H.B. NO.



H.D. 2
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that port-wine stain is a discoloration of the human skin caused by a vascular anomaly, namely a capillary malformation in the skin.  A port-wine stain is usually a birthmark but in rare cases it can develop in early childhood.  Studies have recorded an incidence of three-to-five cases per thousand newborn babies.  Port-wine stains ordinarily persist throughout life.

     Port-wine stains occur most often on the face but can appear anywhere on the body, particularly on the neck and upper trunk.  If the port-wine stain is on the face or other highly visible part of the body, its presence can also cause emotional and social problems for the affected person.  Early stains are usually flat and pink in appearance and as the child matures, the color may deepen to a dark red or purplish color.  In adulthood, thickening of the lesion or the development of small lumps may occur.  In the absence of successful treatment, hypertrophy, which is increased tissue mass of the stain, may cause problems later in life such as loss of proximate organ function especially near the eye or mouth, bleeding, and increasing disfigurement.  Lesions on or near the eyelid can be associated with glaucoma.  When port-wine stain proliferates around the eyelid, it may cause ectropion, the downward pulling of the lower eyelid, which may lead to corneal abrasion and loss of vision.

     The purpose of this Act is to require the auditor to conduct a study to assess the social and financial effects of requiring health insurers, hospital and medical services plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for medical procedures to eliminate or provide maximum feasible treatment of port-wine stains.

     SECTION 2.  (a)  The auditor shall conduct a study to assess the impact of the social and financial effects of requiring health insurers, hospital and medical services plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for medical procedures to eliminate or provide maximum feasible treatment of port-wine stains, as provided in H.B. 1705 H.D. 1, Regular Session of 2018.

     (b)  Pursuant to section 23-52, Hawaii Revised Statutes, in determining the social impact of the proposed mandate of health coverage, the study shall include:

     (1)  The extent to which the treatment or service is generally utilized by a significant portion of the population;

     (2)  The extent to which such insurance coverage is already generally available;

     (3)  If coverage is not generally available, the extent to which the lack of coverage results in persons being unable to obtain necessary health care treatment;

     (4)  If the coverage is not generally available, the extent to which the lack of coverage results in unreasonable financial hardship on those persons needing treatment;

     (5)  The level of public demand for the treatment or service;

     (6)  The level of public demand for individual or group insurance coverage of the treatment or service;

     (7)  The level of interest of collective bargaining organizations in negotiating privately for inclusion of this coverage in group contracts;

     (8)  The impact of providing coverage for the treatment or service (such as morbidity, mortality, quality of care, change in practice patterns, provider competition, or related items); and

     (9)  The impact of any other indirect costs upon the costs and benefits of coverage as may be deemed necessary by the auditor.

     (c)  Pursuant to section 23-52, Hawaii Revised Statutes, in determining the financial impact of the proposed mandate of health coverage, the study shall include:

     (1)  The extent to which insurance coverage of the kind proposed would increase or decrease the cost of the treatment or service;

     (2)  The extent to which the proposed coverage might increase the use of the treatment or service;

     (3)  The extent to which the mandated treatment or service might serve as an alternative for more expensive treatment or service;

     (4)  The extent to which insurance coverage of the health care service or provider can be reasonably expected to increase or decrease the insurance premium and administrative expenses of policyholders; and

     (5)  The impact of this coverage on the total cost of health care.

     (d)  The auditor shall submit findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2019.

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $         or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2018-2019 for the auditor to assess the impact of the social and financial effects of requiring health insurers, hospital and medical services plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for medical procedures to eliminate or provide maximum feasible treatment of port-wine stains.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the auditor for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 3000.


Report Title:

Auditor; Study; Mandated Coverage; Port-wine Stains; Appropriation



Requires the auditor to conduct a study to assess the social and financial impacts of mandating certain health insurers and plans to provide coverage for treatment of port-wine stains.  (HB1705 HD2)




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