09 LC 94 0463
Senate Resolution 310
By: Senators Hamrick of the 30th, Mullis of the 53rd, Staton of the 18th, Rogers of the 21st, Goggans of the 7th and others


Recognizing and commending Georgia's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program was created by the Department of Justice to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in their investigative response to sexual predators utilizing the Internet, online communications systems, or other electronic technology to sexually exploit children; and

WHEREAS, the ICAC program is currently composed of 59 regional ICAC task forces across the nation; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, in partnership with the Department of Justice and local law enforcement agencies in Georgia, initiated the Georgia's ICAC Task Force Program in response to the proliferation of child pornography and heightened online activity by sexual predators searching the Internet for unsuspecting children; and

WHEREAS, in a further effort to combat sexual exploitation of children over the Internet, the 2007 Georgia General Assembly granted the Georgia Bureau of Investigation the statutory authority to independently investigate cyber enticement and child pornography; and

WHEREAS, Georgia's ICAC Task Force made the most arrests by any task force in the nation in 2007 with 103 and 109 arrests in 2008 as the result of the efforts of Georgia's General Assembly, the support of Governor Sonny Purdue's expansion of the ICAC Task Force, and approximately 80 affiliated law enforcement agencies in Georgia; and

WHEREAS, in addition, Georgia's ICAC task force performed 231 forensic examinations of electronic evidence in 2007 and 302 examinations in 2008 and provided Internet safety programs to approximately 20,953 individuals in 2008.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that Georgia's ICAC Task Force is recognized by this body for its outstanding contribution to the safety and security of our children, and this body expresses its pride in the dedication and excellence of the men and women that comprise the Georgia's ICAC Task Force.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Georgia ICAC Task Force.