09 LC 94 0852
Senate Resolution 692
By: Senators Harbison of the 15th, Jackson of the 2nd, Thompson of the 5th, Stoner of the 6th, Golden of the 8th and others


Apologizing for the pain this state has caused veterans, promising to honor the forgotten veterans of the Vietnam War, and extending support to troops currently in Iraq and Afghanistan; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, this resolution shall be known and may be cited as the "0.0001 Percent Resolution"; and

WHEREAS, the members of this body recognize the great sacrifices and dedication made by the men and women in military service who put their lives on hold to stand as guardians of this nation's freedom and liberty and embody the spirit of service, willing to find meaning in something greater than themselves; and

WHEREAS, the State of Georgia has closed the doors of the domiciliary at Georgia War Veterans Home in Milledgeville, Georgia; and

WHEREAS, the members of this body offer their most sincere apologies for the state's action which displaces those who fought for this nation's security; and

WHEREAS, a most heartfelt apology is also extended to Mr. Thomas Roach, who valiantly fought for this country in World War II, for the humiliation caused upon him by this state when he was moved from his residence at the Georgia War Veterans Home; and

WHEREAS, this body recognizes that the sacrifices of the veterans of the Vietnam War have not been duly acknowledged and the time has come that those dedicated men and women are honored for their selfless service; and

WHEREAS, moving forward with great hope and optimism, this body resolves to support the troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq as they stand guard on behalf of each citizen of the United States and expresses its unyielding support of President Barack Hussein Obama as he leads this nation abroad and steadfastly fights for economic recovery at home.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY that the members of this body issue a formal apology to all affected by the closing of the domiciliary at the Georgia War Veterans Home in Milledgeville, Georgia, and to the forgotten veterans of the Vietnam War, request that the Governor accept federal matching funds and re-open the domiciliary at the Georgia War Veterans Home, and vow unwavering support of President Barack Hussein Obama in his leadership of this great nation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the public and the press.