12 LC 93 0115
Senate Resolution 678
By: Senators Grant of the 25th, Hooks of the 14th, Harbison of the 15th, Jackson of the 2nd, Ginn of the 47th and others


Commending the office of sheriff and recognizing January 25, 2012, as Sheriff's Day at the capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the office of sheriff is considered to be the oldest of all governmental entities, dating back to 600 B.C. as recorded in the Book of Daniel; and

WHEREAS, the office of sheriff in America is derived from English Common Law where the Reeves of ancient England were the first democratically elected officials in the history of Western Civilization; and

WHEREAS, Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of our nation's Constitution, wrote in The Value of Constitutions, "the office of sheriff is the most important of all the executive offices of the county"; and

WHEREAS, in Georgia, it is established in the state Constitution and ratified by our citizens and, as such, operates state wide with certain limited authority to perform the mandates and requirements of the office; and

WHEREAS, historically, since the creation of the office of Governor and the General Assembly in Georgia, governors and legislatures have placed tremendous confidence and trust in the office of sheriff as evidenced by more than 600 references within the Official Code of Georgia Annotated requiring sheriffs to perform services and engage in activities critical to safety, security, and benefit to Georgia's citizens and state government; and

WHEREAS, the duties and responsibilities of the office of sheriff are many and varied, and in addition to sheriffs being the chief law enforcement officers of this state's counties and the keepers of its jails, they are further tasked with a host of other duties, including providing security to the courts, executing all of the writs and orders of the courts, registering and tracking sex offenders, transporting inmates and individuals involuntarily committed for mental health evaluations, and a host of other mandated activities; and

WHEREAS, the office of sheriff is an office of the citizens of the county that is funded solely by local land owning taxpayers and operates independently of county government.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend the care, fortitude, and selfless dedication exhibited by the office of sheriff in carrying out the difficult duties of its vocation and recognize January 25, 2012, as Sheriff's Day at the capitol.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the public and press.