11 LC 94 4494
Senate Resolution 440
By: Senators Tate of the 38th, Davenport of the 44th, Seay of the 34th, Orrock of the 36th, Davis of the 22nd and others


Recognizing and commending American Baptist Churches of the South; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, American Baptist Churches was organized on May 7, 1907, as the Northern Baptist Convention in order to give expression to the opinions of its constituency on moral, religious, and denominational matters and to promote denominational unity; and

WHEREAS, American Baptist Churches is the most racially inclusive body in Protestantism, with national ministries that encourage life in Christ in and through persons, faith communities, and social systems; and

WHEREAS, the first organizational meeting of American Baptist Churches of the South (ABCOTS) was held in 1970 in North Carolina, with the late Reverend Dr. Kelly Miller Smith serving as the keynote preacher; and

WHEREAS, ABCOTS's first annual session was held the following year in Richmond, Virginia, at Fifth Street Baptist Church; and

WHEREAS, the seeds which were sown by the loving and humble efforts of the devoted original worshipers of ABCOTS have blossomed, establishing a rich tradition and history; and

WHEREAS, 111 churches made up the first official listing of ABCOTS, which now stands at 293, and over the years the organization's budget has grown from $55,000 to almost half a million dollars; and

WHEREAS, ABCOTS has compiled an unparalleled record of constructive, compassionate, and humanitarian service which it demonstrates daily through open minds, open hearts, and open doors; and
WHEREAS, members of ABCOTS have a sincere desire to serve the Lord and are wholeheartedly committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that this enduring example of God's message of peace and love be recognized and congratulated for its innumerable good works rendered on behalf of persons in need.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body recognize the rich history of American Baptist Churches of the South, commend its years of dedicated service to the Lord and community, and extend their warmest best wishes for its continued growth and success.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to American Baptist Churches of the South.