11 LC 25 5746
Senate Resolution 40
By: Senator Carter of the 1st


Honoring the memory of Judge Reginald Moore McDuffee and expressing regret at his passing; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, news of the passing of Judge Reginald Moore McDuffee, late of Savannah, is received with deep regret by this body; and

WHEREAS, the life led by this distinguished gentleman of 78 years rendered his name dear to the hearts of his family, friends, and fellow citizens alike; and

WHEREAS, Judge McDuffee was a 1950 graduate of Savannah High School, attended The Citadel for two years prior to serving in the United States Army as a military policeman, graduated from the University of Georgia, and received his law degree from the University of Georgia School of Law; and

WHEREAS, he practiced law in Savannah from 1959 until 1984, when he was elected Judge of the probate court of Chatham County, where he served with distinction until his retirement in 1995; and

WHEREAS, while in life he commanded the esteem of his fellow Georgians, in his death we mingle our sympathies with the grief of his family, friends, and fellow citizens.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body honor the memory of Judge Reginald Moore McDuffee and express their regret at his passing.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the family of Judge Reginald Moore McDuffee.