09 LC 94 0153
Senate Resolution 47
By: Senator Thompson of the 5th


Recognizing and commending Mr. Ernest Allen on the occasion of his retirement; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Mr. Ernest Allen has worked courageously in law enforcement for 39 years and retires this year from the Georgia Department of Corrections; and

WHEREAS, before he began his career with the Department of Corrections, Mr. Allen served valiantly in the United States Marine Corps as Prisoner Escort Officer; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Allen also worked for several years as a Lieutenant for the Chatham County Sheriff's Department; and

WHEREAS, during his tenure with the Department of Corrections, this dedicated public servant has excelled through the ranks, starting with the department as a Probation Officer I and retiring from his position as a supervisor and Probation Officer III; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Allen looks forward to enjoying his retirement with family and friends, spending time traveling, writing a book, and studying music and gemology; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the members of this body show their gratitude for the unique and often unheralded contributions of local law enforcement officers on behalf of the citizens of this state.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body unanimously commend the care, courage, sympathy, and selfless dedication exhibited by Mr. Ernest Allen in carrying out the difficult duties of his vocation for nearly four decades, extend to him their utmost appreciation for having so purely and truly defined for others the meaning of public servant, and extend best wishes for a well deserved retirement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Mr. Ernest Allen.