10 LC 94 1638
Senate Resolution 801
By: Senators Pearson of the 51st, Shafer of the 48th, Rogers of the 21st, Mullis of the 53rd, Hudgens of the 47th and others



Recognizing the negative impact Cap and Trade legislation would have upon Georgia and requesting that the United States Congress avoid passing an energy tax that hurts all Americans; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the United States Congress is considering legislation entitled the "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009," more commonly known as Cap and Trade legislation; and

WHEREAS, while proponents of Cap and Trade legislation claim it aims to reduce carbon emissions and decrease the spread of global warming, the legislation is actually an energy tax aimed at deterring Americans and Georgians from consuming energy and will result in increased utility bills, slowed economic growth, and a decrease in job creation; and

WHEREAS, this alleged environmentally friendly legislation fails to consider that a large portion of carbon emissions that result in global warming are produced not by the production of energy such as natural gas, coal, and oil, but from cropland and forest conversion; and

WHEREAS, to achieve the desired 15 percent carbon reduction stipulated by the legislation, the proposed energy tax would cost households an estimated $1,870.00 by 2020 and $6,800.00 by 2035, disproportionately burdening lower income Georgians; and

WHEREAS, the passage of Cap and Trade legislation would increase price volatility in carbon fuels and increase production costs for American foods, drastically impacting Georgia's vital poultry industry; and

WHEREAS, Cap and Trade legislation will result in higher fuel, fertilizer, and energy costs for American farmers, greatly hindering the agricultural industry's ability to compete with foreign markets which have virtually no environmental restriction standards; and

WHEREAS, instead of helping the environment, Cap and Trade legislation will encourage widespread deforestation in order to secure biofuels to replace natural gas, coal, and oil, ultimately impacting the Chattahoochee and Oconee National Forests; and

WHEREAS, it is projected that the passage of Cap and Trade legislation would result in the loss of over 50,000 jobs in Georgia, an increase in household utility costs of $676.00 per household through 2035, and a state personal income loss of over $5.5 billion; and

WHEREAS, Cap and Trade legislation will cripple the American economy by burdening innovation, diminishing flexibility, hindering the free market, and discouraging enterprise, while doing little to slow global warming.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body request that the Georgia congressional delegation oppose Cap and Trade legislation that will excessively tax the energy consumption of hard working Georgians and burden the agricultural industry upon which this nation was built.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to each member of the Georgia congressional delegation.