10 LC 94 1940
Senate Resolution 997
By: Senator Crosby of the 13th


Recognizing and commending Teen Miss Georgia Peach, Cori Beth Sutton; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Cori Beth Sutton is a sophomore at Worth County High School and recently earned the prestigious title of Teen Miss Georgia Peach; and

WHEREAS, this beautiful, intelligent, and talented young woman is the daughter of Steve and Bev Sutton; and

WHEREAS, a resident of Poulan, Georgia, through Cori's dedication, hard work, and extraordinary accomplishments, she stands as a shining example for other young people in this state to follow; and

WHEREAS, by her many achievements, grace, and poise, Cori has brought credit to her parents, her community, and state; and

WHEREAS, all Georgians are proud of young women who, like Cori, represent the very best that this state has to offer; and

WHEREAS, the State of Georgia looks forward with great anticipation to the promising and bright future of this remarkable young citizen.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body congratulate Cori Beth Sutton on becoming Teen Miss Georgia Peach and extend to her best wishes for her near and distant future.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Cori Beth Sutton, Teen Miss Georgia Peach.