12 LC 93 0683
Senate Resolution 970
By: Senator Chance of the 16th


Recognizing and commending Alice McKnight Ramsey; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Alice McKnight Ramsey is a breast cancer survivor and an advocate for finding a cure for breast cancer since 2005 when she founded Pink Posse of Georgia Foundation; and

WHEREAS, Pink Posse raises funds to benefit survivors of breast cancer by assisting them with utility bills and incidental additional needs; and

WHEREAS, her own breast cancer journey began in July of 2005, when she went in for her regular mammogram screening and an abnormal ductal cell was found; and

WHEREAS, after the cell was removed at Piedmont Fayette Hospital, she underwent eight rounds of chemotherapy under the care of Dr. Jonathan Bender, and then underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction; and

WHEREAS, embarking on her 25th year anniversary as a flight attendant with Delta, Alice created the Signature Pink Flight Attendant Dress at Delta Airlines, which is worn every year in the month of October by flight attendants; and

WHEREAS, she has numerous other accomplishments, including raising funds for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, serving on the task force for the Fayette Piedmont Cancer Center, and acting as liaison for the Clipped Wings Club for Find the Cure with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation; and

WHEREAS, Alice is united in love and marriage to husband Chris Ramsey; and

WHEREAS, she is an example of a human vessel that has dedicated her voice to lift up breast cancer patients and survivors as they go through and conquer the dark night of their journey; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting that this body express its appreciation for the great contributions and achievements made by Alice McKnight Ramsey.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body recognize Alice McKnight Ramsey for her continuous dedication to finding a cure for breast cancer and her significant contributions to breast cancer patients and survivors and their families.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Alice McKnight Ramsey.