for example, consigned to a mainland purchaser via common carrier f.o.b. Honolulu), shall be required to pay the tax imposed in this chapter for the privilege of so selling the products, and the value or gross proceeds of sales of the products shall be included only in determining the measure of the tax imposed upon the manufacturer or producer.

         (D)  When a manufacturer or producer, engaged in such business in the State, also is engaged in selling the manufacturer's or producer's products in the State at wholesale, retail, or in any other manner, the tax for the privilege of engaging in the business of selling the products in the State shall apply to the manufacturer or producer as well as the tax for the privilege of manufacturing or producing in the State, and the manufacturer or producer shall make the returns of the gross proceeds of the wholesale, retail, or other sales required for the privilege of selling in the State, as well as making the returns of the value or gross proceeds of sales of the products required for the privilege of manufacturing or producing in the State.  The manufacturer or producer shall pay the tax imposed in this chapter for the privilege of selling its products in the State, and the value or gross proceeds of sales of the products, thus subjected to tax, may be deducted insofar as duplicated as to the same products by the measure of the tax upon the manufacturer or producer for the privilege of manufacturing or producing in the State; provided that no producer of agricultural products who sells the products to a purchaser who will process the products outside the State shall be required to pay the tax imposed in this chapter for the privilege of producing or selling those products.

         (E)  A taxpayer selling to a federal cost-plus contractor may make the election provided for by paragraph (3)(C), and in that case the tax shall be computed pursuant to the election, notwithstanding this paragraph or paragraph (1) to the contrary.

         (F)  The department, by rule, may require that a seller take from the purchaser of tangible personal property a certificate, in a form prescribed by the department, certifying that the sale is a sale at wholesale; provided that:

              (i)  Any purchaser who furnishes a certificate shall be obligated to pay to the seller, upon demand, the amount of the additional tax that is imposed upon the seller whenever the sale in fact is not at wholesale; and

             (ii)  The absence of a certificate in itself shall give rise to the presumption that the sale is not at wholesale unless the sales of the business are exclusively at wholesale.

     (3)  Tax upon contractors.

         (A)  Upon every person engaging or continuing within the State in the business of contracting, the tax shall be equal to four per cent of the gross income of the business.

         (B)  In computing the tax levied under this paragraph, there shall be deducted from the gross income of the taxpayer so much thereof as has been included in the measure of the tax levied under subparagraph (A), on:

              (i)  Another taxpayer who is a contractor, as defined in section 237-6;

             (ii)  A specialty contractor, duly licensed by the department of commerce and consumer affairs pursuant to section 444-9, in respect of the specialty contractor's business; or

            (iii)  A specialty contractor who is not licensed by the department of commerce and consumer affairs pursuant to section 444-9, but who performs contracting activities on federal military installations and nowhere else in this State;

              provided that any person claiming a deduction under this paragraph shall be required to show in the person's return the name and general excise number of the person paying the tax on the amount deducted by the person.

         (C)  In computing the tax levied under this paragraph against any federal cost-plus contractor, there shall be excluded from the gross income of the contractor so much thereof as fulfills the following requirements:

              (i)  The gross income exempted shall constitute reimbursement of costs incurred for materials, plant, or equipment purchased from a taxpayer licensed under this chapter, not exceeding the gross proceeds of sale of the taxpayer on account of the transaction; and

             (ii)  The taxpayer making the sale shall have certified to the department that the taxpayer is taxable with respect to the gross proceeds of the sale, and that the taxpayer elects to have the tax on gross income computed the same as upon a sale to the state government.

         (D)  A person who, as a business or as a part of a business in which the person is engaged, erects, constructs, or improves any building or structure, of any kind or description, or makes, constructs, or improves any road, street, sidewalk, sewer, or water system, or other improvements on land held by the person (whether held as a leasehold, fee simple, or otherwise), upon the sale or other disposition of the land or improvements, even if the work was not done pursuant to a contract, shall be liable to the same tax as if engaged in the business of contracting, unless the person shows that at the time the person was engaged in making the improvements the person intended, and for the period of at least one year after completion of the building, structure, or other improvements the person continued to intend to hold and not sell or otherwise dispose of the land or improvements.  The tax in respect of the improvements shall be measured by the amount of the proceeds of the sale or other disposition that is attributable to the erection, construction, or improvement of such building or structure, or the making, constructing, or improving of the road, street, sidewalk, sewer, or water system, or other improvements.  The measure of tax in respect of the improvements shall not exceed the amount which would have been taxable had the work been performed by another, subject as in other cases to the deductions allowed by subparagraph (B).  Upon the election of the taxpayer, this paragraph may be applied notwithstanding that the improvements were not made by the taxpayer, or were not made as a business or as a part of a business, or were made with the intention of holding the same.  However, this paragraph shall not apply in respect of any proceeds that constitute or are in the nature of rent; all such gross income shall be taxable under paragraph (9); provided that insofar as the business of renting or leasing real property under a lease is taxed under section 237-16.5, the tax shall be levied by section 237-16.5.

     (4)  Tax upon theaters, amusements, radio broadcasting stations, etc.

         (A)  Upon every person engaging or continuing within the State in the business of operating a theater, opera house, moving picture show, vaudeville, amusement park, dance hall, skating rink, radio broadcasting station, or any other place at which amusements are offered to the public, the tax shall be equal to four per cent of the gross income of the business, and in the case of a sale of an amusement at wholesale under section 237-4(a)(13), the tax shall be subject to section 237-13.3.

         (B)  The department may require that the person rendering an amusement at wholesale take from the licensed seller a certificate, in a form prescribed by the department, certifying that the sale is a sale at wholesale; provided that:

              (i)  Any licensed seller who furnishes a certificate shall be obligated to pay to the person rendering the amusement, upon demand, the amount of additional tax that is imposed upon the seller whenever the sale is not at wholesale; and

             (ii)  The absence of a certificate in itself shall give rise to the presumption that the sale is not at wholesale unless the person rendering the sale is exclusively rendering the amusement at wholesale.

     (5)  Tax upon sales representatives, etc.  Upon every person classified as a representative or purchasing agent under section 237-1, engaging or continuing within the State in the business of performing services for another, other than as an employee, there is likewise hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected a tax equal to four per cent of the commissions and other compensation attributable to the services so rendered by the person.

     (6)  Tax on service business.

         (A)  Upon every person engaging or continuing within the State in any service business or calling including professional services not otherwise specifically taxed under this chapter, there is likewise hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected a tax equal to four per cent of the gross income of the business, and in the case of a wholesaler under section 237-4(a)(10), the tax shall be equal to one-half of one per cent of the gross income of the business.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, a wholesaler under section 237-4(a)(10) shall be subject to section 237-13.3.

         (B)  The department may require that the person rendering a service at wholesale take from the licensed seller a certificate, in a form prescribed by the department, certifying that the sale is a sale at wholesale; provided that:

              (i)  Any licensed seller who furnishes a certificate shall be obligated to pay to the person rendering the service, upon demand, the amount of additional tax that is imposed upon the seller whenever the sale is not at wholesale; and

             (ii)  The absence of a certificate in itself shall give rise to the presumption that the sale is not at wholesale unless the person rendering the sale is exclusively rendering services at wholesale.

         (C)  Where any person is engaged in the business of selling interstate or foreign common carrier telecommunication services within and without the State, other than as a home service provider, the tax shall be imposed on that portion of gross income received by a person from service which is originated or terminated in this State and is charged to a telephone number, customer, or account in this State notwithstanding any other state law (except for the exemption under section 237-23(a)(1)) to the contrary.  If, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, the entire gross income as determined under this paragraph of a business selling interstate or foreign common carrier telecommunication services cannot be included in the measure of the tax, the gross income shall be apportioned as provided in section 237-21; provided that the apportionment factor and formula shall be the same for all persons providing those services in the State.

         (D)  Where any person is engaged in the business of a home service provider, the tax shall be imposed on the gross income received or derived from providing interstate or foreign mobile telecommunications services to a customer with a place of primary use in this State when such services originate in one state and terminate in another state, territory, or foreign country; provided that all charges for mobile telecommunications services which are billed by or for the home service provider are deemed to be provided by the home service provider at the customer's place of primary use, regardless of where the mobile telecommunications originate, terminate, or pass through; provided further that the income from charges specifically derived from interstate or foreign mobile telecommunications services, as determined by books and records that are kept in the regular course of business by the home service provider in accordance with section 239-24, shall be apportioned under any apportionment factor or formula adopted under subparagraph (C).  Gross income shall not include:

              (i)  Gross receipts from mobile telecommunications services provided to a customer with a place of primary use outside this State;

             (ii)  Gross receipts from mobile telecommunications services that are subject to the tax imposed by chapter 239;

            (iii)  Gross receipts from mobile telecommunications services taxed under section 237-13.8; and

             (iv)  Gross receipts of a home service provider acting as a serving carrier providing mobile telecommunications services to another home service provider's customer.

              For the purposes of this paragraph, "charges for mobile telecommunications services", "customer", "home service provider", "mobile telecommunications services", "place of primary use", and "serving carrier" have the same meaning as in section 239-22.

     (7)  Tax on insurance producers.  Upon every person engaged as a licensed producer pursuant to chapter 431, there is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected a tax equal to 0.15 per cent of the commissions due to that activity.

     (8)  Tax on receipts of sugar benefit payments.  Upon the amounts received from the United States government by any producer of sugar (or the producer's legal representative or heirs), as defined under and by virtue of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, or other Acts of the Congress of the United States relating thereto, there is hereby levied a tax of one-half of one per cent of the gross amount received; provided that the tax levied hereunder on any amount so received and actually disbursed to another by a producer in the form of a benefit payment shall be paid by the person or persons to whom the amount is actually disbursed, and the producer actually making a benefit payment to another shall be entitled to claim on the producer's return a deduction from the gross amount taxable hereunder in the sum of the amount so disbursed.  The amounts taxed under this paragraph shall not be taxable under any other paragraph, subsection, or section of this chapter.

     (9)  Tax on marijuana.  Upon every person engaging or continuing in the business of selling any marijuana or marijuana products, there is likewise hereby levied, and shall be assessed and collected, a tax equivalent to twenty per cent of the gross proceeds of sales of the business; provided that, in the case of a wholesaler, the tax shall be equal to one-half of one per cent of the gross proceeds of sales of the business.  All revenue collected under this section shall be deposited in the general fund of the State; provided that not less than:

         (A)  Two per cent of the revenue collected under this paragraph shall be expended for drug abuse prevention programs;

         (B)  Two per cent shall be expended for public security programs; and

         (C)  Two per cent shall be expended for administrative expenses of the department of taxation for purposes of implementing this section.

    [(9)] (10)  Tax on other business.  Upon every person engaging or continuing within the State in any business, trade, activity, occupation, or calling not included in the preceding paragraphs or any other provisions of this chapter, there is likewise hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected, a tax equal to four per cent of the gross income thereof.  In addition, the rate prescribed by this paragraph shall apply to a business taxable under one or more of the preceding paragraphs or other provisions of this chapter, as to any gross income thereof not taxed thereunder as gross income or gross proceeds of sales or by taxing an equivalent value of products, unless specifically exempted.

     (b)  Definitions.  As used in this section:

     "Marijuana" includes "marijuana", as defined in section 329-1, and "marijuana concentrate", as defined in section 712-1240.

     "Marijuana products" means concentrated marijuana products and marijuana products that comprise marijuana and other ingredients and are intended for use or consumption, including but not limited to edible products, ointments, and tinctures."

     SECTION 4.  Chapter 712, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part IV to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§712-     Marijuana.  The following acts shall be exempt from arrest, prosecution, and criminal culpability under this part:

     (a)  Any act permitted under section    -2; and

     (b)  Any act permitted under section    -3."

     SECTION 5.  This Act does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before its effective date.

     SECTION 6.  If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the Act that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Act are severable.

     SECTION 7.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 8.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2015.








Report Title:

Marijuana; Legalization; Taxation



Legalizes under state law the growing, processing, possession, transfer, and personal use of marijuana in a specified quantity to persons at least twenty-one years of age.  Requires licensing to operate marijuana establishments.  Subjects marijuana establishments to excise taxes and income taxes.



The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.