10 LC 94 1852
Senate Resolution 895
By: Senators Buckner of the 44th, Seay of the 34th and Jones of the 10th


Recognizing and commending Mr. Kevin Meckes; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Mr. Kevin Meckes has long been recognized for his leadership and deep personal commitment to improving the lives of others; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Meckes earned a bachelor's degree from Clayton State University, where he served as an intern for the school's president, Dr. Richard A. Skinner, and was responsible for coordinating the Information Technology Project which provided 8,500 notebook computers to students of Clayton State and Floyd College; and

WHEREAS, while at Clayton State Mr. Meckes assisted in implementing a Universal I.D. Point of Service card program, served as the chairman of the Student Life Activity Committee, and was vice president of the Student Government Association; and

WHEREAS, his service to Clayton State University and his many accomplishments earned him recognition as Outstanding Distinguished Alumni in 2005; and

WHEREAS, he has extensive experience and training in the field of surgical consulting, having worked in the Plastic and Reconstructive (P&R) Surgery Division of Integra Life Sciences Holding Corporation as a products specialist, a surgical consultant, and a field sales trainer for the East Coast; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Meckes currently works as a clinical coordinator for P&R staff and is under consideration for a position as Integra's National Sales Trainer; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the outstanding accomplishments of this remarkable and distinguished Georgian be appropriately recognized.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Mr. Kevin Meckes for his unselfish and dedicated service to Clayton State University and recognize his outstanding career.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution Mr. Kevin Meckes.