11 LC 94 3780
Senate Resolution 66
By: Senators Grant of the 25th, Mullis of the 53rd, Bulloch of the 11th and Albers of the 56th


Honoring and commending the firefighters of Georgia and observing the 39th annual Firefighters' Recognition Day on February 1, 2011; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, in the State of Georgia, there are over 30,000 firefighters who provide the very critical service of fire fighting in the more than 900 local fire departments; and

WHEREAS, the goals of each and every one of these members of the fire service specifically include fire prevention, fire suppression, and, above all, saving lives; and

WHEREAS, the firefighters of Georgia have dedicated themselves to the protection of life and property from the beginning of their training at the Georgia Fire Academy through their cooperation with the state fire marshal in the investigation of fires and their causes; and

WHEREAS, the firefighters of Georgia have continuously supported efforts to elevate the standards and training of firefighters and have been instrumental in increasing the public's awareness of methods of fire prevention and suppression; and

WHEREAS, in rendering essential public services professionally and selflessly, this state's firefighters help to assure an orderly society and enhance the citizenry's sense of security; and

WHEREAS, in placing the well-being of society above their personal concerns and, in many instances, risking their lives for the sake of others, the state's firefighters exemplify the highest nobility and greatest commitment to society and humanity; and

WHEREAS, February 1, 2011, is Firefighters' Recognition Day, and it is fitting and proper that the firefighters of Georgia be recognized by the members of this body for their outstanding and dedicated service to the people of the State of Georgia.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that each and every firefighter in this state is commended for his or her outstanding service to the people of this state and that Firefighters' Recognition Day is hereby recognized and observed in honor of the courageous firefighters of Georgia.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to the Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs and to the Georgia State Firefighter's Association.