10 LC 94 1927
Senate Resolution 957
By: Senator Weber of the 40th


Commending the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) and recognizing February 23, 2010, as "PAGE Day on Capitol Hill"; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) is the state's largest organization for professional educators with more than 78,000 members who are teachers, administrators, and school support personnel employed in every school system in Georgia; and

WHEREAS, the Professional Association of Georgia Educators was founded in the 1970's with the mission to make Georgia a better place for students to learn and for teachers to teach; and

WHEREAS, the PAGE Foundation sponsors the Academic Bowl for middle schools, the Georgia Academic Decathlon for high school students, and STAR, the Student and Teacher Achievement Recognition program; and

WHEREAS, PAGE has promoted teaching as a profession by sponsoring local chapters of the Future Georgia Educators in middle and high schools across the state and student PAGE groups (SPAGE) on the campuses of colleges and universities throughout Georgia; and

WHEREAS, the mission of PAGE is to provide professional learning to enhance competence and confidence, build leadership, and increase student achievement; and

WHEREAS, PAGE actively participates in the legislative process each year, working to improve education and student achievement while promoting a positive and professional working relationship with legislative representatives across the state; and

WHEREAS, on February 23, 2010, local PAGE leaders will gather at the state capitol to meet with their local legislative delegation on behalf of Georgia educators.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that this body commends the Professional Association of Georgia Educators for its contributions to education and to educators and recognizes February 23, 2010, as "PAGE Day on Capitol Hill."

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to PAGE.